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Last active July 27, 2023 18:08
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A PID controller class adapted for PowerShell. Made it because I haven't seen anyone make one for PowerShell.
#Requires -Version 5
# License: MIT
class PID {
# Adapted to PowerShell from:
#region Public Variables
# Upper output limit of the controller.
# This should obviously be a numerically greater value than the lower output limit.
[double] $OutputUpperLimit
# Lower output limit of the controller
# This should obviously be a numerically lesser value than the upper output limit.
[double] $OutputLowerLimit
# Derivative filter coefficient.
# A smaller N for more filtering.
# A larger N for less filtering.
# Consider resetting controller if this parameter is drastically changed.
[double] $N
# Minimum allowed sample period to avoid dividing by zero!
# The Ts value can be mistakenly set to too low of a value or zero on the first iteration.
# TsMin by default is set to 1 millisecond.
[double] $TsMin = 0.001
#region Private Variables
# Sample period in seconds
[double] hidden $Ts
# Rollup parameter
[double] hidden $K
# Rollup parameters
[double] hidden $b0
[double] hidden $b1
[double] hidden $b2
# Rollup parameters
[double] hidden $a0
[double] hidden $a1
[double] hidden $a2
[double] hidden $CurrentOutput = 0 # Current output
[double] hidden $OutputOneOld = 0 # Output one iteration old
[double] hidden $OutputTwoOld = 0 # Output two iterations old
[double] hidden $CurrentError = 0 # Current error
[double] hidden $ErrorOneOld = 0 # Error one iteration old
[double] hidden $ErrorTwoOld = 0 # Error two iterations old
# Constructor
PID([double] $Kp, [double] $Ki, [double] $Kd, [double] $N, [double] $OutputUpperLimit, [double] $OutputLowerLimit) {
$this.Kp = $Kp
$this.Ki = $Ki
$this.Kd = $Kd
$this.N = $N
$this.OutputUpperLimit = $OutputUpperLimit
$this.OutputLowerLimit = $OutputLowerLimit
[double] Iterate([double] $setPoint, [double] $processValue, [TimeSpan] $ts) {
# Ensure the timespan is not too small or zero.
$this.Ts = if ($ts.TotalSeconds -ge $this.TsMin) { $ts.TotalSeconds } else { $this.TsMin }
# Calculate rollup parameters
$this.K = 2 / $Ts
$this.b0 = [Math]::Pow($this.K, 2) * $this.Kp +
$this.K * $this.Ki +
$this.Ki * $this.N +
$this.K * $this.Kp * $this.N + [Math]::Pow($this.K, 2) * $this.Kd * $this.N
$this.b1 = (
2 * $this.Ki * $this.N -
2 * [Math]::Pow($this.K, 2) * $this.Kp -
2 * [Math]::Pow($this.K, 2) * $this.Kd * $this.N
$this.b2 = (
[Math]::Pow($this.K, 2) * $this.Kp -
$this.K * $this.Ki + $this.Ki * $this.N -
$this.K * $this.Kp * $this.N +
[Math]::Pow($this.K, 2) * $this.Kd * $this.N
$this.a0 = [Math]::Pow($this.K, 2) + $this.N * $this.K
$this.a1 = -2 * [Math]::Pow($this.K, 2)
$this.a2 = [Math]::Pow($this.K, 2) - $this.K * $this.N
# Age errors and output history
$this.ErrorTwoOld = $this.ErrorOneOld # Age errors one iteration
$this.ErrorOneOld = $this.CurrentError # Age errors one iteration
$this.CurrentError = $setPoint - $processValue # Compute new error
$this.OutputTwoOld = $this.OutputOneOld # Age outputs one iteration
$this.OutputOneOld = $this.CurrentOutput # Age outputs one iteration
$this.CurrentOutput = (
- $this.a1 / $this.a0 * $this.OutputOneOld -
$this.a2 / $this.a0 * $this.OutputTwoOld +
$this.b0 / $this.a0 * $this.CurrentError +
$this.b1 / $this.a0 * $this.ErrorOneOld +
$this.b2 / $this.a0 * $this.ErrorTwoOld
) # Calculate current output
# Clamp output if needed
if ($this.CurrentOutput -gt $this.OutputUpperLimit) {
$this.CurrentOutput = $this.OutputUpperLimit
elseif ($this.CurrentOutput -lt $this.OutputLowerLimit) {
$this.CurrentOutput = $this.OutputLowerLimit
return $this.CurrentOutput
[void] Reset() {
$this.ErrorTwoOld = 0;
$this.ErrorOneOld = 0;
$this.CurrentError = 0;
$this.OutputTwoOld = 0;
$this.OutputOneOld = 0;
$this.CurrentOutput = 0;
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