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Created November 13, 2014 19:32
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(medley_behave)-bash-4.1$ medley_behave /vagrant/medley_behave/features/story_features/story_highlights.feature
Feature: As a producer, I need the ability to add story highlights to a story # features/story_featu res/story_highlights.feature:3
@story @story_highlights @jp2
Scenario: Create and capture the story highlights content to a story. # features/story_features/story_highlights.feature:7
Given I am logged on to the JP2 site admin # features/steps/ 33.590s
When I create a "medley story" with the following options # features/steps/ 356.219s
| Key | Value |
| headline | "This is my Automation story {uuid}" |
| subhead | "This is a test of the subhead field on automation story" |
| bylines | "Kirk Mellish,Benji Brown" |
| one_off_byline | "OneOffByline" |
| source | "Cox Media Group" |
| story | "This is my automation story text" |
| primary_category | 209 |
And I create highlights with the following info # features/steps/ 12.561s
| Order | Highlight |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-0-order | 1 |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-1-order | 2 |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-2-order | 3 |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-3-order | 4 |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-0-highlight | "Hello, how are you?" |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-1-highlight | "I'm good, thank you." |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-2-highlight | "What are you reading?" |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-3-highlight | "Super automation story" |
And I save and continue # features/steps/ 50.792s
And I view on site # features/steps/ 118.141s
Then I should see the text "This is not my Automation story" somewhere on the page # features/steps/ 26.625s
Assertion Failed: Page source did not contain 'This is not my Automation story'
Captured stderr:
/opt/medley_behave/lib/python2.6/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/ DeprecationWarning: use driver.switch_to.frame instead
warnings.warn("use driver.switch_to.frame instead", DeprecationWarning)
And I should see the text "STORY HIGHLIGHTS" somewhere on the page # None
And I see "Hello, how are you?" in element with the class "cm-story-highlights" # None
And I see "I'm good, thank you" in element with the class "cm-story-highlights" # None
And I see "What are you reading?" in element with the class "cm-story-highlights" # None
And I see "Super automation story" in the correct order # None
And I see the share icons - facebook and twitter # None
@story @story_highlights @jp2
When I create a "medley story" with the following options # features/steps/ 31.245slights.feature:40 ps/ 409.148s with the following options # features/steps/
| Key | Value |
| headline | "This is my Automation story {uuid}" |
| subhead | "This is a test of the subhead field on automation story" |
| bylines | "Kirk Mellish,Benji Brown" |
| one_off_byline | "OneOffByline" |
| source | "Cox Media Group" |
| story | "This is my automation story text" |
| primary_category | 209 |
And I create highlights with the following info # features/ste ps/ 14.885s
| Order | Highlight |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-0-order | 1 |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-1-order | 2 |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-2-order | 3 |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-3-order | 4 |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-0-highlight | "Hello, how are you?" |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-1-highlight | "I'm good, thank you." |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-2-highlight | "What are you reading?" |
| common-highlight-content_type-object_id-3-highlight | "Super automation story" |
And I save and continue # features/steps/ 53.362s
And I select the Delete check box for highlight Order 4 # features/steps/ 8.134s
And I save and continue # features/steps/ 46.327s
And I see "I'm good, thank you" in element with the class "cm-story-highlights" # features/steps/ 31.631sps/ 32.396s, thank you" in element with the class "cm-story-highlights" # features/steps/
And I see "What are you reading?" in element with the class "cm-story-highlights" # features/steps/ 31.508s
But I should not see the text "Super automation story" anywhere on the page # features/steps/ 14.147s
Failing scenarios:
features/story_features/story_highlights.feature:7 Create and capture the story highlights content to a story.
0 features passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
1 scenario passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
18 steps passed, 1 failed, 6 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 24m44.879s
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