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Created December 14, 2017 13:15
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using namespace System.Collections.Generic
function Show-Tree
# Print a tree given a key property and parent property
# .PARAMETER InputObject
# The object to print.
# .PARAMETER KeyProperty
# The property name that is unique in each value in InputObject
# .PARAMETER ParentProperty
# The property name of the value that refers to the parent
# .PaRAMETER Formatter
# An option script block to format the output.
# Get-CimInstance Win32_Process |
# print_tree.ps1 -KeyProperty ProcessId -ParentProperty ParentProcessId -Formatter { param($o) "{0} ({1})" -f $o.Name, $o.ProcessId }
[string] $KeyProperty,
[string] $ParentProperty,
[scriptblock] $Formatter,
[string]$IndentString = "| "
class Node
[List[Node]]$Children = [List[Node]]::new()
$root = [List[Node]]::new()
$nodeLookup = @{}
foreach ($obj in $InputObject)
$node = [Node]@{Key = $obj.$KeyProperty; Value = $obj}
if ($nodeLookup[$node.Key])
Write-Warning "Ignoring duplicate: $obj"
$nodeLookup[$node.Key] = $node
$parentPropertyValue = $obj.$ParentProperty
$parent = if ($parentPropertyValue) { $nodeLookup[$parentPropertyValue] } else { $null }
if (!$parent)
function PrintNode([Node]$node, [string]$Indent)
$formatted = if ($Formatter) {
& $Formatter $node.Value
} else {
($node.Value | Format-Wide | Out-String).Trim()
"{0}{1}" -f $indent, $formatted
$Indent += $IndentString
foreach ($n in $node.Children)
PrintNode $n $Indent
foreach ($n in $root)
PrintNode $n ''
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