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Last active September 19, 2023 08:35
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  • Save radan-magie/b83e34bc9ec2884ff19a8cee23c2f613 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save radan-magie/b83e34bc9ec2884ff19a8cee23c2f613 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gruntfile to allow Lunr to work on a standard goHugo setup, some problems with multiline YAML variables.
Originale here:
// var toml = require("toml");
var yaml = require("yamljs");
var S = require("string");
var CONTENT_PATH_PREFIX = "website/content";
var OUTPUT_FILE = "website/static/assets/js/lunr/PagesIndex.json";
var FMSEP = '---'; // other option '+++'
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerTask("lunr-index", function() {
grunt.log.writeln("Build pages index");
var indexPages = function() {
var pagesIndex = [];
grunt.file.recurse(CONTENT_PATH_PREFIX, function(abspath, rootdir, subdir, filename) {
grunt.verbose.writeln("Parse file:",abspath);
pagesIndex.push(processFile(abspath, filename));
return pagesIndex;
var processFile = function(abspath, filename) {
var pageIndex;
if (S(filename).endsWith(".html")) {
pageIndex = processHTMLFile(abspath, filename);
} else {
pageIndex = processMDFile(abspath, filename);
return pageIndex;
var processHTMLFile = function(abspath, filename) {
var content =;
var pageName = S(filename).chompRight(".html").s;
var href = S(abspath)
return {
title: pageName,
href: href,
content: S(content).trim().stripTags().stripPunctuation().s
var processMDFile = function(abspath, filename) {
var content =;
var pageIndex;
// First separate the Front Matter from the content and parse it
content = content.split(FMSEP);
var frontMatter;
var title = 'Mintlayer Page';
try {
// frontMatter = toml.parse(content[1].trim());
frontMatter = yaml.parse(content[1].trim());
// console.log( 'abspath', abspath );
// console.log( 'title', frontMatter.title );
} catch (e) {
console.log( 'abspath', abspath );
var href = S(abspath).chompLeft(CONTENT_PATH_PREFIX).chompRight(".md").s;
// href for files stops at the folder name
if (filename === "") {
href = S(abspath).chompLeft(CONTENT_PATH_PREFIX).chompRight(filename).s;
// Build Lunr index for this page
if( frontMatter.hasOwnProperty('title') ) {
tmptitle = frontMatter.title;
} else {
console.log( 'no title in: ', abspath );
pageIndex = {
// title: frontMatter.title,
title: tmptitle,
tags: frontMatter.tags,
href: href,
content: S(content[2]).trim().stripTags().stripPunctuation().s
return pageIndex;
grunt.file.write(OUTPUT_FILE , JSON.stringify(indexPages()));
grunt.log.ok("Index built");
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