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Created February 13, 2013 16:00
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error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
class Gerrit {
* @var array
static protected $colors = array(
'green' => '0;32',
'red' => '0;31',
'yellow' => '0;33'
* This command checks for a gerrit.json in the current dir and fetches patches from gerrit
* This command will cherry-pick all reviews specified in gerrit.json
* @return void
static public function updateCommand() {
$gerritFile = FLOW_PATH_ROOT . 'gerrit.json';
$typeDirs = scandir(FLOW_PATH_PACKAGES);
$packagePaths = array('BuildEssentials' => 'Build/BuildEssentials');
foreach ($typeDirs as $typeDir) {
if (is_dir(FLOW_PATH_PACKAGES . $typeDir) && substr($typeDir, 0, 1) !== '.') {
$typeDir = FLOW_PATH_PACKAGES . $typeDir . '/';
$packageDirs = scandir($typeDir);
foreach ($packageDirs as $packageDir) {
if (is_dir($typeDir . $packageDir) && substr($packageDir, 0, 1) !== '.') {
$packagePaths[$packageDir] = $typeDir . $packageDir;
if (file_exists($gerritFile)) {
$packages = json_decode(file_get_contents($gerritFile));
if (!is_object($packages)) {
echo self::colorize('Could not load gerrit.json! Check for Syntax errors', 'red');
foreach (get_object_vars($packages) as $package => $patches) {
if (!isset($packagePaths[$package])) {
echo self::colorize('The Package ' . $package . ' is not installed', 'red') . PHP_EOL;
$patches = get_object_vars($patches);
$commits = self::executeShellCommand('git log -n30');
foreach ($patches as $description => $changeId) {
$change = self::fetchChangeInformation($changeId);
$header = $package . ': ' . $change->subject;
echo self::colorize($header, 'green') . PHP_EOL;
if ($change->status == 'MERGED') {
echo self::colorize('This change has been merged!', 'yellow') . PHP_EOL;
} elseif ($change->status == 'ABANDONED') {
echo self::colorize('This change has been abandoned!', 'red') . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$command = 'git fetch --quiet git://' . $change->project . ' ' . $change->revisions->{$change->current_revision}->fetch->git->ref . '';
$output = self::executeShellCommand($command);
$commit = self::executeShellCommand('git log --format="%H" -n1 FETCH_HEAD');
if (self::isAlreadyPicked($commit, $commits)) {
echo self::colorize('Already picked', 'yellow') . PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo $output;
system('git cherry-pick -x --strategy=recursive -X theirs FETCH_HEAD');
echo PHP_EOL;
* @param string $commit
* @param string $commits
* @return boolean
static protected function isAlreadyPicked($commit, $commits) {
return stristr($commits, '(cherry picked from commit ' . $commit . ')') !== FALSE;
* @param string $command
* @return string
static protected function executeShellCommand($command) {
$output = '';
$fp = popen($command, 'r');
while (($line = fgets($fp)) !== FALSE) {
$output .= $line;
return trim($output);
* @param string $text
* @param string $color Allowed values: green, red, yellow
* @return string
static protected function colorize($text, $color) {
return sprintf("\033[%sm%s\033[0m", self::$colors[$color], $text);
* @param integer $changeId The numeric change id, not the hash
* @return mixed
static protected function fetchChangeInformation($changeId) {
$output = file_get_contents('' . intval($changeId) . '&o=CURRENT_REVISION');
// Remove first line
$output = substr($output, strpos($output, "\n") + 1);
// trim []
$output = ltrim($output, '[');
$output = rtrim(rtrim($output), ']');
$data = json_decode($output);
return $data;
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