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rafaelrosafu /
Last active April 20, 2021 18:08
Podcast editing recipe

Step by step

  1. Record the audio with Skype Call Recorder
  2. Save a copy of the audio file in a temporary directory
  3. Open the file in Garageband
  4. Remove extra audio from the beginning and the end
  5. Delete any problems in audio
  6. Apply the Compressor filter (manual config, threshold: ~ 30 dB, ratio: 30: 1, Attack: 10ms, gain: 4dB)
  7. Export to AIFF (uncompressed)
  8. Open the file in Audacity
  9. Use the filter Truncate Silence on the whole file (Level: -30dB, duration 0.3s, truncate to: 0.15s, compression: 50)
rafaelrosafu / get_title.js
Created January 13, 2016 23:39
Stupid bookmarklet to get page URLs in different formats. Unfortunately I lost the link for the original author, I just adapted it.
javascript:!function(){function m(a){return a.replace("<","&lt;")}function n(a,b){return b.replace(/{([a-z]+)}/g,function(b,c){return a[c]})}var a=[["",{func:function(a){a.ttitle="\u201c"+a.ttitle+"\u201d by @rauschma #2ality",a.thref=a.thref+" ^ar"}}],["",{twit:"@451Research",source:"451 Research"}],["",{twit:"@addyosmani",source:"addyosmani"}],["",{twit:"@angellist",source:"AngelList"}],["",{twit:"@werner",source:"Werner Voguel's Blog"}],["",{twit:"@arstechnica",source:"Ars Technica"}],["",{twit:"@awscloud",source:"AWS Blog"}],["",{twit:"@badass_js",source:"Badass JS"}],["",{twit:"@ChromiumDev",source:"Chromium Blog"}],["",{twit:"@swardley",source:"Simon Wardley's Blog"}],["",{twit:"@firefox",source:"Mozilla Blog"}],["",{twit:"@nodejs",source:"Node JS Blog"}],["",{twit:"@cloudscaling",source:"Cloudscal
rafaelrosafu /
Last active April 1, 2023 18:17
Referências para aprender Python

Referências para aprender Python

Me perguntaram dicas sobre como aprender Python para quem nunca programou antes. Não é a minha especialidade, mas graças aos meus amigos no Twitter e no Facebook, consegui juntar uma lista de referências que espero ser útil.

Se alguém tiver mais referências, por favor, deixem comentários ou me mande uma mensagem em @rafaelrosafu.


rafaelrosafu /
Created January 26, 2015 19:11 identity proof

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rafaelrosafu on github.
  • I am rafaelrosafu ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 1BF4 D4F7 E3EE AEEA 36AF 2D76 0E8D EC06 77F1 6DD1

To claim this, I am signing this object:

rafaelrosafu /
Last active October 10, 2018 19:02
Podcast list as of August 11th 2014. Just to be clear, most podcasts on this list don't have new episodes every week, some are almost gone.
rafaelrosafu /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Python environment provisioner on a Ubuntu machine. I recommend combining it with Vagrant
# This script can be run by:
# curl <raw text URL> | sh
# Installing basic packages
sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-dev build-essential ipython-notebook
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv
rafaelrosafu / gist:9194961
Created February 24, 2014 19:18
Sylvain's colors
source ~/.bash/system
PREFIX="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}${BGreen}${Username}${BBlue}@${Color_Off} ${IBlack}${Time24h}${Color_Off} "
PROMPT_ORDER=(window_title vcs_pre PREFIX virtualenv vcs_prompt SUFFIX PromptSymbol Space)
rafaelrosafu /
Last active July 18, 2017 15:21
Optimize images
sudo apt-get install optipng jpegoptim
optipng -preserve -o 0 *.png
jpegoptim --verbose --strip-all --total --preserve *.jp*
rafaelrosafu /
Last active December 21, 2015 04:49
Node install for #hackmtl
# Create a new, non-root user
adduser node
echo "node ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
su - node
# Install git
sudo yum install git
# Install node.js through nave
cd ~