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Last active April 30, 2023 03:20
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fill_tile!(tile::AbstractMatrix, int_points::AbstractVector{Tuple{Int,Int}}; kw...)
Fill a tile from a region of points converted to `Integer` tuples and sorted.
# Arguments
- `tile`: A square matrix of `Int32`.
- `int_points`: A vector of integer tuple points.
# Keywords
- `x`: x coord of the tile as an Integer.
- `y`: y coord of the tile as an Integer.
- `z`: zoom level
- `zmax`: maximum zoom level
- `tile_size`: size of each tile, default `256`
function fill_tile!(tile::AbstractMatrix, int_points::Vector{Tuple{T,T}};
x=1, y=1, z=0, zmax, tile_size=256
) where T
zshift = zmax - z
xmin = T(((x - 1) * tile_size) << zshift + 1)
ymin = T(((y - 1) * tile_size) << zshift + 1)
xmax = T((x * tile_size) << zshift)
ymax = T((y * tile_size) << zshift)
prev_p_agg = (T(-1), T(-1))
agg = zero(T)
i = searchsortedfirst(int_points, (xmin, ymin))
while i <= lastindex(int_points)
p = int_points[i]
p[1] > xmax && break # End of the sorted region
if p[2] > ymax
i = searchsortedfirst(int_points, (p[1] + 1, ymin))
if p[2] < ymin
i = searchsortedfirst(int_points, (p[1], ymin))
p_agg = T((p[1] - xmin) >> zshift + oneunit(T)), T((p[2] - ymin) >> zshift + oneunit(T))
if p_agg === prev_p_agg
agg += oneunit(T)
if agg > zero(T)
tile[prev_p_agg...] += agg
prev_p_agg = p_agg
agg = oneunit(T)
i += 1
if agg > zero(T)
tile[prev_p_agg...] += agg
return tile
using ThreadsX
# Generate 100 million points
ps = [(rand(Float32), rand(Float32)) for _ in 1:1e8]
# Scale up, convert to Int32 and Sort
int_points = @time let
int_points = Vector{Tuple{Int32,Int32}}(undef, length(ps))!(int_points, ps) do p
trunc(Int32, (p[1] * 2^12)) + Int32(1),
trunc(Int32, (p[2] * 2^12)) + Int32(1)
ThreadsX.sort!(int_points) # 4x faster than base sort on 8 cores
# 3.199940 seconds (29.63 k allocations: 2.237 GiB, 0.20% gc time, 4.88% compilation time)
ps = nothing; GC.gc() # Free memory from the original points, if you want to try a billion...
tile = zeros(Int32, 256, 256)
zmax = convert(Int, log2(2^12÷256))
@time fill_tile!(tile, int_points; x=1, y=1, z=0, zmax);
# 0.312981 seconds (2 allocations: 96 bytes)
# Basic tests for z=0 and z=1
@assert sum(fill_tile!(zeros(Int32, 256, 256), int_points; x=1, y=1, z=0, zmax)) == length(int_points)
let agg = 0
for x in 1:2, y in 1:2
agg += sum(fill_tile!(zeros(Int32, 256, 256), int_points; x, y, z=1, zmax))
@assert agg == length(int_points)
using GLMakie
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Ah, I meant something like Extent(X = (0, 1), Y = (0, 1)).

Cool. Just wanted to understand how we correlate zoom levels and tile positions to "real space". I think I get it now but will try to prove it to be sure.

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