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Rafael Oleza rafeca

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tmux cheatsheet

As configured in my dotfiles.

start new:


start new with session name:

High level style in javascript.

Opinions are like assholes, every one has got one.

This one is mine.

Punctuation: who cares?

Punctuation is a bikeshed. Put your semicolons, whitespace, and commas where you like them.

piscisaureus /
Created August 13, 2012 16:12
Checkout github pull requests locally

Locate the section for your github remote in the .git/config file. It looks like this:

[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
	url =

Now add the line fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* to this section. Obviously, change the github url to match your project's URL. It ends up looking like this:

rafeca /
Created October 30, 2012 11:26
Remove the tags that finish with -a1, -a2, -b1, -b2, ...
# First, remove the tags from the origin repository
$ git tag -l | grep -e '-[a-zA-Z][0-9]*$' | awk '{ print ":" $1}' | xargs git push origin
# Then, remove the tags locally
$ git tag -l | grep -e '-[a-zA-Z][0-9]*$' | xargs git tag -d
belen-albeza /
Created February 15, 2013 08:53
Empanada gallega (receta de Urtzi)

Empanada gallega

La receta legendaria de empanada gallega de Urtzi.



  • Una tacita pequeña (como de espresso) de vino blanco
  • La misma cantidad de aceite
addyosmani / a
Last active December 22, 2015 01:19
Just a thing

Large-scale JS application architecture with web components

I once wrote about implementing your own decoupled architecture for building large-scale apps, inspired by some of the work Nicolas Zakas did at Yahoo and I at AOL.

It included suggestions such as breaking down your app into small, highly-reusable components which were easier to maintain. These components would communicate (or react) to each each other by means of an event messaging bus or mediator. A permission model would ensure that components could only speak to parts of the system they were allowed to and facade patterns (abstraction APIs) let you switch out one utility library for another as needed.

A few years have passed since then and luckily standards-based web platform primitives started to appear to help with a similar set of problems. To say that this has been exciting to see evolve would be an under-statement.

Enter stage left, Web Components