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Rafael Bodill rafi

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rafi /
Last active September 23, 2024 15:51
Keycloak and oauth2-proxy using k3d & ngrok:

K3d and Keycloak


Ensure docker, k3d and ngrok are installed.

brew update
brew install --cask docker ngrok
brew install k3d
rafi /
Last active August 16, 2023 11:29
K3d and Istio (Service Mesh - Governing the data plane)

K3d and Istio


Ensure docker, k3d and istioctl installed.

brew update
brew install --cask docker
brew install k3d istioctl
rafi / .tmuxp.yml
Created April 14, 2021 18:43
Tmuxp project config example
session_name: acme-api
start_directory: ./
suppress_history: false
- window_name: edit
focus: true
- nvim -S $XDG_DATA_HOME/session/acme-api.vim
- window_name: git
rafi / echoserver.go
Created April 1, 2021 14:00
Echoserver in Go lang
package main
import (
rafi /
Created September 9, 2020 12:00
Overview of OpenEBS
rafi /
Created August 10, 2020 09:47
Kubernetes nginx-ingress routing by header value

During a Hackathon I implemented a route-interception by HTTP Header value in Nginx-ingress for Kubernetes:

Add Nginx-ingress annotation in global ConfigMap ('http' scope):

kind: ConfigMap
  http-snippet: |
    map $http_x_feature_ucache $ucache_route_service {
      default "$proxy_upstream_name";

'true' "default-cache-svc-3000";

rafi /
Created August 4, 2020 13:19
Workshop material for K8s 101 hands-on.

Kubernetes 101: Hands-on

brew install kubernetes-cli minikube

minikube start # --memory=8192 --cpus=4
kubectl get -A deployment
kubectl get -A pod -w
rafi /
Last active December 20, 2022 09:02
ראיון נגדי / Reverse Interview

ראיון נגדי / Reverse Interview


עברית English (original)
?מהן המשימות שאעשה ביום רגיל What are the tasks I would do on a usual day?
?האם יש מטרות מסויימות עבורי Are there any specific goals for me?
?on-call - מה לוח-הזמנים והתכיפות של ה What's the on-call plan/schedule?
?הנוכחי בצוות junior vs. senior מה תמהיל What's the junior/senior balance of the team?