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trying to exit vim

rajat mehndiratta rajatscode

trying to exit vim
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HarshadRanganathan / .gitconfig
Created March 20, 2019 15:27
.gitconfig aliases
# One letter alias for our most frequent commands.
# Guidelines: these aliases do not use options, because we want
# these aliases to be easy to compose and use in many ways.
a = add
alexpchin /
Last active February 8, 2025 06:59
Create a new repository on the command line

Setting up a new Git Repo

##Create a new repository on the command line

git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"

git remote add origin

jexchan /
Created April 10, 2012 15:00
Multiple SSH keys for different github accounts

Multiple SSH Keys settings for different github account

create different public key

create different ssh key according the article Mac Set-Up Git

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""