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Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool
# G2425 support added by rajkosto on 20/11/2022
# XS-2426G-B support added by rajkosto on 28/02/2023
# Features:
# - Unpack/repack .cfg files generated from the backup and restore functionnality
# in order to modify the full router configuration
# - Decrypt/encrypt the passwords/secret values present in the configuration
# Original author blog post:
# Released under the MIT License (
# Copyright (c) Sami Alaoui Kendil (thedroidgeek)
# Copyright (c) Rajko Stojadinovic (rajkosto)
import io
import sys
import zlib
import struct
import base64
import binascii
import datetime
import hashlib
import secrets
big_endian = True
encrypted_cfg = False
def u32(val):
return struct.unpack('>I' if big_endian else '<I', val)[0]
def p32(val):
return struct.pack('>I' if big_endian else '<I', val)
def checkendian(cfg):
if (cfg[0:4] == b'\x00\x12\x31\x23'):
return True
elif (cfg[0:4] == b'\x23\x31\x12\x00'):
return False
return None
class RouterCrypto:
def __init__(self):
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
# key and IV for AES
key = '3D A3 73 D7 DC 82 2E 2A 47 0D EC 37 89 6E 80 D7 2C 49 B3 16 29 DD C9 97 35 4B 84 03 91 77 9E A4'
iv = 'D0 E6 DC CD A7 4A 00 DF 76 0F C0 85 11 CB 05 EA'
# create AES-128-CBC cipher
self.cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, bytes(bytearray.fromhex(iv)))
def decrypt(self, data):
output = self.cipher.decrypt(data)
# verify and remove PKCS#7 padding
padLen = ord(output[-1:])
if padLen <= 0 or padLen > 16: #cannot be 0 or > blocksize
return None
padBytes = output[-padLen:]
validPad = all(padByte == padLen for padByte in padBytes)
if validPad:
return output[:-padLen]
return None
def encrypt(self, data):
# add PKCS#7 padding for 128-bit AES
pad_num = (16 - (len(data) % 16))
data += chr(pad_num).encode() * pad_num
return self.cipher.encrypt(data)
class PKCSPassCrypto(RouterCrypto):
def __init__(self, pkcsPass, pkcsSalt):
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac
keyLen = 32 #AES-256
ivLen = 16 #AES blocksize
if not isinstance(pkcsPass, bytes):
pkcsPass = pkcsPass.encode()
pkcs = pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', pkcsPass, pkcsSalt, 10, dklen=keyLen+ivLen)
keyBytes = pkcs[:keyLen]
ivBytes = pkcs[keyLen:]
self.cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, ivBytes)
#G2425 and newer config pkcs password
PKCSPasswords = ["S23l7nZm47XyMGs6y6oJpN9CR4nbfIZHJ4VRwp7HcdV6o2YvUmeNYFlz08Otwz78"]
# unpack xml from cfg
if (len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[1] == '-u'):
# line feed
# read the cfg file
cf = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb')
cfg_data =
# check cfg file magic (0x123123) and determine endianness
big_endian = checkendian(cfg_data)
if big_endian == None:
# check if config is encrypted
decrypted = None
# decrypt and check validity
decrypted = RouterCrypto().decrypt(cfg_data)
big_endian = checkendian(decrypted)
except ValueError:
# if decryption failed, or still invalid, bail out
if big_endian == None:
print('invalid cfg file/magic :(\n')
# set decrypted cfg buffer and encryption flag
print('-> encrypted cfg detected')
cfg_data = decrypted
encrypted_cfg = True
# log endianness
if big_endian:
print('-> big endian CPU detected')
print('-> little endian CPU detected')
# get the size of the compressed data
data_size = u32(cfg_data[0x04:0x08])
large_header = False
if data_size == 0:
data_size = u32(cfg_data[0x08:0x0C])
large_header = True
if data_size == 0:
print('\nERROR: config data size is 0!\n')
# get fw_magic (unknown, could be fw version/compile time, hw serial number, etc.)
fw_magic = 0
if large_header:
fw_magic = u32(cfg_data[0x20:0x24])
fw_magic = u32(cfg_data[0x10:0x14])
print('-> fw_magic = ' + hex(fw_magic))
# get the compressed data
compressed = []
if large_header:
compressed = cfg_data[0x28 : 0x28 + data_size]
compressed = cfg_data[0x14 : 0x14 + data_size]
# get the checksum of the compressed data
checksum = 0
if large_header:
checksum = u32(cfg_data[0x10:0x14])
checksum = u32(cfg_data[0x08:0x0C])
# verify the checksum
if (binascii.crc32(compressed) & 0xFFFFFFFF != checksum):
print('\nCRC32 checksum failed :(\n')
uncomp_size = 0
if large_header:
uncomp_size = u32(cfg_data[0x18:0x1C])
uncomp_size = u32(cfg_data[0x0C:0x10])
# unpack the config
xml_data = None
xml_data = zlib.decompress(compressed)
pkcsPass = None
except zlib.error:
encData = None
pkcsSalt = None
tryPasswords = []
if compressed[0] == 0xFF: #pkcs encrypted payload
tryPasswords = PKCSPasswords
with io.BytesIO(compressed) as payload:
pkcsSalt =
encData =
for currPass in tryPasswords:
decryptor = PKCSPassCrypto(currPass,pkcsSalt)
compressed = decryptor.decrypt(encData)
if compressed is None: #pkcs padding verification failed, key is wrong
xml_data = zlib.decompress(compressed)
pkcsPass = currPass
except zlib.error:
if xml_data is None:
if len(tryPasswords):
raise RuntimeError('Exhausted all known encryption passwords')
if len(xml_data) != uncomp_size:
print('WARNING: uncompressed size does not match value in header!')
# output the xml file
out_filename = 'config-%s.xml' %'%d%m%Y-%H%M%S')
if xml_data[0] != ord('<'):
out_filename = out_filename.replace('.xml','.ini')
of = open(out_filename, 'wb')
print('\nunpacked as: ' + out_filename)
recompInfo = ('-pb' if big_endian else '-pl')
if large_header:
recompInfo += '64'
if encrypted_cfg or pkcsPass:
recompInfo += 'e'
if pkcsPass:
recompInfo += pkcsPass
print('\n# repack with:')
print('%s %s %s %s\n' % (sys.argv[0], recompInfo, out_filename, hex(fw_magic)))
# generate cfg from xml
elif (len(sys.argv) == 4 and (sys.argv[1][:3] == '-pb' or sys.argv[1][:3] == '-pl')):
fw_magic = 0
# parse hex string
fw_magic = int(sys.argv[3], 16)
# 32-bit check
print('\ninvalid magic value specified (32-bit hex)\n')
big_endian = sys.argv[1][:3] == '-pb'
large_header = False
param_len = 3
if sys.argv[1][3:5] == '64':
large_header = True
param_len += 2
elif sys.argv[1][3:5] == '32':
large_header = False
param_len += 2
encrypted_cfg = False
if len(sys.argv[1]) > param_len and sys.argv[1][param_len] == 'e':
encrypted_cfg = True
param_len += 1
pkcsPass = None
if encrypted_cfg and len(sys.argv[1]) > param_len:
pkcsPass = sys.argv[1][param_len:]
encrypted_cfg = False
out_filename = 'config-%s.cfg' %'%d%m%Y-%H%M%S')
# read the xml file
xf = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb')
xml_data =
# compress using default zlib compression
compressed = zlib.compress(xml_data)
# pkcs encrypt the inner data if needed
extraDecompLen = 1 #non pkcs encrypted configs have +1 to decomp len
if pkcsPass is not None:
extraDecompLen = 0
with io.BytesIO() as payload:
pkcsSalt = secrets.token_bytes(8)
cryptor = PKCSPassCrypto(pkcsPass,pkcsSalt)
compressed = payload.getvalue()
## construct the header ##
# magic
cfg_data = p32(0x123123)
if large_header:
cfg_data += p32(0)
# size of compressed data
cfg_data += p32(len(compressed))
if large_header:
cfg_data += p32(0)
# crc32 checksum
cfg_data += p32(binascii.crc32(compressed) & 0xFFFFFFFF)
if large_header:
cfg_data += p32(0)
# size of xml file
cfg_data += p32(len(xml_data) + extraDecompLen)
if large_header:
cfg_data += p32(0)
# fw_magic
cfg_data += p32(fw_magic)
if large_header:
cfg_data += p32(0)
# add the compressed xml
cfg_data += compressed
# encrypt overall file if necessary
if encrypted_cfg:
cfg_data = RouterCrypto().encrypt(cfg_data)
# write the cfg file
of = open(out_filename, 'wb')
print('\npacked as: ' + out_filename + '\n')
# decrypt/encrypt secret value
elif (len(sys.argv) == 3 and (sys.argv[1] == '-d' or sys.argv[1] == '-e')):
decrypt_mode = sys.argv[1] == '-d'
if decrypt_mode:
# base64 decode + AES decrypt
print('\ndecrypted: ' + RouterCrypto().decrypt(base64.b64decode(sys.argv[2])).decode('UTF-8') + '\n')
# AES encrypt + base64 encode
print('\nencrypted: ' + base64.b64encode(RouterCrypto().encrypt(sys.argv[2].encode())).decode('UTF-8') + '\n')
print('\n#\n# Nokia/Alcatel-Lucent router backup configuration tool\n#\n')
print('# unpack (cfg to xml)\n')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -u config.cfg\n')
print('# pack (xml to cfg)\n')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -pb config.xml 0x13377331 # big endian, no encryption, fw_magic = 0x13377331')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -pl config.xml 0x13377331 # little endian, ...')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -pbe config.xml 0x13377331 # big endian, with encryption, ...')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -ple config.xml 0x13377331 # ...\n')
print('# decrypt/encrypt secret values within xml (ealgo="ab")\n')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -d OYdLWUVDdKQTPaCIeTqniA==')
print(sys.argv[0] + ' -e admin\n')
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The issue is not related to patching but I'm facing an issue. I tried to enable port forwarding on Nokia G-2425G-A after that I'm facing internet connectivity issue. Can someone please help? If I hard reset the router then it works for few minutes(2-3 minutes) then again internet goes down. On router page it says Authentication failure.

[alert] <129>1 1970-01-01T00:03:40.542117+00:00 AONT syslog 4001 - -  cfg_getParam(oid=173,paramName=ISPLogo) failed 
[alert] <129>1 1970-01-01T00:03:40.542628+00:00 AONT syslog 4001 - -  cfgDal_getParamVal(InternetGatewayDevice.UserInterface.ISPLogo) stl=0 update=0 failed 
[alert] <129>1 1970-01-01T00:03:55.038055+00:00 AONT syslog 4001 - -  Session is closed now, now reset the WAN 
[alert] <129>1 1970-01-01T00:03:55.055777+00:00 AONT syslog 4001 - -  wan_reset done 
[err] <131>1 1970-01-01T00:04:13.287854+00:00 AONT pppd 7059 - -  PPP-Nego:upap_rauthnak() PAP authentication failed 
[alert] <129>1 1970-01-01T00:04:14.581323+00:00 AONT syslog 4001 - -  [tr069] signal 15 received, terminate now ```

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hfor037 commented Feb 27, 2023

the bin/sh trick was patched after 3FE49362IJHK46 you can still change the password for ONTUSER by setting ONTUSER as the username in TelnetSshAccount section, and whatever password you want, and then enabling ONTUSER to drop into busybox instead of vtysh by setting LimitAccount_ONTUSER to false if you are getting invalid config when importing, make sure you are using the exact commandline the script tells you to use when you unpacked (important, because it contains the key to encrypt with) otherwise, you can try just naming it config.cfg

How to set ont user pls tell in detals

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hfor037 commented Feb 28, 2023

Thanks working for me

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IceWreck commented Mar 8, 2023

@rajkosto Excellent. Worked like a charm.

How did you extract/obtain this ?

PKCSPasswords = ["S23l7nZm47XyMGs6y6oJpN9CR4nbfIZHJ4VRwp7HcdV6o2YvUmeNYFlz08Otwz78"]

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rajkosto commented Mar 8, 2023

Reverse engineered the firmware, it's in an encrypted file in /etc, keys for which differ for each fw ver, but this password is still consistent across firmwares and even newer models, if they change it I'll have to obtain newer firmware and reverse engineer it again

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Hi, how to get pppoe password?

I'ts encrypted

<Password dv="" ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="N/rTtxnMbWc7FH21eoRiMg==" ealgo="ab"></Password>
real example on Nokia G-240W-G

<Password dv="" ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="A5HWYRXLFIRVXNBTNOWXD2G4K63CCN"></Password>
real example on Nokia G-1425G-A

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rajkosto commented May 1, 2023 -d "N/rTtxnMbWc7FH21eoRiMg==" works for the first one
the second one has no ealgo so its not encrypted

Copy link -d "N/rTtxnMbWc7FH21eoRiMg==" works for the first one the second one has no ealgo so its not encrypted

In fact I took in shodan, an open file from a nokia G-240W-G for me to compare the Pppoe password field, and it generated an encrypted code and apparently the nokia G-1425G-A code is not encrypted, it really is this password ... I ask you because I am wanting to clone the ONT to a ONU and I will only need the pppoe password since the user pppoe is standard for all users.

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I don't know if you still support that "project", but i am facing that issue and i have no idea what to do. Model is G-140W-C. I have done that in the past, but seems like it's patched? I am running it in Ubuntu with python3. I will be glad if you can help.


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oreidoflac commented May 3, 2023

I don't know if you still support that "project", but i am facing that issue and i have no idea what to do. Model is G-140W-C. I have done that in the past, but seems like it's patched? I am running it in Ubuntu with python3. I will be glad if you can help.


Try "pip install pycryptodome"

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I don't know if you still support that "project", but i am facing that issue and i have no idea what to do. Model is G-140W-C. I have done that in the past, but seems like it's patched? I am running it in Ubuntu with python3. I will be glad if you can help.

Try "pip install pycryptodome"

You are a lifesaver. Thank you!

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cantonalex commented May 12, 2023

Anyone know how to set Fastmile Gateway 3 (3TG00799ABAA) to PPPoE mode using the WAN port? I have managed to do it on the wifi 5 model.

ISP has blocked backup restore and PPPOE options.

SW ver: 1.2204.00.0261

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please help there is no option for backup and restore in nokia 2425 g so how to enable telnet

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That worked like charm. Thanks so much.

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Giolex2 commented Sep 23, 2023

I am trying to decrypt PPPOE username and password, but I get this error, what could it be?

<Username dv="" ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="UsuarioPONETB"></Username>
<Password dv="" ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="passwordETB" ckn="key3"></Password>


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rahilarious commented Sep 23, 2023

I am trying to decrypt PPPOE username and password, but I get this error, what could it be?

<Username dv="" ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="UsuarioPONETB"></Username> <Password dv="" ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="passwordETB" ckn="key3"></Password>

it doesn't look like its encrypted at all. "UsuarioPONETB" it seems in non-eng language (user and ponet) ponet being ISP company or something. paswordETB also seem plain-text.

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shah-sudeep commented Sep 27, 2023

"/IhBegpXLte2Urey$ZGukYdqZ2bXKTsO.XDn6UL9ZTcdqeEptwdUroRpqXu." is the password in G0425B ONU, how can I decrypt it, previous decryption method of using -d doesn't work.
gives this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Script/", line 365, in <module> print('\ndecrypted: ' + RouterCrypto().decrypt(base64.b64decode(sys.argv[2])).decode('UTF-8') + '\n') File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 87, in b64decode return binascii.a2b_base64(s) binascii.Error: Incorrect padding
Please Help.

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thodoris85 commented Oct 6, 2023

Am I doing something wrong on my G-2425G-A?
I got the following


just to let you know, I only tried to run the above script with no other plugins (eg AES etc), not sure if anything else is needed

also, I also tried binwalk on the config file and it didnt give back anything:


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Am I doing something wrong on my G-2425G-A? I got the following


just to let you know, I only tried to run the above script with no other plugins (eg AES etc), not sure if anything else is needed

also, I also tried binwalk on the config file and it didnt give back anything:


just google the error "no module named crypto"

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@rahilarious had an issue with my linux distro and didn't install it at first...Managed to do so after your prompt and eveything worked!

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Hey! thanks for the awesome work.
I have made the following changes in the config file, and restored it on the router:
<LimitAccount_ONTUSER rw="RW" t="boolean" v="true"></LimitAccount_ONTUSER>

<TelnetSshAccount. n="TelnetSshAccount" t="staticObject">
<Enable rw="RW" t="boolean" v="False"></Enable>
<UserName ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="ONTUSER"></UserName>
<Password ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="password"></Password>

Then when I do telnet in putty (This is my routers IP) and try to login using ONTUSER, password. I get incorrect password.
Is there anything else that I need to do be able to login?

I am using G-2425G-A with 3FE49362JJIJ54 software version.

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Oh oh, on it!

Hi , are you able to get full access ( backup and restore) ??..

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Padke9 commented Nov 9, 2023

model_name=Nokia WiFi Beacon 1.1


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rajkosto commented Nov 16, 2023

Hey! thanks for the awesome work. I have made the following changes in the config file, and restored it on the router: <LimitAccount_ONTUSER rw="RW" t="boolean" v="true"></LimitAccount_ONTUSER>

<TelnetSshAccount. n="TelnetSshAccount" t="staticObject">
<Enable rw="RW" t="boolean" v="False"></Enable>
<UserName ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="ONTUSER"></UserName>
<Password ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="password"></Password>

Then when I do telnet in putty (This is my routers IP) and try to login using ONTUSER, password. I get incorrect password. Is there anything else that I need to do be able to login?

I am using G-2425G-A with 3FE49362JJIJ54 software version.

All your booleans are wrong...
you want LimitAccount_ONTUSER to be False so it will exist/be usable
and you want Enable on TelnetSshAccount to be true so SSH works

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Padke9 commented Nov 17, 2023

ontuser is already enabled and password is set in firmware with md5crypt hash (that i cant decrypt password =$1$gN5WP2Fo$6B.xGzm6kfpDOpYlY89Wp. or $1$ojmCYQtx$ktc5DH0Kvu/jCpuUSAQB0. )

Try this in your config file

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i just curious, anybody tried to find where the default data is been stored.

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Padke9 commented Nov 18, 2023

@Nepankaj inside .ubi volume

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Infmous0099 commented Feb 8, 2024

Hello sir @rajkosto i am getting an File invalid error! while importing config.cfg file to the router please help sir how to get rid of it or just help me to understand what is going on!!!

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Possible support for Nokia XS-2426G-B? It's a new AX (WiFi 6) router.

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Reverse engineered the firmware, it's in an encrypted file in /etc, keys for which differ for each fw ver, but this password is still consistent across firmwares and even newer models, if they change it I'll have to obtain newer firmware and reverse engineer it again

Olá, para a G-1425G-A/B, funcionou para de desencryptar o config.cfg porém não funciona para encryptar, creio que seja a chave PKCSPasswords = ["S23l7nZm47XyMGs6y6oJpN9CR4nbfIZHJ4VRwp7HcdV6o2YvUmeNYFlz08Otwz78"] que não é compativel com esse modelo. Você poderia descobrir a PKCSPasswords da G-1425G-Bm por favor? ou nos mostrar o caminho pra descobrir? Obrigado!

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Unable to Upload the config file.

Hardware Version 3FE48299DEAC
Software Version 3FE49362JJIJ54

Config Edit:

<LimitAccount_ONTUSER rw="RW" t="boolean" v="false"></LimitAccount_ONTUSER>

<TelnetSshAccount. n="TelnetSshAccount" t="staticObject">
<Enable rw="RW" t="boolean" v="True"></Enable>
<UserName ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="ONTUSER"></UserName>
<Password ml="64" rw="RW" t="string" v="anyrandompassword"></Password>


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the bin/sh trick was patched after 3FE49362IJHK46 you can still change the password for ONTUSER by setting ONTUSER as the username in TelnetSshAccount section, and whatever password you want, and then enabling ONTUSER to drop into busybox instead of vtysh by setting LimitAccount_ONTUSER to false if you are getting invalid config when importing, make sure you are using the exact commandline the script tells you to use when you unpacked (important, because it contains the key to encrypt with) otherwise, you can try just naming it config.cfg

i tried to setup ONTUSER in telnet ssh and already set Boolean for LimitAccount_ONTUSER to false
but still won't be able to get the shell because it again asking for password2 please help me how can i find it or how can i get shell access for nokia G-2425G-A SERIAL NUMBER ALCLB3AD4352

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what is the password for shell? I've tried everything to get the root access but nothing worked for me. If anyone know the password2 please let us know.
I appreciate Your prompt response!
Thank You!

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frisky0 commented Mar 22, 2024

Hello sir @rajkosto i am getting an File invalid error! while importing config.cfg file to the router please help sir how to get rid of it or just help me to understand what is going on!!!

@Infmous0099 were you able to resolve this issue? I am facing same issue.

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Hello sir @rajkosto i am getting an File invalid error! while importing config.cfg file to the router please help sir how to get rid of it or just help me to understand what is going on!!!

@Infmous0099 were you able to resolve this issue? I am facing same issue.

yes i am able to resolve the issue which router you are using?

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sdopsrr commented Mar 29, 2024

all done, but after importing it says "Upload Failed: File Invalid!"
kindly help

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Banaune commented Mar 31, 2024

all done, but after importing it says "Upload Failed: File Invalid!" kindly help

Did you try changing the filename to "config.cfg" before uploading? The router does not accept any other names for config file.

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sdopsrr commented Apr 3, 2024 via email

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I am having the same "Upload Failed: File Invalid!" Issue can anyone share the Boolean values? I think that might be a problem.

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