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I may be slow to respond.

Ram krishna Sharma ram1123

I may be slow to respond.
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ram1123 /
Created November 29, 2024 08:38
Print the histogram content like: binNo: label: content
import uproot
def print_histogram_bins(file_name, hist_name):
with as root_file:
hist = root_file[hist_name]
bin_contents = hist.values()
x_axis = hist.member("fXaxis")
if hasattr(x_axis, "labels") and callable(x_axis.labels):
ram1123 / PrintWorkspaceToTextFile.C
Created October 16, 2024 11:59
Print Workspace content into a text file
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <streambuf>
#include "TFile.h"
#include "RooWorkspace.h"
// void PrintWorkspaceToTextFile(const char *rootFilePath, const char *textFilePath)
void PrintWorkspaceToTextFile(const char *rootFilePath)
ram1123 / List of daily uses
Created May 28, 2024 14:32
List of general commands that i use frequently
ram1123 /
Last active August 8, 2023 15:27
Print the cut-flow histogram. Then arrange the cuts based on number of events. Also, print the 3rd column as the % change in the number of events.
import ROOT
# Set ROOT to run in batch mode
def print_bins_noSort(hist):
xaxis = hist.GetXaxis()
for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1):
bin_content = hist.GetBinContent(i)
bin_label = xaxis.GetBinLabel(i)
ram1123 / gist:bf8921377949c3b19f82ce14e1ea95a0
Last active July 23, 2023 16:12 — forked from jdye64/gist:ca07e01ff3d8e93210c3
Convert .dav files in current directory to .mp4
print("Converting all of the .dav files in this current directory into .mp4 files using ffmpeg")
import os
from subprocess import call
files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)]
for f in files:
ext = f.split(".")[-1]
if ext == "dav" or ext == "DAV":
import ROOT as ROOT
import sys
def get_standard_deviation(histogram):
# Compute the standard deviation of a histogram
mean = histogram.GetMean()
variance = histogram.GetStdDev() ** 2
return variance ** 0.5
import os
# Specify the directory containing the PDF files
pdf_dir = '/afs/'
# Get a list of the PDF files in the directory
pdf_files = [f for f in os.listdir(pdf_dir) if f.endswith('.pdf')]
# Create a LaTeX file for the presentation
with open('presentation.tex', 'w') as f:
import ROOT
def SignificanceScan(var="evalDNN_HH"):
sigFile = "/eos/user/r/rasharma/post_doc_ihep/double-higgs/ntuples/January_2021_Production/DNN_Evaluate_HHWWyyDNN_NewModel6_E700_LR10em4_B150_VarMixV1MaxBRmvCorr_Trial1_BalanceYields/GluGluToHHTo2G4Q_node_cHHH1_2017.root"
# bkgFiles = ["/eos/user/r/rasharma/post_doc_ihep/double-higgs/ntuples/January_2021_Production/DNN_Evaluate_HHWWyyDNN_NewModel6_E700_LR10em4_B150_VarMixV1MaxBRmvCorr_Trial1_BalanceYields/Data_2017.root"]
bkgFiles = ["/eos/user/r/rasharma/post_doc_ihep/double-higgs/ntuples/January_2021_Production/DNN_Evaluate_HHWWyyDNN_NewModel6_E700_LR10em4_B150_VarMixV1MaxBRmvCorr_Trial1_BalanceYields/Data_2017.root", "/eos/user/r/rasharma/post_doc_ihep/double-higgs/ntuples/January_2021_Production/DNN_Evaluate_HHWWyyDNN_NewModel6_E700_LR10em4_B150_VarMixV1MaxBRmvCorr_Trial1_BalanceYields/Data_2018.root"]
fileCount = 0
# Open the input ROOT file
ram1123 /
Last active February 19, 2023 14:08
From big crab status output prepare a summary markdown table
import os
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
print("This script requires Python 3. Please use Python 3 to run this script.")
# Run crab status command and append in log file
ifRunCrabStatus = False
import sys
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
print("This script requires Python 3. Please use Python 3 to run this script.")