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Last active August 8, 2023 15:27
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Print the cut-flow histogram. Then arrange the cuts based on number of events. Also, print the 3rd column as the % change in the number of events.
import ROOT
# Set ROOT to run in batch mode
def print_bins_noSort(hist):
xaxis = hist.GetXaxis()
for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1):
bin_content = hist.GetBinContent(i)
bin_label = xaxis.GetBinLabel(i)
print("Bin {:33}: {:.2f}".format(bin_label, bin_content))
def print_bins(hist):
xaxis = hist.GetXaxis()
bins_info = []
for i in range(1, hist.GetNbinsX() + 1):
bin_content = hist.GetBinContent(i)
bin_label = xaxis.GetBinLabel(i)
bins_info.append((bin_label, bin_content))
# Sort the bins_info list based on bin content
sorted_bins = sorted(bins_info, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
prev_bin_content = None
print("Bin {:33}: {:15} {}%".format("Cut string name", "nEvents left", "change"))
for bin_label, bin_content in sorted_bins:
if prev_bin_content is not None:
percentage_change = ((bin_content - prev_bin_content) / prev_bin_content) * 100
print("Bin {:33}: {:>15.2f} {:>10.2f}%".format(bin_label, bin_content, percentage_change))
print("Bin {:33}: {:>15.2f}".format(bin_label, bin_content))
prev_bin_content = bin_content
print("| {:<33} | {:>10} | {:>6} |".format("Cut string name", "left nEvents", "Change (%)"))
print("|{}|{}|{}|".format("-" * 35, "-" * 12, "-" * 9))
for bin_label, bin_content in sorted_bins:
if prev_bin_content is not None:
percentage_change = ((bin_content - prev_bin_content) / prev_bin_content) * 100
print("| {:<33} | {:>10.2f} | {:>6.2f} |".format(bin_label, bin_content, percentage_change))
print("| {:<33} | {:>10.2f} | {:>6} |".format(bin_label, bin_content, "-"))
prev_bin_content = bin_content
def print_histogram(hist):
print("Histogram Name: {}".format(hist.GetName()))
print("Entries: {}, Total Sum: {:.6e}".format(hist.GetEntries(), hist.GetSumOfWeights()))
print("Bin Contents:")
def print_cutflow_histogram():
file = ROOT.TFile("/eos/user/g/guoj/Sample/2L2Q/UL_Legacy/2018/GluGluHToZZTo2L2Q_M1000_TuneCP5_13TeV_powheg2_JHUGenV7011_pythia8__v16_L1v1-v1_0.root")
cutflow = file.Get("cutflow")
if cutflow:
print("Histogram not found.")
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