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Created May 13, 2024 14:03
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Lazy calculation of list length; update of
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -Wextra -Werror #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- |
-- Types for lazy length computation and comparison
-- >>> length (replicate 5 'a')
-- Positive Magnitude { characteristic = S (S Z), mantissa = 0b01 }
-- >>> fromLength (length (replicate 5 'a'))
-- 5
-- >>> length (replicate 5 'a') < length (repeat 'b')
-- True
module Magnitude
( Magnitude.length
, Length(..)
, toLength
, fromLength
, infinity
, length1
, Length1(..)
, unLength1
, toLength1
, fromLength1
, infinity1
, Magnitude(..)
, infinityN
, Unary(..)
, Bits(..)
, Bit(..)
) where
import Prelude hiding (length)
import Data.Kind
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
type Length :: Type
data Length = Zero | Positive (Magnitude 'Z)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
fromLength :: Num a => Length -> a
fromLength = \case
Zero -> 0
Positive n -> fromLength1 (Length1 n)
toLength :: Integral a => a -> Either a Length
toLength n = case toLength1 n of
Right (Length1 p) -> Right (Positive p)
Left 0 -> Right Zero
_ -> Left n
type Length1 :: Type
newtype Length1 = Length1 (Magnitude 'Z)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
unLength1 :: Length1 -> Magnitude 'Z
unLength1 (Length1 n) = n
fromLength1 :: Num a => Length1 -> a
fromLength1 = fromMagnitude 1 . unLength1 where
fromMagnitude :: Num a => a -> Magnitude n -> a
fromMagnitude !lo = \case
NextCharacteristic p -> fromMagnitude (2*lo) p
Mantissa r -> lo + fromBits 0 r
fromBits :: Num a => a -> Bits n -> a
fromBits !n = \case
Nil -> n
b :. bs -> fromBits (2*n + fromBit b) bs
fromBit :: Num a => Bit -> a
fromBit = \case
O -> 0
I -> 1
toLength1 :: Integral a => a -> Either a Length1
toLength1 = \n -> if n <= 0 then Left n else Right (Length1 (loop n Nil)) where
loop :: Integral a => a -> Bits n -> Magnitude n
loop 1 = Mantissa
loop n =
let (q, r) = n `quotRem` 2
b = if r == 0 then O else I
NextCharacteristic . loop q . (b :.)
-- |
-- The set of integers greater than or equal to 2ⁿ
type Magnitude :: Unary -> Type
data Magnitude n where
-- | an integer in the range [2ⁿ,2ⁿ⁺¹)
Mantissa :: Bits n -> Magnitude n
-- | an integer in the range [2ⁿ⁺¹,∞)
NextCharacteristic :: Magnitude ('S n) -> Magnitude n
deriving instance Eq (Magnitude n)
deriving instance Ord (Magnitude n)
-- | This Show instance lies about what constructors Magnitude has, but it's way
-- more legible than the derived version
instance Show (Magnitude n) where
showsPrec _ m
= showString "Magnitude { characteristic = "
. shows (characteristic m)
. showString ", mantissa = "
. withMantissa shows m
. showString " }"
withMantissa :: (forall m. Bits m -> r) -> Magnitude n -> r
withMantissa f = \case
Mantissa bs -> f bs
NextCharacteristic n -> withMantissa f n
characteristic :: Magnitude n -> Unary
characteristic = \case
Mantissa _ -> Z
NextCharacteristic n -> S (characteristic n)
infinity :: Length
infinity = Positive infinityN
infinity1 :: Length1
infinity1 = Length1 infinityN
infinityN :: Magnitude n
infinityN = NextCharacteristic infinityN
type Bit :: Type
data Bit where
O :: Bit
I :: Bit
deriving instance Eq Bit
deriving instance Ord Bit
deriving instance Show Bit
-- | Set of n bits, highest order first
type Bits :: Unary -> Type
data Bits n where
(:.) :: Bit -> Bits n -> Bits ('S n)
Nil :: Bits 'Z
deriving instance Eq (Bits n)
deriving instance Ord (Bits n)
infixr 4 :.
instance Show (Bits n) where
showsPrec _ = \bs -> showString "0b" . showBits bs where
showBits :: Bits m -> ShowS
showBits = \case
Nil -> id
b :. bs -> showBit b . showBits bs
showBit = (:) . \case
O -> '0'
I -> '1'
-- | unary encoding of the natural numbers
type Unary :: Type
data Unary where
Z :: Unary
S :: Unary -> Unary
deriving instance Eq Unary
deriving instance Ord Unary
deriving instance Show Unary
-- | Lazily compute the length of a possibly-infinite list
length :: [a] -> Length
length = maybe Zero (Positive . unLength1) . fmap length1 . nonEmpty
-- | Lazily compute the length of a possibly-infinite non-empty list
length1 :: NonEmpty a -> Length1
length1 = Length1 . \(_ :| as) -> fromUnary Nil (unaryLength as) where
-- lazily compute the length of a list in unary
-- this isn't really necessary (a list is already a unary representation of
-- its own length), but it makes it clearer what's going on
unaryLength :: [a] -> Unary
unaryLength = \case
[] -> Z
_ : as -> S (unaryLength as)
-- lazily convert a unary value x into the magnitude represention of x+1
-- carrying over lower bits
fromUnary :: Bits n -> Unary -> Magnitude n
fromUnary bs Z = Mantissa bs
fromUnary bs (S m) = NextCharacteristic
let ~(m', b) = quotRem2 m in fromUnary (b :. bs) m'
-- compute (m `quot` 2, m `rem` 2) for a unary value m
-- quotRem2 m = (q,r) ⇒ m = 2*q + r
quotRem2 :: Unary -> (Unary, Bit)
quotRem2 Z = (Z, O)
quotRem2 (S Z) = (Z, I)
quotRem2 (S (S m)) =
let ~(m', b) = quotRem2 m in (S m', b)
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