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Last active May 8, 2021 12:31
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A hugo img srcset partial that auto resizes images
img {
max-width: 100%;
<h1>Creating a srcset loop based on Resources</h1>
NOTE: This requires Hugo 0.32
sizes can be any poisitive number.
Sizes less than 10 will multiple on the original width of the image given.
This is meant for quick resizing e.g 2x the image or 0.5 the image.
{{ $image := .Params.img}}
I've setup my own headless media folder in the content directory so you may need to change to fit your project
{{ $media := (.Site.GetPage "page" "media").Resources }}
{{ $original := index ($media.Match (printf "%s" $image)) 0 }}
<!-- END Resources -->
{{ $width := $original.Width}}
{{ $sizes := .Params.sizes}}
<!-- For testing and visualization of the concept -->
<!-- This can be deleted -->
<div id="can-delete">
<h3>Testing variables n stuff</h3>
<p>Image: {{ $image }}</p>
<p>Image Path: {{ $original.RelPermalink }}</p>
<p>Original Size: {{$width}}</p>
<!-- Using scratch for testing purposes -->
{{ $scratch_sizes := .Params.sizes}}
<p>Sizes array: {{$scratch_sizes}}</p>
{{$first_size := index $scratch_sizes 0}}
<p>First Size in Array (decimal): {{$first_size}}</p>
{{ $convertDecimal := float $first_size }}
{{ $convertWidth := int $width}}
{{$test_size := (mul $convertWidth $convertDecimal) }}
<p>Multiply width by first index: {{$test_size}}</p>
<p>Round that number: {{math.Round $test_size}}</p>
<p>Now use that width as a resource option and add to an IMG element:</p>
<!-- Now try and make this an image -->
<!-- Need to convert this int back to a string to be used as a resource -->
{{ $back2string := string (math.Round $test_size)}}
{{ $testing_img := ($original.Resize (printf "%sx Lanczos" $back2string) )}}
<img src="{{$testing_img.RelPermalink}}" alt="">
<p>Create srcset string: {{$image}}/{{math.Round $test_size }} {{ $back2string }}x,</p>
<h3>Create a simple img loop</h3>
<!-- SIZE LOOP -->
{{ range $i, $num := (seq (len $sizes)) }}
{{ $imgSize := index $sizes $i }}
{{ $intWidth := int $width}}
<!-- If any number in the array is larger than 10 then have that be the size -->
<!-- Example: Resize the image to 1200 -->
{{if ge (index $sizes $i) 10}}
<!-- This method works -->
{{ $img := ($original.Resize (printf "%sx Lanczos" $imgSize) )}}
<img src="{{$img.RelPermalink}}" alt="" width=""> {{ index $sizes $i }}w
<!-- If any number in the array is less than 10 then multiple by the width of original image -->
<!-- This is intended for quick sizing, eg. 0.5 will be half the size of the original -->
<!-- Convert image size and the original width to an integer and then multiple them -->
{{ $floatSize := float $imgSize }}
{{ $newSize := (mul $intWidth $floatSize) }}
<!-- Now need to convert back to a string to use as a resource option -->
{{ $int2string := string (math.Round $newSize)}}
{{ $img := ($original.Resize (printf "%sx Lanczos" $int2string) )}}
<img src="{{$img.RelPermalink}}" alt=""> {{ $int2string }}w
{{ end }}
<h3>Now create the srcset</h3>
<!-- END DELETE -->
<!-- The actual srcset partial -->
<!-- Ranging to create the image sizes and strings -->
{{- range $i, $num := (seq (len $sizes)) -}}
{{- $imgSize := index $sizes $i -}}
{{- $intWidth := int $width -}}
{{- if ge (index $sizes $i) 10 -}}
{{- $img := ($original.Resize (printf "%sx Lanczos" $imgSize)) -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "imgs" (slice $img.RelPermalink) }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "sizes" (slice $img.Width) }}
{{- $int2string := string $img.Width -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "string" (slice (printf "%s %sw" $img.RelPermalink $int2string)) }}
{{- else -}}
{{- $floatSize := float $imgSize -}}
{{- $newSize := (mul $intWidth $floatSize) -}}
{{- $int2string := string (math.Round $newSize) -}}
{{- $img := ($original.Resize (printf "%sx Lanczos" $int2string)) -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "imgs" (slice $img.RelPermalink) }}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "sizes" (slice $img.Width) }}
{{- $int2string := string $img.Width -}}
{{ $.Scratch.Add "string" (slice (printf "%s %sw" $img.RelPermalink $int2string)) }}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
<img class=""
src="{{ $original.RelPermalink }}"
srcset="{{delimit (.Scratch.Get "string") ", " }}"
{{- $last := sub (len (.Scratch.Get "sizes")) 1 -}}
{{- range first $last (.Scratch.Get "sizes") -}}
(max-width: {{ . }}px) {{ sub . 40 }}px,
<!-- This can also be 100vw -->
{{- index (.Scratch.Get "sizes") (sub (len (.Scratch.Get "sizes")) 1) -}}px"
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Thank you. 👍

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ys commented Apr 9, 2018

Hey do you have an example on how to use this partial as a shortcode? Or how to use it normally?

Trying to wrap my head around this but I can't

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