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Created July 13, 2018 09:11
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FP temp From macro
extern crate num;
extern crate typenum;
use self::num::cast::NumCast;
use self::num::{PrimInt, ToPrimitive};
use self::typenum::{
IsLessOrEqual, NonZero, True, U0, U1, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18, U19, U2,
U20, U21, U22, U23, U24, U25, U26, U27, U28, U29, U3, U30, U31, U32, U4, U5, U6, U64, U7, U8,
U9, Unsigned,
use std::fmt;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::ops;
pub trait FixedPointInt: PrimInt + ToPrimitive {
type DoubleInt: PrimInt;
type Len: Unsigned + NonZero;
fn sizeof() -> usize {
impl FixedPointInt for i32 {
type DoubleInt = i64;
type Len = U32;
impl FixedPointInt for i64 {
type DoubleInt = i128;
type Len = U64;
pub trait FixedPoint:
+ ops::Add<Output = Self>
+ ops::Sub<Output = Self>
+ ops::Mul<Output = Self>
+ ops::Div<Output = Self>
type BITS: FixedPointInt;
type FRAC: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<<Self::BITS as FixedPointInt>::Len, Output = True>;
fn from_int(int: Self::BITS) -> Self;
fn from_f32(v: f32) -> Self;
fn from_bits(bits: Self::BITS) -> Self;
fn to_f32(self) -> f32;
fn bits(self) -> Self::BITS;
fn floor(self) -> Self::BITS;
fn round(self) -> Self::BITS;
fn ceil(self) -> Self::BITS;
fn truncate(self) -> Q<Self::BITS, U0>;
// #[inline(always)]
// fn into<BITS2, FRAC2>(self) -> Q<BITS2, FRAC2>
// where
// BITS2: FixedPointInt,
// FRAC2: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS2::Len, Output = True>;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
pub struct Q<BITS, FRAC> {
bits: BITS,
phantom: PhantomData<FRAC>,
impl<BITS, FRAC> FixedPoint for Q<BITS, FRAC>
BITS: FixedPointInt,
FRAC: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS::Len, Output = True>,
Q<BITS, FRAC>: Into<Q<BITS, U0>>,
type BITS = BITS;
type FRAC = FRAC;
fn from_int(v: BITS) -> Self {
let bits = v << FRAC::to_usize();
if bits >> FRAC::to_usize() != v {
panic!("fixed point overflow")
Self {
bits: bits,
phantom: PhantomData,
fn from_f32(v: f32) -> Self {
let bits = BITS::from(v * (1 << FRAC::to_usize()) as f32).unwrap();
let int: i64 = bits.to_i64().unwrap();
if (int >> FRAC::to_usize()) as f32 != v.floor() {
panic!("fixed point overflow")
Self {
bits: bits,
phantom: PhantomData,
fn from_bits(bits: BITS) -> Self {
Self {
bits: bits,
phantom: PhantomData,
fn to_f32(self) -> f32 {
(self.bits.to_i64().unwrap() as f32) / ((1 << FRAC::to_usize()) as f32)
fn bits(self) -> BITS {
fn floor(self) -> BITS {
self.bits >> FRAC::to_usize()
fn round(self) -> BITS {
let round = BITS::from(1i64 << (FRAC::to_usize() - 1)).unwrap();
(self.bits + round) >> FRAC::to_usize()
fn ceil(self) -> BITS {
let round = BITS::from((1i64 << FRAC::to_usize()) - 1).unwrap();
(self.bits + round) >> FRAC::to_usize()
fn truncate(self) -> Q<BITS, U0> {
/* let bits = fp.bits;
let bits2 = if FRAC1::to_usize() < FRAC2::to_usize() {
let bits2 = bits << (FRAC2::to_usize() - FRAC1::to_usize());
if (bits2 >> FRAC2::to_usize()) != (bits >> FRAC1::to_usize()) {
panic!("fixed point overflow")
} else {
bits >> (FRAC1::to_usize() - FRAC2::to_usize())
Q {
bits: bits2,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<BITS, FRAC> fmt::Debug for Q<BITS, FRAC>
BITS: FixedPointInt,
FRAC: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS::Len, Output = True>,
Q<BITS, FRAC>: Into<Q<BITS, U0>>,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
write!(f, "Q({0:.3})", self.to_f32())
impl<BITS, FRAC> fmt::LowerHex for Q<BITS, FRAC>
BITS: FixedPointInt,
FRAC: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS::Len, Output = True>,
Q<BITS, FRAC>: Into<Q<BITS, U0>>,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> Result<(), fmt::Error> {
BITS::sizeof() * 2,
impl<BITS, FRAC, RHS> ops::Add<RHS> for Q<BITS, FRAC>
BITS: FixedPointInt,
FRAC: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS::Len, Output = True>,
Self: Into<Q<BITS, U0>>,
RHS: FixedPoint + Into<Self>,
type Output = Self;
fn add(self, other: RHS) -> Self {
let other: Self = other.into();
Self {
bits: self.bits + other.bits,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<BITS, FRAC, RHS> ops::Sub<RHS> for Q<BITS, FRAC>
BITS: FixedPointInt,
FRAC: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS::Len, Output = True>,
Self: Into<Q<BITS, U0>>,
RHS: FixedPoint + Into<Self>,
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, other: RHS) -> Self {
let other: Self = other.into();
Self {
bits: self.bits - other.bits,
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<BITS, FRAC, BITS2, FRAC2> ops::Mul<Q<BITS2, FRAC2>> for Q<BITS, FRAC>
BITS: FixedPointInt,
FRAC: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS::Len, Output = True>,
BITS2: FixedPointInt,
FRAC2: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS2::Len, Output = True>,
Self: Into<Q<BITS, U0>>,
type Output = Self;
fn mul(self, other: Q<BITS2, FRAC2>) -> Self {
let b1 = <BITS::DoubleInt as NumCast>::from(self.bits).unwrap();
let b2 = <BITS::DoubleInt as NumCast>::from(other.bits).unwrap();
Self {
bits: BITS::from((b1 * b2) >> FRAC2::to_usize()).unwrap(),
phantom: PhantomData,
impl<BITS, FRAC, BITS2, FRAC2> ops::Div<Q<BITS2, FRAC2>> for Q<BITS, FRAC>
BITS: FixedPointInt,
FRAC: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS::Len, Output = True>,
BITS2: FixedPointInt,
FRAC2: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<BITS2::Len, Output = True>,
Self: Into<Q<BITS, U0>>,
type Output = Self;
fn div(self, other: Q<BITS2, FRAC2>) -> Self {
let b1 = <BITS::DoubleInt as NumCast>::from(self.bits).unwrap();
let b2 = <BITS::DoubleInt as NumCast>::from(other.bits).unwrap();
Self {
bits: BITS::from((b1 << FRAC2::to_usize()) / b2).unwrap(),
phantom: PhantomData,
macro_rules! impl_from {
($BITS:ident, $FRAC1:ident) => {};
($BITS:ident, $FRAC1:ident, $($FRAC2:ident),*) => {
impl_from!($BITS, $($FRAC2),*);
impl From<Q<$BITS, $FRAC1>> for Q<$BITS, $FRAC2> {
fn from(fp: Q<$BITS, $FRAC1>) -> Q<$BITS, $FRAC2> {
let q = Q::<$BITS, $FRAC2>::from_bits(
fp.bits << ($FRAC2::to_usize() - $FRAC1::to_usize()),
if q.floor() != fp.floor() {
panic!("fixed point overflow");
impl From<Q<$BITS, $FRAC2>> for Q<$BITS, $FRAC1> {
fn from(fp: Q<$BITS, $FRAC2>) -> Q<$BITS, $FRAC1> {
Q::<$BITS, $FRAC1>::from_bits(
fp.bits >> ($FRAC2::to_usize() - $FRAC1::to_usize()),
macro_rules! impl_from_types {
($BITS1:ident) => {};
($BITS1:ident, $($BITS2:ident),*) => {
impl<FRAC1,FRAC2> From<Q<$BITS1, FRAC1>> for Q<$BITS2, FRAC2>
FRAC1: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<<$BITS1 as FixedPointInt>::Len, Output = True>,
FRAC2: Unsigned + Copy + IsLessOrEqual<<$BITS2 as FixedPointInt>::Len, Output = True>,
Q<$BITS1, FRAC1>: FixedPoint<BITS=$BITS1, FRAC=FRAC1>,
Q<$BITS2, FRAC2>: FixedPoint<BITS=$BITS2, FRAC=FRAC2>,
fn from(fp: Q<$BITS1, FRAC1>) -> Q<$BITS2, FRAC2> {
let bits2 : $BITS2 = if FRAC1::to_usize() > FRAC2::to_usize() {
let bits = fp.bits >> (FRAC1::to_usize() - FRAC2::to_usize());
} else {
let bits : $BITS2 = fp.bits.into();
bits << (FRAC2::to_usize() - FRAC1::to_usize())
let q = Q::<$BITS2,FRAC2>::from_bits(bits2);
if q.floor() as i64 != fp.floor() as i64 {
panic!("fixed point overflow");
i32, U0, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U17, U18, U19,
U20, U21, U22, U23, U24, U25, U26, U27, U28, U29, U30, U31
impl_from_types!(i32, i64);
pub type I32F0 = Q<i32, U0>;
pub type I30F2 = Q<i32, U2>;
pub type I27F5 = Q<i32, U5>;
pub type I22F10 = Q<i32, U10>;
pub type I3F29 = Q<i32, U29>;
mod test {
use super::*;
fn add_conv() {
let v = Q::<i32, U10>::from_int(100);
let v2 = Q::<i32, U5>::from_int(100);
assert_eq!((v + v2).floor(), 200);
assert_eq!((v2 + v).floor(), 200);
fn add_conv_round() {
let v = Q::<i32, U10>::from_f32(98.6);
let v2 = Q::<i32, U5>::from_f32(102.3);
assert_eq!((v + v2).round(), 201);
assert_eq!((v2 + v).round(), 201);
assert_eq!((v - v2).round(), -4);
assert_eq!((v2 - v).round(), 4);
assert_eq!((v - v2).floor(), -4); // FIXME?
assert_eq!((v2 - v).floor(), 3);
assert_eq!((v - v2).ceil(), -3); // FIXME?
assert_eq!((v2 - v).ceil(), 4);
fn from_int_error() {
let v = Q::<i32, U29>::from_int(100);
fn from_f32_error() {
let v = Q::<i32, U29>::from_f32(100.0);
fn mul_div() {
let v = Q::<i32, U10>::from_f32(13.5);
let v2 = Q::<i32, U5>::from_f32(142.5);
assert_eq!((v * v2).round(), 1924);
assert_eq!((v2 / v).round(), 11);
let v = Q::<i32, U10>::from_f32(13.5);
let v2 = Q::<i32, U5>::from_f32(-142.5);
assert_eq!((v * v2).round(), -1924);
assert_eq!((v2 / v).round(), -11);
fn truncated() {
let v = Q::<i32, U0>::from_f32(14.74);
let v2 = Q::<i32, U10>::from_f32(14.74).truncate();
assert_eq!(v.bits(), 14);
assert_eq!(v2.bits(), 14);
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