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Created June 3, 2016 00:36
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Traildb homebrew formula
class Traildb < Formula
desc "Blazingly-fast database for log-structured data"
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "4d1b61cc7068ec3313fe6322fc366a996c9d357dd3edf667dd33f0ab2c103271"
depends_on "libarchive"
depends_on "homebrew/boneyard/judy"
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
def install
ENV["PREFIX"] = prefix
system "./waf", "configure", "install"
test do
(testpath/"in.csv").write("1234 1234\n")
system "#{bin}/tdb", "make", "-c", "-i", "in.csv", "--tdb-format", "pkg"
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