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Created March 5, 2019 15:21
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The following Gist demonstrates usage of `EnvFx`. EnvFx is a data type that packs the Reader, Error and IO capabilities over the Kotlin suspended environment. This models `Deps -> Either<Error, SuccessValue>` allowing to track algebras and effects as subtype contrains of a phantom type `R` that is carried around functions to provide syntactic ac…
* The following Gist demonstrates usage of `EnvFx`.
* EnvFx is a data type that packs the Reader, Error and IO capabilities over the Kotlin suspended environment.
* This models `Deps -> Either<Error, SuccessValue>` allowing to track algebras and effects as subtype
* contrains of a phantom type `R` that is carried around programs to provide syntactic access to the service defined functions.
package arrow.effects
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.effects.suspended.env.EnvFx
import arrow.effects.suspended.env.env
import arrow.effects.suspended.env.envfx.applicativeError.raiseError
import arrow.effects.suspended.env.envfx.fx.fx
import arrow.effects.suspended.env.toFx
import arrow.effects.suspended.fx.fx.unsafeRun.runBlocking
import arrow.unsafe
/** user algebra **/
interface Service1 {
suspend fun foo(): Unit
/** user algebra **/
interface Service2 {
suspend fun bar(): Unit
/** swapable interpreter **/
object Service1Impl : Service1 {
override suspend fun foo(): Unit =
/** swapable interpreter **/
object Service2Impl : Service2 {
override suspend fun bar(): Unit =
/** Module with services dependencies that fulfills the program constrains **/
class Module(
service1: Service1 = Service1Impl,
service2: Service2Impl = Service2Impl
) : Service1 by service1, Service2 by service2 {
companion object {
fun impl(): Module = Module()
/** custom exceptionless error handling **/
sealed class CustomError
object Stop : CustomError()
* Programs declare the service they need by constraining the `R` type arg
* Each Service declaration over R needs to be fullfilled by an object that implements
* the service interfaces.
* `R` is exposed as this so the user has direct access to the syntax of the functions directly declared
* in the services without the need to prefix access with a service name. That is why you can invoke `foo` and `bar` direcly.
* `env` gives you this support placing `R` in the `this` scope
fun <R> program(): EnvFx<R, CustomError, Unit>
where R : Service1, R : Service2 = //R has Service1 and Service2 capabilities so we can invoke `foo` and `bar` polymorphically
env {
fx {
!effect { foo() }
!effect { bar() }
!Stop.raiseError<R, CustomError, Unit>()
* You can go from `EnvFx` to `Fx` at the edge providing the dependency that fulfills your program
* constrains.
fun main() {
val result: Either<CustomError, Unit> =
unsafe { runBlocking { program<Module>().toFx(Module.impl()) } }
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