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Created June 7, 2021 21:18
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package arrow.derive
* An Algebraic data type [Type] can derive behaviors
* for its members
sealed class Derive<in Type> {
* Derived instances associated to [Type]
abstract fun instances(): List<*>
* Specific instances of T
inline fun <reified T> instancesOf(): List<T> =
* A [Type] is a product when it's behavior is defined by its
* properties
abstract class Product<in Type> : Derive<Type>() {
* The property values conforming the Product [Type]
abstract fun product(value: Type): List<Any?>
* A [Type] is a sum when it's behavior is defined by one of its cases
abstract class Sum<in Type> : Derive<Type>() {
* The ordinal case this [Type] belongs to in the sum
abstract fun indexOf(value: Type): Int
package arrow.derive
* An algebraic data [Type] can derive a [TypeClass]
interface DerivedTypeClass<out Type, out TypeClass> {
* A product data [Type] can derive [TypeClass]
* from its properties and instances associated to them
fun Product<Type>.deriveProduct(): TypeClass
* A sum data [Type] can derive [TypeClass]
* from its cases and instances associated to them
fun Sum<Type>.deriveSum(): TypeClass
* An algebraic data [Type] can derive a [TypeClass]
* from its [Product] and [Sum] parts
fun Derive<Type>.derive(): TypeClass =
when (this) {
is Product -> deriveProduct()
is Sum -> deriveSum()
package arrow.derive
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
* An Algebraic data type can be annotated
* with [Deriving] in which cases it will generate at compile time only
* the types necessary to create a [DerivedTypeClass] that third party instance can adapt to.
* The optional [types] arguments denotes a list of Type classes whose companion
* implement `deriving`
* ```kotlin
* fun <A> deriving(): DerivedTypeClass<A, TypeClass<A>>
* ```
annotation class Deriving(val types: Array<KClass<*>> = [])
package library
import arrow.derive.DerivedTypeClass
import arrow.derive.Product
import arrow.derive.Sum
* An example type class that provides a manual derivation mechanism
* to handle the structure of [A] for cases where [A] is an algebraic
* data type.
fun interface Eq<A> {
fun eq(left: A, right: A): Boolean
companion object {
val int: Eq<Int> = Eq { a, b -> a == b }
val string: Eq<String> = Eq { a, b -> a == b }
* The presence of this method allows [Eq] as
* argument to [arrow.derive.Deriving] when placed at compile time
fun <A> deriving(): DerivedTypeClass<A, Eq<A>> =
object : DerivedTypeClass<A, Eq<A>> {
override fun Product<A>.deriveProduct(): Eq<A> =
Eq { x, y ->
/* retrieve the product of x */
.all { (xy, eq) ->
val (xt, yt) = xy
eq.eq(xt, yt)
override fun Sum<A>.deriveSum(): Eq<A> =
Eq { x, y ->
val ordx = indexOf(x)
val ordy = indexOf(y)
(ordx == ordy) && instancesOf<Eq<A>>()[ordx].eq(x, y)
package user
import library.Eq
* Compile time generated from `@Deriving([Eq::class]) sealed class Tree`
fun <A> Eq.Companion.tree(eq: Eq<A>): Eq<Tree<A>> =
deriving<Tree<A>>().run {
DeriveTree<A, Eq<A>, Eq<out Tree<A>>>(
* Compile time generated from `@Deriving([Eq::class]) sealed class Tree`
* Being the [Branch] case of [Tree]
fun <A> Eq.Companion.branch(eq: Eq<A>): Eq<Branch<A>> =
deriving<Branch<A>>().run {
DeriveBranch<A, Eq<A>, Eq<out Tree<A>>>(
* Compile time generated from `@Deriving([Eq::class]) sealed class Tree`
* Being the [Leaf] case of [Tree]
fun <A> Eq.Companion.leaf(eq: Eq<A>): Eq<Leaf<A>> =
deriving<Leaf<A>>().run {
DeriveLeaf<A, Eq<A>>(
package user
import arrow.derive.DerivedTypeClass
import arrow.derive.Product
import arrow.derive.Sum
* Compile time generated from `@Deriving sealed class Tree`
* Being the sum case of [Tree]
* In this case since [Tree] has a single type argument [A] we generate
* only `depA: Dep`. For other cases with more type arguments there are as many
* dependencies as concrete properties or type arguments the type.
* These additional derivation arguments are all other type classes for values in the
* type that otherwise would have needed to be passed manually to compose the whole.
class DeriveTree<A, Dep, TypeClass>(
val depA: Dep,
val derivingTree: DerivedTypeClass<Tree<A>, TypeClass>,
val derivingBranch: DerivedTypeClass<Branch<A>, TypeClass>,
val derivingLeaf: DerivedTypeClass<Leaf<A>, TypeClass>
) : Sum<Tree<A>>() {
override fun instances(): List<*> =
listOf(branch(depA, derivingTree, derivingBranch, derivingLeaf), leaf(depA, derivingTree, derivingBranch, derivingLeaf))
* Generated fast index lookup for manual derivation control without types
override fun indexOf(value: Tree<A>): Int =
when (value) {
is Branch -> 0
is Leaf -> 1
* Compile time generated from `@Deriving sealed class Tree`
* Being the [Branch] case of [Tree]
class DeriveBranch<A, Dep, TypeClass>(
val dep: Dep,
val derivingTree: DerivedTypeClass<Tree<A>, TypeClass>,
val derivingBranch: DerivedTypeClass<Branch<A>, TypeClass>,
val derivingLeaf: DerivedTypeClass<Leaf<A>, TypeClass>
) : Product<Branch<A>>() {
override fun instances(): List<*> =
tree(dep, derivingTree, derivingBranch, derivingLeaf),
tree(dep, derivingTree, derivingBranch, derivingLeaf)
override fun product(value: Branch<A>): List<Any?> =
listOf(value.left, value.right)
* Compile time generated from `@Deriving sealed class Tree`
* Being the [Leaf] case of [Tree]
class DeriveLeaf<A, Dep>(
val depA: Dep
) : Product<Leaf<A>>() {
override fun instances(): List<*> =
override fun product(value: Leaf<A>): List<Any?> =
* Compile time generated from `@Deriving sealed class Tree`
* An adapter for [Tree] deriving [TypeClass]
fun <A, Dep, TypeClass> tree(
dep: Dep,
derivingTree: DerivedTypeClass<Tree<A>, TypeClass>,
derivingBranch: DerivedTypeClass<Branch<A>, TypeClass>,
derivingLeaf: DerivedTypeClass<Leaf<A>, TypeClass>,
): TypeClass = { DeriveTree(dep, derivingTree, derivingBranch, derivingLeaf).derive() }
* Compile time generated from `@Deriving sealed class Tree`
* An adapter for [Branch] deriving [TypeClass]
fun <A, Dep, TypeClass> branch(
dep: Dep,
derivingTree: DerivedTypeClass<Tree<A>, TypeClass>,
derivingBranch: DerivedTypeClass<Branch<A>, TypeClass>,
derivingLeaf: DerivedTypeClass<Leaf<A>, TypeClass>,
): TypeClass = { DeriveBranch(dep, derivingTree, derivingBranch, derivingLeaf).derive() }
* Compile time generated from `@Deriving sealed class Tree`
* An adapter for [Leaf] deriving [TypeClass]
fun <A, Dep, TypeClass> leaf(
dep: Dep,
/** unused arguments kept for consistency in generation **/
derivingTree: DerivedTypeClass<Tree<A>, TypeClass>,
derivingBranch: DerivedTypeClass<Branch<A>, TypeClass>,
derivingLeaf: DerivedTypeClass<Leaf<A>, TypeClass>
): TypeClass = { DeriveLeaf<A, Dep>(dep).derive() }
package user
import arrow.derive.Deriving
import library.Eq
* An example recursive ADT some user wrote deriving [Eq]
* This is a case with a simple argument where all values are part of the ADT except
* the [Leaf.elem] of type [T] which mean that for deriving [Eq]
* we will need at the edge an instance of [Eq[T]].
* Demonstrated in [main]
sealed interface Tree<out T>
data class Branch<out T>(val left: Tree<T>, val right: Tree<T>) : Tree<T>
data class Leaf<out T>(val elem: T) : Tree<T>
package user
import library.Eq
fun main() {
* [Eq] for [Tree] of [Int] is automatically derived provided we have
* an instance of Eq[Int].
* With @Given turned on this would instead just look like:
* val treeEq: Eq<Tree<Int>> = Eq.tree()
val treeEq: Eq<Tree<Int>> = Eq.tree(
println( {
), Branch(
}) //true
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