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Created March 5, 2020 17:51
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Validation rules abstracting strategies with operations as extension functions
package arrow.rules.test
import arrow.Kind
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.EitherPartialOf
import arrow.core.Nel
import arrow.core.NonEmptyList
import arrow.core.Validated
import arrow.core.ValidatedPartialOf
import arrow.core.extensions.either.applicativeError.applicativeError
import arrow.core.extensions.nonemptylist.semigroup.semigroup
import arrow.core.extensions.validated.applicativeError.applicativeError
import arrow.core.nel
import arrow.typeclasses.ApplicativeError
* A generic rules class that abstracts over validation strategies
sealed class Rules<F, E>(A: ApplicativeError<F, Nel<E>>) : ApplicativeError<F, Nel<E>> by A {
* Accumulates errors thanks to validated and non empty list
class ErrorAccumulationStrategy<E> :
Rules<ValidatedPartialOf<Nel<E>>, E>(Validated.applicativeError(NonEmptyList.semigroup()))
* Fails fast thanks to Either
class FailFastStrategy<E> :
Rules<EitherPartialOf<Nel<E>>, E>(Either.applicativeError())
companion object {
fun <E> failFast(): FailFastStrategy<E> = FailFastStrategy()
fun <E> accumulateErrors(): ErrorAccumulationStrategy<E> = ErrorAccumulationStrategy()
* User defined model errors
sealed class ValidationError(val msg: String) {
data class DoesNotContain(val value: String) : ValidationError("Did not contain $value")
data class MaxLength(val value: Int) : ValidationError("Exceeded length of $value")
data class NotAnEmail(val reasons: Nel<ValidationError>) : ValidationError("Not a valid email")
* Arbitrary rules can be defined anywhere outside the Rules algebra
fun <F> Rules<F, ValidationError>.contains(value: String, needle: String): Kind<F, String> =
if (value.contains(needle, false)) just(value)
else raiseError(ValidationError.DoesNotContain(needle).nel())
* Arbitrary rules can be defined anywhere outside the Rules algebra
fun <F> Rules<F, ValidationError>.maxLength(value: String, maxLength: Int): Kind<F, String> =
if (value.length <= maxLength) just(value)
else raiseError(ValidationError.MaxLength(maxLength).nel())
data class Email(val value: String)
* Some rules that use the applicative syntax to validate and gather errors
fun <F> Rules<F, ValidationError>.validateEmail(value: String): Kind<F, Email> =
mapN(contains(value, "@"), maxLength(value, 250)) {
}.handleErrorWith { raiseError(ValidationError.NotAnEmail(it).nel()) }
* Proof the same code works polymorphically
fun main() {
val accResult =
Rules.accumulateErrors<ValidationError>().run {
validateEmail("nowheretoolong${(0..251).map { "g" }}")
val failFastResult = Rules.failFast<ValidationError>().run {
validateEmail("nowheretoolong${(0..251).map { "g" }}")
//Invalid(e=NonEmptyList(all=[NotAnEmail(reasons=NonEmptyList(all=[DoesNotContain(value=@)])), NotAnEmail(reasons=NonEmptyList(all=[DoesNotContain(value=@), MaxLength(value=250)]))]))
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