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Created November 27, 2020 15:17
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Arrow Type classes and treatment of Functor hierarchy
package demo
sealed class Either<out E, out A> {
inline fun <B> fold(fe: (E) -> B, fb: (A) -> B): B =
when (this) {
is Left -> fe(e)
is Right -> fb(a)
inline fun <B> map(f: (A) -> B): Either<E, B> =
when (this) {
is Left -> this
is Right -> Right(f(a))
data class Left<out E>(val e: E) : Either<E, Nothing>()
data class Right<out A>(val a: A) : Either<Nothing, A>()
package demo
import arrow.core.Tuple2
import arrow.core.identity
inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.functor(): Functor<A, B, Either<E, B>> =
inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.flatMap(): FlatMap<A, Either<E, B>> =
inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.foldable(): Foldable<A, B> =
inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.traversable(): Traversable<A, B, Either<E, B>> =
inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.foldMap(MN: Plus<B>, empty: Empty<B>, crossinline f: (A) -> B): B =
foldable<E, A, B>().foldMap(MN, empty, f)
inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.flatMap(crossinline f: (A) -> Either<E, B>): Either<E, B> =
when (this) {
is Left -> this
is Right -> f(a)
inline fun <E, A, C> Either<E, A>.foldLeft(empty: C, f: (C, A) -> C): C =
fold({ empty }, { f(empty, it) })
inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.fproduct(crossinline f: (A) -> B): Either<E, Tuple2<A, B>> =
functor<E, A, Tuple2<A, B>>().fproduct(f)
inline fun <E, A> Either<E, A>.unit(): Either<E, Unit> =
functor<E, A, Unit>().unit()
inline fun <E, A, B> Either<E, A>.traverse(f: (A) -> Iterable<B>): List<Either<E, B>> =
}, {
f(it).map { Right(it) }
inline fun <E, A> Either<E, Iterable<A>>.sequence(): List<Either<E, A>> =
inline fun <E, A> right(a: A): Either<E, A> =
fun interface EitherEffect<E, A> : Effect<Either<E, A>> {
suspend operator fun <B> Either<E, B>.invoke(): B =
fold({ e -> control().shift { Left(e) }}, ::identity)
suspend inline fun <E, A> either(crossinline block: suspend EitherEffect<E, *>.() -> A): Either<E, A> =
computation(::right, { EitherEffect { it } }, block)
package demo
import arrow.continuations.Reset
import arrow.continuations.generic.DelimitedScope
import arrow.core.Tuple2
fun interface Associative<A> {
fun assoc(a: A, B: A): A
fun interface Plus<A> : Associative<A> {
infix operator fun A): A =
assoc(this, other)
fun interface Mult<A> : Associative<A> {
infix operator fun A.times(other: A): A =
assoc(this, other)
fun interface Empty<A> {
fun empty(): A
fun interface Just<F, A> {
fun just(a: A): F
fun interface Functor<out A, B, out FB> {
fun map(f: (A) -> B): FB
inline fun <A, B, FB> Functor<A, Tuple2<A, B>, FB>.fproduct(crossinline f: (A) -> B): FB =
map { Tuple2(it, f(it)) }
inline fun <A, FB> Functor<A, Unit, FB>.unit(): FB =
map { Unit }
inline fun <FA, A, B, FB> Functor<A, B, FB>.lift(noinline f: (A) -> B): (FA) -> FB =
{ map(f) }
inline fun <A, B, FB> Functor<A, B, FB>.mapConst(b: B): FB =
map { b }
inline fun <A, B, FB> Functor<A, Tuple2<B, A>, FB>.tupleLeft(b: B): FB =
map { Tuple2(b, it) }
inline fun <A, B, FB> Functor<A, Tuple2<A, B>, FB>.tupleRight(b: B): FB =
map { Tuple2(it, b) }
fun interface FlatMap<A, FB> {
fun flatMap(f: (A) -> FB): FB
fun interface Effect<F> {
fun control(): DelimitedScope<F>
suspend inline fun <FA, Eff: Effect<FA>, A> computation(
just : Just<FA, A>,
crossinline eff: (DelimitedScope<FA>) -> Eff,
crossinline block: suspend Eff.() -> A
): FA =
Reset.single { just.just(block(eff(this))) }
fun interface Foldable<out A, B> {
fun foldLeft(empty: B, f: (B, A) -> B): B
inline fun <A, B> Foldable<A, B>.foldMap(MN: Associative<B>, empty: Empty<B>, crossinline f: (A) -> B): B = { foldLeft(empty.empty()) { b, a -> assoc(b, f(a)) } }
fun interface Traversable<A, B, FB> {
fun traverse(f: (A) -> Iterable<B>): List<FB>
inline fun <A, FA> Traversable<A, A, FA>.sequence(): List<FA> =
traverse { listOf(it) }
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