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Created November 14, 2020 19:26
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Marco's question in slack
package arrow.prelude.test
import arrow.continuations.generic.DelimContScope
import arrow.continuations.generic.DelimitedScope
abstract class ST<S, A> @PublishedApi internal constructor() {
companion object {
operator fun <S, A> invoke(a: () -> A): ST<S, A> {
val memo by lazy(a)
return object : ST<S, A>() {
override suspend fun run(s: S) = Pair(memo, s)
suspend fun <A> runST(st: RunnableST<A>): A =
internal abstract suspend fun run(s: S): Pair<A, S>
inline fun <B> map(crossinline f: (A) -> B): ST<S, B> = object : ST<S, B>() {
override suspend fun run(s: S): Pair<B, S> {
val (a, s1) =
return Pair(f(a), s1)
fun <B> flatMap(f: suspend (A) -> ST<S, B>): ST<S, B> = object : ST<S, B>() {
override suspend fun run(s: S): Pair<B, S> {
val (a, s1) =
return f(a).run(s1)
interface RunnableST<A> {
suspend fun <S> invoke(): ST<S, A>
abstract class STRef<S, A> private constructor() {
companion object {
operator fun <S, A> invoke(a: A): ST<S, STRef<S, A>> = ST {
object : STRef<S, A>() {
override var cell: A = a
protected abstract var cell: A
fun read(): ST<S, A> = ST {
fun write(a: A): ST<S, Unit> = object : ST<S, Unit>() {
override suspend fun run(s: S): Pair<Unit, S> {
cell = a //I guess this is atomic?
return Pair(Unit, s)
* Effect will replace [Monad] an all functor like combinators that need
* kind emulation since in suspension all those are unnecessary given you
* can always obtain F<A> -> A
interface Effect<F> {
val scope: DelimitedScope<F>
* A handler implements a set of capabilities for a use case.
* In this case [EitherEffect] serves the purpose of describing what's available
* in [st] computational blocks. This declaration is equivalent to a
* type class instances if we accept the block is how type-classes expose all capabilities.
* While these blocks are monadic in this implementation all kinds of other specialized
* handlers are possible.
class STEffect<S, A>(override val scope: DelimitedScope<ST<S, A>>) :
Effect<ST<S, A>> {
suspend operator fun <B> ST<S, B>.invoke(): B =
scope.shift { cb -> flatMap { cb(it) } }
* This function exposes your effect for users to consume where they can access all functions
* described in in [STEffect]
inline fun <S, A> st(crossinline f: suspend STEffect<S, A>.() -> A): ST<S, A> =
DelimContScope.reset { f(STEffect(this)).run { ST { this } } }
//TODO: wish to write the following with a for comprehension
suspend fun x() = STRef<String, Int>(10).flatMap { r1 ->
STRef<String, Int>(20).flatMap { r2 -> { x -> { y ->
r1.write(y + 1).flatMap {
r2.write(x + 1).flatMap { { a -> { b ->
Pair(a, b)
suspend fun xSimpler(): ST<String, Pair<Int, Int>> =
st {
val r1 = STRef<String, Int>(10)()
val r2 = STRef<String, Int>(10)()
val x =
val y =
r1.write(y + 1)()
r2.write(x + 1)()
val a =
val b =
a to b
suspend fun main() {
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