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AWS Lambda, now with first class parentheses

A simple, powerful and compelling story for deploying Clojure with no overhead on AWS Lambdas.


AWS Lambda and Clojure frustrations

AWS Lambda has proven itself to be very useful for expediting small, discrete tasks. It can be used to process streaming events, storage events and to fulfil API responses among a plethora of other use cases. All without the need to manage any server or networking infrastructure. I don’t believe they will take over the world, but they’re here to stay, and so we need Lambdas in Clojure to be first class.

So far, our collective ability to use Clojure to implement AWS Lambdas has been hampered, either by poor cold starts for Clojure, or complex tool chains and deployment processes for ClojureScript.

This is hindered further by the size of built artifacts. They are often larger than the Lambda console 3MB limit which prevents editing. This reduces our ability to try out small tweaks and experiments in the absence of our beloved REPL.

Enter nbb.

Serverless joy with nbb

nbb is a scripting tool that interprets ClojureScript using the nodejs runtime. It was not made for AWS Lambda but is a great fit to the constraints of serverless environments. Specifically, it offers:

  • Blazing fast starts: sub-millisecond. AWS provisioning latency is your only overhead, so no worse than any other language and better than many.

  • Simplicity: the code is interpreted directly rather than needing an intermediate compilation step

  • Small and editable: nbb produces distributions with plain Clojure inside, and small enough to be edited in the console.

  • Performance: it has comparable performance to compiled ClojureScript programs.

Local serverless

The tooling to execute Lambdas locally is not…​ great, mature or, to put it bluntly, acceptable.

With nbb, local development is a breeze. No need for any emulators. Just grab some sample JSON and start feeding it to your handlers that you can run directly in the CLI or in a REPL.

API Gateway vs Lambda console testing

Often you want to put Lambdas behind the AWS API Gateway and be able to test them via the both the API Gateway console and the Lambda console.

The shape of the events are different depending on their source so here is an example of how to unify that approach. The same could be adapted for events from S3, DynamoDB, etc.

(defn parse-event
  (let [clj-event (js->clj event :keywordize-keys true)]
    (if (get clj-event :requestContext)                   ;; invoked via API Gateway.
     (-> clj-event (get :body) (js/JSON.parse) (js->clj :keywordize-keys true))

Likewise, when responding one needs to make the data specific for API Gateway. Here is one way:

(defn handler [event _ctx]
  (p/let [response (-> event (parse-event) (->encrypted-response))]
   (if response
     (clj->js {:statusCode 200
               :body       (js/JSON.stringify (clj->js response))})
     (clj->js {:statusCode 500}))))

You can also specify a different Content-Type header to produce HTML, CSVs etc.

Lambda URLS, ALB, etc

You can now access Lambdas via dedicated HTTP URLs - great for webhooks or such. Likewise, you can invoke Lambdas behind an Application Load Balancer with some further restrictions.

The model for producing valid responses is the same as that for API Gateway.

Performance tweaking

While not something specific to nbb, it’s worth pointing out that AWS Lambdas are capable of high performance.

One thing to note is how to measure performance on nodejs - remember promises are asynchronous.

(p/let [time-start (js/
        event' (-> event (parse-event))
        response (some-async-call event')]
  (println "Elapsed:" (- (js/ time-start) "ms")

One of the Lambda functions I am working with has some crypto functions, which should not be super stressful for modern CPUs. Indeed, the Lambda runs with an acceptable latency of ~50ms locally, but even with warm starts the default Lambda would not go below ~300ms. That’s not super slow, but it’s not great either.

Anything over 100ms for this kind of stuff makes me scratch my head. I reasoned that my local PC has a powerful 24-core AMD Ryzen9, 64GB RAM and a fast SSD. So was I cheating? Maybe the code or algorithms were not correct.

Before going there, and after some advice from @borkdude (of course) I tweaked the runtime of the Lambda, bit by bit:

  • CPU Architecture: from AMD → ARM.

    • 10-20% better performance and, at very high scale, slightly lower cost.

  • RAM Provisioned: from 128Mb in doubling increments to 1Gb.

    • Big improvements on each increment up to 1Gb. Nothing meaningful in this case after that though YMMV.

    • $/ms prices go from $0.0000000017 to $0.0000000133. If you expect millions of calls this is worth caring about. For many cases, it won’t matter.

The resulting latency was ~30ms. Faster than my local PC! Maybe some Apple Silicon compares but this was quite a pleasant surprise.

How? AWS allocates CPU linearly in proportion to the amount of RAM allocated, so by allocating more RAM we are allocated more CPU.

I didn’t do the maths to calculate the ROI of lower charging duration vs the increased cost per allocated MB but there is obviously a cross-over point where lower latency is going to help if the numbers are large.

So good news: with this level of performance, I’m not planning to make any code changes.

nbb and nodejs on Lambda - CPU bound?

The design of nodejs was meant specifically to enable evented IO. See this deep cut interview and transcript with Ryan Dahl from 2010.

One of the most important aspects of nodejs that developers need to be careful of is hogging the CPU: that prevents the event loop from making progress which can create huge problems on the server.

But Lambdas aren’t like that: you can consume as much CPU as you wish because it’s not multi-user! This could result in new and simpler designs for Lambda functions.

nbb - managing promises

One might argue, given the above, that you are paying the cognitive price of the asynchronous model without any need.

With nbb - like any CLJS app - you can use promesa, specifically p/let which takes away 90% of that cost. All the promises inside the bindings are resolved, in sequential order, before executing the body.

This is an example of the code to encrypt some data via nbb. It looks like standard Clojure.

(defn- ->encrypted-response
 [{:keys [signing-key encryption-key signature signed-property request-data]}]
 (p/let [signing-key (import-signing-key signing-key)
         encryption-key (import-crypto-key encryption-key)
         signed-data (get request-data signed-property)
         verified? (verify signing-key signature signed-data)
         encrypted-data (when verified? (obtain-pin encryption-key))]
        (when encrypted-data
          {:pin encrypted-data})))

Bonus: AWS Lambda expects to be returned a promise, and you get that for free with promesa


Rounding things up:

  • Lambdas are here to stay and we need a first-class Clojure experience

  • nbb is the best candidate I have yet seen to claim this crown

    • zero overhead start time

    • simple and small toolchain

Scripting with nbb is a great match for the design ethos of AWS Lambdas: small, fast and direct.

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