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Last active October 6, 2020 12:48
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Sonic Pi pays Frere Jaques using onsets from a random sample file Hear it on
#random sample tune using Freres Jaques by Robin Newman, Oct 2020
#for random sample competition
#the random sample I was presented with was of a random elictricity buzz
#I read and save the onset info which produced 14 sections
#the first consisted of clicks, but the remainder I use to produce a "synth"
#with differnt tones. I then used these to play four aprt rounds of frere jaques
#finishing with one load very low frequency version.
use_debug false
#s holds the path to the sample from
#adjust path to suit your installation
s= "/Users/rbn/Downloads/260832__sophronsinesounddesign__random11-electricity.wav"
#listOnsets uses a lanbda function to save a list of the onset maps
define :listOnsets do |s|
set :onsetsMaps,[] #initialise a blank list
l = lambda {|c| set :onsetsMaps,c.to_a; c[0]} #set the info obtained in :listonsets
sample s, onset: l,amp: 0,finish: 0 #trigger the lambda function played sample at 0 volume and finish=0
return get(:onsetsMaps)
#nfr and fr hold the note and duration info for the tune frere jaques
#puts nfr
#puts dfr
#d stores the duration of the sample, and od stores the onset info in a list in the form
#[(map start: 0.0, finish: 0.004517767793026575, index: 0), (map start: 0.004517767793026575, finish: 0.052125084005523396, index: 1),....
d= sample_duration s
od = listOnsets s
#puts od #fordebug/checking
#l holds the number of onsets
l =od.length
#sd willl hod list of onset data in form [[start fraction,finish fraction,finish-start][start....
l.times do |x|
sd[x]= od[x][:start],od[x][:finish], (od[x][:finish]-od[x][:start])
#puts sd #for debug/checking
#pl plays a given onset of the sample at a relative pitch adjusted to give a desired note
#the amount of the offset can be adjusted by parameter d (0-1)
#the pan settting can be specified as can the amplitude and a note offset for transposition
#use of min function to prevent wrap round of onset to start playing again
define :pl do |n,os,d=1,p=0,a=1,off=0|
sample s,rpitch: note(n)-56+off,start: sd[os][0],finish: (sd[os][0]+sd[os][2]*[d,1].min),pan: p,amp: a,cutoff: 108
#plfr plays the tune frere jaques in a thread, using a given onset number as the basis of the notes
#the pan settings can be specified, and the transposition
#del is used to adjust the tempo,and factor the length of notes
define :plfr do |num,pan,del,factor,offset|
in_thread do do |nx,dx|
pl nx,num,2*del*factor*dx,pan,1,offset
sleep dx*del
#start playing here========================================
puts "The random sample from was:"
puts ""
puts "260832__sophronsinesounddesign__random11-electricity.wav"
sample s #first play the original sample
sleep d
sleep 2
puts "now use the sample onsets to produce different tinbre 'synths'"
puts "and play 3 sets of four part rounds"
#now play four part rounds using differnt "synth voices" from differnt onsets
with_fx :lpf,cutoff: 124 do
with_fx :wobble,phase: 16,wave: 3,mix: 0.7 do |wb|
set :wb,wb #save reference to wobble fx so it can be cpntrolled
3.times do |nx| #loop 3 times to use 12 different osnet produced "synths"
#adjust wobble phase to sync to frere jaques tempo
control get(:wb),phase: [16,16*0.35/0.5,16*0.2/0.5].look
#use nextfour onsets to generage 4 aprt frere jaques
plfr 1+nx*4,-0.8,dv.look,fac.look,olist.look
sleep 8*dv.look
plfr 2+nx*4,-0.3,dv.look,fac.look,olist.look
sleep 8*dv.look
plfr 3+nx*4,0.3,dv.look,fac.look,olist.look
sleep 8*dv.look
plfr 4+nx*4,0.6,dv.look,fac.look,olist.look
sleep 32*dv.look
end #wobble
puts "finish with stonking loud frere jaques. Mind your speakers!"
sleep 1
#use last onset (13) to give a stonking loud frere jqaues to finish. Mind your speakers!
with_fx :gverb,room: 40,mix: 0.7 do #gverb to boost it!
plfr 13,0,0.75,1,-12
end #lpf
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