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Last active February 15, 2016 22:31
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Programs for use with Flotilla and Sniff to control Sonic Pi PlaySP.sniff showed initial concept works, PlaySPnotes.sniff was the first full program developed, and PlaySPnotesb.sniff was the final version. See article at
make system device
make command string
make flotilla device
make keypad flotillaTouch device
make key1 boolean
make key2 boolean
make key3 boolean
make key4 boolean
when start
..tell keypad to "update"
..if key1
...set command to "sonic_pi 'sample :loop_amen_full'"
...tell system to "run"
..if key2
...set command to"sonic_pi 'play [:c4,:e4,:g4,:c5],release: 4'"
...tell system to "run"
..if key3
...set command to "sonic_pi 'play_pattern_timed scale(:c4,:major),0.3'"
...tell system to "run"
..if key4
...set command to "sonic_pi stop"
...tell system to "run"
..wait 0.1 secs
#program to control Sonic Pi from Flotilla written by Robin Newman, Feb 2016
#requires rainbow, touch keypad, slider and rotary dial modules
#to be connected to the flotilla hub
#also requires Sonic Pi to be running and sonic-pi-cli gem
#to be installed
#tested on Pi2 and Mac OSX
make system device
make command string
make flotilla device
make keypad flotillaTouch device
make key1 boolean
make key2 boolean
make key3 boolean
make key4 boolean
make slider flotillaSlider device
make position number
make base number
make dial flotillaDial device
make synths list of strings
make cursynth string
make index number
make rainbow flotillaRainbow device
make rainbowShade list of number
make rainbowColor list of number
make count number
make ledCount number
when start
.add ":tri" to synths
.add ":saw" to synths
.add ":tb303" to synths
.add ":fm" to synths
.add ":mod_tri" to synths
.set ledCount to 5
.repeat ledCount
..add 0 to rainbowColor
..tell dial to "update"
..set index to round(position *4) + 1
..set cursynth to item index of synths
..#say cursynth
..#say [index]
..set count to 1
..delete all of rainbowShade
..repeat ledCount
...if index = count
....add 10 to rainbowShade
....add 0 to rainbowShade
...change count by 1
..tell rainbow to "update"
..tell slider to "update"
..set base to round(position *5)
..#say join"base: "[base]
..tell keypad to "update"
..if key1
...set command to join "sonic_pi 'use_synth " cursynth
...set command to join command "; play note(:c4)+"
...set command to join command [base]
...set command to join command ",sustain: 20'"
...tell system to "run"
...repeat until not key1
....tell keypad to "update"
....wait 0.05 secs
...set command to "sonic_pi stop"
...tell system to "run"
..if key2
...set command to join "sonic_pi 'use_synth " cursynth
...set command to join command "; play note(:e4)+"
...set command to join command [base]
...set command to join command ",sustain: 20'"
...tell system to "run"
...repeat until not key2
....tell keypad to "update"
....wait 0.05 secs
...set command to "sonic_pi stop"
...tell system to "run"
..if key3
...set command to join "sonic_pi 'use_synth " cursynth
...set command to join command "; play note(:g4)+"
...set command to join command [base]
...set command to join command ",sustain: 20'"
...tell system to "run"
...repeat until not key3
....tell keypad to "update"
....wait 0.02 secs
...set command to "sonic_pi stop"
...tell system to "run"
..if key4
...set command to join "sonic_pi 'use_synth " cursynth
...set command to join command "; play note(:c5)+"
...set command to join command [base]
...set command to join command ",sustain: 20'"
...tell system to "run"
...repeat until not key4
....tell keypad to "update"
....wait 0.02 secs
...set command to "sonic_pi stop"
...tell system to "run"
..wait 0.02 secs
#program to control Sonic Pi from Flotilla written by Robin Newman, Feb 2016
#requires rainbow, touch keypad, slider and rotary dial modules
#to be connected to the flotilla hub
#also requires Sonic Pi to be running and sonic-pi-cli gem
#to be installed
#tested on Pi2 and Mac OSX
#version 2 uses broadcast to reduce program size
#also allows dual use of teh leds to indicate both slider AND dial selections
make system device
make command string
make flotilla device
make keypad flotillaTouch device
make key1 boolean
make key2 boolean
make key3 boolean
make key4 boolean
make slider flotillaSlider device
make position number
make noteOffset number
make dial flotillaDial device
make synths list of strings
make currSynth string
make lastSynth string
make index number
make rainbow flotillaRainbow device
make rainbowShade list of number
make rainbowColor list of number
make count number
make ledCount number
make noteVal number
make ledChoice number
when start
.#set up list of synths
.add ":tri" to synths
.add ":saw" to synths
.add ":tb303" to synths
.add ":fm" to synths
.add ":mod_tri" to synths
.set lastSynth to ":tri" #used to check if the current synth has changed
.set ledCount to 5
.repeat ledCount
..add 0 to rainbowColor #initialise the led colours to use (red)
.forever #start main loop
.. #select the synth to use
..tell dial to "update"
..set index to round(position *4) + 1 #gives range 1 to 5
..set currSynth to item index of synths #get the synth name
..#say currSynth
..#say [index]
..if not currSynth = lastSynth #check if it has changed
...set lastSynth to currSynth #is so update lastSynth
...set ledChoice to index #set choice for led to turn on
...broadcast ledOn #turn it on (it will flash for 0.3 seconds)
...wait 0.3 secs
..#now check slider position
..tell slider to "update"
..set noteOffset to round(position *5) #set noteOffset 0..5 according to slider position
..#say join"noteOffset: "[noteOffset]
..#set ledChoice to noteOffset and display on rainbow
..set ledChoice to noteOffset
..broadcast ledOn
..#now poll keypad, set noteVal according to key depressed and broadcast keyDown
..#wait for completion of any keyDown even before trying another one.
..tell keypad to "update"
..# if a keypress is detected process the relevant note
..if key1
...set noteVal to 60 + noteOffset # 60 is note :c4
...broadcast keyDown and wait #broadcast to the routine processing keyDown
..if key2
...set noteVal to 64 + noteOffset # 64 is note :e4
...broadcast keyDown and wait
..if key3
...set noteVal to 67 + noteOffset # 67 is note :g4
...broadcast keyDown and wait
..if key4
...set noteVal to 72 + noteOffset # 72 is note :c5
...broadcast keyDown and wait
..wait 0.005 secs #small gap so loop is not solidly continuous
when keyDown #handle key pressed event
.#say "keydown"
.set command to join "sonic_pi 'use_synth " currSynth # build up command string
.set command to join command "; play "
.set command to join command [noteVal]
.set command to join command ",sustain: 20'"
.# typical command string will be "sonic_pi 'use synth :tri, play 64+2,sustain: 20'"
.#say command
.tell system to "run" #send the command to sonic_cli to play the next note
.repeat until not key1 and not key2 and not key3 and not key4 #wait till none pressed.
..tell keypad to "update"
..wait 0.005 secs
.#say "keysUp"
.set command to "sonic_pi stop" #set up command to stop
.tell system to "run" #send stop to the sonic_cli
when ledOn #handles displaying the selected led
.#say [ledChoice]
.set count to 1
.delete all of rainbowShade #empty out previous values
.repeat ledCount #now insert the new value in this loop
..if ledChoice = count
...add 10 to rainbowShade
...add 0 to rainbowShade
..change count by 1
.tell rainbow to "update" #update rainbow with the new ledChoice
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