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Last active February 20, 2018 03:01
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Sonic Pi 3 Musical Talking Clock tested on Pi3 and Mac. Requires download of samples Video of operation at
//Analog clock with figures based on example on Processing Site, and various on YouTube
//adjusted by Robin Newman
//add SansSerif-18.vlw from Tools->Create Font... (smooth)
int cx, cy;
float secondsRadius;
float minutesRadius;
float hoursRadius;
float clockDiameter;
void setup() {
PFont font = loadFont("SansSerif-18.vlw");
float radius = min(width/1.2, height/1.2) / 2;
secondsRadius = radius * 0.72;
minutesRadius = radius * 0.60;
hoursRadius = radius * 0.50;
clockDiameter = radius * 1.8;
cx = width / 2;
cy = height / 2;
void draw() {
background(20,20,255); //adjust as desired
// Draw the clock background
ellipse(cx, cy, clockDiameter, clockDiameter);
// Angles for sin() and cos() start at 3 o'clock;
// subtract HALF_PI to make them start at the top
float s = map(second(), 0, 60, 0, TWO_PI) - HALF_PI;
float m = map(minute() + norm(second(), 0, 60), 0, 60, 0, TWO_PI) - HALF_PI;
float h = map(hour() + norm(minute(), 0, 60), 0, 24, 0, TWO_PI * 2) - HALF_PI;
// Draw the hands of the clock
line(cx, cy, cx + cos(s) * secondsRadius, cy + sin(s) * secondsRadius);
line(cx, cy, cx + cos(m) * minutesRadius, cy + sin(m) * minutesRadius);
line(cx, cy, cx + cos(h) * hoursRadius, cy + sin(h) * hoursRadius);
// Draw the dots arround the clock
for (int a = 0; a < 360; a+=6) {
float angle = radians(a);
float x = cx + cos(angle) * secondsRadius;
float y = cy + sin(angle) * secondsRadius;
if( a%30 !=0){ //miss out point if numerical position for hour
vertex(x, y);}
int hour = 3;
for (int a = 0; a < 360; a+=30) {
float angle = radians(a);
float x = cx + cos(angle) * secondsRadius;
float y = cy + sin(angle) * secondsRadius;
vertex(x, y); //add point to show minite position on face
//text(hour, x, y);
if(hour > 12){
hour = 1;
text("Sonic Pi Musical Talking Clock", width/2,20);
text("Clock Face by Processing Script", width/2,height-30);
#Sonic Pi playing and speaking clock by Robin Newman version 0.8
#requires samples saying zero,1-20,30,40 and 50 saved in that order in a folder
#uses Ruby function to get time info. This is split up by functions
#hours, mins and secs to give three integer values (24 hour clock)
use_debug false
use_sched_ahead_time 0 #important no delays for a clock!
#adjust next four lines to select options
set :enabletenths,true
set :enablesecs,true
set :enablespeech,true
set :enablechimes,true
path ="~/Desktop/count2" #path to samples
load_samples path
load_sample :ambi_glass_rub
use_synth :saw #synth to play notes
#first section defines data for quarter,half,three quarters and hour chimes
quarter= [:a3,:g3,:f3,:c3]
k=0.629 #intetchime gap (from Westminster Clock)
qd=[k]*4 #durations for quarter chimes
rv=[0.822] #gap between groups of four chimes
half=[:f3,:a3,:g3,:c3, :r, :c3,:g3,:a3,:f3]
hd=[k]*4+ rv +[k]*4 #durations for half chimes
hrv=5 #gap between hour chimes and first "bong" for the hour
threequarters=[:a3,:f3,:g3,:c3, :r, :c3,:g3,:a3,:f3, :r, :a3,:g3,:f3,:c3]
tqd=[k]*4+rv+[k]*4+rv+[k]*4 #durations for threequarter chimes
hour=[:f3,:a3,:g3,:c3, :r, :f3,:g3,:a3,:f3, :r, :a3,:f3,:g3,:c3, :r, :c3,:g3,:a3,:f3]
hd=[k]*4+rv+[k]*4+rv+[k]*4+rv+[k]*4 #durations for hour chimes
anticipate=16*k+3*rv[0]+hrv #start hour chimes this time BEFORE the hour
anticipateInt=anticipate.to_int #int part of anticipate
anticipateFrac=anticipate-anticipateInt #fractional part of anticipate
#puts anticipateInt, anticipateFrac
bong=:c3 #pitch for "bongs" also an octave higher
define :playsamp do |n,k| #function to play sample for chimes and "bong"
mutechimes=1 if get(:enablechimes)
sample :ambi_glass_rub,start: 0.09,sustain: 0.1*k,release: 0.9*k,amp: 0.6*mutechimes,rpitch: note(n)-note(:fs4)
define :playchimes do |notes,durations| #function to play series of notes with sample do |n,d|
playsamp n,d if n !=:r
sleep d
define :playbongs do |n|
#function to play bongs with gverb
n=12 if n==0 #play 12 "bongs" at midnight not zero
n=n-12 if n>12
n.times do
playsamp bong, k
playsamp note(bong+12),k
sleep 1
#end of chimes setup
define :speak do |n,hm=0| #n is integer 0...59, v allows volums change if required
mutesample=1 if get(:enablespeech) #don't mute whole live loop so still get printout
f=n/10 #first digit
s=n%10 #second digit
if n < 21 #up to 20 recorded as a single sample
puts "Number to speak is #{n}"
sample path,n ,amp: mutesample
sleep 0.75 #gap before next sample
else #above 20 may require two samples to speak
puts "Two samples to speak: #{f*10}, #{s}" if s>0
puts "Number to speak is #{f*10}" if s==0
sample path,[20,21,22,23][f-2],amp: mutesample #f-2 gives offset to required sample
sleep 0.75 #gap between speaking samples
sample path,s ,amp: mutesample if s>0
sleep 0.75 if s > 0 #extra gap if two samples used
if get(:enablespeech) #only add further speech if enabled
sample path,24 if hm==0 #add "seconds"
sample path,25 if hm==1 and mins != 1#add "minutes"
sample path,25,finish: 0.58 if hm==1 and mins ==1 #cut the s at the end of minute
sample path,26 if hm==2 #add "hours"
sleep 0.75 #allows for different sections in the loop to have completed before next pass
define :hours do #returns hours as an integer 0-23
define :mins do #returns minutes as an integer 0-59
define :secs do #returns seconds as an integer 0-59 (I have not catered for "60" leap seconds)
return (
###### The following live loops produce the output in speech,notes and chimes
set :inhibit,false #inhibts on the hour when hour "bongs" are played
live_loop :announce,sync: :go do #speaks the time every minute in full (apart from when hour is "bonged")
if secs == 0 and !get(:inhibit)
speak hours,2
#sleep 0.75
speak mins,1
sleep 0.6
live_loop :playtime,sync: :go do #play notes for the minutes and announce seconds every 15 seconds
cue :chimetest
n=scale :c3,:major,num_octaves: 5 #notes to play
muteflag=1 if get(:enablesecs)
muteflag1=1 if get(:enabletenths)
if secs < 30
offset = secs
offset = 60-secs
puts "#{secs} seconds"
play n[offset],amp: 0.03*muteflag,release: 1
in_thread do #play tenths of seconds
use_synth :beep
9.times do |z|
play n[offset]+z,amp: 0.05*muteflag1,release: 0.08
sleep 0.1
play n[offset]+9,amp: 0.05*muteflag1,release: 0.08 #no sleep last time makes thread a bit shorter
in_thread do #announce quarter minutes
speak 15 if secs == 15
speak 30 if secs == 30
speak 45 if secs == 45
sleep 1 #loop takes 1 second to complete.
#section to play chimes and hour "bongs" Use separate live_loop for each to try and minimise timeouts. cue from playtime loop
with_fx :gverb,room: 15,mix: 0.8 do
live_loop :chimesQ,sync: :go do
sync :chimetest
if mins==25 and secs==0 #check for 15 mins past hour
playchimes quarter,qd #play quarter chimes
sleep 12 #allow time for chimes to finish
live_loop :chimesH,sync: :go do
sync :chimetest
if mins==30 and secs==0 #check for 30 mins past hour
playchimes half,hd #play half hour chimes
sleep 12 #allow time for chimes to finish
live_loop :chimesT,sync: :go do
sync :chimetest
if mins==45 and secs==0 #check for 45 mins past hour
playchimes threequarters,tqd #play three quarters chimes
sleep 12 #allow time for chimes to finish
live_loop :chimesF,sync: :go do
sync :chimetest
if mins==59 and secs==60-anticipateInt #anticipate the hour to allow chimes to fimihsh
set :inhibit,true
sleep anticipateFrac
playchimes hour,hd #play chimes for thr hour (in advnace of thr actual hour)
sleep 12 #allow time for chimes to finish
live_loop :chimesB,sync: :go do
sync :chimetest
if mins== 28 and secs==0 #play a "bong" for each hour at second intervals
playbongs hours
set :inhibit,false
sleep 12 #allow time for chimes to finish
######## following code sycs and starts the live loops
sleep 2 #wait 2 secs to allow loops and sample loads to settle
set :t,secs #store current secs in time state
until secs>get(:t)
sleep 0.05
cue :go #trigger loops on a secs change
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rbnpi commented Feb 17, 2018

Clock gives rising and falling scale for seconds, with faster notes for 1/10th seconds. Speaks at 15,30 and 45 seconds and announces time at the minute. Also plays Westminster Chimes on quarter, half, three-quarter and hour, with "bongs" for the hour.
Each section can be enabled/disabled at the start of the program, which can be re-run whilst running. May occasionally require re-running as timing issues when garbage-collection occurs, as the program is run with zero sched_ahead_time. You need to download and install the speech samples from and place them in a suitable location pointed to by line 13 of the Sonic Pi program. Also included is an optional Processing .pde file which can be run with Processing 3 to give further visual output. It is not connected to the Sonic Pi program at all. Note you should add a font SansSerif-18.vlw from the Tools...Create menu in Processing to run this,

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