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Last active July 4, 2022 07:43
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Sonic Pi program to display lissajous figures controlled by TouchOSC. Requires SP 2.12 midi-alpha6 or later. Video with details at

This program runs on Sonic Pi midi version. It works on SP 2.12-midi-alpha6 released recently to patreon subscribers of Sam Aaron see It also requires the program TouchOSC which is available for iPad or iPhone users at a very modest price. The TouchOSC file required to run this program is contained in the file index.xml To produce the TouchOSC file, download the raw file index.xml, right click it and select the Compress function. Rename the resulting file SPlissajous.touchosc and say Yes when it asks if you want to change the file extension. Open the file using the TouchOSC editor and download it to your iPad or other compatible device using the sync function. The layout is designed to fit on an iPhone or iPad. The SPlissajousTouchOSC.rb file should be downloaded and opened or pasted into a blank Sonic Pi buffer.

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#Sonic Pi Lissajous investigator by Robin Newman
#using a TouchOSC controller
use_osc "",9000 #adjust to suit your ipad/iphone ip
flip=1 #flips x and y plots on each iteration
use_debug false
use_cue_logging false
use_midi_logging false
use_debug false
use_osc_logging false
use_arg_checks false
#intial values for variables
midiVals=[0.2,0.333,1,0.25,0.80,0.25] #starting settings for sliders
#setup TouchOSC screen initial values
osc "/1/vBpm",vBpm
osc "/1/vDelay",vDelay
osc "/1/vVol",vVol
osc "/1/vAttack",vAttack
osc "/1/vSustain",vSustain
osc "/1/vRelease",vRelease
osc "/1/synthName",synthName
sleep 0.1
6.times do |i| #initialise sliders usinb mdi_cc commands
midi_cc i+1,midiVals[i]*127
midi_cc 11,127 #select switch for :sine synth
#list of frequency pairs
a=(ring [600,600],[600,540],[600,400],[300,600],[200,600],[150,600],[100,600])
ts=(ring 0,2,4,5,7,5,4,2,0,-1,-3,-5,-3,-1) #transpose settings
live_loop :liss,auto_cue: false do #main program live_loop
use_bpm vBpm
use_synth synthName
tick_set :tp, look/7
flip = -flip
use_transpose ts.look(:tp)
play hz_to_midi(b[0]),attack: vAttack,amp: vVol,sustain: vSustain,release: vRelease,pan: 1*flip
play hz_to_midi(b[1]),attack: vAttack,amp: vVol,sustain: vSustain,release: vRelease,pan: -1*flip
sleep vDelay
live_loop :control,auto_cue: false do #live loop to get input from TouchOSC
b= sync "/midi/*/*/*/control_change" #wait for next midi input (any device/port)
case b[0] #process according to control source b[0] range 1-6 and 11-16
when 1
vBpm=30+150*b[1].to_f/127 #get and scale bpm
osc "/1/vBpm",(vBpm*100).round.to_f/100 #update TouchOSC display
when 2
vDelay=1+b[1].to_f/127*3 #get and scale delay
osc "/1/vDelay",(vDelay*100).round.to_f/100 #update TouchOSC display
when 3
vVol=0.5+2.5*b[1].to_f/127 #get and scale volune
osc "/1/vVol",((vVol*100).to_f/100).round #update TouchOSC display
when 4
vAttack=0.5+2*b[1].to_f/127 #get and scale attack
osc "/1/vAttack",(vAttack*100).round.to_f/100 #update TouchOSC display
when 5
vSustain=2.5*b[1].to_f/127 #get and scale sustain
osc "/1/vSustain",(vSustain*100).round.to_f/100 #update TouchOSC display
when 6
vRelease=0.5+2*b[1].to_f/127 #get and scale release
osc "/1/vRelease",(vRelease*100).round.to_f/100 #update TouchOSC display
when 11,12,13,14,15,16 #deal with synths select multi toggle switch
if b[1]!=0 #only deal with switch turning on
synthNum=b[0]-11 #get synth offset in synthList
osc "/1/synthName",synthName #update TouchOSC displayed synth name
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