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Last active February 11, 2019 02:12
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Experimental program to explore using Sonic Pi 2.12.0dev-midi-alpha3 with a midi keyboard as an input device. Sounds are produced by SP using various features on the keyboard used (M-Audio Oxygen8 v2) An accompanying video illustrates the program in use and gives full details.
#experimental program to try out midi in with Sonic-Pi 2.12.0-midi-alpha3 by Robin Newman March 2017
#An Oxygen8 v2 keyboards is connected to my Mac.
#This sends midi signals to the m2o module of osmid which translates the midi to OSC and
#feeds the signals to the osc_cues_port in Sonic Pi
#the midi messages can therefore be detected by judicious use of the sync command
#look at the osmid_m2o and osc_cues logs to figure out the message(s) to intercept
#further useful info in osmid readme files at The osmid distribution is at
#in my case the keyboard was connected to port 2, and I used the first midi channel (0)
set_sched_ahead_time! 0.1 #reduced this to reduce latency
k=[] #define array to hold received midi data
k[1]=k[6]=k[32]=k[74]=k[52]=0.48;k[71]=k[83]=0 #initialise the controls I used on the Oxygen8 keyboard
#k[1] Modulation Wheel (pitch), k[6] Pan Value,k[32] cutoff, k[71] synth selection,k[83] volume
#k[74] sustain,k[52] release. Your keyboard may use/have different control numbers.
define :norm do |n| #scale 0->127 to 0->1
return n.to_f/127
sn= :tb303 #synth for zoom1 loop
sl=[:tb303,:beep,:prophet,:piano,:zawa,:mod_saw] #synth choice for keyboard
define :synthchoose do |v| #scale 0->1 to 0,1,2,3,4,5`
return (10*v+0.1).to_i/2
live_loop :cc do #loop to extract control change data
c=sync '/midi/2/0/control_change' #wait for cc signal check for port/channel values in log
k[c[2]]=norm(c[3]) #store scaled cc value in appropriate k array position
if c[2]==71 #print out selected synth name, or control + value for other controls
puts sl[synthchoose(k[71])]
puts "control",c[2],"value",c[3] ,norm(c[3])#print controller number and value
#sleep 0.01 #poll every 0.01 Sam Aaron suggested removing this sleep
live_loop :zoom1 do #play long note and control pitch,cutoff and volume using three controllers
use_synth sn
r=play 100*k[1],sustain: 1000,amp: 0
10000.times do
control r,note: 100*k[1],note_slide: 0.1,cutoff: 20+80*k[32],cutoff_slide: 0.1,amp: k[83],amp_slide: 0.1,pan: 2*k[6]-1,pan_slide: 0.1
sleep 0.1 #poll every 0.1
with_fx :gverb,room: 25,mix: 0.4 do #add gverb to kybd loop
live_loop :kybd do
s=sync '/midi/2/0/note_on' #wait for note_on
puts s #for testing
#choose synth with cc 71
n= s[2]
v= norm(s[3]) #velocity value 0 when note goes to off
synth sl[synthchoose(k[71])],note: n,amp: v,sustain: k[74]*2,release: k[52]*2
#sleep 0.005 #Sam Aaaron suggested removing this sleep Now plays chords fine!!!!
live_loop :bong do #percussion using 6 transport keys on Oxygen8
#controls 20,21,22,23,24 and 25
b=sync '/midi/2/0/control_change'
sample :elec_bong, amp: 1.5 if b[2]==20 and b[3]==127
sample :perc_snap, amp: 0.8 if b[2]==21 and b[3]==127
sample :bd_haus, amp: 2 if b[2]==22 and b[3]==127
sample :drum_cymbal_closed, amp: 2 if b[2]==23 and b[3]==127
sample :loop_amen_full,amp: 2 if b[2]==24 and b[3]==127
sample :loop_mika,amp: 4 if b[2]==25 and b[3]==127
sleep 0.1
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Enkerli commented Mar 30, 2017

Very interesting!
@llloret says osmid is used by Sonic Pi. Does it mean that we don’t need to install it separately to run your code?

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256k commented Feb 11, 2019


thanks for that nice script and associated video on youtube!

Is there a way to get continuous control of a synth parameter using a midi knob but instead of a super long single note like you do in the video, of a loop that keeps repeating?

I really can't crack this one I'm new to sonic pi but i really wanna get midi cc to control synths without having to retrigger the note every single time

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