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Created May 15, 2012 18:20
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Save rbrooks/2703928 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Migrate GitHub Issues to Pivotal Tracker
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Author: Russ Brooks, TelVue Corporation (
# Description: Migrates GitHub Issues to Pivotal Tracker.
# Dependencies: Ruby 1.9.2+
# GitHub API gem:
# Pivtal Tracker gem:
# 1. Change the constants below accordingly for your project.
# 2. Change the options in list_repo() method for your GitHub project.
# 3. Change the options in stories.create() method accordingly.
# 4. Change the options in notes.create() method accordingly.
# 5. gem install github_api
# 6. gem install pivotal-tracker
# 7. Save this code to a .rb file (gh_to_pt.rb), and chmod it executable [775].
# 8. Run this file: ./gh_to_pt.rb
# Dry-run it first by commenting the create() methods below.
# TODO: Exceoption handling. Pivotal create operations just silently fail right now.
# You have to just observe your Pivotal project immeidately afterwards.
GITHUB_USER = 'telvue'
GITHUB_REPO = 'Connect'
GITHUB_LOGIN = 'rbrooks'
GITHUB_PASSWORD = '************'
PIVOTAL_TOKEN = 'ff90000000f123c71e12cca9ead123aa'
require 'rubygems'
require 'github_api'
require 'pivotal-tracker'
github = user: GITHUB_USER, repo: GITHUB_REPO, login: GITHUB_LOGIN, password: GITHUB_PASSWORD
issues = github.issues.list_repo(GITHUB_USER, GITHUB_REPO,
milestone: 8, # Verison 1.1 is 8. Icebox is 6.
state: 'open',
per_page: 100, # 100 is max.
labels: 'Bug', # 'Story', 'Request', 'Bug', 'High', 'Critical'
sort: 'created', # 'created', 'updated', 'comments'
direction: 'asc' # 'asc', 'desc'. 'Ascending' because we want newest ones prioritized first in Pivotal.
# assignee: '*',
# mentioned: 'octocat',
# Get a single issue:
#issue = github.issues.find(GITHUB_USER, GITHUB_REPO, 301)
# Careful when getting a single issue. The signature of the objects
# returned is different than when iterating issues.list_repo().
# IOW, some stuff below breaks.
PivotalTracker::Client.token = PIVOTAL_TOKEN
proj = PivotalTracker::Project.find(PIVOTAL_PROJECT_ID)
# 100 per page is max, so we can iterate all pages like this:
# issues.each_page do |page|
# page.each do |issue|
# p
# end
# end
# But paging like that causes it to not pay attention to
# any filering above in the list_repo() method options.
# So we have to break thing up into sub-100 chunks.
i = 0
issues.each_with_index do |issue|
puts '*************************************************'
puts 'Owner: ' + issue.user.login
puts 'Assigned to: ' + issue.assignee.login if issue.assignee
puts 'Date: ' + issue.created_at
puts 'Story: ' + issue.title
puts '*************************************************'
puts issue.body
# # Create story in Pivotal Tracker
story = proj.stories.create(
name: issue.title,
description: issue.body,
created_at: issue.created_at,
# labels: 'Request',
# owned_by: issue.assignee.login,
# requested_by: issue.user.login,
story_type: 'bug', # 'bug', 'feature', 'chore', 'release'. Omitting makes it a feature.
current_state: 'unstarted' # 'unstarted', 'started', 'accepted', 'delivered', 'finished', 'unscheduled'.
# Omitting puts it in the Icebox.
# 'unstarted' puts it in 'Current' if Commit Mode is on; 'Backlog' if Auto Mode is on.
comments = github.issues.comments.all 'telvue', 'Connect', issue.number
comments.each do |comment|
puts '--------------'
puts 'From: ' + comment.user.login
puts 'Date: ' + comment.created_at
puts ''
puts comment.body
text: comment.body.gsub(/\r\n\r\n/, "\n\n"),
author: comment.user.login,
noted_at: comment.created_at
i = i + 1
puts '=============='
puts 'TOTAL MIGRATED: ' + i.to_s
puts '=============='
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defvol commented Apr 7, 2015

Script working!

@evabihari fix worked for me

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kigster commented Sep 9, 2020

I tried using this script in 2020, and unfortunately it wasn't working for me at all, as Github API has changed quite a bit.

Don't fret — you can now generate a CSV file of repo's issues, compatible with Pivotal Tracker's import tool, using my ruby gem githuh:

In the below example we export all issues from the repo kigster/simple-feed to a CSV file kigster.simple-feed.issues.csv:

gem install githuh --no-doc
githuh issue export kigster/simple-feed --api-token=XXXXXX 

You can provide your OAth token on the command line, or add it to your ~/.gitconfig as describe in this section of the README.

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