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= Network versioning using relationnodes
Recently there was a nice blog on versioning networks by Ian Robinson ([read it here]) on using identity nodes and separating structure from state. In this gist I'd like to put in my 2 cents by introducing another approach using _relationnodes_. This is more about structure of a network than about states of nodes, but it treats versioning differently. As Ian states in his blog, there's always a trade-off to be made, since versioning causes an extra load on storage and processing.
== Relationnodes?
=== What are relationnodes?
Relation nodes are intermediary nodes between two network nodes that represents the relation between the nodes.
So, if A and B are two network nodes, instead of connecting them with a relationship of `[:RELTYPE]`,
a relationnode is inserted in between, and is connected with a `[:RS]` and `[RE]` which stand for _relation start_ and _relation end_ respectively.
=== Why use relationnodes?
Neo4j (my preferred graph db) current 2.0.3. version does not allow to create relationships between a relationship and a node. And this is what I need if I want to indicate that a specific relationship between to network nodes belongs to a specific network, which is itself represented by a node.
In addition, my usecase requires me to share network nodes between networks, but in a different constellation.
Another reason is that a network is determined by the relationships between the nodes. Not by the nodes in themselves. If I have two nodes A and B, this doesn't tell me something about their relationship. Not its direction, not its type, or if there are multiple relationships connecting them. On the other hand, if I know a relationship, I know its starting/ending node and its type. A node can exist without relationships, while a relationship can only exist with a start and end node.
A fourth reason for using this approach is that it allows me to compare networks. For instance to answer questions like "Can version 3 of Network 1 co-exist with version 1 of Network 2?". This will not be subject of this gist however, since it requires some additional braintime.
== Creating a network
=== Setup
The process of creating a network has the following steps:
* Create a node representing a network
* Create network nodes
* Create relationnodes that are linked through `[:RS]` and `[:RE]` relations to network nodes and with an `[:UPDATE {type:'ADD', version:1]` to the network node.
A first version of Network 1 of chaining A to B to C is created by the setup query. Note that the `version` property of the `[:UPDATE]` relationship can simply be replaced or accompanied by a timestamp property, making the graph time-aware.
CREATE (_0:`nw` {`name`:"Network1"})
CREATE (_5:`nwnode` {`name`:"A"})
CREATE (_6:`nwnode` {`name`:"B"})
CREATE (_7:`nwnode` {`name`:"C"})
CREATE (_13:`relationnode` {`id`:1})
CREATE (_14:`relationnode` {`id`:2})
CREATE _5-[:`RS`]->_13
CREATE _6-[:`RS`]->_14
CREATE _13-[:`RE`]->_6
CREATE _14-[:`RE`]->_7
CREATE _0-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:1}]->_14
CREATE _0-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:1}]->_13
The relations in this network are:
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn:relationnode)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN as From, as To ORDER BY From,To
=== Adding a node to the network
If a node has to be added to the network, we need to:
* Create the new node
* Create a relationnode
* Create an `[:UPDATE]` this time with version:2
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"}),(sn:nwnode {name:"C"})
CREATE (_8:`nwnode` {`name`:"D"})
CREATE (_15:`relationnode` {`id`:3})
CREATE (sn)-[:`RS`]->_15-[:`RE`]->_8
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:2}]->_15
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WHERE u.version <=2
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN s,rn,e
The relations in version 2 of our network are:
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn:relationnode)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN as From, as To ORDER BY From,To
=== Removing a node from the network
If a node has to be removed to the network, what we do is to add an `[:UPDATE {type:'REMOVE', version:3}]` relation to the concerned relationnodes. So, removing node "C" entirely from Network 1 is a matter of:
* Finding the relationnodes connecting "C" with Network 1
* Create `[:UPDATE {type:'REMOVE', version:3}]` relationships between Network 1 and these relationnodes
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)-[:RS|RE]-(n:nwnode {name:"C"})
FOREACH ( i IN rns |
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"REMOVE", `version`:3}]->(i)
A full list of relations that exist now is given by this query:
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode),(s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN u.version AS Version,u.type AS UpdateType, AS From, AS To
ORDER BY Version,UpdateType,From
To get the relations in version 3 of our network, we have to limit the search to the network, and just take into account the transactions for which the most recent `[:UPDATE]` that have a type = "ADD".
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN as From, as To ORDER BY From,To
What you see is that by removing C we also cut D out of the network. Too bad, but fortunately we can also create relationships between existing nodes.
=== Create a link between two existing nodes
If a node has to be added to the network, we need to:
* Get the nodes
* Create a relationnode
* Create an `[:UPDATE]` this time with version:4
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"}),(sn:nwnode {name:"B"}),(en:nwnode {name:"D"})
CREATE (rn:`relationnode` {`id`:7})
CREATE (sn)-[:`RS`]->(rn)-[:`RE`]->(en)
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:4}]->(rn)
And the updated version of the network is:
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN as From, as To ORDER BY From,To
== Historical versions
A specific version of the network can be retrieved by just taking into account the `[:UPDATE]` relationships up to that version.
=== Version 1 of Network 1
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WHERE u.version <=1
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN as From, as To ORDER BY From,To
And as a graph (only works for now 14MAY2014 when you are here . Thanks @Jim_Salmons for pointing out)
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WHERE u.version <=1
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN s,rn,e
=== Version 2 of Network 1
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WHERE u.version <=2
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN as From, as To ORDER BY From,To
=== Version 3 of Network 1
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WHERE u.version <=3
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN as From, as To ORDER BY From,To
== Adding a second network
One of the reasons for this approach was that I need to be able to re-use the network nodes in a second network with its own relations.
Let's create a Network 2 with 2 versions.
* Version 1
** C to A
* Version 2
** A to D
** B to A
** D to E
** E to A
** E to B
MATCH (na:nwnode {name:"A"}),(nb:nwnode {name:"B"}),(nc:nwnode {name:"C"}),(nd:nwnode {name:"D"})
CREATE (nw:`nw` {`name`:"Network2"})
CREATE (ne:`nwnode` {`name`:"E"})
CREATE (nc)-[:`RS`]->(rn1:relationnode)-[:`RE`]->(na)
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:1}]->(rn1)
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"REMOVE", `version`:2}]->(rn1)
CREATE (nb)-[:`RS`]->(rn2:relationnode)-[:`RE`]->(na)
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:2}]->(rn2)
CREATE (na)-[:`RS`]->(rn3:relationnode)-[:`RE`]->(nd)
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:2}]->(rn3)
CREATE (nd)-[:`RS`]->(rn4:relationnode)-[:`RE`]->(ne)
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:2}]->(rn4)
CREATE (ne)-[:`RS`]->(rn5:relationnode)-[:`RE`]->(nb)
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:2}]->(rn5)
CREATE (ne)-[:`RS`]->(rn6:relationnode)-[:`RE`]->(na)
CREATE (nw)-[:`UPDATE` {`type`:"ADD", `version`:2}]->(rn6)
After which the relations of the current Network 2 are:
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network2"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN as From, as To ORDER BY From,To
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network2"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN s,rn,e
== Just checking
Version 2 of Network 1 is still intact of course.
MATCH (nw:nw {name:"Network1"})-[u:UPDATE]->(rn:relationnode)
WHERE u.version <=2
WITH rn,u.version AS uv,u.type AS ut ORDER BY,u.version DESC
WITH rn,HEAD(COLLECT(ut)) AS lastut
WHERE lastut="ADD"
MATCH (s:nwnode)-[:RS]->(rn)-[:RE]->(e:nwnode)
RETURN as From, as To ORDER BY From,To
== Afterthoughts
This is my first gist. Was fun setting it up. Would be great to have //graph thingies that visualise the query results, not the enitre graph. UPDATE : we have them on :) and somewhere in the near future also on I guess.
I prefer to do things as graphy as possible. Not sure if I succeeded in this one, but I try to keep in mind that opening and closing nodes and relationships instead of doing traversals comes at a cost.
Adding another property `{status: "pending"}` to the `[:UPDATE]` relationships will allow me to run cyphers answering questions like : "What if I do this?"
As I already said, adding timestamps to the `[:UPDATE]` relationships will make it time-aware. You could also create a linked list of version nodes and link the `[:UPDATE]` to those nodes.
Comparing different networks will be something for my next gist.
I will also be treating vizualsization aspects of working with relationnodes. Sometimes you want to see them, sometimes they get in the way because force-driven layouts may cause angles where you don't want them. Fortunately Cypher allows you to tweak results in a way that a viz engine can handle it, and to fool the viz engine so that it thinks what you feed it, is a relationship.
Interested? Follow me on @tomzeppenfeldt / @ophileon Any comments appreciated too of course.
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