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Last active June 9, 2020 15:06
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Create sorted word frequencies for word clouds, using Lumo and ClojureScript
;; using lumo for ClojureScript:
;; - size: 1920x1080
;; - size is typically around -45
;; - shape: rectangle
;; - theme: black on white
;; - font: Ariel
;; PS: Over the last 30 years, I've probably written this program over
;; 20 times in awk, perl, python, ruby... this was the first time writing
;; it in Clojure, my new favorite language. This time around, I used Lumo,
;; which feels much more like a scripting language than any other ClojureScript
;; implementation. Highly recommended!
;; There's another ClojureScript scripting alternative called Planck, which
;; also looks fantastic:
(ns split.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str]
[cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
[lumo.util :as util :refer [file-seq line-seq distinct-by]]
[goog.string :as gstr])
(:import [goog.string format StringBuffer]))
; helper function to check for presence of value in vector
(defn in?
"true if coll contains elem"
[coll elem]
(some #(= elem %) coll))
; words to filter out of list
(def common-words (util/line-seq "commonwords.txt"))
; source text
(def lines (util/line-seq "module6.txt"))
(println "# lines: " (count lines))
(def wlines (map #(clojure.string/split % #"[\s.,]+") lines))
(def words (map clojure.string/lower-case (flatten wlines)))
(def sorted-words (sort-by second > (frequencies words)))
(def top-words (filter #(>= (second %) 1) sorted-words))
(def top-new-words (filter #(not (in? common-words (first %))) top-words))
(def top-words (take 250 top-new-words))
(def out (map #(gstr/format "%d %s" (second %) (first %)) top-words))
(doseq [o out]
(println o))
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