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Last active January 14, 2023 20:43
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Custom compact report layout that puts pagination control into the first row, between the report title and control buttons
(ns com.example.ui.custom-report-control
[[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom :as dom :refer [div]]
[com.fulcrologic.semantic-ui.addons.pagination.ui-pagination :as sui-pagination]]
[[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.dom-server :as dom :refer [div]]])
[clojure.string :as str]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.components :as comp]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro-i18n.i18n :refer [tr trc]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.control :as control]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.options-util :refer [?!]]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.rendering.semantic-ui.form :as sui-form]
[ :as report]
[com.fulcrologic.rad.semantic-ui-options :as suo]))
; copied from com/fulcrologic/fulcro-rad-semantic-ui/1.2.7/fulcro-rad-semantic-ui-1.2.7.jar!/com/fulcrologic/rad/rendering/semantic_ui/report.cljc
(defn paginate
(let [page-count (report/page-count report-instance)]
(when (> page-count 1)
(div :.ui.two.column.centered.grid)
(div :.column
(div {:style {:paddingTop "4px"}}
(sui-pagination/ui-pagination {:activePage (report/current-page report-instance)
:onPageChange (fn [_ data]
(report/goto-page! report-instance (comp/isoget data "activePage")))
:totalPages page-count
:boundaryRange 3
:size "tiny"})))))))
(defn float-right-button
[report-instance controls controlled? report-action-button-grouping action-layout]
(div {:className (or (?! report-action-button-grouping report-instance)
"ui right floated buttons")}
(keep (fn [k]
(let [control (get controls k)]
(when (and (or (not controlled?) (:local? control))
(-> (get control :visible? true)
(?! report-instance)))
(control/render-control report-instance k control))))
(comp/defsc CompactReportControls [this {:keys [report-instance] :as env}]
{:shouldComponentUpdate (fn [_ _ _] true)}
(let [controls (control/component-controls report-instance)
{:keys [::report/paginate?]} (comp/component-options report-instance)
{::suo/keys [report-action-button-grouping]} (suo/get-rendering-options report-instance)
{:keys [input-layout action-layout]} (control/standard-control-layout report-instance)
{:com.fulcrologic.rad.container/keys [controlled?]} (comp/get-computed report-instance)]
(div {:className (or
(?! (suo/get-rendering-options report-instance suo/controls-class))
;"ui top attached compact segment"
"ui top attached compact")}
;(dom/h1 "TEST")
; default is 16 wide
(div :.ui.sixteen.column.grid
(div :.three.wide.column
(dom/h3 :.ui.header
; title goes here
(or (some-> report-instance comp/component-options ::report/title (?! report-instance)) (trc "a table that shows a list of rows" "Report"))))
(div :.ten.wide.column.centered
(paginate report-instance))
(div :.three.wide.column
(float-right-button report-instance controls controlled? report-action-button-grouping action-layout))
#_(dom/h3 :.ui.header
; title goes here
(or (some-> report-instance comp/component-options ::report/title (?! report-instance)) (trc "a table that shows a list of rows" "Report"))
; pagination
(when paginate?
(let [page-count (report/page-count report-instance)]
(when (> page-count 1)
(div :.ui.two.column.centered.grid
(div :.column
(div {:style {:paddingTop "4px"}}
(sui-pagination/ui-pagination {:activePage (report/current-page report-instance)
:onPageChange (fn [_ data]
(report/goto-page! report-instance (comp/isoget data "activePage")))
:totalPages page-count
:size "tiny"}))))))))
; button
(float-right-button report-instance controls controlled? report-action-button-grouping action-layout)
#_(div {:className (or (?! report-action-button-grouping report-instance)
"ui right floated buttons")}
(keep (fn [k]
(let [control (get controls k)]
(when (and (or (not controlled?) (:local? control))
(-> (get control :visible? true)
(?! report-instance)))
(control/render-control report-instance k control))))
(div :.ui.form
(fn [idx row]
(div {:key idx
:className (or
(?! (suo/get-rendering-options report-instance suo/report-controls-row-class) report-instance idx)
(sui-form/n-fields-string (count row)))}
(keep #(let [control (get controls %)]
(when (or (not controlled?) (:local? control))
(control/render-control report-instance % control))) row)))
;(paginate report-instance)
#_(when paginate?
(let [page-count (report/page-count report-instance)]
(when (> page-count 1)
(div :.ui.two.column.centered.grid
(div :.column
(div {:style {:paddingTop "4px"}}
(sui-pagination/ui-pagination {:activePage (report/current-page report-instance)
:onPageChange (fn [_ data]
(report/goto-page! report-instance (comp/isoget data "activePage")))
:totalPages page-count
:size "tiny"}))))))))))))
(let [ui-compact-report-controls (comp/factory CompactReportControls)]
(defn render-compcact-controls [report-instance]
(ui-compact-report-controls {:report-instance report-instance})))
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In your RAD report, add this:

   ::report/control-style :compact

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