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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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  • Save realmonster/23a4232a37d50e859f09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save realmonster/23a4232a37d50e859f09 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
changed to sampled mode
// CG shader
// NES CRT simulation
// by r57shell
// thanks to feos & HardWareMan
void main_vertex
float4 position : POSITION,
out float4 oPosition : POSITION,
uniform float4x4 modelViewProj,
float2 tex : TEXCOORD,
out float2 oTex : TEXCOORD
oPosition = mul(modelViewProj, position);
oTex = tex;
struct input
float2 video_size;
float2 texture_size;
float2 output_size;
float frame_count;
float frame_direction;
float frame_rotation;
const float pi = 3.142;
const float phase_x = 0.83333334899648563972123297929094*2.;
//16.52723/10.0; // 4./2.0
const float phase_y = 0.16667200780160314494044593822*2.;
//12.33362/10.0; // 1./3.0
vec3 monitor(uniform sampler2D tex : TEXUNIT0, vec2 p, uniform input IN)
float2 size = IN.texture_size;
vec2 pos = floor(p*size);
vec2 uv = floor(pos)/size;
vec4 res = tex2D(tex, uv);
vec3 yuv = mul(float3x3(
float alpha = (p.x*size.x*phase_x+floor(p.y*size.y)*phase_y)*pi;
if (mod(p.y*size.y, 2.0) < 1.)
alpha = -alpha;
yuv.x += dot(yuv.yz*vec2(0.492,0.877),vec2(sin(alpha),cos(alpha)));
vec3 rgb = mul(float3x3(
1., 0., 1.,
1., -0.1942078364565588, -0.5093696763202726,
1., 1., 0.), yuv);
return rgb;
// pos (left corner, sample size)
vec4 monitor_sample(uniform sampler2D tex : TEXUNIT0, vec2 p, vec2 sample, uniform input IN)
// linear interpolation was...
// now other thing.
// going to check in retroarch...
float2 size = IN.texture_size;
vec2 next = vec2(.25,1.)/size;
vec2 f = fract(vec2(4.,1.)*size*p);
sample *= vec2(4.,1.)*size;
vec2 l;
vec2 r;
if (f.x+sample.x < 1.)
l.x = f.x+sample.x;
r.x = 0.;
l.x = 1.-f.x;
r.x = min(1.,f.x+sample.x-1.);
if (f.y+sample.y < 1.)
l.y = f.y+sample.y;
r.y = 0.;
l.y = 1.-f.y;
r.y = min(1.,f.y+sample.y-1.);
vec3 top = mix(monitor(tex, p, IN), monitor(tex, p+vec2(next.x,0.), IN), r.x/(l.x+r.x));
vec3 bottom = mix(monitor(tex, p+vec2(0.,next.y), IN), monitor(tex, p+next, IN), r.x/(l.x+r.x));
return vec4(mix(top,bottom, r.y/(l.y+r.y)),1.0);
float4 main_fragment(uniform sampler2D tex : TEXUNIT0, float2 coords : TEXCOORD0, uniform input IN) : COLOR
return monitor_sample(tex, coords, 1./IN.output_size, IN);
// difference
//float zoom = 8;
//vec4 sampled = monitor_sample(tex, coords, 1./zoom/IN.output_size, IN);
//vec4 simple = vec4(monitor(tex, coords, IN),1.);
//return vec4(length(sampled - simple)*5*sin(IN.frame_count/30.))+simple;
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