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Last active January 28, 2019 11:02
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Clojure functions usage frequencies
;; The list of (almost) all Clojure public functions and macros ordered by usage. Source: Github code search for Clojure repositories.
(["ns" 394490]
["defn" 293918]
["require" 279210]
["let" 237654]
["def" 172983]
["refer" 163654]
["map" 159781]
["fn" 154482]
["str" 145899]
["nil?" 125109]
["use" 119952]
["test" 115419]
["first" 98908]
["get" 93911]
["true?" 91826]
["when" 91463]
["name" 90469]
["string?" 86492]
["if" 85942]
["keys" 85435]
["not" 85308]
["*in*" 84696]
["count" 82940]
["apply" 82234]
["main" 80433]
["assoc" 78532]
["and" 76927]
["not=" 76252]
["for" 73239]
["false?" 72914]
["println" 72155]
["or" 67785]
["import" 67653]
["set" 66771]
["import*" 65438]
["set?" 65314]
["deftest" 64479]
["list?" 62066]
["seq?" 62007]
["seq" 60948]
["into" 60415]
["key" 59403]
["empty" 58002]
["empty?" 57831]
["set!" 57801]
["type" 57437]
["list" 57118]
["io!" 56924]
["file" 56414]
["filter" 56371]
["list*" 56287]
["*file*" 55083]
["defn-" 54947]
["atom" 54225]
["cond" 53323]
["path" 53253]
["update" 52794]
["are" 52436]
["remove" 52303]
["recur" 52122]
["reduce" 51871]
["loop*" 51379]
["loop" 51379]
["conj!" 51138]
["conj" 51138]
["inc" 50946]
["write" 50195]
["print" 47563]
["root" 47313]
["range" 46953]
["vector?" 46662]
["vector" 46662]
["parse" 46626]
["read" 46619]
["take" 46178]
["new" 45952]
["number?" 45858]
["testing" 45662]
["some?" 45655]
["some" 45202]
["*out*" 44851]
["merge" 43970]
["doseq" 43785]
["find" 43687]
["try" 43129]
["second" 42892]
["last" 42657]
["rest" 42359]
["class?" 41813]
["time" 41259]
["keyword" 40625]
["next" 39318]
["content" 39309]
["format" 39007]
["case" 38936]
["case*" 38259]
["class" 37994]
["contains?" 37554]
["swap!" 37527]
["source" 37508]
["index" 36447]
["throw" 36069]
["integer?" 35779]
["concat" 35451]
["function?" 35450]
["join" 34933]
["partial" 34745]
["if-let" 34455]
["catch" 33886]
["reset!" 33495]
["element" 33361]
["split" 32910]
["vec" 32337]
["int" 32097]
["replace" 31549]
["max" 31451]
["repl" 31021]
["nth" 30608]
["min" 30329]
["val" 29939]
["dec" 29506]
["instance?" 29313]
["doc" 29306]
["load" 29058]
["zero?" 28321]
["select" 28231]
["when-not" 27818]
["resource" 26781]
["cons" 26761]
["dir" 26315]
["hash" 26169]
["symbol" 26084]
["comp" 25771]
["identity" 25749]
["reader" 25482]
["right" 25451]
["meta" 25366]
["sort" 24831]
["coll?" 24761]
["gen-class" 24621]
["dissoc!" 24304]
["dissoc" 24304]
["get-in" 23955]
["when-let" 23894]
["rights" 23376]
["sequence" 23274]
["left" 23055]
["binding" 22939]
["project" 22848]
["every?" 22594]
["end?" 22252]
["tag" 22249]
["vals" 22022]
["while" 22008]
["drop" 21735]
["pos?" 21644]
["namespace" 21538]
["var?" 21129]
["doto" 20225]
["send" 20070]
["boolean" 19798]
["repeat" 19785]
["comment" 19785]
["long" 19362]
["reverse" 19326]
["update-in" 19034]
["num" 18998]
["declare" 18634]
["var" 18548]
["ref" 17937]
["double" 17849]
["defrecord" 17808]
["down" 17735]
["slurp" 17592]
["even?" 17563]
["pr" 17439]
["rand" 17359]
["assert" 17213]
["defprotocol" 17204]
["defonce" 17074]
["defmethod" 16215]
["mapcat" 16115]
["char?" 16114]
["mod" 15568]
["append!" 15326]
["writer" 15272]
["eval" 15251]
["read-string" 15101]
["assoc-in" 14988]
["*session*" 14971]
["copy" 14841]
["doall" 14403]
["pr-str" 14278]
["pprint" 14265]
["char" 14171]
["re-find" 13956]
["hash-map" 13824]
["reify*" 13640]
["reify" 13640]
["float" 13633]
["byte" 13447]
["extend" 13197]
["resolve" 13183]
["methods" 13182]
["keep" 12674]
["defmulti" 12483]
["aget" 12331]
["flatten" 12120]
["bytes" 12110]
["subs" 12045]
["with-open" 11970]
["deref" 11755]
["mapv" 11677]
["iterate" 11608]
["record?" 11547]
["constantly" 11485]
["future?" 11405]
["children" 11287]
["pop!" 11286]
["pop" 11286]
["prn" 11086]
["future" 11052]
["sorted" 11039]
["sync" 11035]
["sort-by" 10984]
["deftype*" 10968]
["deftype" 10968]
["condp" 10825]
["letfn*" 10572]
["letfn" 10572]
["zipmap" 10421]
["aset" 10298]
["select-keys" 10189]
["trim" 9881]
["dotimes" 9833]
["persistent!" 9828]
["compile" 9774]
["repeatedly" 9748]
["compare" 9745]
["walk" 9744]
["rand-int" 9682]
["blank?" 9613]
["identical?" 9588]
["sequential?" 9490]
["newline" 9407]
["distinct?" 9385]
["distinct" 9385]
["quote" 9353]
["ensure" 9269]
["force" 8989]
["finally" 8917]
["short" 8894]
["*err*" 8810]
["difference" 8752]
["re-matches" 8746]
["proxy" 8677]
["lazy-seq" 8551]
["complement" 8329]
["take-while" 8232]
["flush" 8203]
["interpose" 8097]
["attrs" 8089]
["agent" 8068]
["*agent*" 8064]
["with-meta" 7980]
["delay" 7930]
["rem" 7912]
["dosync" 7832]
["group-by" 7715]
["merge-with" 7640]
["into-array" 7612]
["neg?" 7571]
["odd?" 7556]
["quot" 7551]
["gensym" 7543]
["edit" 7535]
["union" 7528]
["map-indexed" 7318]
["memoize" 6958]
["lower-case" 6804]
["spit" 6759]
["interleave" 6746]
["disj!" 6690]
["disj" 6690]
["peek" 6684]
["cat" 6649]
["juxt" 6643]
["extend-protocol" 6594]
["run-tests" 6554]
["chars" 6501]
["report" 6463]
["re-seq" 6359]
["printf" 6352]
["subvec" 6337]
["dorun" 6318]
["butlast" 6268]
["not-empty" 6145]
["sh" 6087]
["satisfies?" 6053]
["re-pattern" 6024]
["alength" 5941]
["ifn?" 5768]
["rand-nth" 5740]
["cycle" 5652]
["prev" 5613]
["extend-type" 5539]
["shuffle" 5538]
["emit" 5425]
["ex-info" 5319]
["diff" 5251]
["frequencies" 5173]
["with-out-str" 5155]
["*warn-on-reflection*" 5125]
["make-array" 5076]
["load-file" 5032]
["intersection" 4969]
["in-ns" 4751]
["decimal?" 4714]
["branch?" 4708]
["transient" 4654]
["promise" 4623]
["drop-while" 4555]
["add-watch" 4497]
["upper-case" 4496]
["use-fixtures" 4463]
["ffirst" 4442]
["start-server" 4410]
["reduce-kv" 4408]
["sorted-map" 4356]
["rename" 4238]
["drop-last" 4205]
["includes?" 4177]
["keywordize-keys" 4164]
["partition-by" 4065]
["parents" 4059]
["bit-and" 4003]
["ref-set" 3963]
["line-seq" 3959]
["ratio?" 3914]
["split-lines" 3910]
["pp" 3778]
["alter-var-root" 3747]
["formatter" 3733]
["ns-name" 3679]
["byte-array" 3666]
["some->>" 3621]
["some->" 3621]
["fnil" 3611]
["associative?" 3539]
["cond->>" 3530]
["cond->" 3530]
["partition-all" 3494]
["derive" 3467]
["not-any?" 3409]
["extends?" 3361]
["capitalize" 3252]
["array-map" 3234]
["doubles" 3104]
["sorted-set" 3096]
["ints" 3082]
["bit-or" 3068]
["max-key" 3054]
["reductions" 3051]
["split-at" 3040]
["split-with" 3016]
["bigint" 2989]
["cast" 2982]
["macroexpand" 2960]
["bit-shift-left" 2949]
["isa?" 2932]
["stop-server" 2931]
["filterv" 2915]
["realized?" 2900]
["hash-set" 2896]
["subset?" 2892]
["input-stream" 2860]
["successful?" 2836]
["*print-length*" 2826]
["pmap" 2811]
["to-array" 2803]
["bit-shift-right" 2780]
["ex-data" 2715]
["alter-meta!" 2713]
["counted?" 2709]
["take-nth" 2651]
["trampoline" 2650]
["as->" 2646]
["read-line" 2626]
["prn-str" 2606]
["object-array" 2552]
["*print-dup*" 2528]
["rseq" 2520]
["ancestors" 2467]
["remove-watch" 2447]
["sorted-map-by" 2446]
["compare-and-set!" 2433]
["keep-indexed" 2427]
["double-array" 2417]
["print-str" 2409]
["tree-seq" 2403]
["folder" 2400]
["find-ns" 2400]
["bit-xor" 2396]
["ns-resolve" 2391]
["with-redefs" 2348]
["*print-level*" 2339]
["file-seq" 2323]
["nnext" 2300]
["booleans" 2237]
["some-fn" 2224]
["longs" 2208]
["postwalk" 2149]
["fnext" 2143]
["deliver" 2118]
["supers" 2116]
["locking" 2115]
["rightmost" 2089]
["min-key" 2085]
["replace-first" 2080]
["long-array" 2014]
["every-pred" 2007]
["nthnext" 1976]
["descendants" 1962]
["not-every?" 1924]
["subseq" 1912]
["ns-publics" 1906]
["await" 1904]
["bit-test" 1883]
["aclone" 1875]
["*print-meta*" 1871]
["prefers" 1866]
["ns-interns" 1853]
["*print-readably*" 1853]
["prefer-method" 1845]
["biginteger" 1823]
["sorted-set-by" 1822]
["bit-not" 1782]
["set-validator!" 1779]
["reversible?" 1740]
["bit-set" 1718]
["get-method" 1699]
["shorts" 1684]
["unchecked-inc" 1675]
["make-hierarchy" 1666]
["get-validator" 1652]
["areduce" 1646]
["intern" 1642]
["println-str" 1631]
["nfirst" 1631]
["bit-clear" 1631]
["bit-flip" 1630]
["shutdown-agents" 1628]
["rsubseq" 1624]
["fold" 1617]
["to-array-2d" 1599]
["remove-method" 1591]
["bit-and-not" 1573]
["as-file" 1553]
["unchecked-add-int" 1542]
["reset-meta!" 1539]
["unchecked-multiply" 1531]
["unchecked-dec" 1531]
["underive" 1529]
["remove-all-methods" 1519]
["unchecked-multiply-int" 1504]
["unchecked-subtract" 1493]
["unchecked-divide-int" 1478]
["javadoc" 1454]
["rename-keys" 1452]
["unchecked-negate" 1423]
["unchecked-inc-int" 1419]
["zipper" 1417]
["error-handler" 1411]
["the-ns" 1408]
["bean" 1399]
["unchecked-subtract-int" 1397]
["unchecked-remainder-int" 1396]
["proxy-super" 1394]
["unchecked-negate-int" 1376]
["trim-newline" 1367]
["macroexpand-1" 1365]
["unchecked-dec-int" 1357]
["unsigned-bit-shift-right" 1355]
["bigdec" 1285]
["send-off" 1281]
["re-matcher" 1281]
["prewalk" 1244]
["var-get" 1225]
["lazy-cat" 1212]
["munge" 1202]
["output-stream" 1201]
["commute" 1180]
["cl-format" 1172]
["*command-line-args*" 1158]
["amap" 1133]
["*compile-path*" 1131]
["map-invert" 1126]
["memfn" 1114]
["create-ns" 1106]
["delete-file" 1098]
["pst" 1089]
["nthrest" 1054]
["triml" 1052]
["loaded-libs" 1027]
["reducer" 1005]
["bases" 993]
["trimr" 988]
["xml-zip" 982]
["clojure-version" 932]
["*clojure-version*" 932]
["index-of" 917]
["starts-with?" 871]
["random-sample" 837]
["superset?" 822]
["print-stack-trace" 821]
["iterator-seq" 807]
["ns-aliases" 805]
["validated" 800]
["apropos" 791]
["with-local-vars" 775]
["with-test" 771]
["when-first" 765]
["find-doc" 762]
["with-bindings" 758]
["print-table" 754]
["enumeration-seq" 751]
["char-array" 734]
["ns-map" 732]
["ns-unmap" 730]
["if-some" 729]
["float-array" 705]
["rational?" 697]
["stringify-keys" 677]
["run-all-tests" 672]
["*default-data-reader-fn*" 667]
["code-dispatch" 659]
["demunge" 655]
["find-var" 645]
["postwalk-replace" 639]
["with-pprint-dispatch" 627]
["with-in-str" 620]
["make-node" 614]
["parse-timestamp" 589]
["future-cancel" 589]
["when-some" 584]
["*data-readers*" 578]
["ends-with?" 569]
["macroexpand-all" 556]
["remove-ns" 543]
["append-child" 527]
["load-string" 522]
["destructure" 516]
["prewalk-replace" 515]
["monitor-enter" 494]
["monitor-exit" 493]
["re-groups" 489]
["root-cause" 484]
["definline" 484]
["write-out" 474]
["test-var" 470]
["gen-interface" 465]
["simple-dispatch" 457]
["pprint-newline" 449]
["pprint-logical-block" 449]
["ns-imports" 448]
["seq-zip" 447]
["with-precision" 446]
["var-set" 437]
["ns-refers" 435]
["as-url" 432]
["boolean-array" 408]
["lefts" 398]
["vector-zip" 389]
["browse-url" 388]
["monoid" 387]
["agent-error" 387]
["pprint-indent" 385]
["test-ns" 383]
["pcalls" 381]
["formatter-out" 381]
["insert-right" 366]
["do-template" 354]
["set-pprint-dispatch" 348]
["short-array" 339]
["future-call" 338]
["vector-of" 333]
["last-index-of" 331]
["*compile-files*" 328]
["insert-child" 323]
["inc-report-counter" 323]
["await-for" 313]
["print-length-loop" 299]
["with-test-out" 293]
["insert-left" 292]
["*math-context*" 281]
["future-done?" 279]
["push-thread-bindings" 269]
["pvalues" 268]
["pop-thread-bindings" 266]
["do-report" 263]
["assert-expr" 260]
["with-sh-dir" 246]
["restart-agent" 246]
["pprint-tab" 243]
["testing-vars-str" 242]
["resultset-seq" 242]
["read-instant-date" 237]
["source-fn" 233]
["error-mode" 229]
["testing-contexts-str" 226]
["rationalize" 226]
["load-reader" 224]
["thread-bound?" 223]
["seque" 216]
["aset-int" 214]
["test-vars" 210]
["char-escape-string" 207]
["join-fixtures" 205]
["compose-fixtures" 196]
["aset-byte" 195]
["set-test" 194]
["emit-element" 190]
["deftest-" 184]
["resolve-class" 180]
["set-error-handler!" 177]
["default-data-readers" 175]
["ns-unalias" 174]
["update-proxy" 170]
["aset-double" 162]
["extenders" 161]
["repl-read" 160]
["repl-caught" 152]
["dir-fn" 149]
["aset-long" 143]
["repl-init" 142]
["set-error-mode!" 141]
["get-thread-bindings" 141]
["test-all-vars" 140]
["future-cancelled?" 140]
["file-position" 140]
["with-sh-env" 139]
["get-proxy-class" 139]
["aset-char" 139]
["apply-template" 139]
["construct-proxy" 135]
["init-proxy" 134]
["load-script" 133]
["aset-boolean" 132]
["type-reflect" 131]
["aset-float" 131]
["stack-element-str" 127]
["ref-history-count" 123]
["print-throwable" 122]
["re-quote-replacement" 119]
["aset-short" 119]
["skip-whitespace" 118]
["find-keyword" 117]
["read-instant-timestamp" 116]
["foldcat" 114]
["do-reflect" 114]
["release-pending-sends" 112]
["try-expr" 110]
["read-instant-calendar" 110]
["as-relative-path" 109]
["ref-max-history" 105]
["skip-if-eol" 104]
["repl-exception" 100]
["char-name-string" 100]
["repl-prompt" 98]
["send-via" 95]
["proxy-mappings" 94]
["ref-min-history" 93]
["content-handler" 92]
["repl-requires" 90]
["startparse-sax" 87]
["assert-any" 81]
["postwalk-demo" 80]
["prewalk-demo" 78]
["get-possibly-unbound-var" 74]
["print-trace-element" 71]
["set-agent-send-executor!" 64]
["int-map" 64]
["set-break-handler!" 63]
["add-local-javadoc" 57]
["add-remote-javadoc" 56]
["with-read-known" 54]
["thread-stopper" 50]
["flag-descriptors" 44]
["stop-servers" 14]
["start-servers" 12])
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