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Created March 4, 2018 16:29
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Dump of all Fallout 4 console commands (with description)
ID Full Name Short Name Description
256: Show TST Show global scripts and variables.
257: ShowVars SV Show variables on object. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [player->sv]
258: ShowGlobalVars SGLV Show all global variables.
259: ShowQuestVars SQV Show quest variables. You can optionally specified a papyrus variable or script to filter with [svq QuestID]
260: ShowQuests SQ List quests.
261: ShowQuestAliases Show quest aliases. [ShowQuestAliases QuestID]
262: SetPapyrusQuestVar SETPQV Set a Papyrus property on the specified quest.
263: SetPapyrusVar SETPV Set a Papyrus property on the selected ref.
264: SetQuestAliases Set quest aliases. [SetQuestAliases QuestID]
265: ClearQuestAliases Clears quest aliases. [ClearQuestAliases QuestID]
266: ToggleCombatStats TCS
267: ToggleSafeZone TSZ Display the television 85%% safe zone.
268: ToggleAI TAI
269: ToggleCollisionGeometry TCG Show collision geometry.
270: ToggleMaterialGeometry TMG Show material geometry.
271: ToggleStairsGeometry TSG Show stairs geometry.
272: ToggleHiResHeightfieldGeometry THRHG Show HiRes Heightfield geometry.
273: ToggleBorders TB Show border lines for each cell.
274: ToggleSky TS
275: ToggleWireframe TWF Show the world as wireframe.
276: ToggleCollision TCL
277: ToggleDebugText TDT Show debug numbers on the screen.
278: ToggleMenus TM Hide all the menus. Used for taking screen shots.
279: TogglePrimitives TPR
280: ShowScenegraph SSG Create a window with the full game scene graph or the scene graph of the selected reference. SSG 1 for PC overlay version.
281: ShowScenegraph SFSG Create a window with the full game scene graph, open to the node corresponding to the selected reference (if any).
282: ToggleMagicStats TMS
283: ShowAnim SA Show Animation and Actor status.
284: Show1stPerson S1ST Show the 1st person Model from the 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person mode it will show both.
285: Help Show this help.
286: ToggleNavMesh TNM Toggle blocked display.
287: TogglePathLine TPL Toggle path display.
288: PickRefByID PRID Select a reference by id for the console.
289: PickLastRef PLR Select the last created ref for the console.
290: PickNextRef PNR Select the the next ref in the center of the screen outside the console
291: PickNextActor PNA Select the the next actor in the center of the screen outside the console
292: PickClosestActor PCA Select the the closest actor to the player
293: GetSelectedRef GSR Get the currently selected ref
294: IsLastRef Check if this is one of the last created refs
295: SetLightingPasses SLP 4 (0/1) values. amb|diff|tex|spec ex: 1010
296: ToggleLODLand TLL
297: TriggerPipboyEffect PIP
298: CharacterLight CL
299: ShowLightBounds SLB
300: VatsTarget VT
301: ToggleAmbientOcclusion AO
302: ToggleScalableAmbientOcclusion SAO
303: ToggleMotionBlur MB
304: ToggleScreenSpaceReflections SSR
305: ToggleScreenSpaceSubsurfaceScattering TSSS
306: ToggleFXAA FXAA
307: ToggleTAA TAA
308: ToggleHDRCS HDRCS
309: ViewGBuffer gbuffer
310: ToggleCombinedWeapon cmb cmb sutil | meshc | meshc2
311: ToggleMeshCombinerGPU tcm tcm
312: ToggleWeaponCombination twc twc
313: ToggleWeaponCombinationBounds twb twb
314: SetThreadsNumMeshCombiner trdmc trdmc
315: CombineObject cmbobj cmbobj filter
316: ToggleHandsCulled cullhnd
317: ToggleBokehDof BOK
318: ToggleLensFlare LF
319: Sunbeams SB
320: RenderLocalMap rlm
321: SetLODObjectDistance SLOD
322: ToggleGrassUpdate TGU
323: CenterOnCell COC
324: SetGameSetting SetGS
325: SetINISetting SetINI "setting:category" value
326: GetINISetting GetINI "setting:category"
327: CenterOnExterior COE
328: CalcPathToPoint P2P
329: CalcLowPathToPoint LP2P ignore locks, allow disabled doors, ignore min use
330: SetFog 2 floats, start and end depths
331: SetClipDist float, new clip distance
332: ToggleShadowVolumes TSV
333: SetForceWetness SFW float, set force wetness
334: SetWetnessLevel SWL float, new world wetness level
335: SetRainLevel SRL float, new world rain level
336: SetImageSpaceGlow SISG
337: ToggleDetection TDETECT
338: ToggleHighProcess THIGHPROCESS
339: ToggleLowProcess TLOWPROCESS
340: ToggleMiddleLowProcess TMLOWPROCESS
341: ToggleMiddleHighProcess TMHIGHPROCESS
342: ToggleAiSchedules TAIS
343: SpeakSound
344: BetaComment BC Add comment to [General] 'sBetaCommentFile' file.
NOTE: select object first.
[bc "This rock is too high."]
345: GameComment GC Adds a comment about the game to the GameCommentDB. (Ex. This monster is too hard)
346: ToggleCellNode TCN Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor, 1-Marker, 2-Land, 3-Water, 4-Static, 5-Active
347: ToggleTrees TT Turn trees on/off
348: SetCameraFOV FOV Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75
349: ToggleGodMode TGM Toggle God mode
350: RefreshShaders RS Reload HLSL shaders from disk
351: ReloadFXP RFXP Reload a single fxp archive
352: ToggleScripts TSCR Turn Script processing on/off
353: ToggleConversations TCONV Toggle conversation stats
354: ToggleFullHelp TFH Toggle Full Help
355: ShowQuestLog SQL Show Quest Log
356: ShowFullQuestLog SFQL Show all log entries for a single quest
357: DumpTexturePalette DTP Dump texture palette contents to file
param is sort type f-filename, s-size, c-count)
358: DumpModelMap DMM Dump model map contents to file
359: DumpSoundMap DSM Dump sound map contents to logfile
360: CenterOnWorld COW [COW worldname -10 5]
361: ToggleGrass TG Toggle grass display.
362: CreateGrassAt cga
363: AddFaceAnimNote AFAN
364: RefreshINI REFINI Refresh INI settings from file.
365: ToggleEmotions temo Toggle NPC facial emotions.
366: AddDecal
367: TestCode
368: PlayerSpellBook psb Add all spells to player.
369: PrintAiList pai Printed Ai Lists.
370: ShowQuestTargets SQT Show current quest targets
371: HairTint 3 ints, RGB
372: SaveGame save SaveGame <filename>
373: LoadGame load LoadGame <filename>
374: DisplayPlayerIDs dpid DisplayPlayerIDs
375: SetDisplayPlayerID spid SetDisplayPlayerID <filename>
376: TestAllCells TAC Test All Cells (0 - stop, 1 - start, 2 - interiors, 3 - current world)
377: RenderTestCell rtc runs Render Test on player's current parent cell
378: RenderTestHere rth runs Render Test on player's current position
379: SaveWorld Save hkWorld <filename>
380: ReloadCurrentClimate rcc Reloads values from the current climate
381: ReloadCurrentWeather rcw Reloads values from the current weather
382: TestSeenData tsd Visually displays the current seen data
383: TestLocalMap tlm Simulates the local map. (1 or 0 for FOW on or off)
384: MoveToQuestTarget movetoqt Move player to current quest target.
385: PrintNPCDialog pdialog Prints NPC dialog
386: ShowSubtitle show all dialog subtitles (1 shows always, 0 hides always)
387: ShowRenderPasses srp display render passes for the next frame
388: FreezeRenderAccumulation fra only re-render geometry visible during this frame
389: ToggleOcclusion tocc toggle occlusion query for geometry
390: OutputMemContexts omc Output Mem Context info to a file
391: OutputMemStats oms Output Mem Stats info to a file
392: SetMemCheckPoint smcp Set the current memory checkpoint (value, optional context name)
393: GetMemCheckPoint gmcp Get the current memory checkpoint (optional context name)
394: IncMemCheckPoint imcp Increment the current memory checkpoint (optional context name)
395: OutputAllocations outalloc Output memory allocations (file, optional context name, optional start context, optional end context)
396: AddWatchAddress awa Adds an address range to watch out for.
397: RemoveWatchAddress rwa Removes an address range that we no longer want to watch.
398: ToggleDetectionStats tds Show the detection stats of the current seletected Ref.
399: SetTargetRefraction str Sets the refractive value of the target
400: SetTargetRefractionFire strf Sets the refractive fire value of the target
401: ToggleRefractionDebug trd Toggles refraction debug render texture
402: ToggleCharControllerShape TCCS Toggle char controller shape type.
403: ShowHeadTrackTarget SHeadT Show the head track target if set from look function
404: SetCinematicParam SCP Sets various values for the imagespace cinematics
405: SetTintParam STP Sets various values for the imagespace tint
406: SetHDRParam SHP Sets various values for the HDR shader
407: VisualRefPosition VRP Places and axis object at the ref position.
408: ShowPivot SP Puts a temporary yellow plus at the pivot point of the selected reference.
409: PrintHDRParam PHP Prints current HDR settings.
410: ToggleHDRDebug THD Toggles HDR debug textures.
411: RevertWorld rw Revert the world
412: OutputArchiveProfile oap Output Archive profile info to a file
413: QuitGame qqq Exit game without going through menus.
414: Screenshot Take a screenshot
415: SaveIniFiles saveini Writes all the .ini files.
416: SetDebugText sdt Sets which debug text is shown.
417: GetDebugText gdt Gets which debug text is shown.
418: ToggleLiteBrite tlb Toggles lite brite render mode.
419: RunMemoryPass rmp Runs a cleanup memory pass
420: ResetMemContexts rmc Reset Max Mem Contexts
421: ToggleWaterSystem TWS Toggles the water system
422: ToggleWaterRadius TWR
423: ShowWhoDetectsPlayer SWDP Show who detects the player
424: ToggleCombatAI tcai Toggles ALL Combat AI
425: ToggleGamePause tgp Toggles game pause state
426: StepOneFrame sof Advances the game one frame
427: ToggleFlyCam tfc Toggles the Free Fly camera (UFO cam).
428: ToggleFXCam tfxc Toggles the FX camera.
429: ModWaterShader mws Modifies water shader settings
430: WaterColor mwc Modifies water color
431: BeginTrace bt Creates a trace file (Xenon only)
432: RunCellTest rct Runs a cell test
433: StartAllQuests saq Starts all quests
434: CompleteAllQuestStages caqs Sets all quest stages
435: ToggleFogOfWar TFOW Turns fog of war on or off.
436: OutputLocalMapPictures OLMP Writes out the current local map.
437: SetGamma sg Sets new gamma ramp.
438: WasteMemory wm Allocates some memory (in MB).
439: ClearAdaptedLight cal Clears the HDR adapted light texture
440: ToggleCastShadows tsh
441: SetHudGlowConstants shgc Set parameters for HUD glow.
442: CloseFile
443: SetTreeMipmapBias stmb Set mipmap LOD bias values for tree billboards.
444: SendSherlockDebugText ssdt
445: OutputMemStats omsfw Output Mem Stats info to a file
446: PlayExplosion Plays explosion seq in selected obj
447: SetMaxAniso sma Sets Depth of Field focal distance
448: SetMeshLODLevel smll Sets Depth of Field range
449: SetTargetDOF stdof Sets the depth of field based on the target
450: ToggleFullScreenMotionBlur tfsmb Toggles Full screen motion blur
451: SetTriLinearThreshold stlt Set the motion blur params
452: SetVel Sets Velocity on a reference
453: DebugCombat dc Debugs combat systems
454: ToggleCombatDebug tcd Toggles combat debug info
455: TogglePathingInfoFunction TPI Toggle pathing information.
456: ShowInventory inv Shows reference inventory [1 = Show Armor Addons]
457: ShowInventoryVars siv Shows reference inventory script data
458: ResetPerformanceTimers rpt Resets the performance timers
459: ToggleDebugDecal TDD Toggle debug displays for decal creation : 0-Wireframe, 1-Solid, 2-Occlusion Query, 3-Transform
460: ToggleDecalRendering TDR Toggle decal rendering
461: SetImageSpaceModifiersEnable sisme Set imagespace modifiers enable: 0-Off, 1-On
462: SetUFOCamSpeedMult sucsm Set speed mult for free camera. (Speed Mult, Look Mult Optional)
463: ToggleTestLight TTL Toggle test light (radius, magnitude).
464: PlaceLocationMarker plm PlaceLocationMarker x y z (optional name) (optional color )
465: ClearLocationMarkers clm
466: ToggleMultiboundCheck mbc Toggle all Multibound check functionality
467: AddOcclusionPlane AOP Add Occlusion plane (x size, y size).
468: SetGlobalRadialBlur sgrb Set parameters for the global radial blur
469: OutputTextureUseMap OTUM Writes out texture use map data to file.
470: ClearScreenBlood csb Clear screen blood
471: ResetDialogueFlags rdf Debug resets SayOnce, TalkedToPc, etc.
472: GetValueInfo Get details about a reference value.
473: ToggleBoundVisGeom tbvg Toggles bound visualization for a ref
474: SetConsoleOuputFile scof Sets the given file as target for console output.
475: IgnoreRenderPass irp Ignore the given renderpass
476: PlayVATSCameras pvc Play this set of VATS cameras for the next VATS playback.
477: SetTargetFalloff stfo Sets the falloff of the target
478: ToggleActorMover tam Toggles actor movement through pathing system
479: CopySaves CopySaves Copy save games from the host machine or a memory stick (ms).
480: ToggleEOFImageSpace teofis Toggles end of frame imagespace effects
481: ForceFileCache ffc Enumerates Miles samples and streams
482: DumpNiUpdates dnu Dumps the next frame's calls to NiNode/NiAVObject::UpdateDownwardPass to NiDump*.xls (only Debug/PIX 360 builds)
483: TestDegrade degrades the specified number of MB of textures. negative values degrade all possible. (only 360 builds)
484: ToggleDepthBias tdb toggles depth bias for decals on or off
485: ToggleSPURenderBatch tSPURB toggles the SPU render batch on or off
486: ToggleSPUTransformUpdate tSPUTU toggles the SPU transform update on or off
487: ToggleSPUCulling tSPUC toggles the SPU culling on or off
488: ModifyFaceGen mfg Modify FaceGen Functionality
489: GetF4SEVersion
490: SetEmitterParticleMax Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by a non-master particle system emitter
491: SetMPSParticleMax Sets the maximum number of particles emitted by master particle system emitter set
492: SetTaskThreadSleep Sets the task thread sleep value (-1 to disable).
493: SetTaskThreadUpdateSleep Sets the task thread update sleep value (-1 to disable).
494: EvalActorTextures EAT
495: CreateSaveData createsaves Creates save data.
496: CreateGameData Creates game data.
497: LoadFlashMovie Loads a Flash movie for the GUI
498: ShowMenu Show or create a menu
499: HideMenu Hide or close a menu
500: RecvAnimEvent rae Simulate recieving an animation event from an animation graph.
501: RunConsoleBatch bat Run a console batch file
502: LTGraph LTGraph Sets the input-to-player movement graph
503: RTGraph RTGraph Sets the input-to-camera movement graph
504: ToggleHeapTracking THT Toggle Heap Tracking
505: TogglePoolTracking TPT Toggle Pool Tracking
506: RumbleManager RM RumbleManager
507: InstallMemoryTracker IMT Install Memory Tracker
508: UninstallMemoryTracker UMT Uninstall Memory Tracker
509: CheckMemory chkmem Check Memory
510: SetStackDepth SSD Set Stack Depth
511: PathToRef PTR Force actor to path to reference.
512: StartAIControlledRobotTest SPTP Starts player pathing memory test.
513: TestHandleManagerWarnAndKillSDM THMWAKS Purely for testing: lists every un-destroyed handle, then destroys it.
514: SetFaceTarget SFT Force actor to face a reference.
515: PrecomputedLOSGeneration plg
516: PrecomputedLOSDebug pld
517: GenerateCoverEdges gce
518: GenerateCoverDebug gcd
519: SetPathSprinting SPS Force actor to sprint.
520: SetAnimGraphVar sgv Set an animation graph variable.
521: SetTreeTrunkFlexibility STSTF Set the flexibility of trees trunk.
522: SetTreeBranchFlexibility STSBF Set the flexibility of trees branches.
523: SetTreeBranchAnimationRange STSBR Restrict the range of tree branch animations.
524: SetTreeLeafFlexibility STSLF Set the flexibility of trees leaves.
525: SetTreeLeafAmplitude STSLAMP Set the amplitude of trees leaves.
526: SetTreeLeafFrequency STSLFRQ Set the frequency of trees leaves.
527: SetTreeWindDirection STSWD Set the tree system wind direction.
528: SetTreeWindMagnitude STSWM Set the tree system wind magnitude.
529: SetBloodParam SBP Set blood parameters.
530: RegisterPrefix RPRFX Register all resources at a path prefix.
531: ToggleEventLog TEL Show a log of misc. events for the selected debug REFR.
532: ExportPerfTrackingData EPTD Export performance monitor tracking data to a file.
533: DisplayGraphVariable dgv Gives control of variable filters used on the animation debug text page.
534: ToggleMotionDriven TMD Toggles motion driven animation
535: ToggleControlsDriven TC Toggles controls driven character
536: ToggleGUIOverlay TGO Toggles the graphical overlay
537: ModifyGUIOverlay MGO Modifies a graphical overlay
538: AddCustomOverlay ACO Adds a custom overlay
539: SetCustomOverlayForm SetCOF Sets the form for a custom overlay
540: CloseCustomOverlay CloseCO Closes a custom overlay
541: SetActionComplete SAC Sets all active actions on actor in scene complete
542: SetConsoleScopeQuest SSQ Sets the scope quest for all console functions. No param clears current scope quest.
543: GetDistanceFromActorsPath GDFAP Prints out the distance from a reference to an actor's path.
544: ClearConsole clear Clears the console log
545: ToggleMarkers TMK Toggle markers
546: KillAllProjectiles kap Kill all projectiles
547: PlayTerrainEffect PTFX Plays a terrain effect at target REFR
548: CellInfo Toggle Cell Info
549: Textures tx Toggle Texture Info
550: Timing FPS Toggle Timing Info
551: Polygons Polys Toggle Mesh Render Info
552: Actors Actors Toggle Actor Info
553: Quest Quest Toggle Quest Event Info
554: Particles Particles Toggle Particle Info
555: Memory Toggle Memory Info
556: FileStreamerStats fsstats File streamer stats
557: SetGraphicMemoryHysteresis SetGMH Set graphic memory hysteresis
558: AllocateGraphicMemory AllocGM Allocate graphic memory to check hysteresis
559: ShowNodes Show nodes- [All], [Off]
560: ShowBones Show bones- [All], [Off]
561: SaveDebugTextPages SaveDTP Save Debug Text Pages settings to .ini file.
562: OutputFixedStringTable OFST Output the fixed string table to a file.
563: AttachPapyrusScript APS Attaches a papyrus script to a reference
564: SaveHavokSnapshot SHS Saves a Havok snapshot of the hkpWorld the player is currently in
565: SetNPCWeight SNPCW [0-100]: Sets the weight of an NPC and reloads his 3D to visualize the weight change
566: ShowClosestLocationForSphere SCLFS Finds the closest location where a sphere can fit in the navmesh, and displays it
567: PrintShaderMacros PSM Given a shader and technique ID, prints the macros used to compile its shader.
568: ToggleAudioOverlay TAO Toggle the Audio Debug Overlay.
569: TogglePapyrusLog TPLog Toggle the Papyrus Log Overlay.
570: ToggleContextOverlay TCO Toggle the Context Overlay.
571: ForceOutOfMemory FOOM Forces an OOM state.
572: ToggleMovement TMOVE Toggles all actor movement
573: ToggleAnimations TANIM Toggles all actor animations
574: SetWarning Params: Name [0/1]. 0 is default for 2nd param.
575: TestFadeNodes TestFN
576: ShowLowMaxHeights slmh
577: ShowHighMaxHeights shmh
578: EnableStoryManagerLogging esml Enable story manager logging.
579: DumpPapyrusStacks dps Dumps all Papyrus stack information to the log
580: DumpPapyrusTimers dpt Dumps all Papyrus timer registrations to the log
581: DumpPapyrusLOSEvents dple Dumps all Papyrus LOS event registrations to the log
582: DumpPapyrusDistanceEvents dpde Dumps all Papyrus distance event registrations to the log
583: DumpPapyrusPersistenceInfo dppi Dumps everything in Papyrus persisting the reference called on, or passed in
584: DumpPapyrusEventRegistrations dper Dumps all Papyrus event registrations for the specified object (and script)
585: SoundCatMod scm In-game control of sound categories.
586: RunCompaction rcmpct Run a pass of compaction if possible.
587: ToggleAnimatorCam animcam Toggles a 3rd-person camera mode designed for animators' ease-of-use
588: ToggleImmortalMode TIM Toggle Immortal mode
589: SetSubgraphToDebug sgd Subgraph To Debug
590: EnableRumble
591: HavokVDBCapture vdbcapture Havok VDB Capture
592: ToggleMapCam tmc toggle a view mode similar to the map camera for debugging
593: ToggleNavmeshInfo tni toggle a view mode similar to the map camera and displays navmesh infos
594: PlaySyncAnim syncanim Play Sync Anim
595: SetFormKnown Sets the known flag on a form
596: SetDebugQuest Sets the quest to be the only one startable for its event type.
597: SetQuestAliasLogging sqal Turns alias logging on/off for a quest.
598: SetRace Sets the passed in actor's race.
599: FindForm find Find a form
600: StartPapyrusScriptProfile StartPSP Starts profiling a Papyrus script.
601: StopPapyrusScriptProfile StopPSP Stops profiling a Papyrus script.
602: StartPapyrusFormProfile StartPFP Starts profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
603: StopPapyrusFormProfile StopPFP Stops profiling Papyrus scripts on a form.
604: StartPapyrusStackRootProfile StartPSRP Starts profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.
605: StopPapyrusStackRootProfile StopPSRP Stops profiling all Papyrus stacks starting at a script.
606: TogglePapyrusGlobalProfiler TPGP Toggles Papyrus global profiling on and off (profiles *everything*).
607: PrintQuestSceneInfo PrintS Prints to the Quest Inf file the current state of scenes.
608: IsInvulnerable isinv Is the actor invulnerable?
609: ExportInventoryItemInfo eiii
610: CollisionMesh colmesh Toggle Mesh Collision Info
611: HavokWorldStep hkstep Toggle bhkWorld Havok Step Info
612: IsolateRendering ir
613: ToggleWaterCurrentGeometry twcg
614: PerformAction pa
615: StartTrackPlayerDoors StartTPD
616: StopTrackPlayerDoors StopTPD
617: CheckPlayerDoors CheckPD
618: SetInChargen
619: ClearAchievement
620: ForceReset
621: ForceCloseFiles FCF Close masterfile & plugins. Useful for letting CreationKit save to a plugin that is also loaded in-game. See also HotLoadPlugin. [Caution: Use at own risk! Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
622: HotLoadPlugin HLP Load or reload the named plugin. Useful for getting changes without restarting. See also ForceCloseFiles. [Caution: Use at own risk! Modified running quests will be stopped (and restarted if possible). Gameplay and new savegames may be unstable.]
623: GenerateBendableSpline Spline
624: ReloadScript Reloads the specified Papyrus script
625: TestAim ta Test an actor's aim
626: PushCamera pushcam Push camera to editor
627: MoveToEditorCamera movetocam Move to the editor camera
628: MoveToEditorSelection movetosel Move to the editor selection
629: PlaceFurnitureTester PFT Place actor, who will use the selected furniture. Can specify actor type via optional parameter.
630: DumpConditionFunctions DCF
631: ReloadAnimationGraphs RAG
632: ToggleHUDOverlay tho Toggle the HUD overlay.
633: SetHUDOverlayMode shom Set HUD Overlay Mode (0 none, 1 pickref, 2 ammo, 3 all)
634: ToggleWeaponOverlay two Toggle the weapon overlay.
635: ForceDetect fd
636: ToggleAnimationOverlay tano Toggle the animation overlay
637: Warnings Toggle Warnings Overlay
638: ShowSPECIALMenu
639: ChangeAnimArchetype caa Change the selected actor's anim archetype
640: ChangeAnimFlavor caf Change the selected actor's anim flavor
641: SetAngryWithPlayer sawp Set the angry with player flag
642: ForceRepath frp Force the actor to repath
643: ForcePathFailure fpf Force the actor's path to fail
644: DumpFormList dfl Dump the contents of the given formlist to the console output
645: TraceAnimationEvents tae Trace an actor's animation events
646: ShowMods mods Show all property mods on an object
647: DumpInputEnableLayers diel Dumps all currently used input enable layers to the console
648: AttachMod amod Attach a mod to an object
649: RemoveMod rmod Remove a mod from an object
650: SpawnTemplatedObject sto Spawn a ref to a templated object.[object, ilevel, pkeyword1, pkeyword2]
651: CallFunction cf Calls a papyrus function on the targeted ref. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters
652: CallQuestFunction cqf Calls a papyrus function on a quest. Second parameter is the function, the rest are parameters
653: CallGlobalFunction cgf Calls a global papyrus function. First parameter is the function, the rest are parameters
654: ResetInputEnableLayer riel Resets all control disables on a specific input enable layer
655: ForceEnablePlayerControls fepc Force-enables the player's controls, regardless of layers, see EnablePlayerControls
656: ResetForceEnabledPlayerControls rfepc Resets all force-enabled player controls
657: GetActorRefOwner garo
658: SetActorRefOwner saro
659: HasActorRefOwner haro
660: SetOutfit Change the default outfit for the actor
661: PassTime
662: LinkLocations
663: ShowLinkedLocations
664: SetLinkedRef
665: ResetContainer
666: SetSceneForDebug
667: PreloadExterior
668: TestPath tp
669: ToggleControlsOverlay tcon Toggle Controls Overlay
670: Refresh
671: ToggleMTR tMTR Toggles the multi-thread rendering on or off
672: DynamicResolution dr Change the dynamic resolution settings
673: TestLoadingMenu
674: RecalcInstanceData rid
675: DismemberActor dismember Bone Name, SegmentID, Cut Offset
676: ToggleReferencePose trp
677: PyConsole py Switch to Python console
678: LuaConsole lua Switch to Lua console
679: SetPersistLocation
680: SetLocationRefType
681: ShowLocData sld
682: ReserveLoc rsv
683: UpdateAwakeSound UAS Update the selected actor's current conscious loop.
684: PrintAudioDeviceInfo padi Print audio device data to the console log.
685: SetHarvested Mark the current reference as Harvested or not..
686: PauseScene Pause or unpause the specified scene
687: SpawnDupe Make a duplicate ref of the selected ref
688: CombineLoadedObjects clo Runs object combination on all applicable refs in the loaded area.
689: ShowCombinedObjects sco Shows/Hides combined objects in the loaded area.
690: ShowMeshLOD smlod Shows/Hides tint for mesh LOD to see current levels.
691: ForceKillSound fks Force kill the sound with the given ID (pass 0 or nothing for all sounds).
692: DisableDistantReferences ddr Disable references more than a certain distance from the selected ref
693: FireAssert Fire an assert
694: ForcePersistent fp Force a reference to become persistent
695: PlayEventCamera tec Play this event camera on the reference
696: ChangeStance chs Change the actor's stance
697: AuditionSoundDescriptor ASD Set of commands for auditioning sound descriptors.
698: PushSoundCategorySnapshot PSCS Push the given Sound Category Snapshot to the stack.
699: RemoveSoundCategorySnapshot RSCS Remove the given Sound Category Snapshot from the stack.
700: BuildAnimationData bad Build the animation data for the actor
701: SetNumMTRJobs
702: SwitchSkeleton
703: GetHelloorGreeting
704: CaptureNextFrameGPU gpucap Take GPU capture of next frame
705: TogglePreCulling tpc Turn use of pre-culled obects on/off
706: HideNonOccluders hno Hides all objects previs would not use as an occluder. 1-hide, 0-show, 2-partial
707: DumpPowerGrids dpg
708: SetBoneTintRegion sbtr
709: ToggleContextRollOptim tcro Toggles context roll optim
710: SendDialogueEvent sde Sends a dialogue event for the selected and target actor
711: RefreshGlobalTexture rgt refreshes a global texture
712: SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysSucceed player will always succeed at speech challenge
713: SetForceSpeechChallengeAlwaysFail player will always fail at speech challenge
714: RunMaterialsAnalysis rma Compares the materials of the selected reference
715: CaptureMessages Captures DebugString, USER1 and USER2 messages using a Message Event Listener and sends the outout to CaptureMessage.lua
716: SetSSRIntensity ssri Set overall intensity of Screen Space Reflections : default 1.0
717: SetSSRBlendingPower ssrbp Set blending power of Screen Space Reflections : default 1.0
718: SetSSRAngleThreshold ssrat Set angle threshold of Screen Space Reflections : default 0.2
719: SetSSREdgeFadeFactor ssreff Set edge fade factor of Screen Space Reflections : default 0.2
720: SetSSRVerticalBlurPower ssrvbp Set vertical blur power of Screen Space Reflections : default 50
721: SetSSRVerticalAlignmentPower ssrvap Set vertical alignemnt power of Screen Space Reflections : default 2
722: SetSSRVerticalStretchingPower ssrvsp Set vertical streching power of Screen Space Reflections(0.0 ~ 1.0) : default 0
723: SetSSRRayStepScale ssrrss Set ray step scale of Screen Space Reflections : default 8
724: ToggleZPrepass zpp Toggle Z Prepass : default false
725: RainOcclusion ro Toggle Rain Occlusion
726: SetGpuMemoryPriority
727: ToggleRainSplash trs Toggle Rain Splashes
728: CaptureMessage on to turn on else off
729: ToggleTrijuice TJ
730: SetPresentThreshold spt Set percentage (0 - 100) of scanlines covered before swap threshold is hit: default 0 (always swap)
731: BNetLogin login Log in to login <username> <password>
732: BNetLoginSSO loginsso Log in to using first-party authentication
733: BNetLogout logout Log out of
734: IsLoggedIn isonline Is the player logged in to
735: BNetCreateAccount createaccount Creates a account: createaccount <email> <username>
736: BNetLinkAccount link Links a account to a first-party account
737: BNetUnlinkAccount unlink Unlinks a account from a first-party account: unlink <password>
738: RequestOTP requestcode Requests a one-time password (OTP) code be emailed to the user
739: VerifyOTP verifycode Verifies a one-time password (OTP) code: verifycode <code>
740: GetLegalDocs getlegaldocs Retrieves a list of all required legal documents
741: AcceptLegalDoc acceptlegaldoc Accepts a legal document based on its ID: acceptlegaldoc <id>
742: SubscribeUGC subscribe Subscribes to a specified mod on subscribe <content id>
743: UnsubscribeUGC unsubscribe Unsubscribes from a specified mod on unsubscribe <content id>
744: GetSubscribedList getsubscribed Retrieves a list of all subscribed mods from getsubscribed
745: FollowUGC follow Follows a specified mod on follow <content id>
746: UnfollowUGC unfollow Unfollows a specified mod on unfollow <content id>
747: GetFollowedList getfollowed Retrieves a list of all followed mods from getfollowed
748: GetUGCDetails getdetails Retrieves a mod's details from getdetails <content id>
749: DownloadUGC download Downloads a mod's data file from download <content id>
750: ToggleMTRDeferredLights tMTRDFL Toggles the multi-thread deferred lights rendering on or off
751: UpdateGodraySettings gr Modifies the Godray configuration settings
752: UpdateFlexSettings flex Modifies the Flex configuration settings
753: UpdateHBAOSettings hbao Modifies the HBAO+ configuration settings
754: ExportWorkshopPowerGrid export Exports the selected Workshop's power grid.
755: StartWorkshop workshop Enter Workshop mode if the player is within the buildable area of a Workshop.
756: ToggleVBlankOptim tvbo Toggles VBlank optim
757: ProcessValidDismemberments pvdo Processes valid dismemberment cut offsets on an actor
758: ToggleSegmentVisibility tsgv Toggle Segment Visibility
759: AddKeyword
760: SetAmbientParticlesEnabled sape
761: ToggleDOQM tDOQM Toggles the dynamic object query manager on or off
762: ScrapAll Scraps all eligible references in the loaded area.
763: GetBudgetCounts Gets the counts of draws and triangles in the loaded area for Workshop budget definition.
764: WorkshopBudget Gets numbers for establishing the budget for a workshop.
765: ToggleLookAtDebug tLAD
766: SetESRAMSetup esram Force specific ESRAM setup (-1 for automatic setup)
767: ToggleESRAM tesram Toggle ESRAM on/off
768: SetBookViewPort setbookvp Set the text render viewport on a book
769: SetBookOffset setbookoffset Set the text display offset on a book
770: ToggleMTA tMTA Toggles the multi-thread accumulation on or off
771: SetPresentInterval spi Set the present interval.
772: CallStackTraceDepth trace Set the callstack depth when tracing it.
773: CommandedActivate ca Commands selected actor to use a reference
774: StoreInWorkshop store Store one or more of a base object in a Workshop reference
775: InstanceNamingRules inr Export instance naming rule data to file INRExport.txt
776: GetOrbisModInfo
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Ruedii commented Apr 9, 2024

I suspect it is only listing commands that act on certain parts of the engine.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get the list of other commands that I know of.

One might be able to fetch them using a mod or by rooting around for string tags in the exes and game data packages followed by brute force. The other option might be to pull them with a custom mod made for the purpose.

I know dumping all the values attached to character objects would be best done with a mod. I don't know if you could do so with the global functions and variables.

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