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Created September 11, 2014 17:25
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app = angular.module("coffee", [], ()->)
app.controller("viewController", ["$scope", ($scope) ->
start = 0
end = 6
$scope.graphPosition = 0
$scope.updating = {'status': false, 'stats': false}
$scope.status = {'status': false, 'last_start': undefined}
$scope.stats = {
'2014-02-02': 5,
'2014-02-01': 10,
'2014-02-03': 5,
'2014-02-05': 1,
'2014-02-06': 5,
'2014-02-04': 7,
'2014-02-07': 1,
'2014-02-08': 5,
'2014-02-09': 7,
$scope.chart = {
labels: [],
datasets: [{
fillColor : 'rgba(220,220,220,0.5)',
strokeColor : '#ec483c',
pointColor : '#ec483c',
pointStrokeColor : '#e23e32',
data : []
options: {
type: 'Line',
width: 700,
height: 300,
scaleOverride: true,
scaleSteps: 10,
scaleStepWidth: 2,
scaleStartValue: 0,
animation: false
setMaxValue: (maxValue) ->
$scope.chart.maxValue = maxValue
$scope.chart.options.scaleSteps = maxValue / $scope.chart.options.scaleStepWidth
updateGraph = (start, end) ->
$scope.chart.datasets[0].data = []
labels = []
dates = Object.keys($scope.stats)
dates = dates.slice(start, end)
for k in dates
for i, label in labels
$scope.chart.datasets[0].data.push(parseInt($scope.stats[label], 10))
labels[i] = moment(labels[i], 'YYYY-MM-DD').format('DD-MM')
$scope.chart.labels = labels
$scope.chart.setMaxValue(Math.max.apply(Math, $scope.chart.datasets[0].data))
$scope.statusText = () ->
status = $scope.status.status ? 'på' : 'av'
timeSince = moment($scope.status.last_start, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm').fromNow()
return 'Kaffetrakteren er #{status}. Den ble sist skrudd på #{timeSince}.'
$scope.setGraphPosition = (startValue) ->
start = startValue * 7
end = (startValue + 1) * 7 - 1
updateGraph(start, end)
$scope.graphPosition = startValue
$scope.steps = () ->
output = []
for i in 0:Math.ceil(Object.keys($scope.stats).length / 7)
return output
$scope.updateStatus = () ->
if not $scope.updating.status
$scope.updating.status = true
$.getJSON('/api/status', (data) ->
$scope.status =
$scope.updating.status = false
if not $scope.updating.stats
$scope.updating.stats = true
$.getJSON('/api/stats', (data) ->
$scope.stats = data.stats
end = Object.keys($scope.stats).length - 1
start = end - 7
updateGraph(start, end)
$scope.updating.stats = false
app.directive('chart', () ->
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: '<canvas></canvas>',
scope: {model: "=model"},
link: (scope, element, attrs) ->
canvas = element.find('canvas')[0]
context = canvas.getContext('2d')
options = scope.model.options or {
type: attrs.type or "Line",
width: attrs.width or 500,
height: attrs.height or 400
canvas.width = options.width
canvas.height = options.height
chart = new Chart(context)
chart[options.type](scope.model, options)
scope.$watch(() ->
return scope.model.datasets[0].data
, (value) ->
chart[options.type](scope.model, options)
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