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Created June 3, 2016 00:18
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Type-safe printf in Coq, based on Brian McKenna's Idris implementation (
Require Import Ascii String Zdiv.
Open Scope string.
Inductive format :=
| fmt_int : format -> format
| fmt_string : format -> format
| fmt_other : ascii -> format -> format
| fmt_end : format.
Fixpoint format_str s :=
match s with
| String "%" (String "d" s') => fmt_int (format_str s')
| String "%" (String "s" s') => fmt_string (format_str s')
| String c s' => fmt_other c (format_str s')
| EmptyString => fmt_end
Fixpoint gen_format_type f :=
match f with
| fmt_int f' => Z -> gen_format_type f'
| fmt_string f' => string -> gen_format_type f'
| fmt_other _ f' => gen_format_type f'
| fmt_end => string
(* I can't find a nicer way to convert Z -> string :( *)
Definition digit_to_string n : string :=
match n with
| 0%Z => "0"
| 1%Z => "1"
| 2%Z => "2"
| 3%Z => "3"
| 4%Z => "4"
| 5%Z => "5"
| 6%Z => "6"
| 7%Z => "7"
| 8%Z => "8"
| 9%Z => "9"
| _ => ""
Fixpoint z_to_string' n z acc : string :=
match n with
| 0 => acc
| S n' =>
let acc' := digit_to_string (Zmod z 10) ++ acc
in match (Zdiv z 10) with
| Z0 => acc'
| z' => z_to_string' n' z' acc'
Definition z_to_string z :=
if Z.geb z 0
then z_to_string' (Z.to_nat z) z ""
else let z' := Zabs z
in "-" ++ z_to_string' (Z.to_nat z') z' "".
(* end of laborious Z -> string stuff *)
Fixpoint to_fn f s : gen_format_type f :=
match f with
| fmt_int f' => fun i => to_fn f' (s ++ z_to_string i)
| fmt_string f' => fun i => to_fn f' (s ++ i)
| fmt_other a f' => to_fn f' (s ++ String a EmptyString)
| fmt_end => s
Definition printf s := to_fn (format_str s) "".
Eval compute in printf "%s %s %d" "hi" "there" 123%Z.
= "hi there 123"
: (fix gen_format_type (f : format) : Type :=
match f with
| fmt_int f' => Z -> gen_format_type f'
| fmt_string f' => string -> gen_format_type f'
| fmt_other _ f' => gen_format_type f'
| fmt_end => string
((fix format_str (s : string) : format :=
match s with
| "" => fmt_end
| String (Ascii true true _ _ _ _ _ _ as c) s' =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String (Ascii true false true true _ _ _ _ as c) s' =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String (Ascii true false true false true _ _ _ as c) s' =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String (Ascii true false true false false true true _ as c)
s' => fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("165"%char as c) s' => fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c) ("" as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii true true true _ _ _ _ _) _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii true true false true _ _ _ _) _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c) (String "243"%char _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c) (String "s"%char s'0) =>
fmt_string (format_str s'0)
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii true true false false true true false _)
_ as s') => fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii true true false false true false _ _)
_ as s') => fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii true true false false false _ _ _) _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii true false _ _ _ _ _ _) _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii false true _ _ _ _ _ _) _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii false false true true _ _ _ _) _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii false false true false true _ _ _) _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c) (String "228"%char _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c) (String "d"%char s'0) =>
fmt_int (format_str s'0)
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii false false true false false true false _)
_ as s') => fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii false false true false false false _ _)
_ as s') => fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String ("%"%char as c)
(String (Ascii false false false _ _ _ _ _) _ as s') =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String (Ascii true false true false false false _ _ as c)
s' => fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String (Ascii true false false _ _ _ _ _ as c) s' =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
| String (Ascii false _ _ _ _ _ _ _ as c) s' =>
fmt_other c (format_str s')
end) "")
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