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Last active January 21, 2022 00:05
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Shows examples of Ruby 3.1's new hash value omission syntax
# Hash value omission in Ruby 3.1:
x = 1
y = 2
a = {x:, y:}
p a # => {:x=>1, :y=>2}
module XY
def x; 10; end
def y; 20; end
self.class.include XY
# In this scope, x and y are not referenced via `self`, so still retain their initial values.
p x # => 1
p y # => 2
# Here, x and y are referenced via `self`, so the values used are those bound by the included XY module on line 13.
p self.x # => 10
p self.y # => 20
def method_example(x:, y:)
# x and y are originally bound to the method's input arguments, which are defined based on what is reachable in the caller's scope.
p x # => 1
p y # => 2
# x and y are redefined and hash value ommission uses these new values below.
x = 100
y = 200
{x:, y:}
c = method_example(x:, y:)
p c # => {:x=>100, :y=>200}
class Example
include XY
attr_accessor :h
def initialize(x:, y:)
# Similarly to the method example, x and y are defined according to the
# input arguments to the constructor based on what is reachable in the caller's scope.
@h = {x:, y:}
def reset_h
# In this scope, the x and y in scope come from the included XY module,
# and overwrites the previously set x and y values in the constructor.
@h = {x:, y:}
def class_example(x:, y:), y:)
d = class_example(x:, y:)
p d # => #<Example:0x0000000106dd00c0 @h={:x=>1, :y=>2}>
p d # => <Example:0x000000010539e9e0 @h={:x=>10, :y=>20}>
# not valid:
# z = {"x" =>, "y" =>}
# not valid:
# z = {x, y}
# not valid:
# z = { "x:", "y:" }
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