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Created September 19, 2019 05:16
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import datetime
import mysql.connector
# import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('Agg')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='issa', database='donations')
cursor = cnx.cursor()
def single_donor_single_donee(donor, donee):
cursor.execute("""select intended_funding_timeframe_in_months,donation_date from donations where donor = %s and donee = %s""", (donor, donee))
y = 1
for intended_funding_timeframe_in_months, donation_date in cursor:
funding_timeframe_in_days = 30*intended_funding_timeframe_in_months if intended_funding_timeframe_in_months else 10
xstart = donation_date
xstop = xstart + datetime.timedelta(days=funding_timeframe_in_days)
plt.hlines(y, xstart, xstop, 'b', lw=4)
y += 1
plt.ylabel("Grant number")
def single_donor_multiple_donees(donor):
cursor.execute("""select donee,intended_funding_timeframe_in_months,donation_date from donations where donor = %s and substring_index(cause_area,'/',1)='AI safety' """, (donor,))
y = 1
donees_seen = {}
for donee, intended_funding_timeframe_in_months, donation_date in cursor:
if donee not in donees_seen:
donees_seen[donee] = y # claim this y position, then increment y
y += 1
funding_timeframe_in_days = 30*intended_funding_timeframe_in_months if intended_funding_timeframe_in_months else 10
xstart = donation_date
xstop = xstart + datetime.timedelta(days=funding_timeframe_in_days)
plt.hlines(donees_seen[donee], xstart, xstop, 'b', lw=4)
# yticks needs ticks (y positions) and the labels in separate lists, so we
# "unzip" the dictionary into two lists
plt.yticks(*zip(*[(donees_seen[k], k) for k in donees_seen]))
def single_donee_multiple_donors(donee):
cursor.execute("""select donor,intended_funding_timeframe_in_months,donation_date from donations where donee = %s and amount > 100000""", (donee,))
y = 1
donor_ypos = {}
for donor, intended_funding_timeframe_in_months, donation_date in cursor:
if donor not in donor_ypos:
donor_ypos[donor] = y # claim this y position, then increment y
y += 1
funding_timeframe_in_days = 30*intended_funding_timeframe_in_months if intended_funding_timeframe_in_months else 10
xstart = donation_date
xstop = xstart + datetime.timedelta(days=funding_timeframe_in_days)
plt.hlines(donor_ypos[donor], xstart, xstop, 'b', lw=4)
# yticks needs ticks (y positions) and the labels in separate lists, so we
# "unzip" the dictionary into two lists
plt.yticks(*zip(*[(donor_ypos[k], k) for k in donor_ypos]))
# single_donor_single_donee("Open Philanthropy Project", "Machine Intelligence Research Institute")
# single_donor_single_donee("Open Philanthropy Project", "Center for Applied Rationality")
# single_donor_multiple_donees("Open Philanthropy Project")
# single_donee_multiple_donors("Machine Intelligence Research Institute")
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