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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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from subprocess import call
# List of programs to install.
programs = [
# "Essential" utilities:
"sudo", # the minimal install on Debian doesn't come with this
"vim-gtk", # for gundo, which requires python
"python-gpgme", # for Dropbox
# More advanced utilities:
# Screen and tmux ... and byobu
# Programming-related:
"haskell-platform", # this can probably replace both "ghc" and "hugs"...
# Music On Console:
#"moc", # Run using 'mocp'.
#"moc-ffmpeg-plugin", # Extra plugins.
# Support for Japanese:
# On the command line, type 'ibus-setup' to bring up the IBus
# preferences. Under "Input Method" > "Select an input method" >
# "Japanese", find "Anthy" and click. Click "Add" to add it to the list
# of input methods. You can now close the window. You must logout once
# in order to enable Japanese input. To switch to Japanese input, hit
# <Ctrl>-<Space> while in a text-field.
# For Japanese on the commandline, see
# LaTeX (warning: large download):
# For the Acer laptop; Wi-Fi driver and bluetooth diabler.
# Make sure to enable 'non-free' and 'contrib' for the driver.
# For the PowerBook Mac
# ALSA; possibly outdated packages ...
# Some media-related tools:
# jsmath; probably unnecessary since many websites now use mathjax.
# Openbox
# These are packages (or in some cases non-packages) that still have not
# been sorted.
# gitosis, gitolite?
# openssl-server?
# get scheme! keepass(X)
# Update sources and upgrade system:
#call("sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade", shell=True)
# Install programs:
#call("sudo aptitude install {programs}".format(programs=' '.join(programs)), shell=True)
# Some commands for Bash:
call('''echo "PS1='[\u:\W]> '" >> ~/.bashrc''', shell=True)
call('''echo "alias {upgrade,update}='sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -y upgrade'" >> ~/.bashrc''', shell=True)
#call('''echo "alias ls='ls --color'" > ~/.bashrc''', shell=True)
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