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Last active July 7, 2017 18:33
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plotting code for Wikipedia Views

Plotting code for Wikipedia Views

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--log10] [--vertical_lines] [--plot_kind PLOT_KIND]
                [--top N] [--similarity_matrix] [--subtract_avg]
                csv output

positional arguments:
  csv                   the CSV file to graph
  output                the output file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log10               plot log10 of pageviews
  --vertical_lines      show vertical transition lines in graph
  --plot_kind PLOT_KIND
                        plot kind, accepts line, bar, barh, etc.; defaults to
  --top N               if this is a positive integer, only the top N columns
                        are plotted; includes a Total column
  --similarity_matrix   print the similarity matrix of the columns in the CSV
  --subtract_avg        subtract the average value of each column before
                        producing a similarity matrix; you must select

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--log10] [--plot_kind PLOT_KIND] [--top N] [--label]
                  [--label_max_len N] [--font FONT]
                  csv output

positional arguments:
  csv                   the CSV file to graph
  output                the output file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log10               plot log10 of pageviews
  --plot_kind PLOT_KIND
                        plot kind, accepts line, bar, barh, etc.; defaults to
  --top N               if this is a positive integer, only the top N columns
                        are plotted; does not include a Total column
  --label               label the pages at the bottom of the plot
  --label_max_len N     maximum length in characters of each label; only used
                        if --label is given; default N=10
  --font FONT           optional font path to use; only in effect when --label
                        is given
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
Year|Views of page Animal Charity Evaluators|Views of page Ethics of terraforming|Views of page Fish welfare at slaughter|Views of page Welfare of farmed insects|Total|Percentage
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
Month|Views of page Amancio Ortega|Views of page Bill Gates|Views of page Carlos Slim|Views of page Charles Koch|Views of page Christy Walton|Views of page David H. Koch|Views of page John Walton|Views of page Sheldon Adelson|Views of page Warren Buffett|Total|Percentage
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
from graph import get_df
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("csv", type=str, help="the CSV file to graph")
parser.add_argument("output", type=str, help="the output file")
parser.add_argument("--log10", action="store_true",
help="plot log10 of pageviews")
parser.add_argument("--plot_kind", type=str, default="line",
help="plot kind, accepts line, bar, barh, etc.; defaults to line")
parser.add_argument("--top", type=int, default=0, metavar='N',
help="if this is a positive integer, only the top " +
"N columns are plotted; does not include a Total column")
parser.add_argument("--label", action="store_true",
help="label the pages at the bottom of the plot")
parser.add_argument("--label_max_len", type=int, default=10,
metavar="N", help="maximum length in characters of each " +
"label; only used if --label is given; default N=10")
parser.add_argument("--font", type=str, help="optional font " +
"path to use; only in effect when --label is given")
args = parser.parse_args()
if > 0:
# Add one to top because get_df includes a "Total"
df = get_df(args.csv, + 1)
df = get_df(args.csv)
df = df.sum().sort_values(ascending=False)
del df['Total']
if args.log10:
df = np.log10(df)
if args.label:
labels = trim_labels(df.index, max_len=args.label_max_len)
if args.font:
plt.xticks(np.arange(len(df)), labels, rotation='vertical',
plt.xticks(np.arange(len(df)), labels, rotation='vertical')
def trim_labels(labels, max_len=10):
Take a list of strings and trim each so that each is at most max_len
characters long. Return a new list of strings containing the labels in the
same order.
def rm_views_of_page(s):
if s.startswith("Views of page "):
s = s[len("Views of page "):]
return s
def trim(s, max_len=max_len, trail="…"):
if len(s) > max_len:
sli = max_len - len(trail)
if sli > 0:
s = s[:sli] + trail
s = trail
return s
def multi_trim(s):
"John f. kennedy"
=> ['John', 'f.', 'kennedy']
=> ['John', 'F.', 'Kennedy']
=> ['Joh', 'F.', 'Ken'] (map)
=> "JohF.Ken"
s_lst = s.split()
u_lst = list(map(lambda x: x[:1].upper() + x[1:], s_lst))
t_lst = map(lambda x: trim(x, max_len=max_len//len(u_lst), trail=""),
return "".join(t_lst)
return list(map(lambda x: multi_trim(rm_views_of_page(x)),
if __name__ == "__main__":
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("csv", type=str, help="the CSV file to graph")
parser.add_argument("output", type=str, help="the output file")
parser.add_argument("--log10", action="store_true",
help="plot log10 of pageviews")
parser.add_argument("--vertical_lines", action="store_true",
help="show vertical transition lines in graph")
parser.add_argument("--plot_kind", type=str, default="line",
help="plot kind, accepts line, bar, barh, etc.; defaults to line")
parser.add_argument("--top", type=int, default=0, metavar='N',
help="if this is a positive integer, only the top " +
"N columns are plotted; includes a Total column")
parser.add_argument("--similarity_matrix", action="store_true",
help="print the similarity matrix of the columns in the CSV")
parser.add_argument("--subtract_avg", action="store_true",
help="subtract the average value of each column before " +
"producing a similarity matrix; you must select " +
args = parser.parse_args()
df = get_df(args.csv,
if args.similarity_matrix:
if args.subtract_avg:
df = subtract_avg_coord(df)
if args.log10:
df = np.log10(df)
do_a_plot(df, args.output, kind=args.plot_kind,
def get_df(fname, top=0):
Take the filepath to the input CSV, fname. Return a Pandas DataFrame of the
# 'quoting' of 3 corresponds to csv.QUOTE_NONE
df = pd.read_csv(fname, sep='|', quoting=3)
del df['Percentage']
top_cols = []
if top > 0:
# Sort the "Total" row to obtain a list of the most-viewed pages.
# df.iloc[-2] is the Total row, and "1:" skips the first item, which is
# the string "Total".
top_cols = df.iloc[-2, 1:].sort_values(ascending=False)[:top].index.tolist()
df = df[:-2] # remove "Total" and "Percentage" rows from the bottom
if "Month" in df:
# 200610 -> "2006-10"
df['Month'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Month'].map(lambda x:
str(x)[:4] + "-" + str(x)[4:]))
df = df.set_index('Month')
# "Year" must be in df
df['Year'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Year'].map(lambda x:
str(x) + "-01-01"))
df = df.set_index('Year')
df = df.sort_index()
if top_cols:
return df[top_cols]
return df
def do_a_plot(df, fname, kind, show_wm_api_switch=False,
df.plot(kind=kind, legend=True)
# If we want rolling averages, we would set n to whatever the window length
# is, but for now we don't, so just hard-code it to 1
# n = 1
if show_wm_api_switch:
plt.axvline(pd.to_datetime('2016-01-01'), color='r', lw=2)
# plt.axvline(pd.to_datetime('2016-01-01')+relativedelta(months=n-1),
# color='y', lw=2)
if show_mobile_onset:
plt.axvline(pd.to_datetime('2015-07-01'), color='b', lw=2)
# plt.axvline(pd.to_datetime('2015-07-01')+relativedelta(months=n-1),
# color='g', lw=2)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.14), loc='upper center', ncol=3)
plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight")
def matrix(df):
Calculate and return the matrix representing the similarity of the pages in
the Pandas DataFrame df. The closer the pages are, the closer the values in
the matrix will be to 1.
cols = df.columns
res = pd.DataFrame(index=cols, columns=cols)
for i in df:
for j in df:
dot = df[i].dot(df[j])
inorm = np.sqrt(np.square(df[i]).sum())
jnorm = np.sqrt(np.square(df[j]).sum())
res[i][j] = dot/(inorm*jnorm)
return res
def subtract_avg_coord(df):
For each column (x_1, ..., x_n) in the Pandas DataFrame df, transform to
(x_1 - x, ..., x_n - x), where x = (x_1 + ··· + x_n) / n is the average of
the coordinates. Return a new transformed DataFrame.
res = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index, columns=df.columns)
for col in df:
avg = df[col].mean()
res[col] = df[col] - avg
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
software under copyright law.
For more information, please refer to <>
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
Month|Views of tag American television and radio pundits|Views of tag Anti-migration websites|Views of tag Billionaires|Total|Percentage
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: No commas found in this CSV file in line 0.
Month|Views of tag Birds|Views of tag Colors|Views of tag Mammals|Views of tag Reptiles|Views of tag Sports|Total|Percentage
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 2 should actually have 102 columns, instead of 1. in line 1.
Month|A. C. Schiffler|A. F. Maciejewski|A. Jeff McLemore|A. Lawrence Foster|A. Leonard Allen|A. Piatt Andrew|A. S. J. Carnahan|A. Scott Sloan|A. Walter Norblad|Aaron A. Sargent|Aaron F. Perry|Aaron Fletcher Stevens|Aaron H. Cragin|Aaron Hackley, Jr.|Aaron Harding|Aaron Harlan|Aaron Hobart|Aaron Kitchell|Aaron L. Ford|Aaron Matson|Aaron Schock|Aaron Shaw (representative)|Aaron Shenk Kreider|Aaron V. Brown|Aaron Van Schaick Cochrane|Abbott Lawrence|Abe Goff|Abel Carter Wilder|Abiel Foster|Abijah Bigelow|Abner C. Harding|Abner J. Mikva|Abner Taylor|Abner W. Sibal|Abraham A. Ribicoff|Abraham Andrews Barker|Abraham B. Venable|Abraham Baldwin|Abraham Bockee|Abraham Clark|Abraham Dowdney|Abraham Ellison Garrett|Abraham J. Hostetler|Abraham Kazen|Abraham L. Brick|Abraham Lincoln|Abraham Lincoln Keister|Abraham McClellan (Tennessee politician)|Abraham Nott|Abraham P. Grant|Abraham Rencher|Abraham Watkins Venable|Abram Comingo|Abram Fulkerson|Abram Poindexter Maury|Abram Trigg|Absalom Harris Chappell|Absalom Tatom|Absalom Willis Robertson|Adam Benjamin Jr.|Adam Boyd (politician)|Adam Brown Littlepage|Adam Huntsman|Adam John Glossbrenner|Adam King (congressman)|Adam Kinzinger|Adam M. Byrd|Adam Putnam|Adam Rankin Alexander|Adam Schiff|Adam W. Snyder|Addison James|Addison S. McClure|Addison T. Smith|Addison White|Adin B. Capron|Adlai Stevenson I|Adna R. Johnson|Adolph J. Sabath|Adolph Meyer|Adolphus Peter Nelson|Adoniram J. Holmes|Adrian Smith (politician)|Aedanus Burke|Ahiman Louis Miner|Aime Forand|Al Gore|Al Green (politician)|Al McCandless|Al Ullman|Alan Cranston|Alan Grayson|Alan Lowenthal|Alan Mollohan|Alan Nunnelee|Alan Steelman|Alan Wheat|Alanson M. Kimball|Alben W. Barkley|Albert Blakeney|Albert Bustamante|Albert C. Willford|Albert Cole Hopkins|Albert Constable|Albert David Baumhart Jr.|Albert Douglas|Albert E. Austin|Albert E. Carter|Albert Estopinal|Albert F. Dawson|Albert F. Polk|Albert G. Brown|Albert G. Burr|Albert G. Jenkins|Albert G. Porter|Albert G. Riddle|Albert G. Simms|Albert G. Talbott|Albert Galiton Watkins|Albert Gallatin|Albert Gallatin Egbert|Albert Gallatin Hawes|Albert Galliton Harrison|Albert Gallup|Albert Gore Sr.|Albert H. Bosch|Albert Henry Vestal|Albert J. Campbell|Albert J. Hopkins|Albert J. Pearson|Albert L. Reeves, Jr.|Albert L. Smith Jr.|Albert L. Vreeland|Albert M. Cole|Albert P. Forsythe|Albert P. Morano|Albert R. Anderson|Albert R. Hall (Indiana politician)|Albert R. Howe|Albert Rains|Albert Richard Thomas|Albert Rust|Albert S. Berry|Albert S. Burleson|Albert S. Herlong Jr.|Albert S. Willis|Albert Sidney Camp|Albert Smith (Maine)|Albert Smith White|Albert Taylor Goodwyn|Albert W. Cretella|Albert W. Jefferis|Albert W. Johnson|Albert Watson (South Carolina)|Albert Wynn|Albio Sires|Albion Parris|Alcee Hastings|Alejandro Almeida|Alex McMillan|Alex Mooney|Alexander B. Montgomery|Alexander Billmeyer|Alexander Boteler|Alexander Boyd|Alexander C. Davidson|Alexander C. M. Pennington|Alexander C. Mitchell|Alexander Campbell (Illinois politician)|Alexander Contee Hanson|Alexander D. Orr|Alexander D. Sims|Alexander Davis|Alexander Duncan (politician)|Alexander Evans (American politician)|Alexander G. Penn|Alexander Gillon|Alexander Gilmore Cochran|Alexander Graves|Alexander H. Bailey|Alexander H. Buell|Alexander H. Jones|Alexander H. Rice|Alexander H. Stephens|Alexander Hamilton Coffroth|Alexander Harper (Ohio politician)|Alexander Holladay|Alexander Hugh Holmes Stuart|Alexander Irvin|Alexander J. Resa|Alexander Kerr Craig|Alexander Long|Alexander M. Hardy|Alexander McKim|Alexander McMillan|Alexander Mebane|Alexander Mitchell (Wisconsin politician)|Alexander Monroe Dockery|Alexander Newman|Alexander Randall (Maryland)|Alexander S. Diven|Alexander S. McDill|Alexander S. Wallace|Alexander Smyth|Alexander Stewart (American politician)|Alexander W. Gregg|Alexander White (Alabama)|Alexander White (Virginia)|Alexander Wilson (American politician)|Alfred A. Burnham|Alfred A. Taylor|Alfred B. Greenwood|Alfred B. Kittredge|Alfred Babcock|Alfred Briggs Irion|Alfred Buckwalter Garner|Alfred C. Chapin|Alfred C. Harmer|Alfred Conkling|Alfred Cuthbert|Alfred Dennis Sieminski|Alfred Dockery|Alfred E. Reames|Alfred Eliab Buck|Alfred Ely|Alfred F. Beiter|Alfred G. Allen|Alfred Gilmore|Alfred H. Colquitt|Alfred H. Powell|Alfred Iverson Sr.|Alfred J. Elliott|Alfred L. Bulwinkle|Alfred Marshall (politician)|Alfred Metcalf Jackson|Alfred Moore Gatlin|Alfred Moore Scales|Alfred Moore Waddell|Alfred Morrison Lay|Alfred N. Phillips|Alfred Peck Edgerton|Alfred Rowland|Alfred William Lamb|Alice Mary Robertson|Allan B. Walsh|Allan Benny|Allan C. Durborow, Jr.|Allan Langdon McDermott|Allan O. Hunter|Allan Turner Howe|Allard H. Gasque|Allen Boyd|Allen D. Candler|Allen E. Ertel|Allen F. Moore|Allen Ferdinand Owen|Allen Foster Cooper|Allen R. Bushnell|Allen T. Treadway|Allen West (politician)|Alma Adams|Alney McLean|Alonzo Dillard Folger|Alonzo J. Ransier|Alonzo Nute|Alphonse Roy|Alphonso Hart|Alphonzo E. Bell, Jr.|Alston G. Dayton|Alton Lennon|Alva B. Adams|Alva L. Hager|Alva M. Lumpkin|Alvah A. Clark|Alvah Crocker|Alvah Sabin|Alvan Cullom|Alvan T. Fuller|Alvin Baldus|Alvin Bush|Alvin Evans|Alvin O'Konski|Alvin Paul Kitchin|Alvin Peterson Hovey|Amasa Cobb|Amasa Dana|Amasa Learned|Amasa Norcross|Amasa Walker|Ambrose Jerome Kennedy|Ambrose Kennedy|Ambrose Ranney|Ambrose W. Clark|Americus V. Rice|Ami Bera|Amos Abbott|Amos Clark, Jr.|Amos Davis|Amos Gustine|Amos H. Jackson|Amos H. Radcliffe|Amos J. Cummings|Amos L. Allen|Amos Lane|Amos P. Granger|Amos Tuck|Ander Crenshaw|Anderson Mitchell|Andrea Seastrand|Andrew Beaumont|Andrew Beirne|Andrew Biemiller|Andrew Boden|Andrew Boone|Andrew Buchanan (American politician)|Andrew DeWitt Bruyn|Andrew Edmiston Jr.|Andrew Ellison|Andrew Ewing|Andrew F. Fox|Andrew Grant Chapman|Andrew Gregg|Andrew Gregg Curtin|Andrew H. Hamilton|Andrew H. Ward|Andrew Humphreys|Andrew J. Harlan|Andrew J. Hickey|Andrew J. Hinshaw|Andrew J. Hunter|Andrew J. Kuykendall|Andrew J. May|Andrew J. Rogers|Andrew J. Thayer|Andrew Jackson|Andrew Jackson Barchfeld|Andrew Jackson Caldwell|Andrew Jackson Hamilton|Andrew Jackson Houston|Andrew Jackson Kirk|Andrew Jackson Montague|Andrew Jacobs (lawyer)|Andrew Jacobs Jr.|Andrew James Peters|Andrew Johnson|Andrew K. Hay|Andrew Kennedy (American politician)|Andrew King (representative)|Andrew Maguire|Andrew Moore (politician)|Andrew Pickens (congressman)|Andrew Price (politician)|Andrew R. Brodbeck|Andrew R. Govan|Andrew S. Fulton|Andrew Sloan|Andrew Stevenson|Andrew T. Judson|Andrew Tracy|Andrew Trumbo|Andrew W. Doig|Andrew W. Loomis|Andrew Young|Andy Barr (U.S. politician)|Andy Harris (politician)|Andy Ireland|Angier Goodwin|Ann Kirkpatrick|Ann Marie Buerkle|Ann McLane Kuster|Ann Wagner|Anna Eshoo|Anne Northup|Ansel Sterling|Anson Brown|Anson Burlingame|Anson Morrill|Anthony A. Fleger|Anthony A.C. Rogers|Anthony C. Beilenson|Anthony Caminetti|Anthony Cavalcante|Anthony Eickhoff|Anthony F. Ittner|Anthony J. Griffin|Anthony L. Knapp|Anthony Michalek|Anthony New|Anthony Thornton (representative)|Anthony Wayne|Anton J. Johnson|Antoni Sadlak|Arch A. Moore Jr.|Archibald Atkinson|Archibald Austin|Archibald C. Hart|Archibald E. Olpp|Archibald Henderson (politician)|Archibald Hill Carmichael|Archibald Hunter Arrington|Archibald Hunter Arrington Williams|Archibald J. Weaver|Archibald Lybrand|Archibald M. Bliss|Archibald McBryde|Archibald McNeill|Archibald S. Clarke|Archibald Stuart|Archibald T. MacIntyre|Archibald Van Horne|Archibald Yell|Ariosto A. Wiley|Armistead Burt|Armistead I. Selden Jr.|Armstead M. Alexander|Arnold Olsen|Artemas Hale|Artemas Ward|Artemas Ward Jr.|Arthur A. Link|Arthur B. Jenks|Arthur B. Rouse|Arthur Daniel Healey|Arthur Granville Dewalt|Arthur H. Greenwood|Arthur H. Taylor|Arthur H. Vandenberg|Arthur L. Miller|Arthur Laban Bates|Arthur Livermore|Arthur M. Free|Arthur P. Lamneck|Arthur P. Murphy|Arthur Ravenel Jr.|Arthur Raymond Robinson|Arthur Smith (U.S. Representative)|Arthur W. Aleshire|Arthur W. Kopp|Arthur W. Mitchell|Arthur W. Overmyer|Arthur Walsh (senator)|Artur Davis|Asa Adgate|Asa Biggs|Asa Clapp|Asa Fitch (politician)|Asa Grover|Asa H. Willie|Asa Hodges|Asa Hutchinson|Asa Lyon|Asahel Stearns|Asahel W. Hubbard|Asbury Francis Lever|Asbury Latimer|Ashbel P. Fitch|Asher G. Caruth|Asher Hinds|Ashley B. Wright|Ashton C. Shallenberger|Asle Gronna|Athelston Gaston|Atterson W. Rucker|Aubert C. Dunn|Auburn Pridemore|Augustin Reed Humphrey|Augustin Smith Clayton|Augustine B. Kelley|Augustine Henry Shepperd|Augustine Lonergan|Augustus A. Chapman|Augustus Albert Hardenbergh|Augustus Brandegee|Augustus Drum|Augustus F. Allen|Augustus F. Hawkins|Augustus Frank|Augustus Hall|Augustus Herman Pettibone|Augustus L. Perrill|Augustus Maxwell|Augustus McCloskey|Augustus N. Martin|Augustus Owsley Stanley|Augustus Peabody Gardner|Augustus Rhodes Sollers|Augustus Romaldus Wright|Augustus W. Bennet|Augustus W. Cutler|Augustus Young (representative)|Ausburn Birdsall|Austin F. Pike|Austin Scott (politician)|Aylett Hawes|Aylett Hawes Buckner|Aylett R. Cotton|Aylette Buckner|Azariah Boody|B. B. Comer|B. Carroll Reece|B. Everett Jordan|B. Frank Murphy|B. Frank Whelchel|B. J. Monkiewicz|Bailey Bartlett|Balie Peyton|Ballard Smith|Bannon Goforth Thibodeaux|Barack Obama|Barbara B. Kennelly|Barbara Boxer|Barbara Comstock|Barbara Cubin|Barbara Jordan|Barbara Lee|Barbara Mikulski|Barbara Vucanovich|Barber Conable|Barbour Lewis|Barclay Henley|Barclay Martin|Barent Gardenier|Barker Burnell|Barnabas Bidwell|Barnes Compton|Barney Frank|Baron Hill|Barratt O'Hara|Barry Goldwater Jr.|Barry Loudermilk|Bart Gordon|Bartlett Yancey|Basil Lee Whitener|Beau Boulter|Bella Abzug|Beman Gates Dawes|Ben C. Eastman|Ben Cardin|Ben Carson|Ben Chandler|Ben Erdreich|Ben F. Caldwell|Ben F. Jensen|Ben H. Guill|Ben Johnson (politician)|Ben Jones (American actor and politician)|Ben Nighthorse Campbell|Ben Quayle|Ben Reifel|Benedict Arnold (congressman)|Benedict Joseph Semmes|Benjamin A. Enloe|Benjamin A. Gilman|Benjamin A. Smith II|Benjamin Adams (politician)|Benjamin Alden Bidlack|Benjamin B. Blackburn|Benjamin Babock Thurston|Benjamin Bennet|Benjamin Bourne|Benjamin Butler (politician)|Benjamin Butterworth|Benjamin C. Hilliard|Benjamin Chew Howard|Benjamin Contee|Benjamin Dean|Benjamin E. Grey|Benjamin E. Russell|Benjamin Edwards (Maryland)|Benjamin Eggleston|Benjamin Ellicott|Benjamin Estil|Benjamin F. Funk|Benjamin F. Grady|Benjamin F. Hopkins|Benjamin F. James|Benjamin F. Leiter|Benjamin F. Loan|Benjamin F. Marsh|Benjamin F. Martin|Benjamin F. Shively|Benjamin Flanders|Benjamin Franklin Howell|Benjamin Franklin Howey|Benjamin Franklin Junkin|Benjamin Franklin Whittemore|Benjamin G. Humphreys II|Benjamin Glover Shields|Benjamin Goodhue|Benjamin Gorham|Benjamin Gwinn Harris|Benjamin H. Bunn|Benjamin Hardin|Benjamin Harvey Hill|Benjamin Howard (Missouri)|Benjamin Huger (congressman)|Benjamin Huntington|Benjamin Jarrett|Benjamin Jones (congressman)|Benjamin Joseph Franklin|Benjamin K. Focht|Benjamin L. Fairchild|Benjamin L. Rosenbloom|Benjamin Le Fevre|Benjamin M. Golder|Benjamin Markley Boyer|Benjamin P. Birdsall|Benjamin Pickman Jr.|Benjamin Randall (Maine)|Benjamin S. Cowen|Benjamin S. Turner|Benjamin Stephen Hooper|Benjamin Swift|Benjamin T. Biggs|Benjamin T. Cable|Benjamin T. Eames|Benjamin T. Frederick|Benjamin Taliaferro|Benjamin Tallmadge|Benjamin Tappan|Benjamin Thomas (congressman)|Benjamin Thompson (politician)|Benjamin Tillman|Benjamin W. Harris|Benjamin White (Maine politician)|Benjamin White Norris|Benjamin Williams|Benjamin Williams Crowninshield|Benjamin Wilson (congressman)|Bennet Bicknell|Bennett H. Henderson|Bennett M. Stewart|Bennie Thompson|Benning M. Bean|Benoni S. Fuller|Benson Wood|Benton Jay Hall|Benton McMillin|Berkeley L. Bunker|Berkley Bedell|Bernard Blair|Bernard F. Grabowski|Bernard G. Caulfield|Bernard J. Dwyer|Bernard J. Gehrmann|Bernard Smith (New Jersey)|Bernhard M. Jacobsen|Bernhart Henn|Bernice F. Sisk|Bernie Sanders|Bert Bandstra|Bertram Tracy Clayton|Bertrand W. Gearhart|Beryl Anthony Jr.|Bethuel Kitchen|Beto O'Rourke|Betsy Markey|Beverly B. Douglas|Beverly Byron|Beverly L. Clarke|Beverly M. Vincent|Bill Barrett|Bill Boner|Bill Brock|Bill Burlison|Bill Cassidy|Bill Clay|Bill Cobey|Bill Delahunt|Bill Emerson|Bill Flores|Bill Foster (politician)|Bill G. Lowrey|Bill Gradison|Bill Gunter|Bill Harsha|Bill Hefner|Bill Hendon|Bill Janklow|Bill Jenkins (politician)|Bill Johnson (Ohio politician)|Bill Keating (politician)|Bill Lipinski|Bill Lowery (politician)|Bill McCollum|Bill Nelson|Bill Orton|Bill Pascrell|Bill Posey|Bill Richardson|Bill Sali|Bill Sarpalius|Bill Thomas|Bill Young|Bill Zeliff|Billy Lee Evans|Billy Long|Billy Tauzin|Binger Hermann|Bird Segle McGuire|Bishop W. Perkins|Blackburn B. Dovener|Blaine Luetkemeyer|Blair Moody|Blake Farenthold|Blanche Lincoln|Bo Callaway|Bob Barr|Bob Beauprez|Bob Brady|Bob Clement|Bob Dole|Bob Dornan|Bob Ehrlich|Bob Etheridge|Bob Filner|Bob Franks|Bob Gibbs|Bob Goodlatte|Bob Inglis|Bob Kasten|Bob Krueger|Bob Latta|Bob Livingston|Bob Mathias|Bob Matsui|Bob McEwen|Bob Menendez|Bob Mollohan|Bob Ney|Bob Price (Texas politician)|Bob Riley|Bob Schaffer|Bob Smith (American politician)|Bob Stump (U.S. Congressman)|Bob Whittaker|Bob Wilson (politician)|Bob Wise|Bobbi Fiedler|Bobby Bright|Bobby Jindal|Bobby Rush|Bobby Schilling|Bobby Scott (politician)|Bolivar E. Kemp|Bolling Hall|Bonnie Watson Coleman|Boyd Anderson Tackett|Boyd Winchester|Brad Ashford|Brad Carson|Brad Ellsworth|Brad Miller (politician)|Brad Schneider|Brad Sherman|Bradbury Cilley|Bradford N. Stevens|Bradley Barlow|Bradley Byrne|Brady P. Gentry|Braswell Deen|Brendan Boyle|Brent Spence|Brett Guthrie|Brian Babin|Brian Bilbray|Brian D. Kerns|Brian J. Donnelly|Brian Schatz|Bronson M. Cutting|Brookins Campbell|Brooks Hays|Bruce Alger|Bruce Braley|Bruce F. Caputo|Bruce Fairchild Barton|Bruce Morrison|Bruce Poliquin|Bruce Westerman|Brutus J. Clay|Bryan F. Mahan|Bryan Owsley|Bryan Young (politician)|Bryant Thomas Castellow|Buck McKeon|Bud Brown (politician)|Buddy Carter|Buddy Leach|Buddy MacKay|Buddy Roemer|Burleigh F. Spalding|Burnett M. Chiperfield|Burr Harrison|Burr W. Jones|Burt L. Talcott|Burton C. Cook|Burton E. Sweet|Burton L. French|Burwell Bassett|Burwell Boykin Lewis|Burwell C. Ritter|Butch Otter|Butler Ames|Butler B. Hare|Butler Derrick|Byram Green|Byron B. Harlan|Byron Dorgan|Byron F. Ritchie|Byron G. Rogers|Byron L. Johnson|Byron N. Scott|C. Bascom Slemp|C. Ellis Moore|C. Frank Reavis|C. Jasper Bell|C. Pope Caldwell|C. W. Bishop|Cadwallader C. Washburn|Cadwallader D. Colden|Caesar Augustus Rodney|Cal Dooley|Caldwell Edwards|Caleb Baker|Caleb Blood Smith|Caleb Cushing|Caleb Ellis|Caleb Powers|Caleb R. Layton|Calvary Morris|Calvin C. Chaffee|Calvin Cowgill|Calvin D. Johnson|Calvin Goddard (politician)|Calvin Paige|Calvin Willard Gilfillan|Cameron A. Morrison|Campbell Polson Berry|Campbell Slemp|Cap R. Carden|Cardiss Collins|Carl Albert|Carl C. Anderson|Carl C. Perkins|Carl Curtis|Carl D. Perkins|Carl Elliott|Carl G. Bachmann|Carl Hatch|Carl Hayden|Carl Henry Hoffman|Carl R. Chindblom|Carl T. Durham|Carl Vinson|Carl W. Riddick|Carl West Rich|Carleton Hunt|Carlos Bee|Carlos Curbelo (politician)|Carlos French|Carlos Moorhead|Carlton Brandaga Curtis|Carlton Mobley|Carlton R. Sickles|Carly Fiorina|Carman A. Newcomb|Carol Shea-Porter|Carrie P. Meek|Carroll A. Campbell Jr.|Carroll D. Kearns|Carroll Hubbard|Carroll L. Beedy|Carte Goodwin|Carter Bassett Harrison|Carter Glass|Carter Harrison Sr.|Carter Manasco|Carville Benson|Case Broderick|Cass Ballenger|Cassius C. Dowell|Cassius M. Shartel|Catherine Dorris Norrell|Catherine Small Long|Cave Johnson|Cecil F. White|Cecil Heftel|Cecil M. Harden|Cecil R. King|Cedric Richmond|Chaka Fattah|Champ Clark|Chapin Hall|Chapman Freeman|Chapman L. Anderson|Charles A. Boutelle|Charles A. Boyle|Charles A. Buckley|Charles A. Chickering|Charles A. Christopherson|Charles A. Crow|Charles A. Eldredge|Charles A. Floyd|Charles A. Foote|Charles A. Halleck|Charles A. Hill|Charles A. Jonas|Charles A. Kading|Charles A. Karch|Charles A. Kennedy|Charles A. Korbly|Charles A. Mooney|Charles A. O. McClellan|Charles A. Rawson|Charles A. Stevens|Charles A. Sumner|Charles A. Towne|Charles A. Wickliffe|Charles A. Wolverton|Charles Adams Mosher|Charles Addison Russell|Charles Adkins (politician)|Charles Albert Plumley|Charles Albright (congressman)|Charles Andrews (Maine politician)|Charles Arthur Anderson|Charles Aubrey Eaton|Charles B. Benedict|Charles B. Brownson|Charles B. Clark|Charles B. Deane|Charles B. Farwell|Charles B. Hoeven|Charles B. Landis|Charles B. Lore|Charles B. McClintock|Charles B. Timberlake|Charles Barwig|Charles Bass|Charles Benedict Calvert|Charles Biddle Shepard|Charles Billinghurst|Charles Bodle|Charles Borland, Jr.|Charles Boustany|Charles Boyle Roberts|Charles Brand (congressman)|Charles Brooks Smith|Charles Brown (congressman)|Charles Browne (politician)|Charles Bryson Simonton|Charles C. Gossett|Charles C. Reid|Charles C. Stratton|Charles Calvin Bowman|Charles Case|Charles Chapman (Connecticut)|Charles Christopher Sheats|Charles Clayton|Charles Clement Johnston|Charles Creighton Carlin|Charles Curtis|Charles Cyrus Kearns|Charles D. Beckwith|Charles D. Carter|Charles D. Coffin|Charles D. Hodges|Charles D. Martin|Charles Daniels (New York politician)|Charles Dayan|Charles Delano|Charles Delemere Haines|Charles Denison|Charles Djou|Charles Dorr|Charles Dougherty (Florida politician)|Charles Douglas III|Charles Durkee|Charles E. Clarke|Charles E. Creager|Charles E. Daniel|Charles E. Dietrich|Charles E. Hogg|Charles E. Hooker|Charles E. Littlefield|Charles E. McKenzie|Charles E. Nash|Charles E. Phelps|Charles E. Pickett|Charles E. Wiggins|Charles E. Winter|Charles Eaton Haynes|Charles Edmund Boyle|Charles Edward Bennett|Charles Edward Coffin|Charles Edward Kiefner|Charles Edward Pearce|Charles Edward Snodgrass|Charles Edward Swanson|Charles Elwood Brown|Charles Eugene Fuller|Charles F. Booher|Charles F. Buck|Charles F. Cochran|Charles F. Curry|Charles F. Curry, Jr.|Charles F. Dougherty|Charles F. McLaughlin|Charles F. Mercer|Charles F. Ogden|Charles F. Sprague|Charles F. X. O'Brien|Charles Finley (politician)|Charles Fisher (congressman)|Charles Floyd Hatcher|Charles Foster (Ohio politician)|Charles Francis Adams Sr.|Charles Frederick Barclay|Charles Frederick Crisp|Charles Frederick Joy|Charles Frederick Scott|Charles G. Atherton|Charles G. Bennett|Charles G. Bond|Charles G. Conn|Charles G. DeWitt|Charles G. Ferris|Charles G. Washburn|Charles G. Williams|Charles Germman Burton|Charles Goldsborough|Charles Goodell|Charles Goodyear (politician)|Charles Gordon Edwards|Charles Gubser|Charles Gustav Binderup|Charles H. Adams (New York politician)|Charles H. Burke|Charles H. Carroll|Charles H. Cowles|Charles H. Elston|Charles H. Griffin|Charles H. Grosvenor|Charles H. Larrabee|Charles H. Mansur|Charles H. Page|Charles H. Peaslee|Charles H. Porter|Charles H. Prince|Charles H. Russell|Charles H. Taylor|Charles H. Voorhis|Charles H. Weisse|Charles H. Wilson|Charles Haight|Charles Hall Dillon|Charles Harrison Brown|Charles Hawks, Jr.|Charles Hayes (politician)|Charles Hays|Charles Heber Dickerman|Charles Henderson (Nevada politician)|Charles Henderson Yoakum|Charles Henry Morgan|Charles Henry Sloan|Charles Herbert Allen|Charles Herbert Joyce|Charles Hillyer Brand|Charles Hiram Randall|Charles Hooks|Charles Hopper Gibson|Charles Hudson (Massachusetts)|Charles Humphrey Atherton|Charles I. Faddis|Charles I. Sparks|Charles J. Boatner|Charles J. Carney|Charles J. Colden|Charles J. Faulkner|Charles J. Gilman|Charles J. Kersten|Charles Jared Ingersoll|Charles John Biddle|Charles Johnson (North Carolina)|Charles Joseph Esterly|Charles K. Bell|Charles K. Fletcher|Charles K. Wheeler|Charles Kinsey|Charles Kramer (politician)|Charles L. Faust|Charles L. Gerlach|Charles L. Gifford|Charles L. Henry|Charles L. McNary|Charles L. Moses|Charles L. Richards|Charles L. Scott|Charles L. South|Charles L. Underhill|Charles L. Weltner|Charles Laban Abernethy|Charles Lafayette Bartlett|Charles Landon Knight|Charles Le Moyne Mitchell|Charles Lewis Beale|Charles Lieb|Charles M. Borchers|Charles M. Harris|Charles M. La Follette|Charles M. Shelley|Charles M. Teague|Charles M. Thomson|Charles Magill Conrad|Charles Manly Stedman|Charles Marley Anderson|Charles Marsh|Charles Martin (Illinois)|Charles Martin (Oregon politician)|Charles Mathias|Charles McGavin|Charles Melvin Price|Charles Memorial Hamilton|Charles Merian Cooper|Charles Montague Bakewell|Charles Murphey|Charles N. Brumm|Charles N. Crosby|Charles N. Felton|Charles N. Fowler|Charles N. Lamison|Charles Nelson Clark|Charles Nelson Pray|Charles O'Connor (politician)|Charles O. Lobeck|Charles O. Porter|Charles Orville Whitley|Charles P. Nelson (congressman)|Charles P. Snyder|Charles Pearce Coady|Charles Pelham (congressman)|Charles Perkins Thompson|Charles Pinckney (governor)|Charles Pomeroy|Charles Q. Hildebrant|Charles Q. Tirrell|Charles R. Buckalew|Charles R. Clason|Charles R. Crisp|Charles R. Eckert|Charles R. Evans|Charles R. Farnsley|Charles R. Howell|Charles R. Jonas|Charles R. Robertson|Charles R. Thomas (1827u20131891)|Charles R. Thomas (1861u20131931)|Charles R. Train|Charles Ready|Charles Reginald Schirm|Charles Rich (U.S. Representative)|Charles Risk|Charles Robert Connell|Charles Robin Britt|Charles S. Baker|Charles S. Benton|Charles S. Dewey|Charles S. Hartman|Charles S. Lewis|Charles S. Morehead|Charles S. Randall|Charles S. Sewall|Charles S. Wharton|Charles Samuel Joelson|Charles Sitgreaves|Charles Skelton|Charles Slade|Charles Stenholm|Charles Stetson|Charles Stewart (Texas politician)|Charles Swindall|Charles T. Canady|Charles T. Doxey|Charles T. Dunwell|Charles Thone|Charles Triplett O'Ferrall|Charles Turner, Jr.|Charles V. Fornes|Charles Vernon Culver|Charles W. Bell|Charles W. Buttz|Charles W. Cathcart|Charles W. F. Dick|Charles W. Gillet|Charles W. Henney|Charles W. McClammy|Charles W. Milliken|Charles W. Roark|Charles W. Sandman Jr.|Charles W. Tobey|Charles W. Vursell|Charles W. Walton|Charles W. Willard|Charles W. Woodman|Charles Waldron Buckley|Charles Wentworth Upham|Charles West Kendall|Charles Wilson Pierce|Charles Winston Thompson|Charlie Dent|Charlie Gonzalez|Charlie Luken|Charlie Melancon|Charlie Norwood|Charlie Rose (congressman)|Charlie Wilson (Texas politician)|Charlotte Thompson Reid|Chase G. Woodhouse|Chauncey B. Little|Chauncey Fitch Cleveland|Chauncey Forward|Chauncey Goodrich|Chauncey L. Knapp|Chauncey Langdon|Chauncey W. Reed|Chellie Pingree|Cheri Bustos|Cherubusco Newton|Chesselden Ellis|Chester A. Chesney|Chester B. McMullen|Chester Bidwell Darrall|Chester Bowles|Chester C. Bolton|Chester C. Gorski|Chester C. Thompson|Chester D. Hubbard|Chester E. Holifield|Chester Earl Merrow|Chester G. Atkins|Chester H. Gross|Chester I. Long|Chester L. Mize|Chester O. Carrier|Chester Pierce Butler|Chester W. Chapin|Chester W. Taylor|Chet Edwards|Chilton Allan|Chip Pashayan|Chip Pickering|Chittenden Lyon|Choice B. Randell|Chris Bell (politician)|Chris Cannon|Chris Carney|Chris Chocola|Chris Collins (U.S. politician)|Chris Dodd|Chris Gibson (New York politician)|Chris John|Chris Murphy (Connecticut politician)|Chris Shays|Chris Smith (New Jersey politician)|Chris Stewart (politician)|Chris Van Hollen|Christian Herter|Christian William Ramseyer|Christie Benet|Christopher A. Bergen|Christopher C. Bowen|Christopher C. Upson|Christopher Columbus Harris|Christopher Cox|Christopher G. Champlin|Christopher Greenup|Christopher H. Clark|Christopher Harris Williams|Christopher Rankin|Christopher Robinson (Rhode Island)|Christopher Thomas|Christopher Tompkins|Chuck Fleischmann|Chuck Grassley|Churchill C. Cambreleng|Ciro Rodriguez|Clair Armstrong Callan|Clair Burgener|Clair Engle|Clara G. McMillan|Clare Boothe Luce|Clare G. Fenerty|Clare Magee|Clarence C. Gilhams|Clarence Cannon|Clarence Clifton Young|Clarence D. Clark|Clarence D. Van Duzer|Clarence Dennis Coughlin|Clarence E. Miller|Clarence Emir Allen|Clarence F. Lea|Clarence G. Burton|Clarence J. Brown|Clarence Long|Clarence Norman Brunsdale|Clarence W. Turner|Clark B. Cochrane|Clark Burdick|Clark W. Thompson (Texas politician)|Clarke Lewis|Claude A. Fuller|Claude A. Swanson|Claude Benton Hudspeth|Claude Harris, Jr.|Claude I. Bakewell|Claude Kitchin|Claude L'Engle|Claude Pepper|Claude U. Stone|Claude V. Parsons|Claude Weaver|Claudine Schneider|Clay Stone Briggs|Clem McSpadden|Clement C. Dickinson|Clement Comer Clay|Clement Dorsey|Clement Dowd|Clement Hall Sinnickson|Clement J. Zablocki|Clement Laird Brumbaugh|Clement S. Hill|Clement Storer|Clement Woodnutt Miller|Cleo Fields|Cleve Benedict|Cleveland A. Newton|Cleveland Dear|Cleveland M. Bailey|Cliff Clevenger|Cliff Stearns|Cliffard D. Carlson|Clifford Allen|Clifford C. Ireland|Clifford Davis (politician)|Clifford E. Randall|Clifford McIntire|Clifford P. Case|Clifford R. Hope|Clifton A. Woodrum|Clifton B. Beach|Clifton Clagett|Clifton N. McArthur|Clifton R. Breckinridge|Clint Roberts|Clinton Babbitt|Clinton D. McKinnon|Clinton L. Cobb|Clinton Presba Anderson|Clyde C. Holloway|Clyde Doyle|Clyde H. Smith|Clyde Howard Tavenner|Clyde L. Garrett|Clyde R. Hoey|Clyde T. Ellis|Clyde Williams (Missouri politician)|Colgate Darden|Colin M. Ingersoll|Colin Powell|Colleen Hanabusa|Columbus Delano|Compton I. White|Compton I. White Jr.|Condoleezza Rice|Connally Findlay Trigg|Connie Mack III|Connie Mack IV|Connie Morella|Constantine B. Kilgore|Constantine C. Esty|Constantine Jacob Erdman|Cordell Hull|Corinne Boyd Riley|Cornelius A. Cadmus|Cornelius Augustine McGlennon|Cornelius Cole|Cornelius Comegys Jadwin|Cornelius Darragh|Cornelius Edward Gallagher|Cornelius Holland (politician)|Cornelius Leary|Cornelius S. Hamilton|Corrine Brown|Cory Gardner|Courtland C. Gillen|Courtland C. Matson|Courtney W. Campbell|Courtney W. Hamlin|Cowles Mead|Craig Hosmer|Craig L. Thomas|Craig T. James|Craig Washington|Cresent Hardy|Cullen Sawtelle|Curt Clawson|Curtis Hooks Brogden|Curtis Hussey Gregg|Cuthbert Powell|Cynthia Lummis|Cynthia McKinney|Cyrenus Cole|Cyrus A. Sulloway|Cyrus Beers|Cyrus C. Carpenter|Cyrus Cline|Cyrus Durey|Cyrus L. Dunham|Cyrus Locher|Cyrus William Beales|D. Bailey Merrill|D. Emmert Brumbaugh|D. French Slaughter Jr.|D. Lane Powers|D. Wyatt Aiken|Dale Alford|Dale Milford|Dalip Singh Saund|Dan Boren|Dan Burton|Dan Coats|Dan Crane|Dan Daniel (politician)|Dan Donovan (politician)|Dan Glickman|Dan Kuykendall|Dan Lipinski|Dan Lungren|Dan Mica|Dan Miller (Florida politician)|Dan Quayle|Dan R. McGehee|Dan Rostenkowski|Dan V. Stephens|Dana Rohrabacher|Daniel A. Driscoll|Daniel Akaka|Daniel Avery|Daniel Azro Ashley Buck|Daniel B. Heiner|Daniel B. Wright|Daniel Bailey Ryall|Daniel Blaisdell|Daniel Breck|Daniel Brewster|Daniel Buck|Daniel Burrows|Daniel Cady|Daniel Carroll|Daniel Chipman|Daniel Coleman DeJarnette Sr.|Daniel Cruger|Daniel D. Barnard|Daniel Dee Burnes|Daniel Dewey|Daniel Duncan (Ohio politician)|Daniel E. Button|Daniel E. Garrett|Daniel E. Somes|Daniel Elliott Huger|Daniel Ellison|Daniel Ermentrout|Daniel F. Miller|Daniel F. Minahan|Daniel Frisa|Daniel G. Garnsey|Daniel Garrison|Daniel Gott|Daniel H. Sumner|Daniel Hamburg|Daniel Hiester|Daniel Hiester (1774u20131834)|Daniel Huger|Daniel Inouye|Daniel J. Evans|Daniel J. Flood|Daniel J. Griffin|Daniel J. McGillicuddy|Daniel J. Ronan|Daniel Jenifer|Daniel K. Hoch|Daniel Kerr (politician)|Daniel Kilgore (politician)|Daniel L. D. Granger|Daniel Laurens Barringer|Daniel Lindsay Russell|Daniel Linn Gooch|Daniel Mace (politician)|Daniel Marcy|Daniel Maynadier Henry|Daniel Meserve Durell|Daniel Moreau Barringer|Daniel Morgan|Daniel Munroe Forney|Daniel Newnan|Daniel O. Hastings|Daniel P. King|Daniel Parkhurst Leadbetter|Daniel Polsley|Daniel Pope Cook|Daniel Read Anthony Jr.|Daniel Rodney|Daniel S. Earhart|Daniel Schaefer|Daniel Sheffey|Daniel Turner (North Carolina)|Daniel W. Connolly|Daniel W. Gooch|Daniel W. Hamilton|Daniel W. Mills|Daniel W. Voorhees|Daniel W. Waugh|Daniel Wallace (politician)|Daniel Webster|Daniel Webster (Florida politician)|Daniel Webster Comstock|Daniel Wells, Jr.|Dannite H. Mays|Danny K. Davis|Dante Fascell|Darin LaHood|Darius D. Hare|Darlene Hooley|Darrell Issa|Darwin Abel Finney|Dave Brat|Dave E. Satterfield, Jr.|Dave Hobson|Dave Loebsack|Dave McCurdy|Dave Obey|Dave Treen|Dave Weldon|David A. Bokee|David A. Boody|David A. De Armond|David A. Reed|David Addison Reese|David Alexander Nunn|David Atwood|David B. Brunner|David B. Culberson|David B. Henderson|David Baird Jr.|David Baird Sr.|David Barclay (congressman)|David Bard|David Barker, Jr.|David Bronson|David Brooks (politician)|David Chambers (congressman)|David Cicilline|David Clendenin|David Clopton|David Cobb (Massachusetts)|David D. Phelps|David D. Terry|David Daniel Marriott|David Davis (U.S. politician)|David Delano Glover|David Dickson (politician)|David Dreier|David Dudley Field II|David Durenberger|David E. Finley|David E. Satterfield III|David Ellicott Evans|David Emmons Johnston|David F. Emery|David Fisher (politician)|David Fullerton|David Funderburk|David G. Classon|David Gardiner Tyler|David Grant Colson|David H. Gambrell|David Hammons (Maine)|David Hayes Kincheloe|David Heaton|David Henry Mercer|David Henry Patton|David Highbaugh Smith|David Hogg|David Hollingsworth|David Holmes (politician)|David Hough (New Hampshire)|David Hubbard|David J. Foster|David Jackson Bailey|David Jenkins Ward|David Jennings (congressman)|David John Lewis|David Jolly|David Joyce (politician)|David Karnes|David Kellogg Cartter|David Kidder|David Kilgore|David L. Cornwell|David M. De Witt|David M. McIntosh|David Martin (Nebraska politician)|David McKee Hall|David McKinley|David Meekison|David Meriwether (Georgia)|David Meriwether (Kentucky)|David N. Henderson|David Outlaw|David P. Brewster|David Patterson Dyer|David Perley Lowe|David Plant|David Price (U.S. politician)|David Pryor|David R. Bowen|David R. Evans (South Carolina politician)|David R. Nagle|David R. Paige|David Rea (politician)|David Rivera|David Rogerson Williams|David Rouzer|David S. Bennett|David S. Dennison Jr.|David S. Garland|David S. Kaufman|David S. King|David S. Mann|David Schweikert|David Scott (Georgia politician)|David Settle Reid|David Skaggs|David Smith Monson|David Stone (politician)|David T. Disney|David Towell|David Trimble (congressman)|David Valadao|David Vitter|David W. Dennis|David W. Dickinson|David W. Evans|David W. Hopkins|David W. Stewart|David Walker (Kentucky politician)|David Wallace (Indiana politician)|David White (U.S. politician)|David Worth Clark|David Wu|David Young (Iowa politician)|Davis Carpenter|Davis Dimock, Jr.|Davy Crockett|Dawson Mathis|Dayton E. Phillips|De Alva S. Alexander|De Witt C. Badger|De Witt C. Flanagan|Dean Barkley|Dean Gallo|Dean Heller|Dean M. Gillespie|Debbie Halvorson|Debbie Wasserman Schultz|Deborah Pryce|Del Latta|Del M. Clawson|Delos R. Ashley|Demas Barnes|Dempsey Burges|Denis J. Driscoll|Denise Majette|Dennis A. Ross|Dennis Cardoza|Dennis D. Donovan|Dennis E. Eckart|Dennis Hastert|Dennis Kucinich|Dennis Moore|Dennis Smelt|Denny Rehberg|Denny Smith|Denver David Hargis|Denver S. Church|Devin Nunes|Dewey Jackson Short|Dewitt Clinton Giddings|DeWitt Hyde|Diana DeGette|Diane Black|Diane Watson|Dick Armey|Dick Cheney|Dick Durbin|Dick Gephardt|Dick Nichols|Dick Thompson Morgan|Dick Zimmer (New Jersey politician)|Dietrich C. Smith|Dina Titus|Dixie Bibb Graves|Dixie Gilmer|Dixon Hall Lewis|Dominick V. Daniels|Don B. Colton|Don Beyer|Don C. Edwards|Don Cazayoux|Don Edwards|Don Fuqua|Don Hilary Gingery|Don Johnson Jr.|Don L. Short|Don Manzullo|Don Sundquist|Don Young|Donald A. Bailey|Donald B. Partridge|Donald C. Bruce|Donald C. Dobbins|Donald C. McRuer|Donald D. Clancy|Donald Edgar Tewes|Donald F. Snow|Donald G. Brotzman|Donald H. Clausen|Donald H. McLean|Donald J. Irwin|Donald J. Pease|Donald L. Jackson|Donald M. Payne|Donald McGinley|Donald Norcross|Donald Payne Jr.|Donald Ray Matthews|Donald Rumsfeld|Donald S. Russell|Donald Trump|Donald W. Nicholson|Donna Edwards|Doris Matsui|Dorsey W. Shackleford|Doug Barnard Jr.|Doug Bereuter|Doug Collins (politician)|Doug LaMalfa|Doug Lamborn|Doug Ose|Douglas Applegate|Douglas H. Bosco|Douglas Hemphill Elliott|Douglas R. Stringfellow|Dow H. Drukker|Dow W. Harter|Dudley C. Haskell|Dudley Chase Denison|Dudley Doolittle|Dudley Farlin|Dudley G. Wooten|Dudley M. DuBose|Dudley Mays Hughes|Dudley Roe|Dudley S. Gregory|Duke Cunningham|Duncan D. Hunter|Duncan E. McKinlay|Duncan Hunter|Duncan Lamont Clinch|Duncan McArthur|Duncan McFarlan|Durward Gorham Hall|Dutch Ruppersberger|Dutee Jerauld Pearce|Dwight Foster (1757u20131823)|Dwight L. Rogers|Dwight Loomis|E. A. Mitchell|E. Clay Shaw Jr.|E. H. Crump|E. H. Hedrick|E. Harold Cluett|E. Hart Fenn|E. John Ellis|E. Ross Adair|E. S. Johnny Walker|E. Stevens Henry|E. W. Marland|E. Wallace Chadwick|E. Wilder Farley|Earl B. Ruth|Earl Blumenauer|Earl Chudoff|Earl Dewitt Hutto|Earl F. Hilliard|Earl Hanley Beshlin|Earl Hogan|Earl Landgrebe|Earl Pomeroy|Earl Ramage Lewis|Earl W. Vincent|Earl Wilson (politician)|Earle C. Clements|Earle Cabell|Earle D. Willey|Earley F. Poppleton|Eaton J. Bowers|Eben F. Stone|Eben Martin|Eben Newton|Ebenezer B. Finley|Ebenezer Dumont|Ebenezer Elmer|Ebenezer Herrick|Ebenezer Huntington|Ebenezer J. Hill|Ebenezer J. Shields|Ebenezer Jackson, Jr.|Ebenezer M. Chamberlain|Ebenezer Mattoon|Ebenezer Pettigrew|Ebenezer R. Hoar|Ebenezer Seaver|Ebenezer Stoddard|Ebenezer Tucker|Ebenezer Young|Ebon C. Ingersoll|Ed Bethune|Ed Bryant|Ed Case|Ed Derwinski|Ed Edmondson (politician)|Ed Feighan|Ed Foreman|Ed Gossett|Ed H. Campbell|Ed Jenkins (U.S. politician)|Ed Jones (U.S. politician)|Ed Markey|Ed Pastor|Ed Perlmutter|Ed Royce|Ed Schrock|Ed Whitfield|Ed Zschau|Eddie Bernice Johnson|Edgar A. Jonas|Edgar C. Ellis|Edgar C. Wilson|Edgar D. Crumpacker|Edgar Howard|Edgar Raymond Kiess|Edgar W. Hiestand|Edgar Wilson|Edith Green|Edith Nourse Rogers|Edmond H. Madison|Edmond Spencer Blackburn|Edmund Burke (congressman)|Edmund Deberry|Edmund F. Cooke|Edmund Frederick Erk|Edmund G. Ross|Edmund H. Driggs|Edmund H. Hinshaw|Edmund J. Stack|Edmund Needham Morrill|Edmund Nelson Carpenter|Edmund Rowe|Edmund Strother Dargan|Edmund W. Hubard|Edmund Waddill, Jr.|Edmund William McGregor Mackey|Edna O. Simpson|Edouard Izac|Edson B. Olds|Edward A. Hannegan|Edward A. Kelly|Edward A. Pease|Edward A. Warren|Edward Aloysius Kenney|Edward B. Almon|Edward B. Jackson|Edward Ball (congressman)|Edward Bassett|Edward Bates|Edward Beard|Edward Bishop Dudley|Edward Boland|Edward Burd Hubley|Edward Burnett|Edward C. Eicher|Edward C. Kehr|Edward C. Little|Edward C. Mann|Edward C. Marshall|Edward C. Moran Jr.|Edward Carrington Cabell|Edward Carrington Venable|Edward Colston (U.S. Representative)|Edward Cooper (congressman)|Edward Cross (politician)|Edward Crossland|Edward Crouch|Edward Curtis (politician)|Edward D. Cooke|Edward D. Crippa|Edward D. Hayden|Edward D. Hays|Edward Degener|Edward deGraffenried|Edward Dickinson|Edward Dickinson Baker|Edward Dodd|Edward Douglass White Sr.|Edward Dowse|Edward E. Browne|Edward E. Cox|Edward E. Denison|Edward E. Miller|Edward Everett|Edward Everett Eslick|Edward Everett Holland|Edward F. Dickinson|Edward F. McDonald|Edward Fenwick Tattnall|Edward G. Biester Jr.|Edward G. Breen|Edward G. Rohrbough|Edward Garmatz|Edward Gilbert|Edward Gilmore|Edward Gurney|Edward H. Funston|Edward H. Jenison|Edward H. Kruse|Edward H. Rollins|Edward Haight (politician)|Edward Hammond (politician)|Edward Henry Carroll Long|Edward Herbert Rees|Edward Hills Wason|Edward Isaac Golladay|Edward J. Bonin|Edward J. Dunphy|Edward J. Elsaesser|Edward J. Hart|Edward J. Livernash|Edward J. Patten|Edward J. Robeson Jr.|Edward J. Stack|Edward James Gay (1816u20131889)|Edward John King|Edward Joseph Gardner|Edward Junius Black|Edward K. Valentine|Edward Kavanagh|Edward Keating|Edward L. Leahy|Edward L. Martin|Edward L. O'Neill|Edward Lane|Edward Livingston|Edward Lloyd (Governor of Maryland)|Edward Lucas (congressman)|Edward Lunn Young|Edward M. Beers|Edward M. Irwin|Edward Mezvinsky|Edward Oscar McCowen|Edward P. Carville|Edward P. Little|Edward R. Burke|Edward R. Hays|Edward R. Roybal|Edward Rell Madigan|Edward Robb|Edward Robinson (Maine politician)|Edward Rowan Finnegan|Edward Rumsey|Edward S. Bragg|Edward S. Hamlin|Edward S. Minor|Edward Sauerhering|Edward Schroeder Brooks|Edward St. Loe Livermore|Edward Stanly|Edward T. England|Edward T. Lewis|Edward T. Taylor|Edward Thomas Noonan|Edward Tylor Miller|Edward V. Long|Edward Voigt|Edward W. Carmack|Edward W. Creal|Edward W. Curley|Edward W. Goss|Edward W. Gray|Edward W. Greenman|Edward W. McGaughey|Edward W. Pou|Edward W. Saunders|Edward W. Townsend|Edward White Patterson|Edward White Robertson|Edward Woodruff Seymour|Edward Y. Parsons|Edward Y. Rice|Edwin B. Brooks|Edwin B. Dooley|Edwin B. Forsythe|Edwin C. Burleigh|Edwin D. Ricketts|Edwin Duing Eshleman|Edwin E. Roberts|Edwin E. Willis|Edwin Edwards|Edwin Einstein|Edwin Flye|Edwin Gray|Edwin H. Conger|Edwin H. May, Jr.|Edwin Hallowell|Edwin Hanson Webster|Edwin Hickman Ewing|Edwin J. Jorden|Edwin Keith Thomson|Edwin L. Mechem|Edwin Le Roy Antony|Edwin M. Schaefer|Edwin O. Stanard|Edwin R. V. Wright|Edwin Reinecke|Edwin Russell Durno|Edwin V. Champion|Edwin W. Higgins|Edwin Y. Webb|Effiegene Locke Wingo|Effingham Lawrence|Ela Collins|Elaine S. Edwards|Elbert H. Hubbard|Elbert S. Brigham|Elbert S. Martin|Elbridge Gerry|Elbridge Gerry (Maine)|Eldon Rudd|Eldred Simkins|Eleazer Wheelock Ripley|Eleutheros Cooke|Eli Jones Henkle|Eli Sims Shorter|Eli T. Stackhouse|Eli Thayer|Eliakim H. Moore|Eliakim Persons Walton|Elias Boudinot|Elias Brown|Elias Deemer|Elias Earle|Elias Florence|Elias Howell|Elias Keyes|Elias Perkins|Elias S. Holliday|Elihu B. Washburne|Elijah A. Morse|Elijah B. Lewis|Elijah Babbitt|Elijah Brigham|Elijah C. Hutchinson|Elijah Cummings|Elijah H. Mills|Elijah Hise|Elijah Hise Norton|Elijah Phister|Elijah S. Grammer|Elijah V. Brookshire|Elijah Webb Chastain|Eliot Engel|Elisha D. Cullen|Elisha E. Meredith|Elisha Embree|Elisha Haley|Elisha Hunt Allen|Elisha Phelps|Elisha R. Potter|Elisha Reynolds Potter|Elisha Standiford|Eliza Jane Pratt|Elizabeth B. Andrews|Elizabeth Esty|Elizabeth Furse|Elizabeth Hawley Gasque|Elizabeth Kee|Elizur Goodrich|Ella T. Grasso|Ellen Tauscher|Ellery Albee Hibbard|Elliott H. Levitas|Elliott M. Braxton|Elliott W. Sproul|Ellis E. Patterson|Ellis Yarnal Berry|Ellsworth B. Buck|Ellsworth Foote|Ellsworth Raymond Bathrick|Elmer A. Morse|Elmer Austin Benson|Elmer Burkett|Elmer H. Geran|Elmer H. Wene|Elmer J. Hoffman|Elmer J. Holland|Elmer L. Fulton|Elmer O. Leatherwood|Elmer Thomas|Elton Gallegly|Elton Watkins|Elva R. Kendall|Elwood Hillis|Elza Jeffords|Emanuel Celler|Emanuel Cleaver|Emerson Etheridge|Emery D. Potter|Emilio Q. Daddario|Emily Taft Douglas|Emmet Byrne|Emmet O'Neal (Kentucky)|Emmett Marshall Owen|Emmett Wilson|Emory H. Price|Emory Speer|Enid Greene Mickelsen|Enoch Lincoln|Enos Hook|Epaphroditus Champion|Ephraim Bateman|Ephraim K. Smart|Ephraim King Wilson|Ephraim King Wilson II|Ephraim Leister Acker|Ephraim R. Eckley|Eppa Hunton|Erasmus D. Peck|Erasmus W. Beck|Erastus Corning|Erastus D. Culver|Erastus J. Turner|Erastus Wells|Eric Cantor|Eric Fingerhut|Eric Swalwell|Ernest E. Wood|Ernest F. Acheson|Ernest Greenwood|Ernest Istook|Ernest K. Bramblett|Ernest M. Pollard|Ernest Robinson Ackerman|Ernest S. Brown|Ernest W. Gibson Jr.|Ernest W. Roberts|Ernest Willard Gibson|Ernie Fletcher|Ernie Konnyu|Errett P. Scrivner|Esbon Blackmar|Esteban Edward Torres|Estes Kefauver|Ethelbert Barksdale|Eugene A. Chappie|Eugene Atkinson|Eugene B. Crowe|Eugene Black (Texas politician)|Eugene D. O'Sullivan|Eugene Elliott Reed|Eugene F. Kinkead|Eugene F. Loud|Eugene Foss|Eugene Hale|Eugene Jerome Hainer|Eugene Millikin|Eugene Pierce Gillespie|Eugene Siler|Eugene W. Leake|Eugene Worley|Eugenius Aristides Nisbet|Eustace Gibson|Eva Bowring|Eva M. Clayton|Evan E. Settle|Evan Jenkins (politician)|Evan John Jones (politician)|Evan Shelby Alexander|Evarts Worcester Farr|Everett Dirksen|Everett G. Burkhalter|Everett J. Murphy|Everett Kent|Everett Sanders|Everette B. Howard|Everis A. Hayes|Ewin L. Davis|Ezekiel Bacon|Ezekiel C. Gathings|Ezekiel Gilbert|Ezekiel S. Candler, Jr.|Ezekiel S. Sampson|Ezekiel Whitman|Ezra B. French|Ezra Baker|Ezra Butler|Ezra C. Gross|Ezra Clark, Jr.|Ezra Darby|Ezra Dean|Ezra Meech|Ezra Wheeler|F. Bradford Morse|F. Dickinson Letts|F. Jay Nimtz|Farish Carter Tate|Fats Everett|Fayette McMullen|Felix Campbell|Felix Grucci|Felix Grundy|Felix Grundy McConnell|Felix Walker (American politician)|Felix Zollicoffer|Ferdinand Schureman Schenck|Fernand St. Germain|Fernando C. Layton|Fetter Schrier Hoblitzell|Filemon Vela Jr.|Finis E. Downing|Finis J. Garrett|Finis McLean|Finley Hamilton|Finly Hutchinson Gray|Fisher Ames|Fletcher B. Swank|Fletcher Hale|Fletcher Thompson|Florence P. Dwyer|Florence Prag Kahn|Florence Reville Gibbs|Florian Lampert|Floyd Fithian|Floyd H. Flake|Floyd Spence|Forest Harness|Forrest Goodwin|Foster Furcolo|Foster V. Brown|Foster Waterman Stearns|Frances P. Bolton|Francis A. Cunningham|Francis A. Hopkins|Francis B. Brewer|Francis B. Cutting|Francis B. De Witt|Francis B. Fay|Francis B. Posey|Francis Baylies|Francis Brengle|Francis Bristow|Francis Burton Craige|Francis Celeste Le Blond|Francis Condon|Francis D. Culkin|Francis Dolan Collins|Francis E. Dorn|Francis E. Rives|Francis Edwin Shober|Francis F. Patterson, Jr.|Francis G. Newlands|Francis Gardner|Francis Granger|Francis H. Case|Francis J. Love|Francis Jacob Harper|Francis James (congressman)|Francis Johnson (congressman)|Francis Jones (American politician)|Francis M. Griffith|Francis Malbone|Francis Mallory|Francis Ormand Jonathan Smith|Francis Preston|Francis Preston Blair Jr.|Francis R. Lassiter|Francis Strother Lyon|Francis Swaine Muhlenberg|Francis T. Maloney|Francis Thomas|Francis W. Palmer|Francis W. Rockwell|Francis Walker (Virginia)|Francis White (Virginia)|Francis Wilkinson Pickens|Francis William Kellogg|Francis Willis (Representative)|Franck R. Havenner|Frank A. Barrett|Frank A. Mathews, Jr.|Frank A. McLain|Frank Annunzio|Frank B. Brandegee|Frank B. Fulkerson|Frank B. Klepper|Frank Ballance|Frank Bateman Keefe|Frank Buchanan (Illinois politician)|Frank Buchanan (Pennsylvania politician)|Frank C. Kniffin|Frank C. Millspaugh|Frank C. Osmers, Jr.|Frank C. Partridge|Frank Carlson|Frank Charles Bunnell|Frank Charles Wachter|Frank Chelf|Frank Clark (politician)|Frank Coombs|Frank Cremeans|Frank Crowther|Frank Dunklee Currier|Frank E. Denholm|Frank E. Guernsey|Frank E. Smith|Frank Eckels Beltzhoover|Frank Ertel Carlyle|Frank Evans (politician)|Frank Fellows (politician)|Frank G. Harrison|Frank Gardner (Indiana)|Frank Gay Clarke|Frank Gillespie|Frank Guinta|Frank H. Buck|Frank H. Foss|Frank H. Funk|Frank H. Hurd|Frank H. Lee|Frank Hanly|Frank Hereford|Frank J. Becker|Frank J. Brasco|Frank Jones (politician)|Frank Joseph Gerard Dorsey|Frank Joseph Guarini|Frank Joseph McNulty|Frank Kowalski|Frank Kratovil|Frank L. Greene|Frank L. Smith|Frank Lane Wolford|Frank Lawler|Frank Le Blond Kloeb|Frank Llewellyn Bowman|Frank LoBiondo|Frank Lucas (Oklahoma politician)|Frank M. Clark|Frank M. Coffin|Frank M. Karsten|Frank M. Ramey|Frank McCloskey|Frank Morey|Frank N. Ikard|Frank O. Horton|Frank Orren Lowden|Frank Owens Smith|Frank P. Briggs|Frank P. Coburn|Frank P. Woods|Frank Pallone|Frank Park|Frank Plumley|Frank Porter Graham|Frank R. Reid|Frank Riggs|Frank S. Black|Frank S. Dickson|Frank Small Jr.|Frank Stubblefield|Frank Sundstrom|Frank T. Bow|Frank T. Fitzgerald|Frank Tejeda|Frank Thomas Shaw|Frank Thompson|Frank Trimble O'Hair|Frank W. Boykin|Frank W. Burke|Frank W. Fries|Frank Welch (American politician)|Frank William Towey Jr.|Frank Wolf (politician)|Franklin Bartlett|Franklin Bound|Franklin Brockson|Franklin Clark|Franklin Corwin|Franklin Davenport|Franklin E. Brooks|Franklin E. Plummer|Franklin F. Korell|Franklin H. Elmore|Franklin Landers|Franklin Lewis Dershem|Franklin Pierce|Franklin Potts Glass, Sr.|Franklin Welsh Bowdon|Franklin Wheeler Mondell|Franklin William Fort|Franklin Wills Hancock Jr.|Frazier Reams|Fred A. Hartley Jr.|Fred A. Seaton|Fred Benjamin Gernerd|Fred Biermann|Fred C. Gartner|Fred C. Gilchrist|Fred E. Busbey|Fred G. Aandahl|Fred Grandy|Fred Gustus Johnson|Fred H. Hildebrandt|Fred Heineman|Fred J. Douglas|Fred J. Eckert|Fred J. Kern|Fred L. Blackmon|Fred M. Vinson|Fred N. Cummings|Fred S. Jackson|Fred S. Purnell|Fred Schwengel|Fred Wampler (Indiana)|Frederic T. Greenhalge|Frederica Wilson|Frederick A. Britten|Frederick A. Conkling|Frederick A. Pike|Frederick Augustus Woodard|Frederick C. Loofbourow|Frederick Conrad|Frederick D. Ely|Frederick E. Woodbridge|Frederick Edward White|Frederick Essen|Frederick G. Barry|Frederick G. Fleetwood|Frederick G. Niedringhaus|Frederick George Bromberg|Frederick H. Dominick|Frederick H. Gillett|Frederick Halstead Teese|Frederick Halterman|Frederick Landis|Frederick Low|Frederick Lundin|Frederick M. Davenport|Frederick Miles|Frederick Nicholas Zihlman|Frederick Perry Stanton|Frederick R. Lehlbach|Frederick Remann|Frederick S. Coolidge|Frederick Simpson Deitrick|Frederick Stone|Frederick W. Dallinger|Frederick W. Green (congressman)|Freeman Clarke|Freeman H. Morse|Fremont O. Phillips|French Hill (politician)|Fritz G. Lanham|Furnifold McLendel Simmons|G. K. Butterfield|G. Lloyd Spencer|G. William Whitehurst|Gabriel Bouck|Gabriel Christie (Maryland)|Gabriel Duvall|Gabriel H. Mahon, Jr.|Gabriel Holmes|Gabriel Moore|Gabrielle Giffords|Gale Schisler|Galusha A. Grow|Gardner R. Withrow|Garner E. Shriver|Garnett Adrain|Garnett Duncan|Garret Graves|Garrett Davis|Garrett L. Withers|Gary Ackerman|Gary Condit|Gary Franks|Gary Johnson|Gary Miller|Gary Palmer (politician)|Gaston A. Robbins|Gaylord Griswold|Gayton P. Osgood|Gene Green|Gene Snyder|Gene Taylor (Mississippi politician)|Gene Taylor (Missouri politician)|Geoff Davis|George A. Anderson|George A. Bagley|George A. Bartlett|George A. Bicknell|George A. Castor|George A. Halsey|George A. Jenks|George A. Kasem|George A. Neeley|George A. Paddock|George A. Shuford|George Alexander Marshall|George Alexander Pearre|George Allen (U.S. politician)|George Ashmun|George Atlee Goodling|George Augustus La Dow|George B. Cary|George B. Churchill|George B. Francis|George B. Loring|George B. Martin|George B. Rodney|George B. Schwabe|George B. Shaw|George B. Terrell|George B. Upham|George Baer, Jr.|George Barnes (American politician)|George Bliss (Congressman)|George Booker|George Bragg Fielder|George Briggs (New York politician)|George Brown, Jr.|George Burd|George Burnham|George C. Maxwell|George C. McKee|George C. Peery|George C. Pendleton|George Cabell|George Caldwell (politician)|George Calhoun Crowther|George Cary (Georgia politician)|George Cassedy|George Catlin Woodruff|George Chester Robinson Wagoner|George Clinton Jr.|George Clymer|George Cochrane Hazelton|George Cookman Sturgiss|George Corbin Washington|George Cromwell Scott|George Curry (politician)|George D. Perkins|George D. Robinson|George D. Tillman|George D. Wise|George Darden|George de Rue Meiklejohn|George Denison|George Dent|George Dromgoole|George E. Adams|George E. Bowden|George E. Danielson|George E. Gorman|George E. Harris|George E. Hood|George E. Outland|George E. Sangmeister|George E. Shipley|George E. White|George Edmund Foss|George Edward Mitchell|George Edward Wales|George Elliott Hagan|George Evan Howell|George Evans (American politician)|George F. Brumm|George F. O'Shaunessy|George F. Senner Jr.|George F. Williams|George Farmer Burgess|George Fisher (New York)|George Ford (politician)|George Franklin Huff|George Fries|George Frisbie Hoar|George Fuller (congressman)|George G. Gilbert|George G. Symes|George Gale (congressman)|George Gekas|George Gibbs Dibrell|George Gordon (Civil War General)|George Gordon King|George Grennell Jr.|George Grundy Dunn|George H. Bender|George H. Brickner|George H. Browne|George H. Busby|George H. Christopher|George H. Combs, Jr.|George H. Heinke|George H. Mahon|George H. Noonan|George H. Pendleton|George H. Proffit|George H. Tinkham|George H. Utter|George H. W. Bush|George H. Wilson|George Hancock (Virginia)|George Hedford Dunn|George Henry Craig|George Henry White|George Hires|George Holcombe|George Holding|George Houston Brown|George Howard Williams|George Howell (Pennsylvania)|George Huddleston|George Huddleston, Jr.|George Hyde Fallon|George J. Bates|George J. Mitchell|George J. Schneider|George Jackson (Virginia politician)|George Jacob Benner|George John Kindel|George Johnstone (congressman)|George K. Denton|George K. Favrot|George K. Shiel|George Konig|George Kremer|George L. Berry|George L. Converse|George L. Kinnard|George L. Lilley|George L. Wellington|George LeMieux|George Leonard (Congressman)|George Loyall|George Luke Smith|George M. Bedinger|George M. Beebe|George M. Brooks|George M. Curtis|George M. Davison|George M. Grant|George M. Landers|George M. O'Brien|George M. Pritchard|George M. Robeson|George M. Thomas|George M. Wallhauser|George M. Young|George Madison Adams|George Mathews (Georgia)|George May Keim|George McDuffie|George McGovern|George Meade Bowers|George Middleton (New Jersey)|George Miller (California politician)|George Mumford|George N. Briggs|George N. Seger|George Nicholas Eckert|George O. Belden|George Outlaw|George P. Darrow|George P. Fisher|George P. Ikirt|George P. Lawrence|George Partridge|George Paul Harrison, Jr.|George Paul Miller|George Perkins Marsh|George Peter (politician)|George Peter Foster|George Poindexter|George R. Andrews|George R. Davis|George R. Durgan|George R. Riddle|George R. Robbins|George R. Stobbs|George R. Swift|George Radanovich|George Robertson (congressman)|George Robinson Black|George Rockingham Gilmer|George S. Boutwell|George S. Catlin|George S. Houston|George S. Long|George S. Shanklin|George S. Williams|George Scott Graham|George Smathers|George Strother|George Sullivan (New Hampshire)|George Sutherland|George Sydney Hawkins|George Sykes (New Jersey politician)|George T. Cobb|George T. Davis|George Tankard Garrison|George Tisdale Hodges|George Troup|George Tucker (politician)|George V. Hansen|George Vail|George W. Andrews|George W. Atkinson|George W. Bush|George W. Campbell|George W. Cate|George W. Chase|George W. Collins|George W. Cook|George W. Cooper|George W. Cowles|George W. Crawford|George W. Croft|George W. Cromer|George W. Crouse|George W. Dargan|George W. Edmonds|George W. Faris|George W. Fithian|George W. Geddes|George W. Gillie|George W. Grider|George W. Houk|George W. Hulick|George W. Kittredge|George W. McCrary|George W. Morgan|George W. Morrison|George W. Murray|George W. Norris|George W. Pepper|George W. Prince|George W. Rauch|George W. Shell|George W. Smyth|George W. Summers|George W. Taylor (politician)|George W. Thompson|George W. Towns|George W. Weymouth|George W. Whitmore|George Washington Anderson|George Washington Blanchard|George Washington Covington|George Washington Emery Dorsey|George Washington Fleeger|George Washington Hopkins|George Washington Jones (Tennessee politician)|George Washington Jones (Texas politician)|George Washington Julian|George Washington Kipp|George Washington Lent Marr|George Washington Owen|George Washington Smith (congressman)|George Washington Steele|George Washington Wright|George Welshman Owens|George Whitfield Crabb|George Whitman Hendee|George William Crump|George William Johnson (congressman)|George Williams Cassidy|George Winthrop Fairchild|George Woodward Greene|George Wurtz Hughes|Georgia Lee Lusk|Gerald J. Boileau|Gerald Nye|Gerald T. Flynn|Gerald W. Landis|Geraldine Ferraro|Gerry Connolly|Gerry Studds|Gerry Whiting Hazelton|Gibson Atherton|Gideon Barstow|Gideon Frank Rothwell|Gideon Gardner|Gideon Olin|Gideon Tomlinson|Gilbert B. Patterson|Gilbert Carlton Walker|Gilbert De La Matyr|Gilbert Dean|Gilbert Gude|Gilbert Hitchcock|Gilbert L. Laws|Gilbert M. Woodward|Gilbert N. Haugen|Gilchrist Porter|Gillespie V. Montgomery|Gillis William Long|Gilman Marston|Ginery Twichell|Ginny Brown-Waite|Gladys Spellman|Glen Browder|Glen D. Johnson|Glenard P. Lipscomb|Glenn Andrews|Glenn Cunningham (Nebraska)|Glenn English|Glenn Griswold|Glenn Grothman|Glenn M. Anderson|Glenn Nye|Glenn Poshard|Glenn Robert Davis|Gloria Negrete McLeod|Glover H. Cary|Godlove Stein Orth|Goldsmith Bailey|Goldsmith W. Hewitt|Gomer Griffith Smith|Goodloe Byron|Gordon Browning|Gordon Canfield|Gordon J. Russell|Gordon L. McDonough|Gordon Lee (congressman)|Gorham Parks|Grace Napolitano|Gracie Pfost|Graham Arthur Barden|Graham B. Purcell Jr.|Graham H. Chapin|Graham N. Fitch|Grant E. Mouser|Grant E. Mouser Jr.|Grant Furlong|Granville Barrere|Green Adams|Green Berry Raum|Green Berry Samuels|Greenbury L. Fort|Greene Washington Caldwell|Greg Ganske|Greg J. Holbrock|Greg Laughlin|Greg Walden|Gregg Harper|Gregory W. Carman|Grenville M. Dodge|Gresham Barrett|Grove L. Johnson|Guilford Wiley Wells|Guinn Williams|Gus Bilirakis|Gus Savage|Gustav Schleicher|Gustavus A. Finkelnburg|Gustavus Miller Bower|Gustavus Sessinghaus|Guy Cordon|Guy Edgar Campbell|Guy Gillette|Guy L. Shaw|Guy M. Bryan|Guy T. Helvering|Guy U. Hardy|Gwen Graham|Gwen Moore|H. Allen Smith (California)|H. Casey Young|H. Henry Powers|H. Joel Deckard|H. John Heinz III|H. R. Gross|H. Robert Fowler|Hadwen C. Fuller|Hal Daub|Hal Rogers|Halbert E. Paine|Halbert S. Greenleaf|Hale Boggs|Hall S. Lusk|Hallett Sydney Ward|Hamer H. Budge|Hamilton C. Jones|Hamilton D. Coleman|Hamilton Fish|Hamilton Fish II|Hamilton Fish III|Hamilton Fish IV|Hamilton G. Ewart|Hamilton K. Wheeler|Hampton P. Fulmer|Hank Brown|Hank Johnson|Hannibal Hamlin|Hannibal Lafayette Godwin|Happy Chandler|Harlan Erwin Mitchell|Harlan Hagen|Harlan Mathews|Harley O. Staggers Jr.|Harley Orrin Staggers|Harmanus Bleecker|Harmar D. Denny Jr.|Harmon S. Conger|Harold B. McSween|Harold C. Hollenbeck|Harold C. McGugin|Harold D. Cooley|Harold Donohue|Harold Earthman|Harold Ford Jr.|Harold Ford Sr.|Harold G. Hoffman|Harold G. Mosier|Harold H. Velde|Harold K. Claypool|Harold L. Runnels|Harold Lovre|Harold Patten|Harold R. Collier|Harold T. Johnson|Harold Vernon Froehlich|Harold Volkmer|Harold Washington|Harris B. McDowell Jr.|Harris Ellsworth|Harris Jacob Bixler|Harris M. Plaisted|Harris W. Fawell|Harris Wofford|Harrison A. Williams|Harrison E. Havens|Harrison G. O. Blake|Harrison Gray Otis (politician)|Harrison Henry Atwood|Harrison Kelley|Harry Allison Estep|Harry B. Coffee|Harry B. Hawes|Harry Benjamin Wolf|Harry C. Canfield|Harry C. Gahn|Harry C. Woodyard|Harry Cage|Harry Darby|Harry E. Hull|Harry E. Narey|Harry E. Rowbottom|Harry F. Byrd|Harry F. Byrd Jr.|Harry G. Haskell Jr.|Harry Gandy|Harry H. Dale|Harry H. Mason|Harry H. Seldomridge|Harry Hibbard|Harry Irving Thayer|Harry J. Davenport|Harry Johnston (politician)|Harry L. Haines|Harry L. Maynard|Harry Lancaster Towe|Harry Lane Englebright|Harry Libbey|Harry M. Coudrey|Harry M. Wurzbach|Harry Mitchell|Harry N. Routzohn|Harry P. Beam|Harry P. Jeffrey|Harry R. Sheppard|Harry Reid|Harry Sandager|Harry Sauthoff|Harry Streett Baldwin|Harry Teague|Harry W. Griswold|Harry Welles Rusk|Hart Benton Holton|Harvey Butler Fergusson|Harvey C. Garber|Harvey H. Johnson|Harvey Helm|Harvey Magee Watterson|Harvey Samuel Irwin|Hastings Keith|Hattie Caraway|Hatton W. Sumners|Hays B. White|Haywood Yancey Riddle|Heartsill Ragon|Heath Shuler|Heather Wilson|Hector Craig|Hedge Thompson|Helen Chenoweth-Hage|Helen Delich Bentley|Helen Douglas Mankin|Helen Gahagan Douglas|Helen Stevenson Meyner|Heman A. Moore|Heman Allen (of Colchester)|Heman Allen (of Milton)|Henderson H. Carson|Henderson Lovelace Lanham|Henderson M. Jacoway|Hendley S. Bennett|Henry A. Barnhart|Henry A. Coffeen|Henry A. Edmundson|Henry A. Foster|Henry A. Houston|Henry A. Wise|Henry Adams Bullard|Henry Alden Clark|Henry Aldous Dixon|Henry Alexander Scammell Dearborn|Henry Allen Cooper|Henry Ashley|Henry B. Banning|Henry B. Cassel|Henry B. Cowles|Henry B. Gonzalez|Henry B. Lovering|Henry B. Payne|Henry B. Sayler|Henry B. Steagall|Henry Bacon (New York)|Henry Baldwin (judge)|Henry Bedinger|Henry Bennett (U.S. politician)|Henry Black (Representative)|Henry Bonilla|Henry Bowen|Henry Bristow|Henry Bruckner|Henry Brush|Henry Burk|Henry C. Allen|Henry C. Brewster|Henry C. Deming|Henry C. Goodwin|Henry C. Hansbrough|Henry C. Loudenslager|Henry C. Schadeberg|Henry C. Snodgrass|Henry Cabot Lodge|Henry Carl Luckey|Henry Chapman (American politician)|Henry Clay|Henry Clay Evans|Henry Cornelius Burnett|Henry Crist|Henry Crocheron|Henry Cuellar|Henry Cullen Adams|Henry D. Flood|Henry D. Larcade Jr.|Henry D. McHenry|Henry D. Moorman|Henry D. Washburn|Henry Daniel|Henry De Lamar Clayton, Jr.|Henry Dearborn|Henry Dickinson Green|Henry Dixon Allen|Henry Donnel Foster|Henry Dworshak|Henry E. Barbour|Henry E. Brown, Jr.|Henry E. Stubbs|Henry Ellenbogen|Henry F. Lawrence|Henry F. Naphen|Henry F. Niedringhaus|Henry Frick (politician)|Henry G. Burleigh|Henry G. Danforth|Henry G. Worthington|Henry George Jr.|Henry Glen|Henry Gray Turner|Henry Graybill Lamar|Henry Grider|Henry H. Bingham|Henry H. Starkweather|Henry Helstoski|Henry Horn|Henry Hosford Gurley|Henry Hubbard|Henry Hull Carlton|Henry Hunter Bryan|Henry Hyde (politician)|Henry I. Emerson|Henry J. B. Cummings|Henry J. Spooner|Henry Johnson (Louisiana politician)|Henry Justin Allen|Henry King (congressman)|Henry L. Bowles|Henry L. Cake|Henry L. Dawes|Henry L. Dickey|Henry L. Jost|Henry L. Muldrow|Henry L. Pierce|Henry L. Pinckney|Henry Latimer (senator)|Henry Lee III|Henry Lee Morey|Henry M. Goldfogle|Henry M. Ridgely|Henry Marchmore Shaw|Henry Marie Brackenridge|Henry Markham|Henry May (American politician)|Henry Middleton (governor)|Henry Mills Fuller|Henry Moore Baker|Henry Moses Pollard|Henry O. Talle|Henry Olin|Henry Otis Pratt|Henry P. Alexander|Henry P. Cheatham|Henry P. H. Bromwell|Henry Page|Henry Persons|Henry R. Brinkerhoff|Henry R. Gibson|Henry R. Harris|Henry Ridgely Warfield|Henry Riggs Rathbone|Henry S. Benedict|Henry S. Caulfield|Henry S. De Forest|Henry S. Harris|Henry S. Magoon|Henry S. Neal|Henry S. Reuss|Henry Selby Clark|Henry Shaw (Massachusetts)|Henry Sherman Boutell|Henry Smith (Wisconsin)|Henry Smith Lane|Henry Smith Van Eaton|Henry Snapp|Henry Southard|Henry St. George Tucker III|Henry St. George Tucker Sr.|Henry Stockbridge, Jr.|Henry T. Bannon|Henry T. Ellett|Henry Taylor Blow|Henry Thomas Helgesen|Henry Thomas Rainey|Henry U. Johnson|Henry Vollmer|Henry W. Barry|Henry W. Blair|Henry W. Dwight|Henry W. Edwards|Henry W. Harrington|Henry Warren Ogden|Henry Washington Hilliard|Henry Watterson|Henry Waxman|Henry White Beeson|Henry Wilbur Bentley|Henry William Connor|Henry Williams (Massachusetts)|Henry Winter Davis|Henry Y. Cranston|Henry Z. Osborne|Henson Moore|Herb Klein (politician)|Herbert Alton Meyer|Herbert B. Warburton|Herbert Covington Bonner|Herbert E. Hitchcock|Herbert H. Bateman|Herbert Harris|Herbert J. Drane|Herbert S. Bigelow|Herbert S. Walters|Herbert W. Taylor|Herbert Wesley Cummings|Herman Badillo|Herman D. Gould|Herman Dahle|Herman L. Humphrey|Herman Lehlbach|Herman P. Eberharter|Herman P. Goebel|Herman P. Kopplemann|Herman Stump|Herman Talmadge|Herman W. Snow|Hernando Money|Herron C. Pearson|Herschel M. Hogg|Hervey C. Calkin|Hervey Machen|Hezekiah Bradley Smith|Hezekiah S. Bundy|Hezekiah Williams|Hiester Clymer|Hiland Hall|Hilary A. Herbert|Hilda Solis|Hillary Clinton|Hines Holt|Hinton James (representative)|Hiram B. Warner|Hiram Barber, Jr.|Hiram Belcher|Hiram Bell|Hiram Bingham III|Hiram Gray|Hiram Kinsman Evans|Hiram McCullough|Hiram Parks Bell|Hiram Price|Hiram R. Burton|Hiram Y. Smith|Hjalmar Carl Nygaard|Holm O. Bursum|Homer A. Ramey|Homer C. Parker|Homer D. Angell|Homer Elihu Royce|Homer Hoch|Homer L. Lyon|Homer Thornberry|Homer W. Hall|Hopkins Holsey|Hopkins L. Turney|Horace Binney|Horace Davis|Horace Everett|Horace F. Bartine|Horace F. Clark|Horace F. Page|Horace Greeley|Horace Harrison|Horace Ladd Moore|Horace Mann|Horace Mann Towner|Horace Maynard|Horace R. Kornegay|Horace Seely-Brown, Jr.|Horace Worth Vaughan|Horatio Bisbee, Jr.|Horatio C. Burchard|Horatio C. Claypool|Horatio Gates Fisher|Hosea Townsend|Hosea Washington Parker|Howard Baker Sr.|Howard Berman|Howard Buffett|Howard C. Nielson|Howard Coble|Howard E. Campbell|Howard J. McMurray|Howard M. Baldrige|Howard M. Snapp|Howard Metzenbaum|Howard Shultz Miller|Howard Sutherland|Howard W. Smith|Howard Wallace Pollock|Howell Cobb|Howell Cobb (born 1772)|Hubert B. Scudder|Hubert D. Stephens|Hubert Fisher|Hubert H. Peavey|Hubert S. Ellis|Hubert Utterback|Hugh A. Dinsmore|Hugh A. Haralson|Hugh Buchanan|Hugh Caperton|Hugh Carey|Hugh F. Finley|Hugh Glasgow|Hugh H. Price|Hugh Ike Shott|Hugh J. Anderson|Hugh J. Jewett|Hugh Joseph Addonizio|Hugh Lawson White Hill|Hugh M. Rigney|Hugh Meade|Hugh Mitchell (politician)|Hugh Nelson (congressman)|Hugh Peterson|Hugh Quincy Alexander|Hugh R. Belknap|Hugh S. Hersman|Hugh Williamson|Hugo S. Sims, Jr.|Humphrey H. Leavitt|Humphrey Marshall (general)|Hunter Holmes Moss Jr.|Hutchins Gordon Burton|Ichabod Bartlett|Ike Franklin Andrews|Ike Skelton|Ileana Ros-Lehtinen|Innis Green|Ira Allen Eastman|Ira B. Hyde|Ira Clifton Copley|Ira Davenport (politician)|Ira G. Hersey|Ira W. Drew|Ira W. Wood|Irene Baker|Iris Faircloth Blitch|Irvin S. Pepper|Irvine Lenroot|Irving W. Drew|Irwin D. Davidson|Isaac Ambrose Barber|Isaac Anderson (congressman)|Isaac Bacharach|Isaac Bloom|Isaac C. Bates|Isaac C. Delaplaine|Isaac Clements|Isaac Clinton Kline|Isaac Coles|Isaac D. Young|Isaac Dashiell Jones|Isaac E. Holmes|Isaac Edward Morse|Isaac Ellmaker Hiester|Isaac Finch|Isaac Fletcher|Isaac G. Farlee|Isaac Goodnight|Isaac Griffin|Isaac H. Bronson|Isaac H. Duval|Isaac Hoffer Doutrich|Isaac Leffler|Isaac M. Jordan|Isaac McKim|Isaac N. Arnold|Isaac N. Cox|Isaac N. Morris|Isaac Newton Evans|Isaac Parker|Isaac Parker (congressman)|Isaac Parrish|Isaac Pierson|Isaac Reed (politician)|Isaac Roberts Hawkins|Isaac S. Pennybacker|Isaac S. Struble|Isaac Smith (New Jersey)|Isaac Southard|Isaac Stephenson|Isaac Thomas|Isaac Toucey|Isaac V. McPherson|Isaac W. Scudder|Isaac W. Van Schaick|Isaac Wilbour|Isaac Wildrick|Isabella Greenway|Isaiah D. Clawson|Isaiah L. Green|Isham G. Harris|Isidor Rayner|Isidore Dollinger|Israel F. Fischer|Israel G. Lash|Israel Jacobs|Israel Moore Foster|Israel Pickens|Israel Smith|Israel Washburn, Jr.|Ithamar Sloan|Ivor D. Fenton|J. Alfred Taylor|J. Allen Barber|J. Arthur Younger|J. Bayard Clark|J. Burrwood Daly|J. C. Watts|J. Caleb Boggs|J. Campbell Cantrill|J. D. Hayworth|J. Edward Roush|J. Edward Russell|J. Edwin Ellerbe|J. Eugene Harding|J. Floyd King|J. Ford Laning|J. Frank Aldrich|J. George Stewart|J. Hale Sypher|J. Hardin Peterson|J. Harold Flannery|J. Harry Covington|J. Harry McGregor|J. Hart Brewer|J. Henry Goeke|J. Herbert Burke|J. Howard Edmondson|J. J. Pickle|J. Joseph Smith|J. Kenneth Robinson|J. L. Pilcher|J. Leroy Adair|J. Leroy Johnson|J. Lincoln Newhall|J. Lister Hill|J. Mark Wilcox|J. McKenzie Moss|J. Murray Hooker|J. Parnell Thomas|J. Proctor Knott|J. Robert Lamar|J. Roland Kinzer|J. Ross Mickey|J. Roy Rowland|J. Russell Tuten|J. Scott Wolff|J. Smith Young|J. Swagar Sherley|J. T. Rutherford|J. Thompson Baker|J. Twing Brooks|J. Vaughan Gary|J. W. Robinson|J. Warren Keifer|J. Wiley Edmands|J. Will Taylor|J. Willard Ragsdale|J. William Ditter|J. William Fulbright|J. William Stokes|Jabez Lamar Monroe Curry|Jabez Leftwich|Jabez Upham|Jabez W. Huntington|Jabez Young Jackson|Jack Brooks (American politician)|Jack Buechner|Jack Davis (Illinois politician)|Jack Edwards (American politician)|Jack English Hightower|Jack Fields|Jack Kingston|Jack Orswell|Jack Reed (politician)|Jack Swigert|Jack Thomas Brinkley|Jack Z. Anderson|Jackie Speier|Jackie Walorski|Jackson B. Chase|Jackson Edward Betts|Jackson Orr|Jacob A. Ambler|Jacob A. Beidler|Jacob A. Cantor|Jacob A. Garber|Jacob Alexander Preston|Jacob Augustus Geissenhainer|Jacob Benton|Jacob Brinkerhoff|Jacob C. Davis|Jacob C. Isacks|Jacob Call|Jacob Collamer|Jacob Crocheron|Jacob Crowninshield|Jacob D. Leighty|Jacob Dolson Cox|Jacob E. Davis|Jacob Edwin Meeker|Jacob Erdman|Jacob Fry, Jr.|Jacob Golladay|Jacob H. Bromwell|Jacob H. De Witt|Jacob H. Gilbert|Jacob Harold Gallinger|Jacob Hart Ela|Jacob Hibshman|Jacob Hostetter|Jacob Hufty|Jacob J. Pugsley|Jacob Johnson (U.S. politician)|Jacob Krebs|Jacob L. Milligan|Jacob Michael Kunkel|Jacob Miller Campbell|Jacob Montgomery Thornburgh|Jacob P. Chamberlain|Jacob Pitzer Cowan|Jacob R. Wortendyke|Jacob Romeis|Jacob Shower|Jacob Sloat Fassett|Jacob Swoope|Jacob Thompson|Jacob Thorkelson|Jacob Yost (Virginia congressman)|James A. Bayard (elder)|James A. Black|James A. Burke (Massachusetts politician)|James A. Byrne|James A. Connolly|James A. Cravens|James A. D. Richards|James A. Frear|James A. Gallagher|James A. Gallivan|James A. Garfield|James A. Haley|James A. Hamill|James A. Hemenway|James A. Hughes|James A. Johnson (California politician)|James A. Lockhart|James A. Louttit|James A. McClure|James A. McDougall|James A. McKenzie|James A. Meeks|James A. Norton|James A. Shanley|James A. Walker|James Abdnor|James Abercrombie (Congressman)|James Abourezk|James Adams Stallworth|James Alexander Daugherty|James Alexander Jr.|James Allison, Jr.|James Andrew Beall|James Archibald Meriwether|James Armstrong (Pennsylvania)|James Augustus Stewart|James B. Beck|James B. Belford|James B. Bowlin|James B. Frazier Jr.|James B. Longley Jr.|James B. McCreary|James B. Morgan|James B. Pearson|James B. Reed|James B. Reynolds|James B. Utt|James Bain White|James Bamford White|James Bates (Maine)|James Benjamin Aswell|James Beverley Sener|James Bilbray|James Birdsall|James Black (congressman)|James Blair (South Carolina)|James Bouldin|James Bowen Everhart|James Bowler|James Bradford Foley|James Breckinridge|James Broadhead|James Brooks (politician)|James Brown Clay|James Brown Mason|James Buchanan|James Buchanan (New Jersey)|James Buchanan Richmond|James Budd|James Buffington (Fall River, Massachusetts)|James Butler Hare|James C. Allen|James C. Alvord|James C. Auchincloss|James C. C. Black|James C. Corman|James C. Davis|James C. Dobbin|James C. Freeman|James C. Greenwood|James C. Harper|James C. McDearmon|James C. Murray|James C. Needham|James C. Oliver|James C. Terrell|James Caldwell (Ohio politician)|James Capehart|James Carroll (Maryland politician)|James Carroll Robinson|James Carson Gardner|James Chrisman|James Clark (Kentucky)|James Clifton Wilson|James Cochran (New York)|James Cochran (North Carolina)|James Coffield Mitchell|James Colgate Cleveland|James Collier|James Cooney (Missouri)|James Cooper (Pennsylvania)|James Cox (New Jersey)|James Craig (Missouri)|James D. Breckinridge|James D. Martin|James D. Post|James D. Richardson|James D. Williams|James Davenport (Connecticut congressman)|James David Santini|James De La Montanya|James Dellet|James Dennis Brady|James Devereux|James Dixon|James Dixon Roman|James Duane Doty|James Duncan (Pennsylvania)|James E. Bromwell|James E. Campbell|James E. Cobb|James E. English|James E. O'Hara|James E. Rogan|James Earl Major|James Eastland|James Edmund Jeffries|James Edward Ruffin|James Edwin Belser|James Eli Watson|James Elliot (politician)|James Ellsworth Noland|James Emott|James Ervin (politician)|James F. Burke|James F. Byrnes|James F. Epes|James F. Fulbright|James F. Hughes|James F. Izlar|James F. Lloyd|James F. McDowell|James F. McNulty, Jr.|James F. O'Connor|James F. Randolph|James F. Stewart|James F. Strother|James F. Strother (West Virginia)|James F. Wilson|James Farrington|James Ferguson Dowdell|James Findlay (Cincinnati mayor)|James Fisk (politician)|James Florio|James Floyd Breeding|James Ford (Pennsylvania)|James Francis Miller|James Frankland Briggs|James Franklin Battin|James Franklin Clay|James G. Blaine|James G. Clinton|James G. Donovan|James G. Fulton|James G. Hampton|James G. King|James G. Maguire|James G. Martin|James G. Monahan|James G. Polk|James G. Scrugham|James G. Spencer|James G. Strong|James Gamble (congressman)|James Garland (Virginia politician)|James Geddes (engineer)|James Gerry|James Gholson|James Gillespie|James Gillett|James Glenn Beall|James Gordon (New York)|James Graham (North Carolina)|James Guyon Jr.|James H. Cassidy|James H. Cravens|James H. Davidson|James H. Davis (congressman)|James H. Duncan|James H. Fay|James H. Gildea|James H. Goss|James H. Graham|James H. Jones|James H. MacLafferty|James H. Maloney|James H. Morrison|James H. Platt, Jr.|James H. Sinclair|James H. Slater|James Hall Huling|James Hamilton Jr.|James Harlan (congressman)|James Harper (congressman)|James Hay (politician)|James Henderson Blount|James Henderson Imlay|James Henry Dickey Henderson|James Henry Hammond|James Henry Lane (Union general)|James Henry Mays|James Henry McLean|James Henry Randolph|James Hepburn Campbell|James Herron Hopkins|James Hillhouse|James Hodge Codding|James Holland (American politician)|James Houston Thomas|James Hugh Relfe|James Hugh Ward|James Hughes (representative)|James Hutchins Johnson|James Hutchinson Woodworth|James I. Dolliver|James I. Dungan|James Indus Farley|James Irvin|James Israel Standifer|James Iver McKay|James J. Belden|James J. Connolly|James J. Couzens|James J. Delaney|James J. Faran|James J. Howard|James Jackson (congressman)|James Jackson (Georgia politician)|James Jefferson Britt|James Johnson (Georgia)|James Johnson (Kentucky)|James Johnson (Virginia congressman)|James Johnson Lindley|James Jones (Georgia)|James Jones (Virginia)|James Joseph Butler|James Joyce (congressman)|James K. Coyne, III|James K. Gibson|James K. Polk|James Kee|James Kelly (U.S. representative)|James Kennedy (congressman)|James Kerr (Pennsylvania)|James Kilbourne|James Kimbrough Jones|James Knox (Illinois politician)|James Knox Polk Hall|James L. D. Morrison|James L. Hodges|James L. Pugh|James La Fayette Cottrell|James La Fayette Evans|James Laird (politician)|James Langevin|James Lankford|James Lawrence Getz|James Lawrence Orr|James Leeper Johnson|James Lindsay Almond Jr.|James Lindsay Seward|James Linn|James Lisle Gillis|James Lockhart (Indiana politician)|James Love (representative)|James Luther Slayden|James M. Barnes (congressman)|James M. Beck|James M. Broom|James M. Clarke|James M. Collins|James M. Cox|James M. Fitzpatrick|James M. Garnett|James M. Gaylord|James M. Gregg|James M. Griggs|James M. Gudger, Jr.|James M. H. Beale|James M. Hanks|James M. Hazlett|James M. Hinds|James M. Jackson|James M. Moody|James M. Pendleton|James M. Richardson|James M. Riggs|James M. Ritchie|James M. Robinson (Indiana)|James M. Slattery|James Machir|James MacKay (American politician)|James Madison|James Madison Hughes|James Madison Leach|James Mann (1822u20131868)|James Manning Tyler|James Martin Bell|James Mathews (American politician)|James Matlack|James McAndrews|James McCleery|James McDowell|James McGrew|James McKinney|James McLachlan (American politician)|James McMahon Graham|James Meacham|James Meriwether|James Michael Curley|James Mitchell Ashley|James Mitchell Chase|James Monroe (congressman)|James Monroe Miller|James Moore Wayne|James Morgan (congressman)|James Mott (New Jersey)|James Mullins (American politician)|James Murray Mason|James N. Burnes|James N. Pidcock|James Nesmith|James Nicholas Kehoe|James Noble Tyner|James Norton (South Carolina politician)|James O'Connor (Louisiana politician)|James O'H. Patterson|James Overstreet|James Owen (American statesman)|James P. Buchanan|James P. Geelan|James P. Glynn|James P. Heath|James P. Latta|James P. Pigott|James P. Richards|James P. Walker|James P. Woods|James P.B. Duffy|James Parker (New Jersey)|James Patrick Sutton|James Patton Flick|James Paul Johnson|James Pearce|James Perry Conner|James Phelan Jr.|James Phelps (congressman)|James Pike (politician)|James Pindall|James Pleasants|James R. Buckley|James R. Campbell (Illinois politician)|James R. Domengeaux|James R. Grover Jr.|James R. Lofland|James R. Morris|James R. Williams|James Randolph Hubbell|James Rariden|James Richard Waddill|James Robert Claiborne|James Robert Jones|James Robert Mann (Illinois)|James Robert Mann (South Carolina)|James Robinson McCormick|James Rogers (congressman)|James Ronald Chalmers|James Roosevelt|James S. Brown|James S. Cothran|James S. Davenport|James S. Golden|James S. Green|James S. Robinson|James S. Rollins|James S. Wiley|James Schureman|James Seccombe|James Seddon|James Shannon|James Sheafe|James Simpson, Jr.|James Sloan (congressman)|James Soloman Biery|James Sprigg|James Stephenson (congressman)|James Stevens (Connecticut)|James Stewart (North Carolina)|James Stewart Martin (congressman)|James Strudwick Smith|James T. Begg|James T. Elliott|James T. Igoe|James T. Johnston|James T. Jones|James T. McDermott|James T. Patterson|James T. Pratt|James T. Rapier|James T. Sandford|James Thomas Heflin|James Thorington|James Tilghman Lloyd|James Tracy Hale|James Trezvant|James Turner (Maryland politician)|James Turner Morehead (North Carolina)|James V. Buckley|James V. Ganly|James V. Hansen|James V. Heidinger|James V. McClintic|James Vernon Smith|James W. Brown|James W. Covert|James W. Denver|James W. Dunbar|James W. Gazlay|James W. Grant|James W. Huffman|James W. McDill|James W. Mott|James W. Overstreet|James W. Owens (congressman)|James W. Patterson|James W. Reid (politician)|James W. Ripley|James W. Singleton|James W. Stone|James W. Symington|James W. Throckmorton|James W. Wise|James Wallace Robinson|James Walter Elder|James West Clark|James William Denny|James William Good|James William Marshall (politician)|James William Murphy|James William Trimble|James Williams (Delaware representative)|James Wilson (Indiana)|James Wilson (Secretary of Agriculture)|James Wilson I (New Hampshire)|James Wilson II (New Hampshire)|James Witherell|James Wray Williams|James Young (congressman)|James Z. Spearing|Jamie L. Whitten|Jan Meyers|Jan Schakowsky|Jane Harman|Jared Huffman|Jared Irwin (Pennsylvania)|Jared Perkins|Jared Polis|Jared W. Williams|Jared Williams (Virginia)|Jared Y. Sanders Jr.|Jared Y. Sanders Sr.|Jason Altmire|Jason B. Brown|Jason Chaffetz|Jason Niles|Jason T. Smith|Jasper D. Ward|Jasper Ewing Brady|Jasper N. Tincher|Jasper Packard|Jay Dickey|Jay Kim|Jay W. Johnson|Jean Carnahan|Jean Schmidt|Jean Spencer Ashbrook|Jeannette Rankin|Jeb Bradley|Jeb Bush|Jeb Hensarling|Jed Johnson (Oklahoma)|Jed Johnson Jr.|Jedediah K. Smith|Jeduthun Wilcox|Jeff Denham|Jeff Duncan (politician)|Jeff Flake|Jeff Fortenberry|Jeff Landry|Jeff Miller (Florida politician)|Jefferson Davis|Jefferson Davis Brodhead|Jefferson F. Long|Jeffery Cohelan|Jeffrey Chiesa|Jeffrey Paul Hillelson|Jehu Baker|Jehu Glancy Jones|Jennings Randolph|Jeptha D. New|Jere Cooper|Jeremiah Bailey|Jeremiah Brown (politician)|Jeremiah Cosden|Jeremiah Crabb|Jeremiah Donovan|Jeremiah E. Cary|Jeremiah E. O'Connell|Jeremiah Haralson|Jeremiah Henry Murphy|Jeremiah M. Wilson|Jeremiah McLain Rusk|Jeremiah McLene|Jeremiah Morrow|Jeremiah Morton|Jeremiah Nelson|Jeremiah Norman Williams|Jeremiah O'Brien (Maine)|Jeremiah Smith (lawyer)|Jeremiah V. Cockrell|Jeremiah W. Dwight|Jeremiah Wadsworth|Jerome Ambro|Jerome F. Donovan|Jerome R. Waldie|Jerry Costello|Jerry Huckaby|Jerry J. O'Connell|Jerry Kleczka|Jerry Lewis (California politician)|Jerry Litton|Jerry M. Patterson|Jerry McNerney|Jerry Moran|Jerry Pettis|Jerry Voorhis|Jerry Weller|Jesse Atherton Bynum|Jesse Burr Strode|Jesse Column Dickey|Jesse F. Stallings|Jesse Franklin|Jesse Franklin Cleveland|Jesse Hale Moore|Jesse J. Finley|Jesse Jackson Jr.|Jesse Johnson Yeates|Jesse Lee Hartman|Jesse M. Combs|Jesse O. Norton|Jesse Overstreet|Jesse Price|Jesse Slocumb|Jesse Speight|Jesse Wharton|Jessie Sumner|Jethro A. Hatch|Jetur R. Riggs|Jill Long Thompson|Jim Bacchus|Jim Bates (politician)|Jim Bridenstine|Jim Broyhill|Jim Bunn|Jim Bunning|Jim Chapman (congressman)|Jim Clyburn|Jim Cooper|Jim Costa|Jim Courter|Jim Davis (Florida politician)|Jim DeMint|Jim Gerlach|Jim Gibbons (U.S. politician)|Jim Guy Tucker|Jim Himes|Jim Inhofe|Jim Jeffords|Jim Jontz|Jim Jordan (U.S. politician)|Jim Kolbe|Jim Leach|Jim Marshall (Georgia politician)|Jim Matheson|Jim Mattox|Jim McCrery|Jim McGovern (U.S. politician)|Jim Moody|Jim Moran|Jim Nance McCord|Jim Nussle|Jim Olin|Jim Renacci|Jim Ross Lightfoot|Jim Ryun|Jim Saxton|Jim Sensenbrenner|Jim Slattery|Jim Talent|Jim Turner (politician)|Jim Weaver (Oregon politician)|Jim Wright|Jimmy Duncan (U.S. politician)|Jimmy Hayes|Jimmy Quillen|Jo Ann Davis|Jo Ann Emerson|Jo Bonner|Joab Lawler|Joan Kelly Horn|Job Durfee|Jocelyn Burdick|Jody Hice|Joe B. Bates|Joe Baca|Joe Barton|Joe Biden|Joe Courtney (politician)|Joe Crail|Joe Donnelly|Joe Garcia|Joe H. Eagle|Joe Heck|Joe Hendricks|Joe Hoeffel|Joe J. Manlove|Joe L. Evins|Joe L. Smith|Joe M. Kilgore|Joe Moakley|Joe R. Pool|Joe Scarborough|Joe Shannon|Joe Skeen|Joe Skubitz|Joe Starnes|Joe Waggonner|Joe Walsh (Illinois politician)|Joe Wilson (U.S. politician)|Joel Abbot (politician)|Joel Broyhill|Joel Buchanan Danner|Joel Cook|Joel Crawford|Joel Douglas Hubbard|Joel Frost|Joel Funk Asper|Joel Hefley|Joel Holleman|Joel Roberts Poinsett|Joel West Flood|Joel Yancey|John A. Buchanan|John A. Caldwell|John A. Carroll|John A. Elston|John A. Gurley|John A. Hanna|John A. Kasson|John A. Keliher|John A. Key|John A. Logan|John A. M. Adair|John A. Maguire|John A. McDowell|John A. McGuire|John A. McMahon|John A. McShane|John A. Moon|John A. Nicholson|John A. Peters (1822u20131904)|John A. Peters (1864u20131953)|John A. Quitman|John A. Rockwell|John A. Scudder|John A. T. Hull|John A. Thayer|John A. Whitaker|John Abercrombie (Congressman)|John Abner Race|John Adair|John Adams (New York)|John Adams Harper|John Adams Hyman|John Adler|John Alexander (Ohio politician)|John Alexander Ahl|John Alexander Anderson|John Alexander Cocke|John Alexander McClernand|John Alfred Cuthbert|John All Barham|John Allen (Connecticut)|John Allen Sterling|John Allen Wilcox|John Allison (Representative)|John Ambler Smith|John Ambrose Meyer|John Anderson (Maine politician)|John Andrew Hiestand|John Andrew Martin|John Andrew Sullivan|John Andrew Young|John Appleton|John Archer (Maryland)|John Arnot, Jr.|John Ashley Griswold|John Augustus Griswold|John B. Alley|John B. Anderson|John B. Breckinridge|John B. Earle|John B. Forester|John B. Hawley|John B. Hay|John B. Hoge|John B. Hollister|John B. Larson|John B. Long|John B. Macy|John B. Penington|John B. Peterson|John B. Rice|John B. Sullivan|John B. T. Campbell III|John Bacon (Massachusetts)|John Bailey (Massachusetts)|John Baker (representative)|John Baldacci|John Baldwin (congressman)|John Bancker Aycrigg|John Baptista Ashe (Continental Congress)|John Baptista Ashe (representative)|John Barney|John Barrasso|John Barrow (U.S. politician)|John Basil Lamar|John Beatty (Continental Congress)|John Beatty (Ohio)|John Bell (Ohio politician)|John Bell (Tennessee politician)|John Bell Williams|John Bennett Dawson|John Benton Callis|John Berry (congressman)|John Bertrand Conlan|John Bidwell|John Bingham|John Blackwell Hale|John Blades Clarke|John Blair (Tennessee)|John Blake Jr. (politician)|John Blake Rice|John Blanchard (politician)|John Boccieri|John Boehner|John Boozman|John Botts|John Boyle (congressman)|John Boynton Philip Clayton Hill|John Bozman Kerr|John Brademas|John Bragg (politician)|John Branch|John Bratton|John Breaux|John Brewer Brown|John Brisbin|John Brodhead (New Hampshire politician)|John Brown (Kentucky)|John Brown (Maryland)|John Brown (Pennsylvania)|John Brown (Rhode Island)|John Bull (congressman)|John Bullock Clark|John Bullock Clark Jr.|John Burton Thompson|John C. Bagby|John C. Black|John C. Box|John C. Breckinridge|John C. Brodhead|John C. Brophy|John C. Calhoun|John C. Chaney|John C. Churchill|John C. Clark|John C. Conner|John C. Cook|John C. Davies II|John C. Floyd|John C. Gray|John C. Houk|John C. Kleczka|John C. Kluczynski|John C. Martin (Illinois Congressman)|John C. McKenzie|John C. Nicholls|John C. Sanborn|John C. Schafer|John C. Sherwin|John C. Taylor|John C. Watts|John Cadwalader (jurist)|John Calhoon|John Calvin Mason|John Campbell (1765u20131828)|John Campbell (1795u20131845)|John Carey (congressman)|John Carl Hinshaw|John Carlyle Herbert|John Carney (politician)|John Carr (Indiana politician)|John Carter (South Carolina politician)|John Carter (Texas politician)|John Caskie|John Causin|John Cessna|John Chambers (politician)|John Chaney (congressman)|John Charles Linthicum|John Charles Tarsney|John Chenoweth|John Chew Thomas|John Chilton Burch|John Claiborne|John Clayton Allen|John Clopton|John Coburn (politician)|John Cochrane (general)|John Conard|John Condit|John Conover Nichols|John Conrad Bucher|John Cooksey|John Cornelius Butler|John Cosgrove (Missouri politician)|John Cotton Smith|John Covode|John Cramer (representative)|John Crawford Crosby|John Creswell|John Critcher|John Crompton Weems|John Crowell (Alabama)|John Crowell (Ohio)|John Culberson|John Culpepper|John Culver|John Cummins Edwards|John Curtis Chamberlain|John D. Alderson|John D. Ashmore|John D. Clarke|John D. Craddock|John D. Cummins|John D. Fredericks|John D. Hoblitzell Jr.|John D. McCrate|John D. McWilliams|John D. Stewart (politician)|John D. White|John Dalzell|John Daniel Clardy|John Davenport (Connecticut politician)|John Davenport (Ohio politician)|John Davis (Massachusetts governor)|John Davis (Pennsylvania politician)|John Davis Lodge|John Davis Long|John Dawson (U.S. politician)|John De Mott|John Dean Dickinson|John Delaney (Maryland politician)|John Denison Baldwin|John Dennis (1771u20131806)|John Dennis (1807u20131859)|John DeWitt Clinton Atkins|John Dick (politician)|John Dickey (U.S. politician)|John Dillard Bellamy|John Doolittle|John Dougherty (Missouri politician)|John Dowdy|John Duncan Sr.|John Duncan Young|John E. Coffee|John E. Erickson (Montana politician)|John E. Fogarty|John E. Grotberg|John E. Henderson|John E. Hunt|John E. Hutton|John E. Kenna|John E. Leonard|John E. Lyle, Jr.|John E. McCall|John E. Miles|John E. Miller|John E. Moss|John E. Nelson (Maine)|John E. Raker|John E. Rankin|John E. Russell|John E. Sununu|John E. Weeks|John Edward Bouligny|John Edward Halsell|John Edward Lamb|John Edwards (Arkansas politician)|John Edwards (New York politician)|John Edwards (Pennsylvania politician)|John Ely (representative)|John Emory Andrus|John Ensign|John Eugene Osborne|John Ewing (Indiana politician)|John F. Andrew|John F. Baldwin, Jr.|John F. Benjamin|John F. Carew|John F. Collin|John F. Dezendorf|John F. Dockweiler|John F. Farnsworth|John F. Finerty|John F. Fitzgerald|John F. Follett|John F. Hunter|John F. Kennedy|John F. Lacey|John F. McKinney|John F. Nugent|John F. Potter|John F. Seymour|John F. Shafroth|John F. Shelley|John F. Snodgrass|John F. Starr|John F. Tierney|John Fabyan Parrott|John Fairfield|John Fairfield Scamman|John Fay (politician)|John Findlay (U.S. politician)|John Fine (politician)|John Finis Philips|John Fisher (politician)|John Fitzgibbons|John Fleming (American politician)|John Fletcher Darby|John Flournoy Henry|John Floyd (Georgia politician)|John Floyd (Virginia politician)|John Ford House|John Forsyth (Georgia)|John Foster Dulles|John Fowler (politician)|John Fox (congressman)|John Francis Hamtramck Claiborne|John Francis Mercer|John Frank Boyd|John Franklin Rixey|John Freedley|John G. Carlisle|John G. Cooper|John G. Davis|John G. Dow|John G. Fary|John G. Floyd|John G. Hutchinson|John G. Jackson (politician)|John G. Palfrey|John G. Rowland|John G. Schmitz|John G. Shaw|John G. Utterback|John Gaines Miller|John Galbraith (Pennsylvania politician)|John Ganson|John Garamendi|John Gaston Grant|John Gayle (Alabama)|John Gebhard|John Gerald Milton|John Gill, Jr.|John Gilmore (representative)|John Glenn Beall Jr.|John Goff Ballentine|John Goode|John Grant Chapman|John Greig (representative)|John Guier Scott|John H. Bagley Jr.|John H. Bankhead|John H. Boyd|John H. Brockway|John H. Burke|John H. Burleigh|John H. Camp|John H. Capstick|John H. Evins|John H. Foster|John H. Fulton|John H. Gear|John H. Graham|John H. Harmanson|John H. Hoeppel|John H. Hoffecker|John H. Kerr|John H. Lewis|John H. Marsalis|John H. McHenry|John H. Morehead|John H. O'Neall|John H. Overton|John H. Pugh|John H. Rice|John H. Rousselot|John H. Smithwick|John H. Tolan|John Hagans|John Hahn|John Hall Buchanan, Jr.|John Hall Stephens|John Hamilton (congressman)|John Hamlin Folger|John Hancock (Texas politician)|John Hanna (Indiana)|John Hans Krebs|John Hanson Farquhar|John Harris Baker|John Hartwell Marable|John Hastings (Ohio)|John Heath (politician)|John Henninger Reagan|John Henry (representative)|John Henry Bowen|John Henry Caldwell|John Henry Hubbard|John Henry Kyl|John Henry Lumpkin|John Henry Raney|John Henry Rogers|John Henry Wilson (Kentucky)|John Heritage Bryan|John Herman Dent|John Hervey Crozier|John Hickman (Pennsylvania politician)|John Hiester|John Hill (New Jersey politician)|John Hill (North Carolina politician)|John Hill (Virginia politician)|John Hogan (Missouri)|John Hoge|John Hoge Ewing|John Holmes (Maine politician)|John Hostettler|John Houston Savage|John Hubler Stover|John Humphrey Small|John Hungerford (congressman)|John Hunter (South Carolina politician)|John Hutchins|John Huyler|John Hyde Sweet|John I. De Graff|John I. Nolan|John I. Rinaker|John J. Adams|John J. Allen (judge)|John J. Allen Jr.|John J. Babka|John J. Bell|John J. Boylan|John J. Casey|John J. Chappell|John J. Cochran|John J. Crittenden|John J. Davis (congressman)|John J. De Haven|John J. Delaney|John J. Dempsey|John J. Douglass|John J. Eagan|John J. Esch|John J. Feely|John J. Fitzgerald|John J. Gardner|John J. Gilligan|John J. Gorman|John J. Hardin|John J. Hemphill|John J. Hickey|John J. Jenkins|John J. Kleiner|John J. Lentz|John J. McFall|John J. McGrath|John J. McIntyre (politician)|John J. McRae|John J. McSwain|John J. Milligan|John J. Perry|John J. Phillips|John J. Riley|John J. Roane|John Jacob Rhodes|John Jacob Rhodes III|John Jacob Rogers|John James Flynt Jr.|John James Jones|John James McDannold|John Jameson (politician)|John Jarman|John Jennings (American politician)|John Jenrette|John Johns Trigg|John Johnson (Ohio congressman)|John Joseph Cavanaugh III|John Joseph Mitchell|John Joseph O'Neill (U.S. politician)|John Joseph Seerley|John K. Griffin|John K. Griffith|John K. Luttrell|John K. Miller|John K. Tarbox|John Kasich|John Kean (New Jersey)|John Kee|John Kerr (Virginia Congressman)|John Kerr Hendrick|John Kerr, Jr. (congress)|John Kershaw (American politician)|John Kincaid|John Kissig Cowen|John Klingensmith, Jr.|John Kronmiller|John Kyle|John L. Blake|John L. Bretz|John L. Burnett|John L. Burton|John L. Cable|John L. Jolley|John L. Kennedy|John L. McLaurin|John L. McMillan|John L. Mitchell|John L. Murray (representative)|John L. N. Stratton|John L. Robinson|John Lamb (congressman)|John Lambert (politician)|John Law (representative)|John Lee (Maryland politician)|John Leeds Kerr|John Letcher|John Levi Sheppard|John Lewis (Georgia politician)|John Lewis Brenner|John Light Napier|John Linder|John Linn (politician)|John Linscom Boss Jr.|John Little (congressman)|John Little McClellan|John Littleton Dawson|John Lloyd Dorsey Jr.|John Locke (Massachusetts)|John Long (North Carolina politician)|John Lourie Beveridge|John Love (congressman)|John Lynch (congressman)|John M. Ashbrook|John M. Bowers|John M. Brower|John M. Carroll (politician)|John M. Coghlan|John M. Costello|John M. Crebs|John M. Davy|John M. Evans|John M. Faison|John M. Farquhar|John M. Goodenow|John M. Hamilton|John M. Hyneman|John M. Landrum|John M. Moore|John M. Nelson|John M. Pattison|John M. Patton|John M. Pinckney|John M. Robsion|John M. Robsion, Jr.|John M. S. Williams|John M. Sandidge|John M. Slack Jr.|John M. Wolverton|John M. Wood|John Manning, Jr.|John Marshall|John Martin Broomall|John Marvin Jones|John Mason Martin|John Matthew O'Connell|John Mattocks|John May Taylor|John McCain|John McCarthy (Nebraska politician)|John McConnell Rice|John McCreary|John McDonald (Maryland politician)|John McDuffie|John McKee|John McKinley|John McLean|John McLean (Illinois politician)|John McNulta|John McQueen|John McSweeney (politician)|John Melcher|John Mercer Langston|John Mica|John Michael Clancy|John Milledge|John Millen (American politician)|John Miller (Missouri politician)|John Miller Baer|John Mills Allen|John Mills Houston|John Millson|John Milton Elliott|John Milton Glover|John Montgomery (Maryland politician)|John Montgomery Glover|John Moore (Louisiana)|John Morgan Bright|John Morrow (New Mexico)|John Morrow (Virginia)|John Mosher Bailey|John Motley Morehead II|John Murphy (Alabama)|John Myers Felder|John N. Erlenborn|John N. Heiskell|John N. Norton|John N. Sandlin|John N. Tillman|John N. W. Rumple|John N. Williamson|John Nance Garner|John Nelson (lawyer)|John Nevett Steele|John Newbold Camp|John Nicholas (congressman)|John Nichols (politician)|John Noble Goodwin|John Noyes|John O'Neill (congressman)|John O. Pendleton|John Olver|John Otho Marsh Jr.|John Otis (Maine)|John P. C. Shanks|John P. Cushman|John P. Gaines|John P. Hale|John P. Hiler|John P. Kennedy|John P. Leedom|John P. Newsome|John P. Swasey|John Page (Virginia politician)|John Parsons Cook|John Patrick Higgins|John Patten (American politician)|John Patterson (Ohio politician)|John Patterson Bryan Maxwell|John Paul Hammerschmidt|John Paul Jr. (judge)|John Paul Sr. (judge)|John Pegram|John Pendleton|John Perkins Jr.|John Peter Richardson II|John Pettit|John Pickler|John Plank Tracey|John Pope (Kentucky politician)|John Porter (Illinois politician)|John Preston Martin|John Q. Tilson|John Q. Tufts|John Quincy Adams|John R. Buck|John R. Clancy|John R. Connelly|John R. Dellenback|John R. Drake|John R. Eden|John R. Farr|John R. Fellows|John R. Foley|John R. French|John R. Glascock|John R. Goodin|John R. Hansen|John R. Kelso|John R. Lynch|John R. McBride|John R. McKernan Jr.|John R. Murdock|John R. Neal|John R. Ramsey|John R. Schmidhauser|John R. Thayer|John R. Thomas|John R. Tyson|John R. Walsh|John Randall Reding|John Randall Walker|John Randolph of Roanoke|John Randolph Tucker (politician)|John Rankin Franklin|John Rankin Gamble|John Rarick|John Ratcliffe (American politician)|John Reed Jr.|John Reed Sr.|John Reeves Jones Daniel|John Reynolds (U.S. politician)|John Rhea|John Richard Barret|John Ridley Mitchell|John Ritchie (Maryland)|John Roane|John Robert Brown (Virginia politician)|John Robertson (congressman)|John Rowan (Kentucky)|John Rufus Edie|John Runk|John Russ|John Rutledge, Jr.|John S. Barbour|John S. Barbour Jr.|John S. Benham|John S. Bigby|John S. Carlile|John S. Cohen|John S. Gibson|John S. Henderson|John S. Jones|John S. McGroarty|John S. Monagan|John S. Phelps|John S. Richardson|John S. Savage|John S. Spence|John S. Tanner|John S. Wold|John Salazar|John Samuel Sherburne|John Sarbanes|John Scott (Missouri politician)|John Scott Harrison|John Seaton Robinson|John Sebastian Little|John Sergeant Wise|John Sevier|John Shadegg|John Sharp Williams|John Shimkus|John Simpkins|John Slidell|John Smith (Vermont)|John Smith (Virginia representative)|John Sparkman|John Speed Smith|John Spratt|John Stanly|John Steele (North Carolina politician)|John Stephens Wood|John Stewart (Connecticut)|John Stockdale Rhea|John Stratton (Virginia politician)|John Sullivan (Oklahoma)|John T. Andrews|John T. Bergen|John T. Bird|John T. Buckbee|John T. Cutting|John T. Deweese|John T. Dunn|John T. Harris|John T. Heard|John T. Hunt|John T. Myers (congressman)|John T. Nixon|John T. Stuart|John T. Wait|John T. Watkins|John Taffe|John Taliaferro|John Taylor (14th Congress)|John Taylor (South Carolina governor)|John Taylor Hamilton|John Telemachus Johnson|John Test|John Thomson Mason, Jr.|John Thune|John Tolley Hood Worthington|John Travers Wood|John Trimble (politician)|John Truman Stoddert|John Tyler|John U. Pettit|John V. Beamer|John V. Creely|John V. Le Moyne|John V. Tunney|John Van Dyke|John Van Lear Findlay|John Van McDuffie|John Varnum|John Vines Wright|John Vining|John W. A. Sanford|John W. Allen|John W. Boehne|John W. Boehne Jr.|John W. Brown (New York politician)|John W. Byrnes|John W. Cady|John W. Caldwell|John W. Candler|John W. Cassingham|John W. Causey|John W. Cox Jr.|John W. Cranford|John W. Crisfield|John W. Daniel|John W. Davis|John W. Ferdon|John W. Fishburne|John W. Flannagan Jr.|John W. Gaines|John W. Gwynne|John W. Harreld|John W. Hazelton|John W. Heselton|John W. Houston|John W. Howe|John W. Hulbert|John W. Kendall|John W. Kittera|John W. Langley|John W. Lawson|John W. Lewis|John W. Maddox|John W. McCormick|John W. Rainey|John W. Stevenson|John W. Thomas|John W. Tibbatts|John W. Weeks|John W. Weeks (New Hampshire politician)|John Walsh (U.S. politician)|John Walter Smith|John Wayles Eppes|John Weinland Killinger|John Welborn (representative)|John Wentworth (Illinois)|John Wesley Crockett|John Wesley Davis|John Westbrook Hornbeck|John Wethered|John White (Kentucky politician)|John Whiteaker|John Wilbur Dwight|John Wiley Bryant|John William Davis (Georgia politician)|John William Henderson Underwood|John William Jones|John William McCormack|John William Moore|John William Noell|John William Palmer|John William Reid|John Williams Shackelford|John Wilson (South Carolina)|John Wilson Campbell|John Wilson Farrelly|John Winans|John Winston Jones|John Winthrop Chanler|John Witcher|John Wolcott Stewart|John Woodruff (representative)|John Y. Brown (politician, born 1835)|John Y. Brown Sr.|John Y. Mason|John Y. McCollister|John Yarmuth|John Z. Goodrich|Johnathan McCarty|Johnny Isakson|Johnson N. Camden|Johnston Cornish|Jon D. Fox|Jon Hinson|Jon Kyl|Jon Lynn Christensen|Jon Porter|Jon Runyan|Jonas Earll Jr.|Jonas G. Howard|Jonas Kendall|Jonas Sibley|Jonathan Brace|Jonathan Brewster Bingham|Jonathan Chace|Jonathan Cilley|Jonathan D. Morris|Jonathan Dayton|Jonathan Fisk|Jonathan Freeman (representative)|Jonathan Grout|Jonathan H. Rowell|Jonathan Harvey (congressman)|Jonathan Hatch Hubbard|Jonathan Hunt (Vermont congressman)|Jonathan Jennings|Jonathan Mason (Massachusetts politician)|Jonathan O. Moseley|Jonathan P. Dolliver|Jonathan Ross (senator)|Jonathan Russell|Jonathan S. Willis|Jonathan Sturges|Jonathan Trumbull Jr.|Jordan E. Cravens|Joseph A. Conry|Joseph A. Dixon|Joseph A. Gavagan|Joseph A. Goulden|Joseph A. LeFante|Joseph A. Woodward|Joseph A. Wright|Joseph Abbott (Texas politician)|Joseph Allen (congressman)|Joseph Anthony Gray|Joseph Aristide Landry|Joseph B. Bennett|Joseph B. Cheadle|Joseph B. Crowley|Joseph Bailey (congressman)|Joseph Barker (Massachusetts)|Joseph Barton Elam|Joseph Bellinger|Joseph Benton Donley|Joseph Biles Anthony|Joseph Bloomfield|Joseph Bouck|Joseph Bradley Varnum|Joseph Brevard|Joseph Bryan|Joseph Bryan Thompson|Joseph Buffington (congressman)|Joseph Buffum, Jr.|Joseph Burns (U.S. politician)|Joseph C. Baldwin|Joseph C. McKibbin|Joseph C. Noyes|Joseph C. O'Mahoney|Joseph C. Pringey|Joseph Cable|Joseph Calhoun|Joseph Cao|Joseph Carlton Loser|Joseph Casey (congressman)|Joseph Champlin Stone|Joseph Chappell Hutcheson|Joseph Chinn|Joseph Clay|Joseph Clay Stiles Blackburn|Joseph Crockett Shaffer|Joseph Crowley|Joseph D. Beck|Joseph D. Early|Joseph D. Sayers|Joseph Dane|Joseph Desha|Joseph Dickson|Joseph Dixon (North Carolina)|Joseph Draper|Joseph Duncan (politician)|Joseph E. Baird|Joseph E. Brennan|Joseph E. Casey|Joseph E. Edsall|Joseph E. Johnston|Joseph E. McDonald|Joseph E. Ransdell|Joseph E. Talbot|Joseph E. Washington|Joseph Edgar Brown|Joseph Egbert|Joseph Eggleston|Joseph F. Holt|Joseph F. O'Connell|Joseph F. Ryter|Joseph F. Wingate|Joseph Fitz Randolph|Joseph Fornance|Joseph Franklin Biddle|Joseph Franklin Wilson|Joseph Fry, Jr.|Joseph G. Kendall|Joseph G. Wilson|Joseph Gist|Joseph Grant Beale|Joseph Grinnell (politician)|Joseph Gurney Cannon|Joseph H. Acklen|Joseph H. Anderson|Joseph H. Ball|Joseph H. Beeman|Joseph H. Bottum|Joseph H. Defrees|Joseph H. Gaines|Joseph H. Hawkins|Joseph H. Himes|Joseph H. O'Neil|Joseph H. Outhwaite|Joseph H. Walker|Joseph Hall (Maine)|Joseph Halsey Crane|Joseph Hammons|Joseph Healy|Joseph Hemphill|Joseph Henderson (Pennsylvania)|Joseph Henry Sweney|Joseph Hiester|Joseph Hopkins Peyton|Joseph Hopper Nicholson|Joseph Horace Lewis|Joseph Howell|Joseph Humphrey Sloss|Joseph Hunter Bryan|Joseph J. Davis|Joseph J. DioGuardi|Joseph J. Gill|Joseph J. Gravely|Joseph J. Mansfield|Joseph J. Maraziti|Joseph J. McDowell|Joseph J. Russell|Joseph John Martin|Joseph Johnson (Virginia politician)|Joseph Johnson Hart|Joseph Jorgensen|Joseph K. Edgerton|Joseph Kent|Joseph Kille|Joseph L. Carrigg|Joseph L. Fisher|Joseph L. Morphis|Joseph L. Rhinock|Joseph L. Tillinghast|Joseph L. White|Joseph Lanier Williams|Joseph Lecompte|Joseph Lewis, Jr.|Joseph Lyman|Joseph M. Belford|Joseph M. Dixon|Joseph M. Gaydos|Joseph M. Harper|Joseph M. Kendall|Joseph M. McCormick|Joseph M. Root|Joseph McCarthy|Joseph McDowell, Jr.|Joseph McKenna|Joseph Miller (Ohio politician)|Joseph Minish|Joseph Montoya|Joseph Morris (Ohio politician)|Joseph Neville|Joseph Oliva Huot|Joseph P. Hoge|Joseph P. Kennedy II|Joseph P. Kennedy III|Joseph P. Kolter|Joseph P. Monaghan|Joseph P. Newsham|Joseph P. Wyatt, Jr.|Joseph Patrick Addabbo|Joseph Pearson|Joseph Pearson Caldwell|Joseph Peirce|Joseph R. Bryson|Joseph R. Cockerill|Joseph R. Grundy|Joseph R. Knowland|Joseph R. Lane|Joseph R. Underwood|Joseph Rainey|Joseph Rankin|Joseph Rea Reed|Joseph Reed Ingersoll|Joseph Richardson (U.S. politician)|Joseph Ridgway|Joseph Ripley Chandler|Joseph Rosier|Joseph Roswell Hawley|Joseph S. Ammerman|Joseph Showalter Smith|Joseph Stanton Jr.|Joseph Stewart Cottman|Joseph Story|Joseph T. Deal|Joseph T. Johnson|Joseph Taggart|Joseph Taylor Robinson|Joseph Trumbull (governor)|Joseph V. Flynn|Joseph V. Graff|Joseph W. Babcock|Joseph W. Barr|Joseph W. Byrns Jr.|Joseph W. Byrns Sr.|Joseph W. Clift|Joseph W. McClurg|Joseph W. McCorkle|Joseph W. Morris|Joseph Walsh (Massachusetts)|Joseph Webber Jackson|Joseph Weeks|Joseph Weldon Bailey|Joseph Weldon Bailey Jr.|Joseph Wheeler|Joseph Whitehead (Congressman)|Joseph William Martin Jr.|Joseph Wilson Ervin|Joseph Winston|Joshua A. Lowell|Joshua B. Lee|Joshua Coit|Joshua Cushman|Joshua Eilberg|Joshua Evans Jr.|Joshua Frederick Cockey Talbott|Joshua Fry Bell|Joshua G. Hall|Joshua Herrick|Joshua Jewett|Joshua L. Johns|Joshua L. Martin|Joshua Mathiot|Joshua Reed Giddings|Joshua S. Salmon|Joshua Seney|Joshua Van Sant|Joshua W. Alexander|Joshua Weldon Miles|Josiah Bartlett Jr.|Josiah Bushnell Grinnell|Josiah Butler|Josiah Crudup|Josiah Dean|Josiah Duane Hicks|Josiah Gardner Abbott|Josiah Kerr|Josiah M. Anderson|Josiah Parker|Josiah Patterson|Josiah Quincy III|Josiah S. Johnston|Josiah Smith|Josiah T. Walls|Jouett Shouse|Joyce Beatty|Juan Vargas|Juanita Millender-McDonald|Judd Gregg|Judson Allen|Judson C. Clements|Judy Biggert|Judy Chu|Julia Brownley|Julia Carson|Julian C. Dixon|Julian Hartridge|Julian M. Quarles|Julius Caesar Alford|Julius Goldzier|Julius Hawley Seelye|Julius Hotchkiss|Julius Kahn (congressman)|Julius L. Strong|Julius Rockwell|Julius W. Blackwell|June Ward Gayle|Junius Hillyer|Justin De Witt Bowersock|Justin Dwinell|Justin Smith Morrill|K. Gunn McKay|Kaneaster Hodges Jr.|Karan English|Karen Bass|Karen McCarthy|Karen Shepherd|Karen Thurman|Karl C. King|Karl E. Mundt|Karl M. Le Compte|Karl Stefan|Katharine Byron|Katherine Clark|Katherine G. Langley|Katherine Harris|Kathryn E. Granahan|Kathryn O'Loughlin McCarthy|Kathy Castor|Kathy Dahlkemper|Katie Hall|Kay Granger|Keith Sebelius|Ken Bentsen Jr.|Ken Buck|Ken Calvert|Ken Hechler|Ken Kramer|Ken Lucas|Kendrick Meek|Kenneth A. Roberts|Kenneth J. Gray|Kenneth Lamar Holland|Kenneth M. Regan|Kenneth McKellar (politician)|Kenneth Rayner|Kenneth W. Dyal|Kenny Hulshof|Kenny Marchant|Kensey Johns Jr.|Kent E. Keller|Kent Hance|Kevin Brady|Kevin Cramer|Kevin McCarthy (California politician)|Kevin Yoder|Kika de la Garza|King Swope|Kirsten Gillibrand|Kittredge Haskins|Kristi Noem|Kurt Schrader|Kweisi Mfume|Kyrsten Sinema|L. B. Hanna|L. Gary Clemente|L. Heisler Ball|L. Irving Handy|L. L. Marshall|L. M. Gensman|L. Mendel Rivers|L. Paul Howland|L. Richardson Preyer|La Fayette Grover|Laban Wheaton|Lacy Clay|Ladislas Lazaro|LaFayette L. Patterson|Lafayette Lane|Laird Howard Barber|LaMar Baker|Lamar Jeffers|Lamar S. Smith|Lambert Cadwalader (representative)|Lancelot Phelps|Landaff Andrews|Lane Evans|Langdon Cheves|Lansdale Ghiselin Sasscer|Lansing Stout|Larkin I. Smith|Larry Bucshon|Larry Combest|Larry Craig|Larry J. Hopkins|Larry Kissell|Larry LaRocco|Larry McDonald|Larry Pressler|Larry Winn|Lathrop Brown|Latimer Whipple Ballou|Lauchlin Bethune|Laura Richardson|Laurence Curtis|Laurence F. Arnold|Laurence J. Burton|Laurence M. Keitt|Laurie C. Battle|LaVern Dilweg|Lawrence B. Stringer|Lawrence Brock|Lawrence Coughlin|Lawrence E. Imhoff|Lawrence E. McGann|Lawrence H. Fountain|Lawrence H. Smith|Lawrence Hogan|Lawrence J. Connery|Lawrence J. DeNardis|Lawrence J. Flaherty|Lawrence J. Smith|Lawrence Lewis (politician)|Lawrence O'Bryan Branch|Lawrence R. Ellzey|Lawrence S. Trimble|Lawrence T. Neal|Lawrence W. Hall|Le Gage Pratt|Le Roy D. Downs|Leander Babcock|Leander Cox|Lee E. Geyer|Lee H. Hamilton|Lee Mantle|Lee Metcalf|Lee Terry|Legrand W. Perce|Leland M. Ford|Lemuel Amerman|Lemuel Benton|Lemuel D. Evans|Lemuel H. Arnold|Lemuel J. Alston|Lemuel P. Padgett|Lemuel Sawyer|Lemuel W. Royse|Lemuel Whitman|Lemuel Williams|Leo E. Allen|Leo Kocialkowski|Leo Ryan|Leon H. Gavin|Leon Panetta|Leonard B. Jordan|Leonard Boswell|Leonard Covington|Leonard Farbstein|Leonard G. Wolf|Leonard Henly Sims|Leonard Irving|Leonard Jarvis|Leonard Lance|Leonard S. Echols|Leonard W. Schuetz|Leonard White (politician)|Leonidas C. Dyer|Leonidas C. Houk|Leonidas D. Robinson|Leonidas F. Livingston|Leonidas Sexton|Leonor Sullivan|Leopold Morse|Lera Millard Thomas|LeRoy H. Anderson|Leroy T. Marshall|Les Aspin|Les AuCoin|Leslie C. Arends|Leslie Jasper Steele|Leslie L. Byrne|Lester J. Dickinson|Lester Johnson (politician)|Leven Powell|Leverett Saltonstall I|Levi Barber|Levi Casey (politician)|Levi D. Carpenter|Levi Lincoln Jr.|Levi Lincoln Sr.|Levi Warner|Levin Gale|Lewis A. Brigham|Lewis B. Gunckel|Lewis B. Sturges|Lewis Beach|Lewis Bigelow|Lewis C. Carpenter|Lewis Condict|Lewis D. Apsley|Lewis D. Campbell|Lewis D. Thill|Lewis Dewart|Lewis E. Payson|Lewis E. Sawyer|Lewis Eaton|Lewis F. Payne Jr.|Lewis Hanback|Lewis J. Martin|Lewis L. Boyer|Lewis L. Morgan|Lewis L. Walker|Lewis M. Long|Lewis Maxwell|Lewis McKenzie|Lewis P. Featherstone|Lewis P. Ohliger|Lewis R. Morris|Lewis Sperry|Lewis Steenrod|Lewis Steward|Lewis Tillman|Lewis W. Ross|Lewis Williams|Lewis Williams Douglas|Lilius Bratton Rainey|Lincoln Chafee|Lincoln Clark|Lincoln Davis|Lincoln Dixon|Lindley Beckworth|Lindsay Carter Warren|Lindsay Thomas (politician)|Lindsey Graham|Lindy Boggs|Linn Banks|Linn Boyd|Linus B. Comins|Linwood Clark|Lionel Allen Sheldon|Lionel Van Deerlin|Lisa Murkowski|Littleton Kirkpatrick|Littleton Purnell Dennis|Littleton W. Moore|Littleton Waller Tazewell|Liz J. Patterson|Llewellyn Powers|Lloyd Bentsen|Lloyd Bryce|Lloyd Doggett|Lloyd Lowndes Jr.|Lloyd Thurston|Logan H. Roots|Lois Capps|Lois Frankel|Lon A. Scott|Loren E. Wheeler|Loren P. Waldo|Lorenzo Brentano|Lorenzo Burrows|Lorenzo Crounse|Lorenzo Danford|Lorenzo De Medici Sweat|Lorenzo Sabine|Loretta Sanchez|Loring M. Black Jr.|Lot Clark|Lot Thomas|Lott Warren|Lou Barletta|Louie Gohmert|Louis A. Bafalis|Louis A. Frothingham|Louis B. Goodall|Louis C. Latham|Louis C. Wyman|Louis Capozzoli|Louis E. Atkinson|Louis E. Graham|Louis E. McComas|Louis E. Miller|Louis Fitzhenry|Louis Frey Jr.|Louis Ludlow|Louis McLane|Louis Monast|Louis St. Martin|Louis W. Emerson|Louis W. Fairfield|Louis Washington Turpin|Louise Day Hicks|Louise Goff Reece|Lowell P. Weicker Jr.|Lowell Stockman|Lowndes Henry Davis|Lucas Elmendorf|Lucas M. Miller|Lucian W. Parrish|Lucien B. Caswell|Lucien Bonaparte Chase|Lucien C. Gause|Lucien E. Blackwell|Lucien J. Fenton|Lucien J. Maciora|Lucien Lester Ainsworth|Lucille Roybal-Allard|Lucius Benedict Peck|Lucius Elmer|Lucius Jeremiah Gartrell|Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar II|Luke Lea (representative)|Luke Messer|Luke P. Poland|Luke Pryor|Luther Alexander Johnson|Luther Badger|Luther C. Carter|Luther F. McKinney|Luther Hanchett|Luther Jewett|Luther Patrick|Luther Severance|Lyle Boren|Lyman E. Barnes|Lyman K. Bass|Lyman Law|Lynden Evans|Lyndon B. Johnson|Lyne Metcalfe|Lynn E. Stalbaum|Lynn Hornor|Lynn Jenkins|Lynn Morley Martin|Lynn Schenk|Lynn Westmoreland|Lynn Woolsey|M. Alfred Michaelson|M. Blaine Peterson|M. Caldwell Butler|Mac Collins|Mac Sweeney|Mac Thornberry|Mace Moulton|Madison Miner Walden|Madison Roswell Smith|Mae Nolan|Maecenas Eason Benton|Magnus Tate|Mahlon Dickerson Manson|Mahlon Morris Garland|Mahlon Pitney|Malcolm A. Moody|Malcolm C. Tarver|Malcolm R. Patterson|Manasseh Cutler (representative)|Manuel Herrick|Manuel Lujan Jr.|Manuel S. Corley|Marc Veasey|Marcellus H. Evans|Marcia Fudge|Marco Rubio|Marcus C. L. Kline|Marcus C. Lisle|Marcus Lawrence Ward|Marcus Morton|Marcy Kaptur|Margaret Chase Smith|Margaret Heckler|Marge Roukema|Marguerite S. Church|Marian W. Clarke|Marilyn Lloyd|Marilyn Musgrave|Mario Biaggi|Marion Bethune|Marion Biggs|Marion De Vries|Marion E. Rhodes|Marion Tinsley Bennett|Marjorie Holt|Mark Alexander (politician)|Mark Amodei|Mark Andrew Green|Mark Andrews (politician)|Mark Anthony Cooper|Mark Critz|Mark DeSaulnier|Mark Foley|Mark Harris (Maine politician)|Mark Kirk|Mark L. De Motte|Mark Langdon Hill|Mark Meadows (North Carolina politician)|Mark Neumann|Mark Pocan|Mark Richards (politician)|Mark Sanford|Mark Souder|Mark Takai|Mark Takano|Mark Thomson|Mark Udall|Mark W. Hannaford|Mark Walker (North Carolina politician)|Markwayne Mullin|Marlin Stutzman|Marmaduke Williams|Marriott Henry Brosius|Marsena E. Cutts|Marsha Blackburn|Marshall Arnold|Marshall Johnson Wellborn|Marshall Van Winkle|Martha Keys|Martha McSally|Martha Roby|Martin A. Brennan|Martin A. Foran|Martin A. Morrison|Martin Alonzo Haynes|Martin B. Madden|Martin Beaty|Martin Butterfield|Martin C. Ansorge|Martin Chittenden|Martin D. Foster|Martin Dies, Jr.|Martin Dies, Sr.|Martin Emerich|Martin F. Conway|Martin Frost|Martin Gorski|Martin Grover|Martin H. Glynn|Martin Heinrich|Martin Hoke|Martin Jenkins Crawford|Martin Joseph Wade|Martin K. Gantz|Martin Kinsley|Martin L. Clardy|Martin L. Davey|Martin Lancaster|Martin N. Johnson|Marty Meehan|Marty Russo|Marvin Leath|Mary Bono|Mary Fallin|Mary Jo Kilroy|Mary Rose Oakar|Mary Teresa Norton|Maryon Pittman Allen|Mason C. Darling|Mason Tappan|Maston E. O'Neal Jr.|Matt Cartwright|Matt Salmon|Matthew A. Dunn|Matthew Clay|Matthew D. Lagan|Matthew Denver|Matthew Griswold (congressman)|Matthew Harvey|Matthew John Rinaldo|Matthew Locke (U.S. Congress)|Matthew Lyon|Matthew M. Neely|Matthew Walton|Matthias H. Nichols|Matthias J. Bovee|Maurice Connolly|Maurice E. Crumpacker|Maurice G. Burnside|Maurice J. Murphy Jr.|Maurice J. Sullivan|Maurice Thatcher|Maury Maverick|Max Baucus|Max Burns|Max Sandlin|Max Schwabe|Maxine Waters|Mazie Hirono|Mel Hancock|Mel Levine|Mel Reynolds|Mel Watt|Melissa Bean|Melissa Hart (politician)|Melville Bull|Melville Clyde Kelly|Melvin C. Snyder|Melvin Clark George|Melvin Laird|Melvin M. Boothman|Melvin O. McLaughlin|Menalcus Lankford|Mendel Jackson Davis|Meredith Poindexter Gentry|Merlin Hull|Merrill Cook|Merrill Moores|Mervyn M. Dymally|Merwin Coad|Meshack Franklin|Mia Love|Micah Brooks|Micah Taul|Micajah Thomas Hawkins|Michael A. Andrews|Michael A. Feighan|Michael Bennet|Michael Bilirakis|Michael C. Burgess|Michael C. Kerr|Michael Castle|Michael D. Barnes|Michael D. Harter|Michael D. White|Michael Donohoe|Michael E. Burke|Michael E. Driscoll|Michael F. Conry|Michael F. Doyle|Michael F. Farley|Michael Forbes|Michael Francis Phelan|Michael Griffin (politician)|Michael Grimm (politician)|Michael Hahn|Michael Huffington|Michael Hutchinson Jenks|Michael J. Bradley|Michael J. Harrington|Michael J. Kirwan|Michael J. Kopetski|Michael J. McEttrick|Michael J. Stone|Michael James Pappas|Michael Joseph Gill|Michael L. Igoe|Michael L. Strang|Michael McCaul|Michael P. O'Connor|Michael Parker (politician)|Michael Patrick Flanagan|Michael Reilly|Michael Sprigg|Michael Woolston Ash|Michel Vidal|Michelle Lujan Grisham|Mick Mulvaney|Mick Staton|Mickey Edwards|Mickey Leland|Mike Arcuri|Mike Blouin|Mike Bost|Mike Capuano|Mike Coffman|Mike Conaway|Mike Crapo|Mike DeWine|Mike Espy|Mike Ferguson (New Jersey politician)|Mike Fitzpatrick|Mike Honda|Mike Kelly (Pennsylvania politician)|Mike Mansfield|Mike McIntyre|Mike McKevitt|Mike Michaud|Mike Monroney|Mike Oxley|Mike Pence|Mike Pompeo|Mike Quigley (politician)|Mike Rogers (Alabama politician)|Mike Ross (politician)|Mike Simpson|Mike Sodrel|Mike Synar|Mike Thompson (California politician)|Mike Ward (American politician)|Miles C. Allgood|Miles Crowley|Miles Ross|Miles T. Granger|Miles Taylor|Milford W. Howard|Millard F. Caldwell|Millard Fillmore|Millard Tydings|Milledge Luke Bonham|Millicent Fenwick|Mills Gardner|Milo Goodrich|Milo Melankthon Dimmick|Milton A. Candler|Milton A. Romjue|Milton Brown (politician)|Milton C. Garber|Milton De Lano|Milton H. Welling|Milton H. West|Milton J. Daniels|Milton J. Durham|Milton Kraus|Milton Latham|Milton S. Robinson|Milton Sayler|Milton Urner|Milton W. Glenn|Milton Young|Mimi Walters|Miner G. Norton|Mitchell Jenkins|Mitt Romney|Mo Brooks|Mo Cowan|Mo Udall|Monroe Minor Redden|Mordecai Bartley|Mordecai Oliver|Morgan Cassius Fitzpatrick|Morgan F. Murphy|Morgan G. Sanders|Morgan Griffith|Morgan M. Moulder|Morgan Rawls|Morris Michael Edelstein|Morris Sheppard|Mortimer Fitzland Elliott|Morton C. Hunter|Morton D. Hull|Moses A. McCoid|Moses Bledso Corwin|Moses H. Grinnell|Moses Hampton|Moses Hoagland|Moses Kinkaid|Moses L. Broocks|Moses Macdonald|Moses Mason, Jr.|Moses Norris Jr.|Moses T. Stevens|Mounce Gore Butler|Muriel Humphrey Brown|Muscoe Russell Hunter Garnett|Myron H. McCord|Myron V. George|Nahum Mitchell|Nan Wood Honeyman|Nancy Boyda|Nancy Johnson|Nancy Pelosi|Napoleon B. Thistlewood|Nat Patton|Nathan Appleton|Nathan B. Durfee|Nathan Belcher|Nathan Bryan|Nathan Clifford|Nathan Cole|Nathan Deal|Nathan E. Kendall|Nathan Evans (Ohio)|Nathan F. Dixon II|Nathan F. Dixon III|Nathan Frank|Nathan Gaither|Nathan Goff Jr.|Nathan L. Bachman|Nathan Read|Nathan T. Carr|Nathan T. Hopkins|Nathan T. Stratton|Nathan W. Hale|Nathanael G. Pendleton|Nathaniel Albertson|Nathaniel Alexander (governor)|Nathaniel Allen|Nathaniel Appleton Haven|Nathaniel B. Borden|Nathaniel B. Smithers|Nathaniel Boyden|Nathaniel Claiborne|Nathaniel Cobb Deering|Nathaniel D. Wallace|Nathaniel Freeman Jr.|Nathaniel Garrow|Nathaniel Green Taylor|Nathaniel Hazard|Nathaniel Job Hammond|Nathaniel Littlefield|Nathaniel Macon|Nathaniel N. Craley Jr.|Nathaniel Niles (politician)|Nathaniel P. Banks|Nathaniel Ruggles|Nathaniel Silsbee|Nathaniel Smith|Nathaniel Terry|Nathaniel Upham|Neal Edward Smith|Ned R. Healy|Nehemiah Abbott|Nehemiah D. Sperry|Nehemiah Eastman|Nehemiah H. Earll|Nehemiah Knight|Nehemiah Perry (politician)|Neil Abercrombie|Neil J. Linehan|Nelson Barrere|Nelson Dingley Jr.|Nelson E. Matthews|Nelson Tift|Nelson W. Aldrich|Newell A. George|Newell Sanders|Newt Gingrich|Newt V. Mills|Newton C. Blanchard|Newton Cannon|Newton Martin Curtis|Newton Nash Clements|Newton Steers|Newton W. Gilbert|Nicholas B. Doe|Nicholas D. Coleman|Nicholas E. Worthington|Nicholas F. Brady|Nicholas Gilman|Nicholas J. Sinnott|Nicholas Longworth|Nicholas Mavroules|Nicholas N. Cox|Nicholas Ruxton Moore|Nicholas Van Dyke (senator)|Nick Begich|Nick Galifianakis (politician)|Nick Lampson|Nick Rahall|Nicoll Fosdick|Niels Juul|Niki Tsongas|Nils P. Haugen|Noah Davis|Noah M. Mason|Noble A. Hull|Noble J. Johnson|Noble Jones Gregory|Norma Torres|Norman Adolphus Mozley|Norman B. Judd|Norman D'Amours|Norman D. Shumway|Norman Eddy|Norman Hall (politician)|Norman J. Gould|Norman Mineta|Norman R. Hamilton|Norman Sisisky|Norris Cotton|Norris Poulson|Noyes Barber|Numa F. Montet|O'Brien Smith|O. C. Fisher|Oakes Ames|Obadiah Bowne|Obed Hall|Olger B. Burtness|Olin E. Teague|Olin Wellborn|Oliver Belmont|Oliver C. Comstock|Oliver C. Wiley|Oliver H. Cross|Oliver H. Dockery|Oliver H. Smith|Oliver James Dickey|Oliver P. Bolton|Oliver P. Snyder|Oliver W. Frey|Ollie Murray James|Olympia Snowe|Omar Burleson|Orange Ferriss|Orange Merwin|Oren Harris|Oren S. Copeland|Orestes Cleveland|Orie Solomon Ware|Origen S. Seymour|Orin Fowler|Orland K. Armstrong|Orlando B. Ficklin|Orlando Burrell|Orlando Hubbs|Ormsby B. Thomas|Orren C. Moore|Orrice Abram Murdock Jr.|Orrin Dubbs Bleakley|Orrin Holt|Orrin Larrabee Miller|Orris S. Ferry|Orsamus Cole|Orsamus Cook Merrill|Orval H. Hansen|Orville Zimmerman|Orvin B. Fjare|Oscar Callaway|Oscar E. Bland|Oscar L. Auf der Heide|Oscar Lapham|Oscar Lawrence Jackson|Oscar Lee Gray|Oscar Lovette|Oscar S. Gifford|Oscar Stanton De Priest|Oscar Turner (1825u20131896)|Oscar Turner (1867u20131902)|Oscar Underwood|Oscar W. Gillespie|Osmyn Baker|Ossian Ray|Otha Wearin|Otho R. Singleton|Otis Wingo|Otto G. Foelker|Otto Krueger|Otto Passman|Outline of Delaware|Overton Brooks|Owen A. Wells|Owen B. Pickett|Owen Brewster|Owen Jones (congressman)|Owen Lovejoy|Owen Scott|Ozro J. Dodds|P. H. Moynihan|P. Henry Dugro|Page Belcher|Paine Wingate|Parke M. Banta|Parker Corning|Parker Griffith|Parmenio Adams|Parren Mitchell|Parry Wayne Humphreys|Pat Cannon|Pat Danner|Pat Harrison|Pat Henry (politician)|Pat Roberts|Pat Saiki|Pat Swindall|Pat Williams (Montana)|Patricia Schroeder|Patrick B. O'Sullivan|Patrick C. Caldwell|Patrick Collins (mayor)|Patrick Daniel Norton|Patrick F. Gill|Patrick Farrelly|Patrick Gaines Goode|Patrick H. Drewry|Patrick H. Pope|Patrick Hamill|Patrick Henry (U.S. Congressman)|Patrick J. Boland|Patrick J. Carley|Patrick J. Hillings|Patrick J. Kennedy|Patrick Joseph Sullivan|Patrick M. Martin|Patrick Magruder|Patrick McHenry|Patrick Murphy (Florida politician)|Patrick T. Caffery|Patrick W. Tompkins|Patsy Mink|Paul A. Fino|Paul B. Dague|Paul B. Johnson Sr.|Paul Broun|Paul Brown (Georgia politician)|Paul C. Edmunds|Paul C. Jones|Paul Cook (politician)|Paul Cunningham (politician)|Paul Dillingham|Paul E. Kanjorski|Paul F. Schenck|Paul Findley|Paul G. Hatfield|Paul G. Kirk|Paul G. McCorkle|Paul Gillmor|Paul Gosar|Paul H. Maloney|Paul Hodes|Paul J. Kilday|Paul J. Krebs|Paul J. Moore|Paul Ranous Greever|Paul Rogers (politician)|Paul Ryan|Paul S. Trible Jr.|Paul Sarbanes|Paul Simon (politician)|Paul Stewart (politician)|Paul Tsongas|Paul W. Cronin|Paulus Powell|Pearl Peden Oldfield|Pehr G. Holmes|Peleg Coffin Jr.|Peleg Sprague (Maine politician)|Peleg Sprague (New Hampshire politician)|Peleg Tallman|Percy Hamilton Stewart|Percy Lee Gassaway|Percy Priest|Percy Quin|Percy W. Griffiths|Percy Walker|Perkins Bass|Perl D. Decker|Perley B. Johnson|Perry Belmont|Pete Abele|Pete Aguilar|Pete Gallego|Pete Geren|Pete Jarman|Pete McCloskey|Pete Olson|Pete Peterson|Pete Sessions|Pete Stark|Pete Visclosky|Peter A. Garland|Peter Angelo Cavicchia|Peter C. Granata|Peter Carleton|Peter D. Wigginton|Peter Davis Oakley|Peter DeFazio|Peter Denoyelles|Peter Deutsch|Peter Dumont Vroom|Peter E. Costello|Peter Early|Peter Early Love|Peter F. Mack, Jr.|Peter Forney|Peter Francis Hammond|Peter Francis Tague|Peter Frelinghuysen Jr.|Peter G. Gerry|Peter G. Torkildsen|Peter H. Dominick|Peter H. Kostmayer|Peter Hansborough Bell|Peter Hitchcock|Peter Hoagland|Peter I. Blute|Peter I. Borst|Peter Ihrie, Jr.|Peter J. De Muth|Peter J. Dooling|Peter J. Otey|Peter J. Somers|Peter Kyros|Peter Little|Peter Myndert Dox|Peter Plympton Smith|Peter Roskam|Peter V. Deuster|Peter W. Barca|Peter W. Rodino|Peter Welch|Peterson Goodwyn|Phanor Breazeale|Phanuel Bishop|Phil Crane|Phil English|Phil Ferguson|Phil Gingrey|Phil Gramm|Phil Hare|Phil J. Welch|Phil Roe (politician)|Phil Swing|Philemon Beecher|Philemon Bliss|Philemon Dickerson|Philemon T. Herbert|Philemon Thomas|Philetus Sawyer|Philip A. Goodwin|Philip A. Traynor|Philip Allen Bennett|Philip B. Fouke|Philip B. Thompson, Jr.|Philip Barton Key|Philip C. Hayes|Philip Cook (general)|Philip D. McCulloch, Jr.|Philip Doddridge (Virginia)|Philip Francis Thomas|Philip H. Hayes|Philip H. Stoll|Philip J. Philbin|Philip Johnson (congressman)|Philip Key (U.S. politician)|Philip Knopf|Philip P. Campbell|Philip Pendleton Barbour|Philip Phillips (lawyer)|Philip R. Thompson|Philip Reed|Philip S. Crooke|Philip S. Post|Philip Sharp (politician)|Philip Stuart|Philip Thompson (Kentucky)|Philip Triplett|Phillip Burton|Phillip Hart Weaver|Phillip M. Landrum|Philo C. Fuller|Philo Hall|Phineas Jones|Phineas Miner|Phineas White|Pierce M. B. Young|Pierre Bossier|Pierre S. du Pont IV|Pierre Salinger|Pleasant B. Tully|Pleasant Moorman Miller|Pleasant T. Chapman|Poindexter Dunn|Politte Elvins|Polk Laffoon|Porter Goss|Porter H. Dale|Porter Hardy, Jr.|Portus Baxter|Posey G. Lester|Prentiss Walker|Presley Ewing|Presley T. Glass|Preston Brooks|Preston E. Peden|Prince Hulon Preston Jr.|Pryor Lea|Quentin N. Burdick|Quico Canseco|R. Clint Cole|R. Ewing Thomason|R. Holland Duell|R. Walton Moore|Rahm Emanuel|Ralph A. Gamble|Ralph Abraham (politician)|Ralph D. Cole|Ralph E. Church|Ralph E. Updike|Ralph Emerson Bailey|Ralph F. Beermann|Ralph F. Lozier|Ralph Flanders|Ralph Hall|Ralph Harvey|Ralph Hill (representative)|Ralph Hunter Daughton|Ralph Isaacs Ingersoll|Ralph James Scott|Ralph Julian Rivers|Ralph Metcalfe|Ralph Plumb|Ralph Pomeroy Buckland|Ralph R. Eltse|Ralph R. Harding|Ralph Regula|Ralph Tyler Smith|Ralph W. Gwinn|Ralph W. Moss (U.S. Representative)|Ralph Waldo Emerson Gilbert|Rand Paul|Randall L. Gibson|Randall S. Harmon|Randolph Carpenter|Randolph Perkins|Randy Forbes|Randy Hultgren|Randy Neugebauer|Randy Weber|Ransom H. Gillet|Ransom W. Dunham|Ranulf Compton|Raphael Neale|Ratliff Boon|Raul Ruiz (politician)|Ray Blanton|Ray LaHood|Ray Madden|Ray Roberts|Ray Thornton|Raymond Bartlett Stevens|Raymond H. Burke|Raymond Joseph Cannon|Raymond P. Kogovsek|Raymond S. McKeough|Raymond S. Springer|Raymond W. Karst|Reader W. Clarke|Reasin Beall|Rebecca Latimer Felton|Rees Bowen|Reese C. De Graffenreid|Reid F. Murray|Reid Ribble|Renee Ellmers|Reuben Chapman|Reuben Davis (representative)|Reuben Ellwood|Reuben Fenton|Reuben Knecht Bachman|Reuben T. Wood|Reva Beck Bosone|Rezin A. De Bolt|Ric Keller|Rice Alexander Pierce|Rice Garland|Rich Nugent|Richard A. Harrison|Richard Alsop Wise|Richard Alvin Tonry|Richard Aylett Buckner|Richard B. Vail|Richard B. Wigglesworth|Richard Baker (U.S. politician)|Richard Bartholdt|Richard Bennett Carmichael|Richard Bland Lee|Richard Bowie|Richard Brent (politician)|Richard Brodhead|Richard Burr|Richard C. Parsons|Richard Cheatham|Richard Clauselle Puryear|Richard Clough Anderson, Jr.|Richard Coke, Jr.|Richard Coulter (U.S. politician)|Richard Crawford White|Richard Crowley|Richard D. Davis|Richard D. Hubbard|Richard Dobbs Spaight|Richard Dobbs Spaight Jr.|Richard E. Connell|Richard Ely Bird|Richard F. Harless|Richard F. Simpson|Richard Fletcher (American politician)|Richard Franchot|Richard French|Richard Fulton|Richard G. Shoup|Richard Graham Frost|Richard H. Cain|Richard H. Lehman|Richard H. Stallings|Richard H. Stanton|Richard H. Whiteley|Richard H. Whiting|Richard Harding Poff|Richard Hawes|Richard Henry Clarke|Richard Henry Norton|Richard Henry Wilde|Richard Hines|Richard Howard Ichord Jr.|Richard Hudson (U.S. politician)|Richard Irvine Manning I|Richard J. Welch|Richard Jackson Jr.|Richard Jacobs Haldeman|Richard Kelly (politician)|Richard Kidder Meade|Richard L. Roudebush|Richard L. T. Beale|Richard Lankford|Richard M. Cooper|Richard M. Duncan|Richard M. Kleberg|Richard M. Russell|Richard Menefee|Richard Mentor Johnson|Richard Merrill Atkinson|Richard Mott|Richard N. Elliott|Richard N. Hackett|Richard Neal|Richard Nixon|Richard Olney II|Richard P. Bland|Richard P. Freeman|Richard Parker (congressman)|Richard Pombo|Richard Ray|Richard S. Aldrich|Richard S. Ayer|Richard S. Canby|Richard S. Molony|Richard S. Whaley|Richard Shelby|Richard Skinner (politician)|Richard Spaight Donnell|Richard Spencer (Maryland)|Richard Sprigg, Jr.|Richard Stanford (politician)|Richard Stockton (U.S. Senator)|Richard Swett|Richard T. Hanna|Richard Thomas Walker Duke|Richard Thurmond Chatham|Richard W. Austin|Richard W. Barton|Richard W. Blue|Richard W. Guenther|Richard W. Habersham|Richard W. Hoffman|Richard W. Mallary|Richard W. Parker|Richard W. Thompson|Richard W. Townshend|Richard Walker Bolling|Richard Warner (Tennessee)|Richard Williams (congressman)|Richard Winn|Richard Yates (politician, born 1815)|Richard Yates Jr.|Richardson A. Scurry|Richmond P. Hobson|Richmond Pearson|Rick Berg|Rick Boucher|Rick Crawford (politician)|Rick Hill|Rick Renzi|Rick W. Allen|Rienzi Melville Johnston|Riley J. Wilson|Risden Tyler Bennett|Rob Andrews|Rob Bishop|Rob Portman|Rob Simmons|Rob Wittman|Rob Woodall|Robert A. Borski, Jr.|Robert A. Childs|Robert A. Grant|Robert A. Green|Robert A. Roe|Robert A. Thompson|Robert A. Young|Robert Adams Jr.|Robert Aderholt|Robert Allen (Tennessee)|Robert Allen (Virginia)|Robert Anthony Hatcher|Robert B. Campbell|Robert B. Chiperfield|Robert B. Cranston|Robert B. Duncan|Robert B. Elliott|Robert B. F. Peirce|Robert B. Gordon|Robert B. Hawley|Robert B. Macon|Robert B. Scarborough|Robert B. Vance|Robert Badham|Robert Baker (New York politician)|Robert Barnwell|Robert Bauman|Robert Bernard Hall|Robert Brank Vance|Robert Brown (Pennsylvania politician)|Robert Bullock|Robert Burns (representative)|Robert Byrd|Robert C. Davey|Robert C. De Large|Robert C. Eckhardt|Robert C. Schenck|Robert Charles Wickliffe|Robert Charles Winthrop|Robert Clark (U.S. politician)|Robert Condon|Robert Craig (representative)|Robert Crosser|Robert Crozier|Robert Dale Owen|Robert Daniel|Robert Davis Johnson|Robert Desha|Robert Dinsmore Harrison|Robert Dold|Robert Douglas Heaton|Robert Drinan|Robert E. Burke|Robert E. Cook|Robert E. Cramer|Robert E. De Forest|Robert E. Doan|Robert E. Evans|Robert E. Jones, Jr.|Robert E. Lee Allen|Robert E. Lee Blackburn|Robert Edward Difenderfer|Robert Ellsworth|Robert Emmett Bledsoe Baylor|Robert F. Broussard|Robert F. Ligon|Robert F. Rockwell|Robert Franklin Armfield|Robert Franklin Bratton|Robert Franklin Jones|Robert Freeman Hopwood|Robert Freeman Smith|Robert G. Allen|Robert G. Bremner|Robert G. Cousins|Robert G. Houston|Robert G. Simmons|Robert G. Southall|Robert Gammage|Robert Garcia (New York politician)|Robert Giaimo|Robert Goodenow|Robert Goodloe Harper|Robert Grey Bushong|Robert Grier Stephens Jr.|Robert H. Foerderer|Robert H. Gittins|Robert H. M. Davidson|Robert H. Michel|Robert H. Nugen|Robert H. Steele|Robert Hale (Maine politician)|Robert Hamilton (congressman)|Robert Hanna Hammond|Robert Harris (Pennsylvania politician)|Robert Henry Whitelaw|Robert Humphreys|Robert Hurt (politician)|Robert J. Bulkley|Robert J. Corbett|Robert J. Gamble|Robert J. Lagomarsino|Robert J. Tracewell|Robert J. Vance|Robert John Cornell|Robert K. Goodwin|Robert Kastenmeier|Robert Kean|Robert Kirkland Henry|Robert Klotz|Robert L. Bacon|Robert L. Caruthers|Robert L. Coffey|Robert L. Doughton|Robert L. F. Sikes|Robert L. Leggett|Robert L. McHatton|Robert L. Mouton|Robert L. Ramsay (politician)|Robert Lee Davis|Robert Lee Henry|Robert Lee Moore (Georgia politician)|Robert Love Taylor|Robert Lowry (Indiana)|Robert Luce|Robert Lynn Hogg|Robert M. A. Hawk|Robert M. Knapp|Robert M. La Follette Sr.|Robert M. Leach|Robert M. Lively|Robert M. McCracken|Robert M. Nevin|Robert M. T. Hunter|Robert M. Wallace|Robert Malone Bugg|Robert Marion|Robert Marion Berry|Robert Maynard Murray|Robert McClory|Robert Milligan McLane|Robert Mitchell (congressman)|Robert Murphy Mayo|Robert N. Bodine|Robert N. Martin|Robert N. Page|Robert Neill (American politician)|Robert O. Harris|Robert P. Dunlap|Robert P. Griffin|Robert P. Hanrahan|Robert P. Hill|Robert P. Kennedy|Robert P. Letcher|Robert Page (Virginia politician)|Robert Patterson Clark Wilson|Robert Pittenger|Robert Porter Caldwell|Robert Potter (U.S. politician)|Robert Pryor Henry|Robert Quincy Lee|Robert R. Barry|Robert R. Butler|Robert R. Casey|Robert R. Hitt|Robert R. Reid|Robert Ramspeck|Robert Rantoul Jr.|Robert Rhett|Robert Ridgway (congressman)|Robert Rutherford (congressman)|Robert S. Garnett (congressman)|Robert S. Hall|Robert S. Maloney|Robert Smalls|Robert Smith (Illinois politician)|Robert Stafford|Robert Stell Heflin|Robert Stockton Green|Robert T. Ashmore|Robert T. Davis|Robert T. McLoskey|Robert T. Secrest|Robert T. Van Horn|Robert Taylor (congressman)|Robert Taylor Thorp|Robert Tiernan|Robert Todd Lytle|Robert Toombs|Robert Torricelli|Robert Turnbull (American politician)|Robert Twyman|Robert Vernon Denney|Robert W. Bonynge|Robert W. Edgar|Robert W. Everett|Robert W. Hemphill|Robert W. Levering|Robert W. Miers|Robert W. Roberts|Robert W. Upton|Robert Ward Johnson|Robert Washington Fyan|Robert Weakley|Robert Wexler|Robert Weygand|Robert Williams (Mississippi politician)|Robert Williams (North Carolina politician)|Robert Witherspoon|Robert Woodward Barnwell|Robert Wright (politician)|Robert Wyche Davis|Robert Y. Thomas Jr.|Robin Beard|Robin Hayes|Robin Kelly|Robin Tallon|Rockwood Hoar|Rod Blagojevich|Rod Blum|Roderick R. Butler|Rodman M. Price|Rodney Alexander|Rodney Davis (politician)|Rodney Frelinghuysen|Rodney M. Love|Rodney Wallace (Massachusetts)|Rodolphus Dickinson|Roger Atkinson Pryor|Roger C. Peace|Roger C. Slaughter|Roger Davis (Pennsylvania)|Roger Griswold|Roger H. Zion|Roger Lawson Gamble|Roger Nelson (politician)|Roger Q. Mills|Roger Sherman|Roger Vose|Roger Wicker|Roger Williams (U.S. politician)|Rogers Morton|Roland Burris|Roland Jones|Roland V. Libonati|Rolla C. McMillen|Rolland W. Redlin|Rollin Carolas Mallary|Rollin M. Daggett|Rollin R. Rees|Roman Hruska|Roman Pucinski|Romano Mazzoli|Romeo H. Freer|Romualdo Pacheco|Romulus Mitchell Saunders|Romulus Zachariah Linney|Ron Barber|Ron Dellums|Ron DeSantis|Ron Kind|Ron Klein|Ron Klink|Ron Lewis|Ron Marlenee|Ron Packard|Ron Paul|Ron Wyden|Ronald 'Bo' Ginn|Ronald A. Sarasin|Ronald B. Cameron|Ronald D. Coleman|Ronald M. Mottl|Ronald Machtley|Ronnie Flippo|Ronnie Shows|Rorer A. James|Rosa DeLauro|Roscoe Bartlett|Roscoe C. McCulloch|Roscoe C. Patterson|Roscoe Conkling|Rose McConnell Long|Ross A. Collins|Ross Bass|Ross Rizley|Roswell P. Flower|Rowland Day|Rowland Louis Johnston|Roy A. Taylor|Roy Blunt|Roy Clippinger|Roy Dyson|Roy E. Ayers|Roy G. Fitzgerald|Roy H. McVicker|Roy H. Thorpe|Royal C. Johnson|Ruben Gallego|Rudolph Bunner|Rudolph Kleberg|Rufus Choate|Rufus Dawes|Rufus E. Lester|Rufus Hardy (representative)|Rufus K. Goodenow|Rufus Mallory|Rufus McIntire|Rufus S. Frost|Rush Clark|Rush D. Holt Jr.|Russ Carnahan|Russell Errett|Russell J. Waters|Russell W. Keeney|Ruth Bryan Owen|Ruth Hanna McCormick|Rutherford B. Hayes|Ryan Costello|Ryan Zinke|S. Addison Oliver|S. Harrison White|S. Hubert Dent Jr.|S. Otis Bland|S. W. T. Lanham|S. Wallace Dempsey|S. William Green|Sala Burton|Salma Hale|Sam B. Hall Jr.|Sam Brownback|Sam C. Massingale|Sam Coon|Sam Coppersmith|Sam Ervin|Sam Farr|Sam Gejdenson|Sam Gibbons|Sam Graves|Sam Hobbs|Sam Houston|Sam Johnson|Sam L. Collins|Sam M. Russell|Sam R. Sells|Sam Rayburn|Sam Steiger|Sam Yorty|Sampson H. Butler|Sampson Willis Harris|Samson Mason|Samuel A. Cook|Samuel A. Dobbins|Samuel A. Foot|Samuel A. Shelton|Samuel Alfred Craig|Samuel Anderson (politician)|Samuel Andrew Witherspoon|Samuel Arnold (Connecticut)|Samuel Arza Davenport|Samuel Atkins Eliot (politician)|Samuel Augustus Bridges|Samuel Austin Kendall|Samuel Axley Smith|Samuel B. Avis|Samuel B. Cooper|Samuel B. Pettengill|Samuel B. Sherwood|Samuel Barton (New York)|Samuel Beach Axtell|Samuel Beardsley|Samuel Bernard Dick|Samuel Birdsall|Samuel Brenton|Samuel Bunch|Samuel Butman|Samuel Byrns|Samuel C. Crafts|Samuel C. Fessenden|Samuel C. Forker|Samuel C. Major|Samuel C. Sample|Samuel Calvin|Samuel Campbell (American politician)|Samuel Caruthers|Samuel Chase (congressman)|Samuel Chilton|Samuel Clark (New York and Michigan politician)|Samuel Clesson Allen|Samuel Cushman|Samuel D. Burchard|Samuel D. Ingham|Samuel D. Jackson|Samuel D. Purviance|Samuel D. Woods|Samuel Dana|Samuel Davis (politician)|Samuel Davis McReynolds|Samuel Dexter|Samuel Dibble|Samuel Dickens|Samuel Dickinson Hubbard|Samuel Dickstein (congressman)|Samuel Dinsmoor|Samuel E. Cook|Samuel E. Hogg|Samuel Earle|Samuel Eddy|Samuel Edwards|Samuel F. Gove|Samuel F. Hersey|Samuel Farrow|Samuel Feiser Glatfelter|Samuel Fenton Cary|Samuel Fleming Barr|Samuel Friedel|Samuel G. Andrews|Samuel G. Hilborn|Samuel G. Wright|Samuel Goode|Samuel Gordon (New York)|Samuel Griffin|Samuel Griffith (Pennsylvania)|Samuel Gross (politician)|Samuel H. Walley|Samuel H. Woodson (Kentucky)|Samuel H. Young|Samuel Hambleton (politician)|Samuel Hammond|Samuel Hays (Pennsylvania politician)|Samuel Herrick (politician)|Samuel Hoar|Samuel Holten|Samuel Hooper|Samuel Hopkins (congressman)|Samuel Hunt (New Hampshire)|Samuel I. Hopkins|Samuel Ingham|Samuel J. Barrows|Samuel J. Gholson|Samuel J. Montgomery|Samuel J. Nicholls|Samuel Joelah Tribble|Samuel Johnson Pugh|Samuel Jordan Cabell|Samuel L. Crocker|Samuel L. Devine|Samuel L. Powers|Samuel L. Warner|Samuel Lahm|Samuel Lathrop|Samuel Lewis Hays|Samuel Lilly|Samuel Livermore|Samuel Locke Sawyer|Samuel Louis Gilmore|Samuel Lyman|Samuel M. Brinson|Samuel M. Clark|Samuel M. Moore|Samuel M. Taylor|Samuel Matthews Robertson|Samuel Mayall|Samuel Mayes Arnell|Samuel McClary Fite|Samuel McKee (1774)|Samuel McKee (1833)|Samuel Myron Brainerd|Samuel Newell Bell|Samuel P. Benson|Samuel P. Morrill|Samuel Peyton|Samuel Powell|Samuel Price Carson|Samuel R. Peters|Samuel Ringgold (congressman)|Samuel Rossiter Betts|Samuel Rutherford (Georgia politician)|Samuel Ryan Curtis|Samuel S. Arentz|Samuel S. Barney|Samuel S. Bowne|Samuel S. Cox|Samuel S. Ellsworth|Samuel S. Marshall|Samuel S. Phelps|Samuel Sewall (congressman)|Samuel Shaw (politician)|Samuel Simons|Samuel Smith (Maryland)|Samuel Smith (New Hampshire)|Samuel Smith Harrison|Samuel Steel Blair|Samuel Sterett|Samuel Swan|Samuel Swinfin Burdett|Samuel T. Baird|Samuel T. Busey|Samuel Taggart|Samuel Tenney|Samuel Tredwell Sawyer|Samuel Tweedy|Samuel W. Arnold|Samuel W. Dana|Samuel W. Eager|Samuel W. McCall|Samuel W. Moulton|Samuel W. Parker|Samuel W. Peel|Samuel W. Reynolds|Samuel W. Trotti|Samuel Wadsworth Gould|Samuel Williams Inge|Samuel Winslow|Samuel Wright Mardis|Sandy Adams|Sanford Bishop|Sanford Kirkpatrick|Sarah Palin|Saxby Chambliss|Schuyler Colfax|Schuyler Merritt|Scott DesJarlais|Scott Ferris|Scott Field (politician)|Scott Garrett|Scott L. Klug|Scott Leavitt|Scott Loftin|Scott McInnis|Scott Peters (politician)|Scott Rigell|Scott Tipton|Scott W. Lucas|Scott Walker|Scott Wike|Scotty Baesler|Seaborn Jones|Seaborn Reese|Seaborn Roddenbery|Sean Duffy|Seargent Smith Prentiss|Seaton Grantland|Selwyn Z. Bowman|Sempronius H. Boyd|Serranus Clinton Hastings|Seth Hastings|Seth L. Milliken|Seth M. Gates|Seth Moulton|Seth W. Brown|Seth Wallace Cobb|Severn E. Parker|Sewall S. Farwell|Shearjashub Bourne|Sheila Frahm|Sheila Jackson Lee|Shelby Moore Cullom|Shelley Berkley|Shelley Moore Capito|Shelley Sekula-Gibbs|Shelton Leake|Shepard Cary|Shepard J. Crumpacker Jr.|Shepherd Leffler|Sherlock James Andrews|Sherman Adams|Sherman Everett Burroughs|Sherman Hoar|Sherman Otis Houghton|Sherman P. Lloyd|Sherrard Clemens|Sherrod Brown|Sherrod Williams|Sherwood Boehlert|Shirley Chisholm|Shirley Neil Pettis|Sid Simpson|Sidney A. Fine|Sidney C. Roach|Sidney Clarke|Sidney Dean|Sidney Edgerton|Sidney Parham Epes|Sidney Perham|Sidney R. Yates|Silas Adams|Silas Betton|Silas Condit|Silas Hare|Silas L. Niblack|Silas M. Burroughs (politician)|Silas Reynolds Barton|Silas Z. Landes|Silvestre Reyes|Silvio O. Conte|Simeon B. Chittenden|Simeon Baldwin|Simeon D. Fess|Simeon H. Anderson|Simeon K. Wolfe|Simon Larned|Simon M. Hamlin|Sinclair Weeks|Sion Hart Rogers|Smedley Darlington|Smith Ely Jr.|Smith McPherson|Smith Miller|Smith S. Turner|Snyder S. Kirkpatrick|Sol Bloom|Solomon Bundy|Solomon F. Prouty|Solomon Foot|Solomon Hillen Jr.|Solomon L. Hoge|Solomon P. Ortiz|Solomon P. Sharp|Solomon Robert Dresser|Solomon Strong|Sonny Bono|Sonny Callahan|South Trimble|Spark Matsunaga|Speedy Long|Spencer Bachus|Spencer Darwin Pettis|Spessard Holland|Staley N. Clarke|Stanford Parris|Stanley E. Bowdle|Stanley H. Kunz|Stanley L. Greigg|Stanley R. Tupper|Stanley Woodward Davenport|Stanton J. Peelle|Stanyarne Wilson|Starling Tucker|Steny Hoyer|Stephanie Herseth Sandlin|Stephen A. Cobb|Stephen A. Corker|Stephen A. Day|Stephen A. Douglas|Stephen A. Hoxworth|Stephen A. Hurlbut|Stephen A. Northway|Stephen Adams (politician)|Stephen Baker (New York)|Stephen Barlow (Pennsylvania)|Stephen Bolles|Stephen Brundidge Jr.|Stephen Bullock|Stephen C. Phillips|Stephen Clark Foster (Maine)|Stephen Coburn|Stephen Decatur Miller|Stephen F. Lynch|Stephen Fincher|Stephen L. Neal|Stephen Lindsey|Stephen Longfellow|Stephen M. Sparkman|Stephen Mallory II|Stephen Morgan|Stephen Ormsby|Stephen Pace|Stephen Ross Harris|Stephen Warfield Gambrill|Stephen Wright Kellogg|Sterling P. Strong|Sterling Price|Steve Austria|Steve Bartlett|Steve Buyer|Steve Chabot|Steve Cohen|Steve Daines|Steve Driehaus|Steve Gunderson|Steve Horn|Steve Kagen|Steve King|Steve Knight (politician)|Steve Largent|Steve LaTourette|Steve Pearce (politician)|Steve Rothman|Steve Russell (politician)|Steve Scalise|Steve Southerland (Florida politician)|Steve Stockman|Steve Symms|Steve Womack|Steven Beckwith Ayres|Steven Derounian|Steven Horsford|Steven Palazzo|Steven Schiff|Steven T. Kuykendall|Steven V. Carter|Stevenson Archer (1786u20131848)|Stevenson Archer (1827u20131898)|Stewart H. Appleby|Stewart McKinney (politician)|Stewart Udall|Strother M. Stockslager|Stuart F. Reed|Sue Myrick|Summers Melville Jack|Susan Brooks|Susan Davis (politician)|Suzanne Bonamici|Suzanne Kosmas|Sydenham Benoni Alexander|Sydenham Elnathan Ancona|Sydenham Moore|Sydney Emanuel Mudd I|Sydney Emanuel Mudd II|Sydney J. Bowie|Sylvester C. Smith|Sylvester Gilbert|T. A. D. Fessenden|T. Ashton Thompson|T. Coleman du Pont|T. Cooper Evans|T. Frank Appleby|T. James Tumulty|T. Jeff Busby|T. Millet Hand|T. R. Stockdale|T. Webber Wilson|Tammy Baldwin|Tammy Duckworth|Tappan Wentworth|Taul Bradford|Tazewell Ellett|Ted Cruz|Ted Deutch|Ted Kaufman|Ted Lieu|Ted Poe|Ted Risenhoover|Ted Stevens|Ted Yoho|Tennyson Guyer|Teno Roncalio|Terri Sewell|Terry Carpenter|Terry Everett|Terry L. Bruce|Teunis G. Bergen|Texas Six Pack|Thad Cochran|Thaddeus C. Pound|Thaddeus H. Caraway|Thaddeus J. Dulski|Thaddeus Wasielewski|Thelma Drake|Theobald Otjen|Theodore Arlington Bell|Theodore B. Werner|Theodore Dwight (elder)|Theodore E. Burton|Theodore F. Kluttz|Theodore G. Croft|Theodore Gaillard Hunt|Theodore Gourdin|Theodore Lyman (Massachusetts)|Theodore Sedgwick|Theodore Stark Wilkinson (Louisiana)|Theodore W. Hukriede|Theodore Weld Burdick|Theodorick Bland (congressman)|Theodorus Bailey (politician)|Theophilus Bradbury|Theron Akin|Theron Ephron Catlin|Thetus W. Sims|Thomas A. Boyd|Thomas A. Burke|Thomas A. Doyle|Thomas A. Flaherty|Thomas A. Hendricks|Thomas A. Jenkins|Thomas A. Robertson|Thomas A. Wofford|Thomas Abernethy|Thomas Alan Goldsborough|Thomas Alberter Chandler|Thomas Alexander Marshall|Thomas Alexander Smith|Thomas Allen (representative)|Thomas Andrews (politician)|Thomas Ara Spence|Thomas B. Butler|Thomas B. Cooke|Thomas B. Curtis|Thomas B. Dunn|Thomas B. Evans, Jr.|Thomas B. Fletcher|Thomas B. Fugate|Thomas B. Kyle|Thomas B. Robertson|Thomas B. Stanley|Thomas B. Ward|Thomas Baldwin Peddie|Thomas Banks Cabaniss|Thomas Barlow (Kentucky)|Thomas Bartlett, Jr.|Thomas Bayly (Maryland)|Thomas Beall Davis|Thomas Beekman|Thomas Bines|Thomas Birch Florence|Thomas Blount (statesman)|Thomas Boles|Thomas Bouldin|Thomas Bowles Shannon|Thomas Bowman (Iowa politician)|Thomas Brackett Reed|Thomas Buchecker Cooper|Thomas Burnside|Thomas Burr Osborne (politician)|Thomas Butler (Louisiana politician)|Thomas Butler King|Thomas C. Catchings|Thomas C. Chittenden|Thomas C. Coffin|Thomas C. Hackett|Thomas C. Hart|Thomas C. Hennings Jr.|Thomas C. Hindman|Thomas C. McGrath Jr.|Thomas C. Sawyer|Thomas Chandler (New Hampshire politician)|Thomas Chandler Thacher|Thomas Child, Jr.|Thomas Chilton|Thomas Chipman McRae|Thomas Claiborne (1749u20131812)|Thomas Claiborne (1780u20131856)|Thomas Clayton|Thomas Contee Worthington|Thomas Cooper (representative)|Thomas Cornell (politician)|Thomas Corwin|Thomas Croxton|Thomas Culbreth|Thomas Cunningham Cochran|Thomas Cusack (politician)|Thomas D'Alesandro Jr.|Thomas D. Eliot|Thomas D. Johnston|Thomas D. Singleton|Thomas Daniel Winter|Thomas Davee|Thomas Davenport (congressman)|Thomas Davis (Rhode Island)|Thomas De Lage Sumter|Thomas Dickens Arnold|Thomas Downey|Thomas Dunn English|Thomas Dwight (politician)|Thomas E. Martin|Thomas E. Miller|Thomas E. Noell|Thomas E. Scroggy|Thomas E. Watson|Thomas E. Winn|Thomas Evans (congressman)|Thomas Ewing Jr.|Thomas F. Burchill|Thomas F. Ford|Thomas F. Hartnett|Thomas F. Konop|Thomas F. Tipton|Thomas Fielder Bowie|Thomas Fitch (politician)|Thomas Fitzsimons|Thomas Fletcher (Kentucky)|Thomas Flournoy|Thomas Flournoy Foster|Thomas Francis Johnson|Thomas Francis Marshall|Thomas Frank Marshall|Thomas G. Burch|Thomas G. Davidson|Thomas G. Lawson|Thomas G. Morris|Thomas Gallagher (Illinois)|Thomas Gholson, Jr.|Thomas Gill (politician)|Thomas Glascock|Thomas Gregory Skinner|Thomas Griffin (politician)|Thomas H. Averett|Thomas H. B. Browne|Thomas H. Bayly|Thomas H. Blake|Thomas H. Carter|Thomas H. Cullen|Thomas H. Eliot|Thomas H. Hall|Thomas H. Herndon|Thomas H. Hughes|Thomas H. Paynter|Thomas H. Seymour|Thomas H. Tongue|Thomas H. Werdel|Thomas Hackney|Thomas Hall (politician)|Thomas Hammond (politician)|Thomas Hardeman, Jr.|Thomas Hart Benton (politician)|Thomas Hart Ruffin|Thomas Hartley Crawford|Thomas Haughey|Thomas Haymond|Thomas Hedge|Thomas Henderson (New Jersey)|Thomas Henry (Pennsylvania)|Thomas Henry Ball|Thomas Henry Burke (politician)|Thomas Henry Dale|Thomas Hinds|Thomas Irwin|Thomas J. B. Robinson|Thomas J. Barr|Thomas J. Bliley Jr.|Thomas J. Bradley|Thomas J. Cason|Thomas J. Clunie|Thomas J. Creamer|Thomas J. D. Fuller|Thomas J. Dodd|Thomas J. Geary|Thomas J. Henderson (politician)|Thomas J. Henley|Thomas J. Lane|Thomas J. O'Brien (Illinois politician)|Thomas J. Scully|Thomas J. Selby|Thomas J. Speer|Thomas J. Steele|Thomas J. Strait|Thomas J. Turner|Thomas J. Word|Thomas Jefferson Campbell|Thomas Jefferson Halsey|Thomas Jefferson Lilly|Thomas Jefferson Majors|Thomas Jefferson Wood|Thomas Jenckes|Thomas Johns Perry|Thomas Jones Yorke|Thomas Joseph Meskill|Thomas K. Harris|Thomas Kittera|Thomas Kuchel|Thomas L. Blanton|Thomas L. Bunting|Thomas L. Hamer|Thomas L. Harris|Thomas L. Owens|Thomas L. Reilly|Thomas L. Rubey|Thomas Lanier Clingman|Thomas Larkin Thompson|Thomas Laurens Jones|Thomas Lawson Price|Thomas Lee (New Jersey)|Thomas Lewis, Jr.|Thomas Lilbourne Anderson|Thomas Love Moore|Thomas Lowndes (congressman)|Thomas Lynch (congressman)|Thomas M. Browne|Thomas M. Davis|Thomas M. Eaton|Thomas M. Edwards|Thomas M. Ferrell|Thomas M. Foglietta|Thomas M. Gunter|Thomas M. Jett|Thomas M. Nelson|Thomas M. Norwood|Thomas M. Paschal|Thomas M. Patterson|Thomas M. Rees|Thomas M. Storke|Thomas Mann Randolph Jr.|Thomas Marshal Bibighaus|Thomas Marshall Howe|Thomas Massie|Thomas McEwan, Jr.|Thomas McKee Bayne|Thomas Metcalfe (Kentucky)|Thomas Monteagle Bayly|Thomas Montgomery (American politician)|Thomas Montgomery Bell|Thomas Moore (South Carolina congressman)|Thomas N. Downing|Thomas N. Stilwell|Thomas Newbold|Thomas Newton Jr.|Thomas O'Malley (congressman)|Thomas O. Edwards|Thomas P. Carnes|Thomas P. Grosvenor|Thomas P. Ochiltree|Thomas Parran, Sr.|Thomas Patrick Moore|Thomas Pinckney|Thomas Plater|Thomas R. Ball|Thomas R. Cobb|Thomas R. Gold|Thomas R. Hudd|Thomas R. Mitchell|Thomas R. Ross|Thomas R. Underwood|Thomas Ray Hamer|Thomas Ritchey|Thomas Robinson, Jr.|Thomas Rolph|Thomas Ryan (congressman)|Thomas Ryum Amlie|Thomas S. Bocock|Thomas S. Butler|Thomas S. Crago|Thomas S. Flood|Thomas S. Gettys|Thomas S. Gordon|Thomas S. Kenan|Thomas S. Kleppe|Thomas S. McMillan|Thomas S. Plowman|Thomas Samuel Ashe|Thomas Sandford|Thomas Scott Williams|Thomas Settle (North Carolina, 15thu201316th Congress)|Thomas Settle (North Carolina, 53rdu201354th Congress)|Thomas Sinnickson (merchant)|Thomas Sinnickson (politician)|Thomas Smith (Indiana congressman)|Thomas Spalding|Thomas Speed|Thomas Spight|Thomas Sprigg|Thomas Sumter|Thomas Sutler Williams|Thomas Swann|Thomas T. Flagler|Thomas T. Whittlesey|Thomas Taggart|Thomas Telfair|Thomas Terry Davis|Thomas Theodore Crittenden|Thomas Tillinghast|Thomas Treadwell Davis|Thomas Tudor Tucker|Thomas Turner (Congressman)|Thomas U. Sisson|Thomas Updegraff|Thomas Van Swearingen|Thomas Vernor Smith|Thomas W. Bradley|Thomas W. Cobb|Thomas W. Cumming|Thomas W. Ewing|Thomas W. Hardwick|Thomas W. Harrison|Thomas W. L. Ashley|Thomas W. Miller|Thomas W. Thompson|Thomas Walker Gilmer|Thomas Ward (New Jersey)|Thomas Watkins Ligon|Thomas Wheeler Williams|Thomas Whipple, Jr.|Thomas Whitehead|Thomas William Sadler|Thomas Williams (Alabama)|Thomas Willoughby Newton|Thomas Wilson (Virginia politician)|Thomas Wingfield Grimes|Thomas Withers Chinn|Thomas Wren|Thomas Wynns|Thomas Y. Fitzpatrick|Thomas Yates Walsh|Thompson Campbell|Thompson W. McNeely|Thomson J. Skinner|Thruston Ballard Morton|Thurman C. Crook|Tic Forrester|Tilghman Howard|Tilghman Tucker|Tillie K. Fowler|Tilman Bacon Parks|Tim Bishop|Tim Griffin|Tim Holden|Tim Huelskamp|Tim Hutchinson|Tim Johnson (Illinois politician)|Tim Johnson (South Dakota politician)|Tim Kaine|Tim Lee Carter|Tim Lee Hall|Tim Mahoney|Tim Ryan (politician)|Tim Scott|Tim Valentine|Tim Wirth|Timothy Bloodworth|Timothy Childs|Timothy Davis (Iowa)|Timothy Davis (Massachusetts)|Timothy Fuller|Timothy Guy Phelps|Timothy J. Campbell|Timothy J. Carter|Timothy J. Roemer|Timothy P. Sheehan|Timothy Pickering|Timothy Pilsbury|Timothy Pitkin|Timothy R. Young|Timothy T. Ansberry|Tinsley W. Rucker Jr.|Tip O'Neill|Titus Brown|Tobias A. Plants|Toby Moffett|Toby Morris|Toby Roth|Todd Akin|Todd Rokita|Todd Tiahrt|Todd Young|Tom A. Yon|Tom Allen|Tom Barrett (politician)|Tom Bevill|Tom Campbell (California politician)|Tom Carper|Tom Coburn|Tom Cole|Tom Coleman (Missouri politician)|Tom Connally|Tom Corcoran (politician)|Tom Cotton|Tom D. McKeown|Tom Daschle|Tom DeLay|Tom Feeney|Tom Graves|Tom Harkin|Tom J. Murray|Tom Kindness|Tom L. Johnson|Tom Lantos|Tom Latham|Tom Lewis (American politician)|Tom Loeffler|Tom Luken|Tom MacArthur|Tom McClintock|Tom McMillen|Tom Osborne|Tom Perriello|Tom Petri|Tom Pickett|Tom Price (U.S. politician)|Tom Railsback|Tom Rice|Tom Rooney (politician)|Tom Steed|Tom Stout|Tom Tancredo|Tom Tauke|Tom Udall|Tom Van Horn Moorehead|Tom Vandergriff|Tomlinson Fort (congressman)|Tommy F. Robinson|Tony Coelho|Tony P. Hall|Torbert Macdonald|Travis Childers|Trent Franks|Trent Kelly (politician)|Trent Lott|Trey Gowdy|Trey Radel|Tristam Burges|Tristram Shaw|Truman H. Aldrich|Truman H. Hoag|Truman Smith|Tulsi Gabbard|Tunstall Quarles|Turner M. Marquette|Tyre York|Ulysses F. Doubleday|Ulysses S. Stone|Ulysses Samuel Guyer|Upton Sheredine|Uriah Forrest|Uriah Tracy|Uriel Holmes|Uriel Sebree Hall|Usher L. Burdick|V. Lamar Gudger|Valentine B. Horton|Valentine Efner|Van H. Manning|Van Hilleary|Vance McAllister|Vance Plauche|Vera Buchanan|Vera C. Bushfield|Vern Buchanan|Vernon Wallace Thomson|Veronica Grace Boland|Vespasian Warner|Vic Snyder|Vicky Hartzler|Victor Anfuso|Victor H. Fazio|Victor H. Metcalf|Victor Heintz|Victor L. Berger|Victor Murdock|Victor Veysey|Victor Wickersham|Victory Birdseye|Vince Snowbarger|Vincent Boreing|Vincent Carter|Vincent F. Harrington|Vincent J. Dellay|Vincent Luke Palmisano|Virgil Chapman|Virgil D. Parris|Virgil Goode|Virginia D. Smith|Virginia E. Jenckes|Virginia Foxx|Vito Fossella|Volney Howard|W. Arthur Winstead|W. Benjamin Gibbs|W. Godfrey Hunter|W. Jasper Blackburn|W. Jasper Talbert|W. Pat Jennings|W. S. Stuckey Jr.|W. Sterling Cole|W. Turner Logan|W. Wirt Courtney|Waddy Thompson, Jr.|Wade H. Kitchens|Wade Hampton I|Walbridge A. Field|Wall Doxey|Wallace H. White Jr.|Wallace T. Foote Jr.|Wally Herger|Walpole G. Colerick|Walt Minnick|Walter Allen Watson|Walter B. Huber|Walter B. Jones Jr.|Walter B. Jones Sr.|Walter Booth|Walter Bowie|Walter C. Newberry|Walter C. Ploeser|Walter Capps|Walter Case|Walter Chandler|Walter Coles|Walter D. McIndoe|Walter E. Brehm|Walter E. Johnston, III|Walter E. Powell|Walter E. Rogers|Walter Evans (American politician)|Walter F. Lineberger|Walter F. Pool|Walter Flowers|Walter Folger Jr.|Walter Forward|Walter G. Andrews|Walter Gresham (Texas politician)|Walter Guion|Walter H. Albaugh|Walter H. Moeller|Walter Halben Butler|Walter Hampden Overton|Walter I. Hayes|Walter I. McCoy|Walter I. Smith|Walter Jones (Virginia politician)|Walter K. Granger|Walter Kehoe|Walter Lafferty|Walter Lambeth|Walter Leak Steele|Walter Lewis Hensley|Walter Lewis McVey, Jr.|Walter M. Chandler|Walter M. Denny|Walter M. Pierce|Walter Mondale|Walter Nesbit|Walter O. Hoffecker|Walter P. Brownlow|Walter R. Tucker III|Walter Russell Stiness|Walter S. Baring Jr.|Walter S. Jeffries|Walter T. Colquitt|Walter W. Bankhead|Walter Walker (politician)|Ward Miller|Warren A. Haggott|Warren B. English|Warren Davidson|Warren F. Daniell|Warren Gard|Warren J. Duffey|Warren Miller (West Virginia Congressman)|Warren O. Arnold|Warren P. Noble|Warren R. Davis|Warren Winslow|Warren Worth Bailey|Washington Barrow|Washington C. Whitthorne|Washington F. Willcox|Washington J. McCormick|Watkins Moorman Abbitt|Wayne Allard|Wayne Dowdy|Wayne Gilchrest|Wayne Hays|Wayne N. Aspinall|Wayne Owens|Wayne R. Grisham|Webb Franklin|Webster E. Brown|Weldon Nathaniel Edwards|Wells A. Hutchins|Wells Goodykoontz|Wendell Anderson|Wendell Bailey|Wendell H. Meade|Wendell Wyatt|Wes Cooley|Wes Watkins|Wesley A. D'Ewart|Wesley E. Disney|Wharton J. Green|Whitmell P. Martin|Wilbur L. Adams|Wilbur Mills|Wilburn Cartwright|Wiley Mayne|Wiley P. Harris|Wiley Thompson|Will E. Neal|Will Hurd|Will Kirk Kaynor|Will Rogers (Oklahoma politician)|Will Rogers Jr.|Willa L. Fulmer|Willa McCord Blake Eslick|Willard Duncan Vandiver|Willard Hall|Willard Preble Hall|Willard S. Curtin|Willfred W. Lufkin|William A. Ashbrook|William A. B. Branch|William A. Barrett|William A. Blakley|William A. Burwell|William A. Calderhead|William A. Chanler|William A. Cullop|William A. Dawson|William A. Dickson|William A. Ekwall|William A. J. Sparks|William A. Lake|William A. Newell|William A. Phillips|William A. Pile|William A. Pirce|William A. Purtell|William A. Rodenberg|William A. Rowan|William A. Russell|William A. Stanfill|William A. Steiger|William Adam Piper|William Addams|William Addison Duncan|William Aiken, Jr.|William Albert|William Albin Young|William Aldrich|William Alexander Harris (Virginia)|William Alexander Richardson|William Alexander Smith (politician)|William Allan Oldfield|William Allen (congressman)|William Allen (governor)|William Anderson (naval officer)|William Anderson (Pennsylvania)|William Anderson Handley|William Appleton (politician)|William Armstrong (Virginia)|William Atkinson Jones|William Augustus Ayres|William Augustus Darling|William Augustus Hall|William Augustus Reeder|William B. Allison|William B. Anderson|William B. Bankhead|William B. Bowling|William B. Calhoun|William B. Campbell|William B. Charles|William B. Cravens|William B. Francis|William B. McKinley|William B. Read|William B. Small|William B. Spencer|William B. Umstead|William B. Walton|William B. Washburn|William B. Widnall|William Bacon Oliver|William Bailey Lamar|William Ballard Preston|William Barksdale|William Barnett (Georgia politician)|William Barry Grove|William Barton Wade Dent|William Baylies|William Beatty (Pennsylvania)|William Benjamin Baker|William Benjamin Craig|William Bennett Fleming|William Benton (senator)|William Bernard Barry|William Biddle Shepard|William Blackledge|William Blount Carter|William Bourke Cockran|William Branch Giles|William Brickly Stokes|William Brown (congressman)|William Burleigh|William Butler (1759u20131821)|William Butler (1790u20131850)|William C. Adamson|William C. C. Claiborne|William C. Cooper|William C. Cramer|William C. Feazel|William C. Fields|William C. Hammer|William C. Houston|William C. Lantaff|William C. Lovering|William C. McCauslen|William C. Mooney|William C. Oates|William C. Wampler|William C. Wright|William Cabell Rives|William Campbell Preston Breckinridge|William Carlile Arnold|William Carney (politician)|William Carter Love|William Chamberlain (politician)|William Charles Salmon|William Chester Lankford|William Chetwood|William Claflin|William Claiborne Dunlap|William Claiborne Owens|William Clay Cole|William Cogswell|William Cohen|William Coleman Anderson|William Collins (representative)|William Connell (Pennsylvania politician)|William Constantine Culbertson|William Cooper (judge)|William Cost Johnson|William Cox Ellis|William Coxe Jr.|William Craik|William Crawford (Pennsylvania)|William Crawford Sherrod|William Creighton, Jr.|William Crosby Dawson|William Crutchfield|William Cullen (representative)|William Cullom|William Czar Bradley|William D. Bishop|William D. Boies|William D. Bynum|William D. Byron|William D. Hill|William D. Kelley|William D. Lindsley|William D. Martin|William D. McFarlane|William D. Owen|William D. Williamson|William Daniel Brayton|William Darius Jamieson|William Darlington|William David Blakeslee Ainey|William David Upshaw|William Davidson (congressman)|William Davis Daly|William Dawson (Missouri)|William Denning|William Dickson (congressman)|William Dietz (politician)|William Doan|William Donnison Ford|William Dorsheimer|William Dowse|William Drayton|William Duer (U.S. Congressman)|William Dunbar (politician)|William E. Andrews|William E. Burney|William E. Cleary|William E. Cox|William E. Crow|William E. Dannemeyer|William E. Dodge|William E. English|William E. Evans|William E. Finck|William E. Fuller|William E. Gaines|William E. Haynes|William E. Hess|William E. Hull|William E. Mason|William E. McVey|William E. Niblack|William E. Simms|William E. Simonds|William E. Tuttle, Jr.|William E. Williams|William E. Wilson (Indiana politician)|William Edmond|William Edward Barton|William Edwin Minshall Jr.|William Elliott (American politician)|William Ely|William Emerson Barrett|William Emerson Brock|William Enyart|William Ephraim Smith|William Eustis|William Evans Arthur|William Everett|William Everhart|William F. Aldrich|William F. Allen (Delaware)|William F. Birch|William F. Brunner|William F. Clinger Jr.|William F. Colcock|William F. Englebright|William F. Goodling|William F. Gordon|William F. Hunter|William F. Knowland|William F. Kopp|William F. L. Hadley|William F. Love|William F. Mahoney|William F. McNagny|William F. Norrell|William F. Parrett|William F. Slemons|William Fadjo Cravens|William Farrand Prosser|William Fell Giles|William Findley|William Fitzgerald (Tennessee politician)|William Fletcher Sapp|William Floyd|William Flynt Nichols|William Francis Murray|William Francis Rhea|William Francis Stevenson|William Francis Strudwick|William Franklin Draper (politician)|William G. Angel|William G. Bray|William G. Brown Sr.|William G. Donnan|William G. Steele|William G. Stigler|William G. Whiteley|William Gaston|William Gay Brown Jr.|William George Thompson|William Godshalk|William Goode (politician)|William Gordon (New Hampshire politician)|William Gordon (Ohio politician)|William Gordon Brantley|William Graham (Indiana politician)|William Grainger Blount|William H. Avery (politician)|William H. Baker|William H. Bates|William H. Bower|William H. Boyce|William H. Brawley|William H. Calkins|William H. Cate|William H. Crain|William H. Dieterich|William H. Douglas|William H. Enochs|William H. F. Fiedler|William H. Flack|William H. Forney|William H. Gest|William H. Gray (Pennsylvania politician)|William H. Hammett|William H. Harrison (Wyoming Congressman)|William H. Hatch|William H. Heald|William H. Hinebaugh|William H. Hinrichsen|William H. Hudnut III|William H. Hunter|William H. King|William H. Kitchin|William H. Meyer|William H. Murfree|William H. Murray|William H. Neece|William H. Parker (politician)|William H. Perry|William H. Ray|William H. Roane|William H. Sproul|William H. Stafford|William H. Stevenson|William H. Sutphin|William H. Wade|William H. Wadsworth|William H. Wheat|William H. Wiley|William H.H. Cowles|William Haile (Mississippi)|William Hale (politician)|William Hall (governor)|William Halstead|William Hanes Ayres|William Harrell Felton|William Harrison Dimmick|William Harrison Graham|William Harrison Martin|William Hartzell|William Hathaway|William Hawkins Polk|William Hayden English|William Hayward Jr.|William Hebard|William Heilman|William Helmick|William Helms|William Hendricks|William Henry (congressman)|William Henry Ashley|William Henry Barnum|William Henry Bissell|William Henry Brockenbrough|William Henry Carter|William Henry Coleman|William Henry Denson|William Henry Draper (congressman)|William Henry Fitzhugh Lee|William Henry Fleming|William Henry Harrison|William Henry Harrison Stowell|William Henry Hill (North Carolina)|William Henry Hines|William Henry Koontz|William Henry Mills Pusey|William Henry Moody|William Henry Sneed|William Henry Stiles|William Henry Stone|William Henry Thompson|William Henry Washington|William Hepburn Armstrong|William Herod|William Higby|William High Keim|William Hindman|William Hinson Cole|William Hoge (Pennsylvania politician)|William Howard (congressman)|William Hughes (senator)|William Humphreys Jackson|William Hunter (Vermont politician)|William Huntington Kirkpatrick|William Huston Natcher|William I. Traeger|William Irvine (general)|William J. Allen|William J. Alston|William J. Bacon|William J. Brown (Indiana)|William J. Browning|William J. Burke|William J. Cary|William J. Coombs|William J. Coyne|William J. Crow|William J. Driver|William J. Fields|William J. Fitzgerald|William J. Graham|William J. Granfield|William J. Graves|William J. Grayson|William J. Green Jr.|William J. Green, III|William J. Hughes|William J. Jefferson|William J. Keating|William J. Lewis|William J. Martini|William J. Miller|William J. O'Brien|William J. Purman|William J. Randall|William J. Samford|William J. Scherle|William J. Sears|William J. Stone|William J. Wynn|William Jack (U.S. politician)|William James Connell|William Jay Smith (Tennessee politician)|William Jennings Bryan|William Jennings Bryan Dorn|William Johnson Stone|William Johnston (congressman)|William Johnston Dawson|William Jones (statesman)|William K. Bond|William K. Brewster|William K. Clowney|William K. Fuller|William Kellogg (Illinois)|William Kennedy (Connecticut)|William Kennedy (North Carolina)|William Kennon Jr.|William Kennon Sr.|William Kent (U.S. Congressman)|William Kettner|William Kimmel|William L. Armstrong|William L. Dawson (politician)|William L. Fiesinger|William L. Goggin|William L. Higgins|William L. Hungate|William L. Igoe|William L. May|William L. Nelson|William L. Scott|William L. Springer|William L. Storrs|William L. Terry|William L. Tierney|William Larrabee (Indiana)|William Lathrop|William Lawrence (Ohio Democrat)|William Lawrence (Ohio Republican)|William Lee Ball|William Lehman (Florida politician)|William Leigh Brent|William Lemke|William Lewis (Kentucky politician)|William Lewis Dewart|William Lorimer (politician)|William Loughridge|William Loughton Smith|William Louis Dickinson|William Lowndes (congressman)|William Lowndes Yancey|William Lucas (politician)|William Luther Hill|William Lyman (congressman)|William Lyne Wilson|William M. Beckner|William M. Berlin|William M. Butler|William M. Calder|William M. Citron|William M. Colmer|William M. Gwin|William M. Ketchum|William M. Lanning|William M. Levy|William M. Lowe|William M. McCarty|William M. Morgan (congressman)|William M. Richardson|William M. Robbins|William M. Treloar|William M. Tuck|William Madison Whittington|William Marcellus Howard|William Marshall Inge|William Martin Croll|William Matthews (politician)|William Matthews Merrick|William Mayrant|William McAdoo (New Jersey politician)|William McComas|William McCoy (congressman)|William McCreery (Maryland)|William McDaniel (politician)|William McDonald Wheeler|William McFarland|William McKee Dunn|William McKendree Springer|William McKinley|William McKinley (Virginia)|William McLean (Ohio politician)|William McMahon McKaig|William McWillie|William Medcalf Kinsey|William Medill|William Michael Cocke|William Milnes, Jr.|William Mitchell (congressman)|William Montgomery (North Carolina)|William Montgomery Churchwell|William Moore (congressman)|William Moore McCulloch|William Morris Davis (congressman)|William Moxley|William Mungen|William N. Baltz|William N. Richardson|William N. Sweeney|William N. Vaile|William Nathaniel Rogers|William Neff Patman|William Noble Andrews|William Norton Shinn|William O. Atkeson|William O. Barnard|William O. Burgin|William O. Cowger|William Orlando Butler|William Oscar Mulkey|William Oswald Mills|William P. Baker|William P. Bolton|William P. Connery Jr.|William P. Curlin, Jr.|William P. Cutler|William P. Edwards|William P. Elmer|William P. Fessenden|William P. Frye|William P. Holaday|William P. Kimball|William P. Lambertson|William P. McLean|William P. Price|William P. Taulbee|William P. Taylor|William P. Wolf|William Paine Sheffield, Jr.|William Paine Sheffield, Sr.|William Pallister Hubbard|William Parker Caldwell|William Parmenter|William Patterson (Ohio)|William Patterson Borland|William Pennington|William Peters Hepburn|William Pinkney|William Pitt Kellogg|William Pitt Lynde|William Plumer, Jr.|William Pope Duval|William Porcher Miles|William Preston (Kentucky)|William Prince (Indiana)|William Purington Cole Jr.|William R. Cotter (politician)|William R. Coyle|William R. Eaton|William R. Ellis|William R. Green|William R. King|William R. Laird, III|William R. Myers|William R. Poage|William R. Ratchford|William R. Rockhill|William R. Roy|William R. Sapp|William R. Wood (Indiana)|William Raleigh Hull Jr.|William Ralls Morrison|William Raworth Cooper|William Reed (politician)|William Reynolds Archer Jr.|William Richard Johnson|William Ripley Brown|William Robert Moore|William Robert Smith|William Robertson McKenney|William Rosecrans|William Royer|William Ruffin Cox|William Russell (Ohio politician)|William Russell Smith|William S. Archer|William S. Cowherd|William S. Damrell|William S. Goodwin|William S. Greene|William S. Groesbeck|William S. Haymond|William S. Herndon|William S. Hill|William S. Holman|William S. Howard|William S. Jacobsen|William S. Mailliard|William S. McNary|William S. Morgan|William Salter Blackledge|William Samuel Booze|William Sawyer (representative)|William Schley|William Sebring Kirkpatrick|William Shadrach Knox|William Sheldrick Conover|William Shepard|William Shepperd Ashe|William Singleton Young|William Slade|William Smith (Maryland)|William Smith (South Carolina representative)|William Smith (Virginia governor)|William Smith (Virginia representative)|William Smith O'Brien (Congressman)|William Smyth (congressman)|William Soden Hastings|William Sprague III|William St. John Forman|William St. Onge|William Stanley West|William Stedman|William Stephens|William Stiles Bennet|William Stone (Tennessee)|William Stratton|William Strong (Vermont politician)|William Swan Garvin|William T. Barry|William T. Byrne|William T. Cahill|William T. Crawford|William T. Fitzgerald|William T. Granahan|William T. Haskell|William T. Murphy|William T. Nuckolls|William T. Price|William T. Redmond|William T. S. Barry|William T. Schulte|William T. Tyndall|William T. Zenor|William Tandy Senter|William Taylor (Virginia)|William Tecumsah Avery|William Temple (governor)|William Terrell|William Terry (congressman)|William Thomas Bland|William Thomas Clark|William Thomas Ellis|William Thomas Hamilton|William Thomas Ward|William Thomasson|William Thompson (Iowa)|William Tredway|William V. Chappell Jr.|William V. Lucas|William V. Roth Jr.|William V. Sullivan|William Van Ness Bay|William Van Pelt|William Vandever|William Vans Murray|William Vollie Alexander Jr.|William Voris Gregory|William W. Arnold|William W. Bowers|William W. Chalmers|William W. Cocks|William W. Cohen|William W. Crapo|William W. Dixon|William W. Eaton|William W. Ellsberry|William W. Ellsworth|William W. Grout|William W. Irvin|William W. Irwin|William W. Link|William W. Morrow|William W. Paine|William W. Rice|William W. Rucker|William W. Venable|William W. Warren|William W. Wick|William W. Wilshire|William Walker Foulkrod|William Wallace Brown|William Walsh (Maryland)|William Walter Phelps|William Walton Griest|William Walton Kitchin|William Ward Johnson|William Warfield Wilson|William Warner (Missouri)|William Warren Barbour|William Washington Larsen|William Waters Boyce|William Watson McIntire|William Whiting (Massachusetts)|William Whiting Boardman|William Whiting II|William Widgery|William Wilder|William Wildman Campbell|William Williams (Indiana)|William Williamson (politician)|William Willis Garth|William Winter Payne|William Wirt Culbertson|William Wirt Hastings|William Wirt Vaughan|William Woodburn|William Woodward (South Carolina)|William Worth Dickerson|William Wright (United States politician)|William Wright Southgate|William Wyatt Bibb|William Y. Humphreys|Williamson Robert Winfield Cobb|Willie Person Mangum|Willis A. Gorman|Willis Allen|Willis Alston|Willis Brewer|Willis C. Hawley|Willis G. Sears|Willis Green|Willis J. Bailey|Willis James Hulings|Willis Sweet|Willis W. Bradley|Willoughby Newton|Wilmer Mizell|Wilson Cary Nicholas|Wilson D. Gillette|Wilson Lumpkin|Wilson Nesbitt|Wilson S. Hill|Wilton E. Hall|Winder Laird Henry|Winder R. Harris|Winfield K. Denton|Winfield S. Featherston|Winfield S. Kerr|Wingate H. Lucas|Wingfield Bullock|Winnifred Sprague Mason Huck|Winston L. Prouty|Wint Smith|Winthrop Welles Ketcham|Wooda Nicholas Carr|Woodrow W. Jones|Worthington Curtis Smith|Wright Patman|Wyatt Aiken|Wyche Fowler|Wynne F. Clouse|Xavier Becerra|Xenophon P. Wilfley|Yvette Clarke|Yvonne Brathwaite Burke|Zabdiel Sampson|Zach Wamp|Zachary D. Massey|Zachary Taylor (Tennessee)|Zadoc L. Weatherford|Zadock Cook|Zadok Casey|Zalmon Wildman|Zebulon Baird Vance|Zebulon Weaver|Zedekiah Kidwell|Zell Miller|Zeno J. Rives|Zeno Scudder|Zephaniah Swift|Zoe Lofgren|Total|Percentage
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