- §Enabling environments, games, and the Primer (58)
- §Note-writing systems (50)
- Evergreen notes (41)
- Enacted experience (37)
- Enabling environment (34)
- Mnemonic medium (30)
- Note-writing as fundamental unit of knowledge work (29)
- §Taking knowledge work seriously (Stripe convergence talk, 2019-12-12) (28)
- Evergreen notes should be densely linked (28)
- The Primer isn’t a viable enabling environment (28)
- Write about what you read (26)
- Enabling environments require activities with intrinsically meaningful purpose (24)
- Note-writing helps insight accumulate (23)
- Games effectively develop players’ skills (22)
- Educational games are a doomed approach to creating enabling environments (22)
- Knowledge work should accrete (22)
- How to Take Smart Notes - Ahrens (21)
- Powerful enabling environments usually arise as a byproduct of projects pursuing their own intrinsically meaningful purposes (21)
- Evergreen notes should be concept-oriented (21)
- Peak - Ericsson and Pool (21)
- Executable strategy for writing (21)
- The mnemonic medium can help readers apply what they’ve learned through simple application prompts (21)
- §Knowledge work as serious discipline (20)
- Good enabling environments involve actually doing what’s enabled (20)
- Miller - The magical number seven, plus or minus two (19)
- Note-writing practices are generally ineffective (19)
- Enacted experiences can bootstrap active participation in enabling environments (18)
- Educational objectives often subvert themselves (18)
- Note-writing helps reading efforts accumulate (18)
- Minecraft vs- the Primer (17)
- Evergreen notes should be atomic (17)
- §Inboxes and attention management (16)
- The Primer++ is embedded in a field, bootstrapping participation through enacted experience (16)
- Cognitive scaffolding (16)
- Spaced repetition systems can be used to program attention (16)
- Effective system design requires insights drawn from serious contexts of use (16)
- A writing inbox for transient and incomplete notes (15)
- Enacted experiences have incredible potential as a mass medium (15)
- Evergreen notes are a safe place to develop wild ideas (15)
- Evergreen notes permit smooth incremental progress in writing (“incremental writing”) (15)
- A reading inbox to capture possibly-useful references (15)
- Nell doesn’t know or share the Primer’s goals (14)
- Designing new enabling environments can be framed as designing a University++ (14)
- Powerful enabling environments focus on expert practice (14)
- Human channel capacity increases with bits-per-chunk (14)
- Inboxes only work if you trust how they’re drained (14)
- Prefer declarative and imperative note titles to sharpen claims (13)
- Educational games try to teach through enacted experiences (13)
- The Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer (13)
- “Chunks” in human cognition (13)
- Spaced repetition may be a helpful tool to incrementally develop inklings (13)
- Commercial open-source software (12)
- Spaced repetition memory systems make memory a choice (12)
- Skill development in games is subservient to other intrinsically meaningful purposes (12)
- The Primer is one big “onboarding” experience for the rest of Nell’s life (12)
- The Primer is fundamentally an educational game (12)
- The Primer’s activities are only intrinsically meaningful to Nell because her life is impoverished (12)
- Dynamic mediums usually lack an authored time dimension (12)
- Enacted experiences are hard to distribute (12)
- Enacted experiences amplify the power of narrative (12)
- Authored environments are significantly colored by authors’ motivations (12)
- Let ideas and beliefs emerge organically (12)
- How to process reading annotations into evergreen notes (12)
- Writing forces sharper understanding (12)
- Close open loops (12)
- Executable strategy (12)
- Brainstorming may often substitute for missing insight accretion systems (12)
- Core practices in knowledge work are often ad-hoc (12)
- Spaced repetition memory system (12)
- The mnemonic medium can be used to author an experience which unfolds over time (12)
- Spaced repetition can lower the stakes around destructive inbox-maintenance operations (11)
- Tags are an ineffective association structure (11)
- Participatory environment (11)
- Metacognitive supports as cognitive scaffolding (11)
- The Primer’s explicit learning quests teach Nell to delegate her curiosity and interest (11)
- The Primer is an enormous enacted experience (11)
- Enacted experiences of intellectual discovery could foster Nell’s curiosity and interest (dubious) (11)
- Deep collaborations between tool-makers and tool-users may support insight through making (11)
- Do your own thinking (11)
- Triage strategies for maintaining inboxes (e-g- Inbox Zero) are often too brittle (11)
- Evergreen notes lower the emotional stakes in editing manuscripts (11)
- “Better note-taking” misses the point; what matters is “better thinking” (11)
- People seem to forget most of what they read, and they mostly don’t notice (11)
- Insight through making (11)
- Prefer associative ontologies to hierarchical taxonomies (11)
- Peripheral vision (10)
- Enacted experiences can create intense personal connection to authored targets (10)
- Most dynamic representations developed for communication aren’t very enabling (10)
- Novices in enabling environments often can’t do what’s enabled (10)
- Evergreen note titles are like APIs (10)
- Literature notes are secondary and separate (10)
- How to collect observations while reading (10)
- Pocket memo pad to capture into writing inbox while out (10)
- Complex ideas may be hard to learn in part because their components overflow working memory (10)
- Simple application prompts can be presented the same way as recall prompts in the mnemonic medium (10)
- Application prompts should vary when repeated (10)
- Reading texts on computers is unpleasant (10)
- Mnemonic essays may offer detailed retention of their contents in exchange for 35-50% reading time overhead (10)
- Create speculative outlines while you write (10)
- Most people read ineffectively (9)
- Educational game (9)
- Mass mediums mostly lack an authored time dimension beyond a day (9)
- Nell doesn’t do any original thinking inside the Primer (9)
- §Corporate research lab practices (9)
- Most games aren’t enabling environments (9)
- Most people take only transient notes (9)
- Use phones to collect and triage, not (usually) to read (9)
- Recoding can increase chunk size (9)
- Span of working memory (9)
- Purposeful practice (9)
- Naive approaches to practice rapidly plateau (9)
- Evergreen note maintenance approximates spaced repetition (9)
- Note-writing practices provide weak feedback (9)
- Athletes and musicians pursue virtuosity in fundamental skills much more rigorously than knowledge workers do (9)
- Quantum Country (9)
- Gingko (8)
- Insight through making prefers bricolage to big design up front (8)
- Notes should surprise you (8)
- Enacted experiences require participant-situated cause and effect (8)
- Most explanatory media make participants run their own feedback loops (8)
- Metacognitive supports require dynamic, participatory environments (8)
- The Primer is scalable (8)
- The Primer’s goal is to produce creative, subversive youth (8)
- “Find the fun” (8)
- Deep understanding requires (and is a result of) intense personal connection (8)
- Pixar’s movies and technology development act as coupled flywheels (8)
- Learning increasingly complex ideas may amount to forming larger effective chunk sizes (8)
- Chase and Simon - Perception in chess (8)
- The bar for virtuosity has risen precipitously in many fields (8)
- Understanding requires effortful engagement (8)
- Collecting material feels more useful than it usually is (8)
- How might we adapt existing texts to the mnemonic medium, without participation of the author (8)
- The mnemonic medium could include prompts which support near transfer (8)
- Where do ideas come from (8)
- Digital note-writing systems fixate on the presentation and manipulation of individual notes, mostly ignoring inter-note sense-making (8)
- It’s hard to navigate to unlinked “neighbors” in associative note systems (8)
- Work with the garage door up (7)
- Scaling the mnemonic medium in early 2020 is premature (7)
- Advantages and disadvantages of using notes to form associations in content (7)
- Existing spaced repetition systems make it hard to write evergreen notes (7)
- Fine-grained task progressions as cognitive scaffolding (7)
- Tools for thought should be evaluated in the context of intrinsically meaningful purposes (7)
- Enacted experiences are hard to author (7)
- Collaborations between tool-makers and tool-users can best iterate through a sequence of different projects (7)
- Enabling environments focus on creating opportunities for growth and action, not on skill-building (7)
- Most people use notes as a bucket for storage or scratch thoughts (7)
- Leaps of insight emerge from prior thought (7)
- Working memory span is mostly independent of item complexity (7)
- Channel capacity of humans as information processors (7)
- Span of absolute judgment (7)
- Human physical and cognitive capacity can be expanded surprisingly far with practice (7)
- Performance plateaus often require a change in approach to surmount (7)
- Spaced repetition may be a helpful tool to develop or change habits (7)
- Software interfaces often harmfully frame destructive operations as final decisions, not contingent preferences (7)
- Spacing effect (7)
- Mass adoption of the mnemonic medium seems to require mass adoption of web publishing (7)
- The mnemonic medium works remarkably well for a prototype (7)
- Poor performance disrupts nonlinear reading in digital reading (6)
- Maintaining multiple reading positions is difficult when reading digitally (6)
- Are literature notes necessary if we have automatic universal backlinks (6)
- How should note tagging practices change with ranked link visualization (6)
- Indexed references vs- tags (6)
- Participatory environments support learning (6)
- Games help players make and adapt plans (6)
- Learning requires metacognition (6)
- The Primer reminds people of their own experiences with profound enablement (6)
- Internally-modulated learning is self-actualizing; externally-modulated learning is self-abnegating (6)
- The Primer++ (6)
- The Primer doesn’t make experts better at anything (6)
- Narrative as cognitive scaffolding (6)
- Collaborations between tool-makers and tool-users depend on building effective “armories” of tool ideas (6)
- Prefer positive note titles to promote systematic theory (6)
- Beware automatic import into the reading inbox (6)
- Skill development requires challenging homeostasis (6)
- Knowledge workers usually have no specific methods for developing ideas over time (6)
- Implementing my reading inbox (6)
- Inboxes shouldn’t be split into multiple places (6)
- Zettelkasten (6)
- Management science focuses on knowledge work at the level of the firm and the manager, not at the level of the individual (6)
- The most effective readers and thinkers I know don’t take notes when reading (6)
- Application prompts are much harder to write than recall prompts (6)
- Mass adoption of written media with novel cognitive supports requires mass adoption of reading on computers (6)
- Quantum Country lacks a coherent spatial representation of the mnemonic medium’s cards as objects (6)
- Application prompts can systematically test combinations of details in the text (6)
- Premature scaling can stunt system iteration (5)
- Computer-supported thinking (5)
- Backlit displays limit computers to interiors (5)
- Prefer explicit associations to inferred associations (5)
- Prefer fine-grained associations (5)
- Backlinks can be used to implicitly define nodes in knowledge management systems (5)
- Games help players evaluate their developing skills (5)
- Constraints as cognitive scaffolding (5)
- Educational environments usually don’t involve original thought (5)
- The Primer doesn’t appear to coerce its students (5)
- The best time to write about your lecture’s topic is around the time you deliver it (5)
- Great tool-makers are often not great tool-users, and vice-versa (5)
- Some “educational” activities have intrinsically meaningful purposes (5)
- Note-writing can be a virtuosic skill (5)
- It’s hard to hear yourself think (5)
- Human channel capacity increases with stimulus dimensionality (5)
- Spaced repetition memory systems can be used to prompt application, synthesis, and creation (5)
- Knowledge work (5)
- Spaced repetition memory systems are extremely efficient (5)
- We don’t know how to measure knowledge worker productivity (5)
- Application prompt variations are challenging to automate (5)
- The mnemonic medium is particularly valuable for platform knowledge (5)
- The detail-in-context problem (5)
- GitLab (4)
- Skillful reading is generally non-linear (4)
- Contextual backlinks (4)
- Enacted experiences require blocking on participant action (4)
- We can develop the mnemonic medium by writing about topics with only moderate domain expertise (4)
- Executable books (4)
- Enacted experiences exist on a spectrum of participation and authorial control (4)
- Communities of action often form around media artifacts (4)
- Transcendental narrative (4)
- Talks and classes provide pressure and emotional fuel for understanding (4)
- It’s difficult to maintain emotional connection to a creative project across delays and breaks (4)
- RenderMan sales are probably not important to Pixar’s business (4)
- Use notes to avoid preconceived conclusions (4)
- Practicing cognitive skills can expand associated neurological capacity (4)
- Powerful innovations often focus on creating new paradigms, not solving problems of the current context (4)
- Conceptual understanding is unlikely without detailed knowledge of fundamentals (4)
- Readers shouldn’t memorize application prompt answers (4)
- Twitter threads could be an interesting context for the mnemonic medium (4)
- Mochi (4)
- Note-writing system (4)
- Mnemonic video may present a smoother on-ramp to mass adoption than mnemonic text (4)
- Embedding the mnemonic medium via simple HTML tags (4)
- Question-writing in the mnemonic medium helps the writer think about their topic (4)
- Hickory Training (4)
- BumpTop (4)
- LiquidText (4)
- About these notes (3)
- Redis Labs (3)
- Elastic (3)
- Commercial open-source software company index (3)
- It’s hard to maintain aligned plans spanning many time horizons (3)
- reMarkable (3)
- Inspectional reading (3)
- Prefer labeled associations (3)
- Metacognition is inherently dynamic (3)
- Mathematica (3)
- Jupyter, not Mathematica, is the executable notebook for collaboration (3)
- The Knowledge Society (3)
- Cantor (3)
- Gumption transcends willpower and confidence (3)
- Enacted experiences require tight action–feedback loops (3)
- Jerome Bruner and enaction (3)
- In what fields has the bar for virtuosity not risen considerably- Has it fallen in some fields (3)
- Morning writing practice (3)
- Issues with desktop e-book readers (3)
- Testing effect (3)
- E-reading popularity sharply trails all book-reading (3)
- Continuous-scroll digital reading uncomfortably disrupts object permanence (3)
- RemNote (3)
- Audiobooks are produced under a wide variety of business models (3)
- Audiobooks (3)
- The mnemonic medium can surface “proof of memory” social signals (3)
- Connecting prose and its surrounding Twitter conversation (3)
- Transfer learning (3)
- Platform knowledge helps non-practitioners amplify good ideas (3)
- New media forms benefit somewhat simply from being novel (3)
- QCVC (3)
- Brian Tobal (3)
- Spatial (AR collaboration environment) (3)
- Anand Agarawala (3)
- Pitching out corrupts within (3)
- About these notes (3)
- Meteor was a viable business, but not a viable venture-backed business (2)
- Affero General Public License (2)
- Confluent (2)
- SMART goals (2)
- Roam (2)
- Conor White-Sullivan (2)
- Games can amplify a sense of player-situated agency by minimizing camera moves and scene cuts (2)
- Jupyter (2)
- Dynamic medium (2)
- Khan Academy Long-term Research (2)
- Explorable explanations (2)
- Dolby Labs (2)
- David Holz’s iterative invention cycle (2)
- It’s hard for autodidacts to execute purposeful practice (2)
- Daily working log (2)
- Transclusion (2)
- Spaced everything (2)
- Lectures can offer a glimpse of what it’s like to think like an expert (2)
- Twitter is the water cooler (2)
- Approaches for visualizing large graphs (2)
- Alan Keahey (2)
- Studio environment (2)
- Working on niche, personally-meaningful projects brings weirder, more serendipitous inbounds (2)
- All my inboxes (1)
- Setting up my reading inbox (1)
- Creating hyperlinks to my reference archive (1)
- Program (1)
- David Chapman (1)
- Metacognition is too imprecise a category (1)
- Braid (1)
- The Primer doesn’t feel coercive (1)
- Patrick Collison on project plans - 2019-12-24 (1)
- Ladder Media (1)
- Spaced-repetition memory system (1)
- The Primer++ is embedded in a field, bootstrapping participation through enacted exdperience (1)
- Platformizing the mnemonic medium (1)
- In 2019H1, 29% of QCVC readers who finished the in-text level finished the 1 month level (1)
- Luka Dover - Quantum Country interview - 2019-11-19 (1)
- Page Not Found (0)
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