Save richard-orr/a1117d7dd618970a1af23fa4b54c4da4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
--institutions | |
\copy openalex.institutions (id, ror, display_name, country_code, type, homepage_url, image_url, image_thumbnail_url, display_name_acroynyms, display_name_alternatives, works_count, cited_by_count, works_api_url, updated_date) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.institutions_ids (institution_id, openalex, ror, grid, wikipedia, wikidata, mag) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions_ids.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.institutions_geo (institution_id, city, geonames_city_id, region, country_code, country, latitude, longitude) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions_geo.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.institutions_associated_institutions (institution_id, associated_institution_id, relationship) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions_associated_institutions.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.institutions_counts_by_year (institution_id, year, works_count, cited_by_count) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions_counts_by_year.csv.gz' csv header | |
--authors | |
\copy openalex.authors (id, orcid, display_name, display_name_alternatives, works_count, cited_by_count, last_known_institution, works_api_url, updated_date) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/authors.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.authors_ids (author_id, openalex, orcid, scopus, twitter, wikipedia, mag) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/authors_ids.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.authors_counts_by_year (author_id, year, works_count, cited_by_count) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/authors_counts_by_year.csv.gz' csv header | |
--concepts | |
\copy openalex.concepts (id, wikidata, display_name, level, description, works_count, cited_by_count, image_url, image_thumbnail_url, works_api_url, updated_date) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.concepts_ancestors (concept_id, ancestor_id) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts_ancestors.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.concepts_counts_by_year (concept_id, year, works_count, cited_by_count) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts_counts_by_year.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.concepts_ids (concept_id, openalex, wikidata, wikipedia, umls_aui, umls_cui, mag) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts_ids.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.concepts_related_concepts (concept_id, related_concept_id, score) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts_related_concepts.csv.gz' csv header | |
--venues | |
\copy openalex.venues (id, issn_l, issn, display_name, publisher, works_count, cited_by_count, is_oa, is_in_doaj, homepage_url, works_api_url, updated_date) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/venues.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.venues_ids (venue_id, openalex, issn_l, issn, mag) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/venues_ids.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.venues_counts_by_year (venue_id, year, works_count, cited_by_count) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/venues_counts_by_year.csv.gz' csv header | |
--works | |
\copy openalex.works (id, doi, title, display_name, publication_year, publication_date, type, cited_by_count, is_retracted, is_paratext, cited_by_api_url, abstract_inverted_index) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_host_venues (work_id, venue_id, url, is_oa, version, license) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_host_venues.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_alternate_host_venues (work_id, venue_id, url, is_oa, version, license) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_alternate_host_venues.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_authorships (work_id, author_position, author_id, institution_id, raw_affiliation_string) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_authorships.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_biblio (work_id, volume, issue, first_page, last_page) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_biblio.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_concepts (work_id, concept_id, score) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_concepts.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_ids (work_id, openalex, doi, mag, pmid, pmcid) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_ids.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_mesh (work_id, descriptor_ui, descriptor_name, qualifier_ui, qualifier_name, is_major_topic) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_mesh.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_open_access (work_id, is_oa, oa_status, oa_url) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_open_access.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_referenced_works (work_id, referenced_work_id) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_referenced_works.csv.gz' csv header | |
\copy openalex.works_related_works (work_id, related_work_id) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_related_works.csv.gz' csv header |
It seems postgres "COPY FROM can handle lines ending with newlines, carriage returns, or carriage return/newlines." but I think here we get a mix of BOTH newlines and carriage return/newlines which might not load as expected?
At first I thought this came from running the flattening script on Windows, but I'm not sure (I'm on linux). Is it possible that the flattening script by default uses line terminators which are \r\n
which may cause issues when loading into postgres which may expect unix lineendings? Reading at docs for python3 csv:
The string used to terminate lines produced by the writer. It defaults to '\r\n'
Here it looks like the dialect is not set
If so, using dialect='unix'
for the csv.DictWriter there might fix the issue?
One would have to rerun the flattening script to see the results.
It might also be possible to post-process the files using 'dos2unix' or sed before loading, which should be faster than rerunning the flattening script.... but those commands might not be present by default on Windows(?).
Just thinking out loud here, maybe @richard-orr has some ideas....
Unfortunately no, I don't know what the problem is from here. I can't see any sign of mixed line endings on my flattened files, but of course, that's just on my machine, with my locale settings.
One problem with sharing these scripts as individual gists instead of a repository is that the column format, compression, and encoding of the CSV files have all changed a few times and, given how long flattening takes, you might have a copy of copy-openalex-csv.sql that doesn't work with the output of your copy of flatten-openalex-jsonl.py
@a497652958 , could you post an example error message from postgres? Are you seeing it with every file, or just certain ones?
Adapted for MySQL / MariaDB using tab delimiters: https://github.com/TEC-IST/openalex-mysql-mariadb-toolkit/blob/main/load_tsv_files.sql
This script has moved here: https://github.com/ourresearch/openalex-documentation-scripts/blob/main/copy-openalex-csv.sql
Changes are:
- venues renamed to sources
- add new publishers entity
- supports new locations schema within works (primary_location, locations, best_oa_location)
thanks for sharing, this is very generous,
it is just that the csv files appears to have a lot of blank rows and psql keep reporting issues when copy the data
is here anyway to solve this problem?