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Last active March 14, 2023 20:49
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  • Save richard-orr/a1117d7dd618970a1af23fa4b54c4da4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save richard-orr/a1117d7dd618970a1af23fa4b54c4da4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
load OpenAlex CSV files to PostgresSQL
\copy openalex.institutions (id, ror, display_name, country_code, type, homepage_url, image_url, image_thumbnail_url, display_name_acroynyms, display_name_alternatives, works_count, cited_by_count, works_api_url, updated_date) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.institutions_ids (institution_id, openalex, ror, grid, wikipedia, wikidata, mag) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions_ids.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.institutions_geo (institution_id, city, geonames_city_id, region, country_code, country, latitude, longitude) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions_geo.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.institutions_associated_institutions (institution_id, associated_institution_id, relationship) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions_associated_institutions.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.institutions_counts_by_year (institution_id, year, works_count, cited_by_count) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/institutions_counts_by_year.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.authors (id, orcid, display_name, display_name_alternatives, works_count, cited_by_count, last_known_institution, works_api_url, updated_date) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/authors.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.authors_ids (author_id, openalex, orcid, scopus, twitter, wikipedia, mag) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/authors_ids.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.authors_counts_by_year (author_id, year, works_count, cited_by_count) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/authors_counts_by_year.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.concepts (id, wikidata, display_name, level, description, works_count, cited_by_count, image_url, image_thumbnail_url, works_api_url, updated_date) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.concepts_ancestors (concept_id, ancestor_id) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts_ancestors.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.concepts_counts_by_year (concept_id, year, works_count, cited_by_count) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts_counts_by_year.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.concepts_ids (concept_id, openalex, wikidata, wikipedia, umls_aui, umls_cui, mag) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts_ids.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.concepts_related_concepts (concept_id, related_concept_id, score) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/concepts_related_concepts.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.venues (id, issn_l, issn, display_name, publisher, works_count, cited_by_count, is_oa, is_in_doaj, homepage_url, works_api_url, updated_date) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/venues.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.venues_ids (venue_id, openalex, issn_l, issn, mag) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/venues_ids.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.venues_counts_by_year (venue_id, year, works_count, cited_by_count) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/venues_counts_by_year.csv.gz' csv header
\copy (id, doi, title, display_name, publication_year, publication_date, type, cited_by_count, is_retracted, is_paratext, cited_by_api_url, abstract_inverted_index) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_host_venues (work_id, venue_id, url, is_oa, version, license) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_host_venues.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_alternate_host_venues (work_id, venue_id, url, is_oa, version, license) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_alternate_host_venues.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_authorships (work_id, author_position, author_id, institution_id, raw_affiliation_string) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_authorships.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_biblio (work_id, volume, issue, first_page, last_page) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_biblio.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_concepts (work_id, concept_id, score) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_concepts.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_ids (work_id, openalex, doi, mag, pmid, pmcid) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_ids.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_mesh (work_id, descriptor_ui, descriptor_name, qualifier_ui, qualifier_name, is_major_topic) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_mesh.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_open_access (work_id, is_oa, oa_status, oa_url) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_open_access.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_referenced_works (work_id, referenced_work_id) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_referenced_works.csv.gz' csv header
\copy openalex.works_related_works (work_id, related_work_id) from program 'gunzip -c csv-files/works_related_works.csv.gz' csv header
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Unfortunately no, I don't know what the problem is from here. I can't see any sign of mixed line endings on my flattened files, but of course, that's just on my machine, with my locale settings.

One problem with sharing these scripts as individual gists instead of a repository is that the column format, compression, and encoding of the CSV files have all changed a few times and, given how long flattening takes, you might have a copy of copy-openalex-csv.sql that doesn't work with the output of your copy of

@a497652958 , could you post an example error message from postgres? Are you seeing it with every file, or just certain ones?

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TEC-IST commented Dec 11, 2022

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caseydm commented Mar 14, 2023

This script has moved here:

Changes are:

  • venues renamed to sources
  • add new publishers entity
  • supports new locations schema within works (primary_location, locations, best_oa_location)

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