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Last active July 20, 2021 16:53
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.NET Core 3.0 -- Post Launch Blog Posts

.NET Core 3.0 -- Post Launch Blog Posts

We launched .NET Core 3.0! Go team! The super official blog post covered a lot of features, but none of them at depth. Many people will want to learn more about specific scenarios at features at much greater depth, with more guidance and better code samples.

The following is a list of proposed posts (with descriptive but prelimary titles) for us to write and publish during the rest of 2019.

Note: This tweet also has feedback.

Getting Started

  • How to setup a development evironment on Windows with Visual Studio
  • How to setup a development evivironment on macOS with Visual Studio for Mac
  • How to setup a development environment on Linux
  • How to use wsl2 and windows together for developer joy.
  • How to setup .NET Core on Red Hat


  • How do create CI/CD flows with .NET with Azure DevOps and other Azure services
  • File -> New -> DevOps for Desktop Developers
  • How to optimize apps with dotnet publish (linker, ready to run and bundling)
  • More about deployment best practices, in particular using docker beyond hello world examples and not only targeting only azure cloud.
  • How to find the right Docker cgroup memory and cpu request and limits for your .NET Core 3.0 application in Kubernetes.


  • Tell me all the things on nullable
  • nullable is a good topic, but a "Why should and, and how should I" for it would be better.
  • Tell me about patterns again, from scratch, including C# 8
  • Tell me all the other things in C# 8
  • Troubleshooting on non-Windows platforms.
  • how to use dotnet-trace and dotnet-counter
  • How to do Localization right with .NET Core 3.0
  • Best options for documentation with .NET Core
  • An Identity walkthrough probably a series of blog posts) with everything you need to know. This topic is so incredibly complex. Including, perhaps: go away now and read the specs x and y and then return back here"
  • I wouldn't mind a detailed run through on implementing identity, customising it, oAuth and openid? If these are possible to do without identity server? Too many vanilla posts on this that cover similar ground.
  • A Windows Service (or systemd) host that is also a web host. Either for hosting a website/WebAPI in a service or have it as a status or configuration endpoint.
  • I'd love to see more on security best practices, the certificate classes, encryption enhancements, etc...
  • Integration testing would be good - especially as there are some gotchas around exporting configuration for referencing in your tests (thank you JsonConfiguration/StreamReader for disposing of my file stream)
  • I would love to see the long promised tutorial: "Writing allocation free code in C#".
  • How about "How to wrap my .net core application in blankets of SRE love."
  • migration stories from 2.1/2.2 to 3.0 including breaking changes
  • given this is a current release, how to prep for 3.1 LTS
  • How to rewrite existing AppDomain code to Core.
  • A blog post for writing plugins with hot reloading (update plugins without stop application or server) by .NET Core 3 new unloading feature.
  • AssemblyLoadContext and the new features in .NET Core 3.0
  • Write about @safe_stack, giraffe/Saturn. It's awesome on core 3.
  • Writing parallel code in 2019.
  • Was looking for something on async streams yesterday. Specifically in comparison to Parallel.ForEach and using MaxDegreeOfParallelism.
  • The new GC knobs in .NET Core 3.0: how and when to use them. (And other new knobs to tweak performance)
  • Changes of note in the 3.0 release of the .NET Extensions libraries.
  • Show a how-to to nuget library developers, showing to them how to target the different net versions, well the best approach. This might help community to update everything and we can embrace net core faster :)
  • Application security is a must on that list !
  • Patterns for sharing configuration among different projects with independent deployments in .NET Core 3 (and Azure DevOps)
  • Local functions in C# 8. They seem to allow parameters to have the same name as a variable in the parents scope. This is not documented anywhere it seems.
  • Best patterns and use cases for Reflection in 2019.
  • Why .NET 3? Show cases where there was a big win.


  • How to setup a development environment to target the Raspberry Pi
  • How to build cool IoT devices with C# (like the cool LED matrix from the keynote)


  • How to use the new System.Text.Json APIs, for fun (easy to use) and profit (fast)
  • Spans for dummies
  • Dive into the HTTP/2 support in HttpClient
  • I see HTTP/2 on HTTP Client is supported. It would be cool to see more scenarios using this new feature and potentially pipelining requests for performance improvements.
  • A guide to using System.Threading.Channels
  • EF relations(eg: mapping, cascade delete etc)


  • How about the authentication/authorization options. Browser to server but also service to service. IIS to IIS services options, Unix to IIS services and vice versa, Unix to Unix services.
  • Anything gRPC. Followed up by gRPC in docker and docker-compose.
  • gRPC -- It mentioned that the native and managed versions of grpc have different advantages. What are they, and how can you convert from native to managed?
  • Make your web app a PWA. (Could be multiple posts, basics to more advanced examples)
  • .NET Core is often used for microservices but not only HTTP based ones but also message based ones. Therefore the following two ideas for blog posts: Microservice-chassis (health, config updates, ...); How to properly use a worker service as a message queue worker (I mean there are millions of REST documentations but little on how to proceed a message). more info
  • A detailed blog on Project Bedrock and future thinking would be a good one.
  • In addition, a blog on future thinking regarding Endpoint routing.
  • Swapping a non trivial wcf or. Net remoting implementation for gRPC.
  • Comparing a gRPC backend API to a standard restful JSON api. Pros/cons when yo use what where
  • I just had alot of trouble using azure activedirectory. I wanted to retrieve a profile picture for the logged in user. It would teach httpclient, authentication, graph api. I used memory cache to cache profiles. Not pure .net 3.0 but useful in core in general -- note from rich: not the first time I've heard this/related stuff
  • How to use Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider for SQL Server with .Net Core?
  • Authentication with .NET Core 3.0 and React Redux single-page applications
  • How to do distributed tracing in ASP.NET Core on Azure


  • How to create WPF apps with .NET Core
  • How to create Windows Forms apps with .NET Core
  • Migrate classic wpf/winforms project to .net core using try-convert.exe as shown at .NET Conf
  • Specifically I'd like more info on migration of established desktop (e.g. WinForms) apps
  • What is the best way to deploy .NET Core Windows apps? Is ClickOnce supported or part of the experience?
  • More samples and detailed updates on .NET Core 3.0 Winforms and WPF, especially the Winforms Designer support preview, including when we are going to use both WPF and Winforms in one csproj/vbproj .NET Core 3.0's Windows Desktop SDK .
  • How to package and deploy WPF app with MSIX
  • I have a current UWP app, where does .net core 3.0 fit into the picture , I only see Winforms anf WPF mentioned in .Net Core 3.0 articles ?
  • writing WPF application with .NET Core 3.0 and also creating an installer (not clickonce) for it using CI/CD Azure DevOps pipeline; Had last time trouble to get Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects working on our build agents. I know there is also WIX, but I found it as not that easy to use as a newbie on installers.
  • How do you use a (winforms) windows host control in wpf in .net core?
  • Maybe a post on how to call win10 api from .net core apps? Just because core can be cross platform doesn't mean it has to be, right?
  • Choosing to deploy as x86 or x64?

Other stuff

  • More on C# to Web Assembly. What can I actually get done? Can I get a great touch-first interface like UWP

What else? Tell me which of these posts you want most in the comments? Which other ones do you want to read?

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The allocation-free code tutorial, along with a companion post about how Kestrel/ASP.NET Core went down to zero-allocations steady-state. There must have been a lot of landmines and reconsidering in that process that would be very informative for a real project.

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Gavin-Williams commented Oct 12, 2019

  • How to use CoreWindow (from UWP/WinRT) in .Net Core.
  • How to use WinUI and UI.Composition in .Net Core.
  • How to use WindowsSDK (from UWP/WinRT) in .Net Core.
  • Similarities and differences between .Net Core and UWP. What do we get, what are we giving up?
  • How to use Windows Runtime Components in .Net Core. (ie, .winmd support, calling custom C++/CX or C# WinRT Components)
  • How to use Win2d & DirectX in .Net Core. What are our options, and example code.

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Great questions @Gavin-Williams ... We are working on those things right now. If you've got some specific scenarios you are after, DM me @runfaster2000 on twitter. That may help us prioritize.

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