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Ritchie Martori ritch

  • Fremont, California
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ritch /
Created June 10, 2022 22:14
Fiftyone Media Fields Example
import os
import shutil
import fiftyone as fo
import fiftyone.zoo as foz
import fiftyone.utils.image as foui
exampleName = 'thumbnail-example'
interface Envelope {
class File extends Envelope {
writeToResponse(res) {
res.setHeader('content-type', this.getContentType())
ritch /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
LoopBack 3 with Mixins as First Class Citizens

LoopBack 3

Core + Boot + Connector refactor

0. setup

  • all components loaded into registry
  • all mixins loaded into registry
  • registry mixins applied
  • create models, apply model configs, etc
  • create data sources
ritch /
Created July 30, 2015 19:03
Next Generation of Model and Boot Scripts

Model and Boot Scripts

Currently, model scripts and the way they are loaded are a bit naive.

Take a look at this example:

// models/my-model.js
module.exports = function(MyModel) {
  MyModel.findFooBars = function(filter, cb) {
ritch / controller.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
Idea to simplify the definition of angular modules
* @module myServiceModule
* @controller MyController
* @inject $scope notify
$scope.callNotify = function(msg) {
ritch / preferences.js
Last active February 2, 2017 00:14
Input files for the Express.js scaffolding tool
var $ = exports
ritch / comparison.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Vanilla Express / Express + co comparison
// my existing express app
function myMiddleware(req, res, next) {
doSomething(next); // does something async + takes a callback
app.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
getHomePageData(function(err, data) {
ritch /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:01

Lessons Learned from Stateful Modules


We forked the jugglingdb module to create loopback's orm. Jugglingdb allows you to define models and the relations between them. One of the fundemental mechanisms that it uses to do this is the type registry.

You can see this implemented in the original jugglingdb project

exports.Schema = Schema;
ritch /
Created May 12, 2014 18:18
How might we zonify loopback?

Here is a basic (truncated) callstack for a REST request to loopback.

  • GET /users
    • loopback.token()
    • Model.checkAccess()
    • sharedMethod.invoke(argsFromHttpCtx)
      • User.find()
        • connector.find()
          • driver.find()
ritch /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
FAQ for LoopBack replication

Will it be possible to use continuous replication, so the client immediately triggers a replication when local data changes. And the server uses a push mechanism?

Yes... here is a basic example that relies on a style EventEmitter.

// psuedo-server.js
MyModel.on('changed', function(obj) {