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Created May 4, 2018 14:26
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declare i32 @putchar(i32)
declare i8* @gets(i8* nocapture) nounwind
declare i32 @strcmp(i8*, i8*) nounwind
%node = type{ %node*, i8*, i32 }
@foo.key = private constant [4 x i8] c"foo\00"
@foo = private constant %node {
%node* @bar,
i8* getelementptr([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @foo.key, i32 0, i32 0),
i32 1
@bar.key = private constant [4 x i8] c"bar\00"
@bar = private constant %node {
%node* @baz,
i8* getelementptr([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @bar.key, i32 0, i32 0),
i32 2
@baz.key = private constant [4 x i8] c"baz\00"
@baz = private constant %node {
%node* null,
i8* getelementptr([4 x i8], [4 x i8]* @baz.key, i32 0, i32 0),
i32 3
define i8* @get_key(%node* %n) {
%ptr = getelementptr %node, %node* %n, i32 0, i32 1
%val = load i8*, i8** %ptr
ret i8* %val
define i32 @get_value(%node* %n) {
%ptr = getelementptr %node, %node* %n, i32 0, i32 2
%val = load i32, i32* %ptr
ret i32 %val
define %node* @get_next(%node* %n) {
%ptr = getelementptr %node, %node* %n, i32 0, i32 0
%addr = load %node*, %node** %ptr
ret %node* %addr
define %node* @find_node(%node* %begin_node, i8* %find_key) {
br label %loop
%current_node = phi %node* [%begin_node, %entry], [%next_node, %next]
%key = call i8* @get_key(%node* %current_node)
%is_key.32 = call i32 @strcmp(i8* %key, i8* %find_key)
%is_key = icmp eq i32 %is_key.32, 0
br i1 %is_key, label %return, label %next
%next_node = call %node* @get_next(%node* %current_node)
%is_end = icmp eq %node* %next_node, null
br i1 %is_end, label %return_null, label %loop
ret %node* %current_node
ret %node* null
define i32 @main() {
%buf = alloca [10 x i8]
%buf.ptr = getelementptr [10 x i8], [10 x i8]* %buf, i32 0, i32 0
call i8* @gets(i8* %buf.ptr)
%find_node = call %node* @find_node(%node* @foo, i8* %buf.ptr)
%is_null = icmp eq %node* %find_node, null
br i1 %is_null, label %not_found, label %found
%val = call i32 @get_value(%node* %find_node)
ret i32 %val
ret i32 255
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