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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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  • Save rm-hull/07d0706f21551e4249ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rm-hull/07d0706f21551e4249ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
In 1952, Alan Turing wrote a paper proposing a reaction–diffusion model as the basis of the development of patterns such as the spots and stripes seen in animal skin. Mathematically, reaction–diffusion systems take the form of semi-linear parabolic partial differential equations. By iteration 300, it should be clear how the two elements have sep…
;; Turing's reaction-diffusion model.
;; For more information, see:
;; [1] Rafael Collantes. Algorithm Alley. Dr. Dobb's Journal, December 1996.
;; [2] Alan M. Turing. The chemical basis of morphogenesis. Philosophical
;; Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B 327, 37–72 (1952)
;; [3]
(ns enchilada.reaction-diffusion-morphogenesis
[enchilada :refer [canvas ctx value-of canvas-size proxy-request]]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [<!]]
[jayq.core :refer [show]]
[big-bang.core :refer [big-bang]]
[inkspot.color :as c]
[inkspot.color-chart :as cc]
[monet.canvas :refer [fill-style text]]))
(defn gaussian-seq []
; See Knuth, ACP, Section 3.4.1 Algorithm C.
(let [v1 (dec (* 2.0 (rand)))
v2 (dec (* 2.0 (rand)))
s (+ (* v1 v1) (* v2 v2))]
(if (or (>= s 1.0) (= s 0.0))
(let [mult (Math/sqrt (* -2.0 (/ (Math/log s) s)))]
(lazy-cat [(* v1 mult) (* v2 mult)] (gaussian-seq))))))
(defn randomize [width height]
(take (* width height))
(mapv #(+ (* (rand) 12.0) (* % 2.0)))))
(defn zeros [width height]
(vec (repeat (* width height) 0)))
(def presets
{:cheetah {:ca 3.5 :cb 16.0}
:colony {:ca 1.6 :cb 6.0}
:fine {:ca 0.1 :cb 1.0}
:fingerprint {:ca 1.0 :cb 16.0}
:maze {:ca 2.6 :cb 24.0}
:pocked {:ca 1.0 :cb 3.0}})
(def gradients
:winter ])
(defn opaque [rgba]
(assoc rgba 3 0xff))
(defn initial-state [width height]
(let [{:keys [ca cb]} (presets (keyword (value-of :preset :fingerprint)))]
{:t 0
:ca ca
:cb cb
:ao (randomize width height)
:an (zeros width height)
:bo (randomize width height)
:bn (zeros width height)
:width width
:height height
:gradient (mapv
(comp opaque c/string->color)
(cc/ui-gradient (rand-nth gradients) 256))
(defn swap-buffers [{:keys [ao an bo bn] :as world-state}]
(assoc world-state
:ao an
:an ao
:bo bn
:bn bo))
(defn offsets [i width height]
(let [m (mod i width)
h (* width (dec height))]
[(if (< i width) (+ i h) (- i width)) ; NORTH
(inc (if (= m (dec width)) (- i width) i)) ; EAST
(if (>= i h) (- i h) (+ i width)) ; SOUTH
(dec (if (zero? m) (+ i width) i))])) ; WEST
(defn solve [{:keys [ca cb ao an bo bn width height] :as world-state}]
(let [an (transient an)
bn (transient bn)]
(dotimes [i (* width height)]
(let [[n e s w] (offsets i width height)
di-a (* ca (+ (ao n) (ao e) (ao s) (ao w) (* -4.0 (ao i))))
re-a (- (* (ao i) (bo i)) (ao i) 12.0)
di-b (* cb (+ (bo n) (bo e) (bo s) (bo w) (* -4.0 (bo i))))
re-b (- 16.0 (* (ao i) (bo i)))]
(assoc! an i (max 0.0 (+ (ao i) (* 0.01 (+ re-a di-a)))))
(assoc! bn i (max 0.0 (+ (bo i) (* 0.01 (+ re-b di-b)))))))
(assoc world-state
:an (persistent! an)
:bn (persistent! bn))))
(defn minmax [[x & xs]]
(fn [[tiny big] n] [(min tiny n) (max big n)])
[x x]
(defn color-mapper [{:keys [an gradient] :as world-state}]
(assoc world-state
:color-mapper (apply cc/color-mapper gradient (minmax an))))
(defn set-rgba! [pixels offset rgba]
(when-not (empty? rgba)
(aset pixels offset (first rgba))
(recur pixels (inc offset) (next rgba))))
(defn render [{:keys [t width height an color-mapper]}]
(let [img (.getImageData ctx 0 0 width height)
data (.-data img)]
(dotimes [i (* width height)]
(* i 4)
(color-mapper (an i))))
(dotimes [y 6]
(dotimes [x 8]
(.putImageData ctx img (* x 100) (* y 100))))
(fill-style :#333)
(text {:text (str "Iteration: " t) :x 10 :y 10}))))
(defn update-state [event world-state]
(-> world-state (update-in [:t] inc) swap-buffers solve color-mapper))
(show canvas)
:initial-state (initial-state 100 100)
:on-tick update-state
:to-draw render)
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