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Last active December 15, 2015 14:58
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  • Save rm-hull/5278162 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rm-hull/5278162 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rewrote python code [from Peter Derlien], in ClojureScript - see "The Pi-Cubed Programming Challenge : Golden Angle, Sunflowers and Chromospirals"
; chroma-spirals.cljs
; loosely based on some python code written by Peter Derlien, University of Sheffield, March 2013
; Draws spiralling patterns of circles using the Golden Angle.
(ns chroma-spirals.demo
(:use [monet.canvas :only [fill-style fill-rect circle rotate translate composition-operation]]
[monet.core :only [animation-frame]]
[enchilada :only [ctx canvas]]
[chroma-spirals.color-chart :only [color-seq]]
[jayq.core :only [show]]
[dommy.core :only [insert-after! value]]
[dommy.template :only [->node-like]])
(:use-macros [dommy.macros :only [sel1 node]]))
(sel1 :#canvas-area)
[:label {:for "colors"} "# Colors:"]
[:select#colors (for [n (range 1 217)] [:option (if (= n 10) {:selected 1} {}) n])]
[:label {:for "start"} "Start:"]
[:select#start (for [n (range 1 217)] [:option n])]
[:label {:for "step"} "# Step:"]
[:select#step (for [n (range 1 217)] [:option n])]
[:label {:for "direction"} "Direction:"]
[:option {:value -0.005} "Anti-clockwise"]
[:option {:value 0.005} "Clockwise"]]])))
(def color (sel1 :select#colors))
(def start (sel1 :select#start))
(def step (sel1 :select#step))
(def direction (sel1 :select#direction))
(defn colors []
(js/parseInt (value color))
(js/parseInt (value start))
(js/parseInt (value step))))
(defn patches [n offset scale]
(let [tau (/ (inc (Math/pow 5 0.5)) 2.0) ; golden ratio approx = 1.618033989
angle (+ (* (- 2 tau) 2 Math/PI) offset)
drad (* scale tau 0.5)
generator (fn [{:keys [i theta]}]
(let [i (inc i)
r (* scale (Math/pow i 0.5))
theta (+ theta angle)
x (* r (Math/cos theta))
y (* r (Math/sin theta))]
{ :x x :y y :r drad :theta theta :i i }))]
{ :x 0 :y 0 :r drad :theta 0 :i 0 }
(iterate generator)
(take n))))
(defn draw-points! [ctx points colors]
(if (nil? points)
ctx ; return for threading
(fill-style (first colors))
(circle (first points))
(next points)
(next colors)))))
(defn draw-frame! [ctx w h points colors]
(fill-style "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)") ; dial-in a smidgen of motion blur
(fill-rect { :x (quot w -2) :y (quot h -2) :w w :h h })
;(composition-operation :lighter)
(draw-points! points colors)
(rotate (js/parseFloat (value direction)))))
(defn animate [ctx w h]
(translate ctx (quot w 2) (quot h 2))
(let [circles (patches 1500 0 7)]
(letfn [(loop []
(animation-frame loop)
(draw-frame! ctx w h circles (colors)))]
(show canvas)
(animate ctx 800 600)
(ns chroma-spirals.color-chart)
(def web-safe-colors [
"#990033" "#FF3366" "#CC0033" "#FF0033" "#FF9999" "#CC3366" "#FFCCFF" "#CC6698"
"#993366" "#660033" "#CC3399" "#FF99CC" "#FF66CC" "#FF99FF" "#FF6699" "#CC0066"
"#FF0066" "#FF3399" "#FF0099" "#FF33CC" "#FF00CC" "#FF66FF" "#FF33FF" "#FF00FF"
"#CC0099" "#990066" "#CC66CC" "#CC33CC" "#CC99FF" "#CC66FF" "#CC33FF" "#993399"
"#CC00CC" "#CC00FF" "#9900CC" "#990099" "#CC99CC" "#996699" "#663366" "#660099"
"#9933CC" "#660066" "#9900FF" "#9933FF" "#9966CC" "#330033" "#663399" "#6633CC"
"#6600CC" "#9966FF" "#330066" "#6600FF" "#6633FF" "#CCCCFF" "#9999FF" "#9999CC"
"#6666CC" "#6666FF" "#666699" "#333366" "#333399" "#330099" "#3300CC" "#3300FF"
"#3333FF" "#3333CC" "#0066FF" "#0033FF" "#3366FF" "#3366CC" "#000066" "#000033"
"#0000FF" "#000099" "#0033CC" "#0000CC" "#336699" "#0066CC" "#99CCFF" "#6699FF"
"#003366" "#6699CC" "#006699" "#3399CC" "#0099CC" "#66CCFF" "#3399FF" "#003399"
"#0099FF" "#33CCFF" "#00CCFF" "#99FFFF" "#66FFFF" "#33FFFF" "#00FFFF" "#00CCCC"
"#009999" "#669999" "#99CCCC" "#CCFFFF" "#33CCCC" "#66CCCC" "#339999" "#336666"
"#006666" "#003333" "#00FFCC" "#33FFCC" "#33CC99" "#00CC99" "#66FFCC" "#99FFCC"
"#00FF99" "#339966" "#006633" "#336633" "#669966" "#66CC66" "#99FF99" "#66FF66"
"#339933" "#99CC99" "#66FF99" "#33FF99" "#33CC66" "#00CC66" "#66CC99" "#009966"
"#009933" "#33FF66" "#00FF66" "#CCFFCC" "#CCFF99" "#99FF66" "#99FF33" "#00FF33"
"#33FF33" "#00CC33" "#33CC33" "#66FF33" "#00FF00" "#66CC33" "#006600" "#003300"
"#009900" "#33FF00" "#66FF00" "#99FF00" "#66CC00" "#00CC00" "#33CC00" "#339900"
"#99CC66" "#669933" "#99CC33" "#336600" "#669900" "#99CC00" "#CCFF66" "#CCFF33"
"#CCFF00" "#999900" "#CCCC00" "#CCCC33" "#333300" "#666600" "#999933" "#CCCC66"
"#666633" "#999966" "#CCCC99" "#FFFFCC" "#FFFF99" "#FFFF66" "#FFFF33" "#FFFF00"
"#FFCC00" "#FFCC66" "#FFCC33" "#CC9933" "#996600" "#CC9900" "#FF9900" "#CC6600"
"#993300" "#CC6633" "#663300" "#FF9966" "#FF6633" "#FF9933" "#FF6600" "#CC3300"
"#996633" "#330000" "#663333" "#996666" "#CC9999" "#993333" "#CC6666" "#FFCCCC"
"#FF3333" "#CC3333" "#FF6666" "#660000" "#990000" "#CC0000" "#FF0000" "#FF3300"
"#CC9966" "#FFCC99" "#FFFFFF" "#CCCCCC" "#999999" "#666666" "#333333" "#000000" ])
(def color-seq
(fn [n start step]
(cycle web-safe-colors)
(drop start)
(take-nth step)
(take n)
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