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Recruiters should mention the role and salary range if you spam me.

Richard Metzler rmetzler

Recruiters should mention the role and salary range if you spam me.
View GitHub Profile
require 'time'
require 'json/pure' # require 'json/ext' segfaults for me
require 'twitter'
# There’s probably a way to get the path out of RubyGems itself, but I don’t know how, and the RubyGems
# documentation is a clusterfuck. )’=
require '/Users/elliottcable/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-preview1/gems/twitter-0.9.7/examples/helpers/config_store.rb'
######################################################################################################## Welcome!
# This file is ugly as fuck. Get over it, I was tired… not to mention that I hadn’t written any Ruby in, like, a
# If you work with git, you've probably had that nagging sensation of not knowing what branch you are on. Worry no longer!
PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\h \[\033[01;34m\]\W' #\$ \[\033[00m\]'
PS1=$PS1"\$(git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '^*' | colrm 1 2 | xargs -I {} echo ' (\[\033[01;31m\]'{}'\[\033[01;34m\])')"
export PS1=$PS1" \$ \[\033[00m\]"
# This will change your prompt to display not only your working directory but also your current git branch, if you have one. Pretty nifty!
# host ~/code/web (beta_directory) $ git checkout master
import java.util.HashMap;
* ProtobufEnvelope - allows creating a protobuf message without the .proto file dynamically.
// create job, set properties etc.
// instead of job.waitForCompletion(true), just do:
// set time out:
long maxDuration = 1000 * 120; // 120 seconds
String lastReport = null;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
long current = start;
\newcommand{\factorial}{\ensuremath{\mbox{\sc Factorial}}}
\newcommand{\emit}{\ensuremath{\mbox{\sc Emit}}}
\begin{algorithm}[h!] \caption{$\factorial(n)$}\label{alg:factorial} \begin{algorithmic}[1]
\REQUIRE An integer $n \geq 0$. \ENSURE The value of $n!$.
"I declared a new variable, called IE, which has the value a comment block followed by ‘false‘.
The above variable will be understood by IE: var IE = !false, because Internet Explorer uses
JScript — a Javascript-like dialect of the standard ECMAScript — instead of Javascript which is
used by all the other browsers. JScript can parse the comments, just like Internet Explorer (see
conditional HTML comments post). This is a unique feature of IE, none of the other browsers can do it,
so Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, all will understand the above declaration as IE = false."
rmetzler /
Created December 14, 2010 10:07 — forked from ewilderj/
# a messy hack written by Edd Dumbill.
# You may need to rerun this script if you hit a Twitter Error because you
# use up API rate limiting. That's why we pickle the results, so we can resume
# where we left off.
# get the twitter module using 'easy_install twitter'
from twitter.api import Twitter, TwitterError
from twitter.oauth import OAuth
- (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
if(_reachedEndOfFeed) return;
if(!_dynamicFeed) return;
if (!reloading)
checkForRefresh = YES; // only check offset when dragging
rmetzler / actor.js
Created January 26, 2011 12:38 — forked from yonkeltron/actor.js
var _ = require('underscore')._,
events = require('events');
var Actor = function Actor(object) {
var postman = new events.EventEmitter(),
mailbox = [],
that = this,
monitor = function monitor() {
var data = mailbox.shift();
if (data) {
// Scraping Made Easy with jQuery and SelectorGadget
// (
// by David Trejo
// Install node.js and npm:
// Then run
// npm install jsdom jquery http-agent
// node numresults.js